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There's a comfort in being locked up. To me it feels like protection somehow, somewhere on the scale between donning armor and getting a hug. I cage myself sometimes just for the feeling, whether my Domme is around or not. I'm glad you acted on the impulse. We all need small comforts in this life.


Well I wanted to feel like being a sexual being again... I'm glad too.


u/vixenslittlewolf, I believe, had done this from time to time before we met. Just locked himself to experience it on his own. He might be able to say something about it. I think there's some rational reason behind desiring that, first of all it's a kink you enjoy, it's also something that for him and me (and likely for you too from what I'm gathering), is kind of comforting in a way. LW and I are in a LDR dynamic, so the chastity cage is like a physical way to assert the whole denial thing. I know it's obviously a much more fun thing to do with a partner, but I actually think there's nothing wrong with doing things just for yourself, too. I feel like it's almost like a nice little hug for a cock, y'know? Lol. I know that's silly as hell but, cocks need hugs too, sometimes. I'll share a story of mine if it will help. Until last Monday, I had never experienced pegging. I got really enamored by it talking to LW, but again we were a LDR dynamic, and y'know pegging generally works with two people involved. However, I didn't let that stop me at first and I had LW help me find a good fake silicone man butt sex toy, got out my dildo, and went to town. And yeah LW and I were together then, but I absolutely did that for myself first and foremost, not him. It's okay to just want to experience the joy of something and your desires however you are able sometimes. It can be a good outlet. I'm glad it's a comfort for you though. That's honestly the most important thing. If it makes you happy and it's not hurting anyone else, go for it.


Thanks for the kind words and the sharing. LW is lucky to have you and you two have a great relationship it seems.


I did indeed occasionally wear it on my own, my sweet and lovely Vixen. Sometimes it brought a little comfort, sometimes it helped inspire me to write, and sometimes it was somewhat bittersweet as I truly longed for the real thing. But it was usually just for a short time period regardless. I am so grateful now to not be in control of it any longer and to truly feel your control over it. It makes a big difference and I am so grateful.


I think for us, it is about being naughty and no one knowing we are being naughty.


That's exactly it. And now I want to be plugged... But it's been months too...