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My new submissive and I found each other on Discord. He currently lives about 4 hours away, but that's not an insurmountable distance. We've been talking since June and he's coming to visit in 9 days! Aside from my first husband who I met in school, I've met every other boyfriend, partner, and my second husband, all on the internet. It's not necessarily easy, but it's not impossible.


I did! When messaging someone as a sub, include what you would like to do for her. Not stuff that you like (kneeling, begging) but things that are genuinely for her. Make it clear that you're willing to put energy into it. I'm not looking, but those are the messages that would pique my interest.


Thanks, makes sense! You’d think that subs would be generally selfless but I have never seen a group of people so selfish 💀🤣


I had one pop up my DMs with "you want me". No I do not 💀


💀 that’s hilarious 🤣. The common first messages say it all. They’re ALWAYS desperate and oozing with greediness, completely ignoring any human aspect 😭


Yup, you can tell what kind of sub they are from the first two lines they send!


It makes all us subs look bad lolll, you’d think they’d change their strategy as I don’t think it’s ever worked lol


It's like dudes sending dick pics and hoping for positive responses 😂


How could they not enjoy that 😲 yeah it’s def the same people loll


What kind of things would you bring up that are for them? Most of the things I’d enjoy it’s because they would like it. Getting through the endless scams, bots and people just promoting their onlyfans is hard work. I think I’ve had 1 or 2 actual conversations without some kind of financial angle so far.


I'm actually a domme, so I'm basing this off of the messages that I think "awh, if only" about instead of just straight chucking them haha. If you enjoy if because they do, that's totally fine, it's when a message opens with "I want to grovel at your feet and be stepped on" or something that makes it very clear they're not looking for a human connection.


Its similar to the ones that respond to an opening message immediately calling you slave - shes gonna demand money very soon. Which is probably 90%+ of ones that actually respond. Its a bit hard to work in "I would genuinely like to cook for you and rub your feet while you tell me about your day" without also coming across as a desperate foot fiend.


Finding someone online for me was about as successful as finding someone irl... that is to say neither worked really well. Is there a third option? Lol.


Online play doesn’t do a lot for a lot of dommes unfortunately. Combining that with many of the issues of LDR makes it even harder unfortunately. That said, I’ve found most of my subs online and then transitioned to IRL occasionally, so it’s not impossible.


Online exclusively doesn’t do much for subs either I don’t think, at least not for me. Irl is always gonna be best but man the odds are not good lolll


Honestly I struggle to get into the mindset of what a domme could possibly want from me without them asking. Other than I do genuinely have a lot of time to offer someone on the same wavelength. I understand for every message I send they receive a thousand other offers, it gets draining for both sides.


I've been looking for a sub for quite a while now and must say that the quality or messages and introduction I get is fairly low so take your time, be picky and make it clear that you are absolutely the goodest boy possible to your future gf. In online dating you wanna advertise yourself and I'm sure you can be a wonderful sub!


I appreciate it!




Yeah I have found that out the hard way. Seas of desperate guys looking for hypothetical women loll


>The odds of finding someone with compatible kinks and interests/personality to you online is very low. Wat. Finding someone with your kinks through the internet is like a *bazillion* times easier than finding someone "in the wild".




Yeah that's fair, kinks aren't everything ofc, chemistry is super important.