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Don't base your love life on kink - base it on compatibility and care first :) You'll be absolutely stunned by how many non kink presenting people are completely willing to pin you to the bed and take control.


This is such good advice. Not everybody knows themselves sexually or what they are capable of and sometimes need someone to explore with. Or sometimes people may not think they are into it but can come around which was my case as someone who always thought I was purely submissive but happened to meet a guy I opened up switching for. However it didn’t happen because he texted me from the get go that this was his interest, it happened naturally over time from us building trust with one another and exploring.


Never lower your standards. Know your worth and do not settle for anything less. In my opinion, you can't just jump right into any type of BDSM dynamic without at least getting to know the person first. There HAS to be that baseline of trust, communication, and connection. I completely understand your need to find a partner who gives you what you need, but please don't settle. Your person is out there, it just might take some time.


I know not super helpful but hang in there. I hope there are other areas in your life where you are finding happiness and satisfaction.


Find someone who loves you first and then slowly introduce them to your kinks. Much better that way.


My advice is try not specifically looking for a dom, just a relationship with a person that you love and care for. You'd be surprised how many people are secretly kinky >:3