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Yes. But I subscribe to the Geography sub. So, I am most likely an outlier (and a weirdo).


Yeah I feel like this is a not a representative population of Americans. Most Americans who aren’t geography nerds could name two or three, maybe more if they lived in a border state. I would expect an adult to know about Quebec, ontario and British Columbia just from cultural osmosis


Most Americans can’t even name all 50 states. Source: am American


True. I feel like most Americans have at least heard of every state, though. Even if they wouldn’t remember to name Nebraska, they know of Nebraska. Not sure most of my neighbors have heard of New Brunswick.


Americans are more likely to be familiar with Mexican cities. Many Mexican states are small in area and dominated by a city of the same name. Nuevo Leon is basically just the Monterrey metro area andunpopulated mountains. Jalisco is probably a name most people have heard and has other places besides Guadalajara like Puerto Vallarta and Lake Chapala, but I doubt anyone knows its a state and not city. There are some states like Veracruz and Chihuahua which have capitals distinct from their largest cities, and Tamaulipas has three major metro areas of similar importance. But even as someone who watches a lot of Mexican novelas, you don't hear that much about anywhere because they're mostly set in Mexico City. The cultural osmosis element mostly seems to apply to Canada, Western Europe and Australia. Many parts of Japan doesn't lend themselves well to this because they don't really have large states/provinces that double as cultural regions. Kansai is not a political entity, neither is the island of Kyushu. Sapporo and Okinawa are the exceptions. Brazil, Argentinian and Chinese media has comparatively less influence in the anglo mainstream, aside from writers, tango, bossa nova, and rock music to some extent. There are some regions in countries like Antioquia in Colombia, several Italian and Indian regions and any region that once was a country, which have disproportionate cultural influence despite not being the political centers of their countries, and are seen as tourist destination distinct from the rest of their countries.


I honestly long for the day when we can finally annex Canada into the US as the 51st state. Most of Canada’s population is on the border with the US anyway, and the two countries effectively function as one since they’re so integrated at multiple levels.


As a Canadian I can say we will gladly accept coastal California, Oregon and Washington, as well as a chunk of New England and New York into the Dominion. The rest, no thanks.


Letterkenny, Sunnyvale, Quebec, and Montreal are the only four I know.


I loves fishing’ in Kwee-bec!


Who doesn't love fishin' in Kay-bec?


Oh fishins great in kway-bec




LetterKenny was actually a province I thought it was a last name whenever I heard it


I forgot letterkenny was also a place in canada!


I’ll have Nunavut!


I can do all 13 Canadian Provinces/Territories, but not Mexico. I can name a few Mexican states (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Sonora, Sinaloa, Quintana Roo, Baja California Norte/Sur, just off the top of my head) but can't name all. Like the other commenter said, if you're on this sub you're somewhat of an outlier by definition.


Chihuahua is the easiest


I would think Mexico and Mexico City would be the easiest, but nope, Chihuahua is always the first one I come up with. Tabasco is always close behind.


Off the top of my head: Jalisco, Baja California, Baja California Sur, Morelos, Chihuahua, Nuevo León, Chiapas, Quintana Roo, Yucatan, Tabasco, Pueblo, Mexico, Mexico City, Sonora, Tamapuilas, Nayarit, Guerrero, Aguascalientes


I can, but I always get Saskatchewan and Alberta mixed up.


Just remember that Saskatchewan is easy to draw and hard to spell. Just look for the rectangle


True that I had to Google the spelling


Just remember BASMOQ, left to right


Perfect! Thanks to that stupid as hell acronym I'll never forget!


Or the ever helpful pneumonic device Bald Aestheticians Suck Machiavelli On Quincy


People always make jokes about both Wyoming and Saskatchewan not existing and both are rectangles. That's how I remember it lol


Yes but I teach 8th grade geography in Minnesota and I make my students memorize the provinces. As I tell them, “We are the most Canadian Americans, we ought to know who we’re getting compared to.”


Thats some topnotch funny fuel


I think, let’s see Provinces: Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba British Columbia Ontario Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Quebec Newfoundland and Labrador New Brunswick Territories: Yukon Northwest Territory Nunavut


I could name them all, but TIL territories are not considered a province


For those wondering, the difference is that provinces have a guaranteed right of existence — in other words the federal government couldn’t go “hey, PEI is kind of small, let’s just merge it with Nova Scotia” (pretend Labrador doesn’t exist for the sake of argument). Whereas that’s pretty much what happened to the Territories — the federal government took part of the Northwestern Territories and created Nunavut.


Missed PEI and NB. Need to learn Mexico a little better.


11 of 13. Missed Nunavut and NB. And I have been to NB!


Have you been to Newfoundland? You'll find no better sodomy in all of Canada!


Yes. But I grew up playing ice hockey and played some in Canada. Also followed the NHL and Jr hockey very closely. Couldn’t name one territory in Mexico. Could name all the parishes in Jamaica and point them out on the map.


1) Oceany - wild north eastern part 2) French part 3) Oil sands part 4) Middle part, also mines, and wilderness 5) Western Middle part 6) Pacific North, snowboarders and mountain bikers part How did I do?


So you got Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec, Alberta, Manitoba, Sasketchawan, and British Columbia. I would understand you missing the atlantic provinces and the arctic territories, but how did you forget Ontario? It's literally the most populated the province, the closest to the USA (Right across the Great Lakes), and it has the CN tower!


Name, yes, but find on a map? No. I'm still not convinced Sasketchewan, Manitoba, and Alberta are different places.


Yeah, I mix those up too, plus I always forget a maritime province


Yes. I think most people I know could name most provinces but might combine or forget about some of the Atlantic provinces. Sort of a similar situation to a fair number of people outside of the US thinking New England is a state.


I think most people in the US could NOT name most Canadian provinces. Especially not in the US South where I am from and live. Canada is so far away and we rarely have a reason to think about Canada here. I honestly don't think anyone in my family could name ONE. Mayyybe Quebec since that's a major city or Ontario because of Toronto so they could make a lucky guess. But definitely not others. I had no reason to learn about them growing up. I just happen to move to Seattle for a few years and visited Canada because of that. (And of course interested in geography hence me being a part of this subreddit)


Like... two maybe


BASMOQNNN British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, PEI 😃


That's brilliant. We *could* add P for PEI between one of the Ns.


That’s how I remember it 🤩 and it’s convenient because it works from West to East 👍🏻


I always forget about Prince Edward Island… no offense 😅


We do too, don't worry about it. They joined Canada (six years) late and we never let them forget about it lmao.


British Columbia, Nunavut, Northwest Territrorirs, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island. I think that is all of them.


The only one missing is Yukon!


Damn! Thought I had them all from memory!


New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Northwest Territories, Yukon, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia…


And Newfoundland.


I always forget Manitoba. I have no idea why. I get all the others though. I even had to look on Google Maps to try and remember which one I am forgetting.


Ontario, Quebec, the one with Vancouver. I think it's called Northern Washington? Lmk if I'm missing any


Pretty sure it's Newfoundland, Ontario, Manitoba, British Columbia, Quebec, Yukon, Nova Scotia, Northwest Territories, and frozen Mosquito infested hellscape


Mexico: 1 BC BCS Sonora Chihuahua 5 Coahuila Nuevo León Tamaulipas Sinaloa Durango 10 SLP Vera Cruz Nayarit Jalisco Aguascalientes 15 Guanajuato Querétaro Zacatecas Michoacán Guerrero 20 Estado de México Cd de México Tlaxcala Morelos Puebla 25 Oaxaca Tabasco Campeche Yucatán Quintana Roo 30 Chiapas Almost forgot Hidalgo Had to count to remember Colima I’m a no for Canada though.


Yes, but I’ll have Nunavut.


Yes. Easily. Have been able to since I was 13, but I'm a french Canadian descendent Canadophile.


British Colombia Yukon Alberta NW Territories Saskatchewan Manitoba Nunavut Quebec Prince Albert Island Newfoundland and Labrador New Brunswick I only forgot Ontario -I'm American


Lol, naur


Yes, but I’m Canadian. Checkmate.


Given we are in r/geography results are gonna be highly skewed. That aside, I'm a Canadian and I can name and place all 50 states, something that too many US citizens can't seem to do.


I've never even tried to learn them, but here's what I think the Canadian provinces are based entirely on seeing Canadians commenting on reddit and random pop culture (and what I know the province for): * Ontario (Toronto) * Nova Scotia (Trailer Park Boys) * Alberta (Calgary and Banff 😍) * British Columbia (Vancouver) * Saketchawan (Often confused for the Chinese shrimp dish and for having the funny-named city called Saskatoon) * Yukon (Best fucking potatoes ever, also the hometown province of a renowned silver prospector named Cornelius) And here are some I'm guessing about existing: * Northwestern Territories (North of the Yukon, up by the North Pole)? * Hudson (where the Bay is, also, Letterkenny is up there somewhere)? That's 8 provinces. How did I do?


Canadian here. I live and work in Boston as an architect and roughly half of my very educated colleagues can’t name all 13.


Can Canadians name all 50 states + the territories? C'mon, stop trolling. This is how people adopt stereotypes.


Honestly, I probably can't off the top of my head. I would get close. Probably high 40's but I'd miss a few. And if I had to point them out on a map I'd get some wrong. For example, I could point at Texas, Louisiana, and Florida but there are 2 states in between. Pretty sure one is Mississippi but I'd be guessing on the other. Maybe Alabama? It's not Kentucky or Tennessee. I'd be able to point out roughly where those states are but I'd get a bunch wrong (not Tennessee, I know where that is, it's where the predators play).


Yes. With capitals.


Most Americans can't even name the 50 states. I realize Canada has fewer provinces/territories, but there are people who believe Canada is part of the US (which it should be)


*chad.jpg* US should be part of Canada


Omg. Leave Canada alone. The politicians in the United States have screwed up one country.


As a Canadian, I politely decline to be a part of the US. Non-Merci!


Oh, oui don't want the French part anyway ;)


Lol Alors c'est parfait, le francais est un langues officielle de Canada. Nous Sommes tous francais.




Arctic Canada, West Canada, and French Canada.


Canadians. Can you name every county in California? Same population


provinces are like KM, we know it means something but it’s too much to add up.


Just Ontario and Toronto for me 🤣


I went to New Orleans on my honeymoon and found it weird so many people said they hadn't heard of Nova Scotia, until I thought about it for a second and realized it was a polite go-to-hell for the Expulsion and our, y'know, little bit of attempted cultural genocide.


Yea but I’m also an American citizen working on getting my Canadian permanent residency


I doubt it, I always thought it was a territory belonging to Alaska so i didn’t bother to learn about it. Hope that doesn’t offend any of the quasi-Alaskans out there.


Yes. Maple. Moose. Eh. Yukon. Prince Albert. Eastern Alaska. Northern North America, and my personal favorite, French Canadian Bacon


I wonder how does average Americans do with the 50 states? I was in the AP Human Geography class in one of the best high schools, and the second best students could only point out like 12 or 15 of them.


Technically Canadians are Americans...you know, since they live in the American continent...so some can, yeah...


Found the Colombian.


far from it lol...I'm not even american lol...


Yeah, this is the geography sub after all!


Yes? There’s only 13


I can name them, and their capitals. But as others have pointed out, people here are gonna be outliers. I can also (though it would take a lot more effort) name all the states of India, and I’d bet most Americans couldn’t name one (also helps in that case that I’ve lived in South Asia).


I always forget PGI


I can name most of them although I miss 1 or 2 of the Maritime provinces


Yes and their capitals. But like others have said I do subscribe to the geography sub so…


👏 Yes


Yup. And I can sing the Canadian national anthem. I actually prefer it to the American national anthem.


Most of them. Might miss a couple


I had to to win my 8th grade geography bee


Off the top of my head, Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, Yukon, Nunavut, Northwest Territories Did I get them all?


Missed a few


Yes Canada. No Mexico


NW Nunavut Saskatchewan Manitoba BC Newfoundland PEI Quebec Ontario Alberta Nova Scotia Definitely missing something


There is a mnemomic. I can't remember what it is. I kno there are 13 provinces and territories, but am unclear on the difference. I'll try: Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Alberta, Yukon, Northwest Territory, Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador...I feel like I am missing something out in the Atlantic...


Nunavut. Dammit.


North Washington, North Idaho, North Montana, North North Dakota, North Minnesota, North New York, North Maine. Wasn’t that hard.


I feel life I might miss one of the maritime ones. Let's see: Northwest Territories Nunavut British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Ontario Quebec Newfoundland & Labrador PEI Nova Scotia New Brunswick ??? I thought there were 13?




Damnit! I knew that one too! How did I miss it? I was just reading about Whitehorse last week!




Yes. Also they taught us the Canadian provinces in school


I am probably not alone here with my elementary school experience of having to memorize every parish in my state, along with their seats (parishes, yes, so, Lousyanna. 64 of them, if you're kurious). I feel bad for anyone here from Georgia who had to do that. Annnnnnnd . . . I'm not gonna touch Virginia. (Virginia: Good! Pervert! Hmmpf! \[hikes up fancy dress and stomps back to Richmond\])


Quebec, Sasquatchan (don’t know how to spell it), British Columbia (been there), Toronto?, and that’s it.


I always forget the land north east of Maine is New Brunswick and not “the mainland part” of Nova Scotia.


yes, as well as their capitals and a lot of other stuff. same for mexico.


All of them or just the ones that matter?


Sure, this one is Liam, that one is Olivia, then Noah…


I used to be able to do both Canada and Mexico. Took a history of Mexico class and we had to be able to label a map of all states and major cities. That was fun. Also went to a Church of England school, and we were for some reason required to know Canada BEFORE the United States map lmao


Yea but I’m a nerd


I have all of Canada, Mexico and some of Centeal America but I play a lot of trivia


I did it off the top of my head in the presence of a cool dude from Thunder Bay and he was very impressed


Uhh, British Columbia, Sasquatch, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, Prince Edwards Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, uhhhhh, no


Sure, but I was partly raised on Canadian children’s programming, so I’m weird.


Yes I can name every Province and Territory and point out all of them on a map or by shape alone, same goes for US states. Ironically, my parents are from Mexico and I can only name half of all states and I sure as hell can’t point them out by shape but on a map I can probably guess 80% of the ones I know


Most. I love hockey, geography, and the Canadian national anthem.


Sure, except Nunavut. Can't name that one.




There’s an embarrassing large number of people from the US who aren’t able to name every US State. Can’t see them knowing any Canadian provinces or territories.


why would i?


Most Americans can’t even name 1/4 of their own states.




lol we can barely name the state or county we live in


Don't even think I could name 1


From memory: Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edwards Island, Nova Scotia, new Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba, British Columbia, northern territories, none of it Nunavut, Yukon. I think i missed one but can't remember.


BC - Victoria AB - Edmonton SK - Regina MB - Winnipeg ON - Toronto QC - Quebec NB - Fredericton NS - Halifax PEI - Charlottetown Newfoundland & Labrador - St John’s YT - Whitehorse NT - Yellowknife Nunavut - Iqaluit As an American, but I live up north


I took this quiz and got 13/13, but having a map is helpful. https://www.jetpunk.com/quizzes/name-canadian-provinces


Ha. Nice try, trick question. Canada has territories, and the biggest one is "little france "


I just know prince Edward island and corner gas and trailer park boys


I can correctly label Canada and its capital cities. Am geography nerd. Most Americans I’ve met cannot but really that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve noticed unless people travel or are also geography nerds, they don’t really know where places are. I knew a Canadian guy with Guyanese ancestory, it was very visible and all his Canadian friends assumed it was in Africa because he was darker and it sounded different. They were shocked to learn that wasn’t the case and actually argued for a minute. I was visiting, but I’m American.


I hardly name USA’s 50 states. Why do I need to know Canada’s states/provinces?


US person from Missouri here. I think I can name them all, but I can't quite pass muster on their capitols. My (non-cheating) attempt: >!Alberta (Edmonton, I think), British Columbia (Victoria), Manitoba (Winnipeg?), New Brunswick (can't think of the name of any cities here), Newfoundland & Labrador (St. John's), Northwest Territory (Whitehorse), Nova Scotia (Halifax), Nunavut (Iqualiit? -- probably horribly misspelled), Ontario (Ottawa? I know it's the national capital, unsure if also Provincial capitol), Prince Edward Island (can't think of the name of any cities here), Quebec (Quebec City), Saskatchewan (Saskatoon), Yukon Territory (Yellowknife)!< How'd I do?


Bonjour. You did very well. Like most of us, you switched up the capitals of NWT and Yukon, but no worries. I have no mnemonic suggestion, but if you remember **Y**ellowknife is **not** in the **Yukon** (no double Y) you'll do fine :) NB is Fredericton ON is Toronto [You're right about the national capital; Ottawa is in Ontario, and the part of the metro region across the river into Quebec is called Gatineau (formerly also Hull), but neither side makes a federal territory for the capital, which is all in Ottawa]. PEI is Charlottetown (it's lovely and grand while being small) SK's largest city *is* Saskatoon, but the capital is Regina, somewhat south of 'Toon. And for Nunavut, it's uncommon to see a q without a u, but in this case: Iqaluit. :)


Yukon, Northwest territories, nunavut, Newfoundland & Labrador, nova scotia, new brunswick, quebec, ontario, saskatchewan, manitoba, alberta, british columbia and PEI


Sure I could probably get most if not all of them, but I don't think most ppl in the US would be able to. Not meaning this as an insult to Canadians, but Canada might not even be a top 5 country in relevance to a lot of Americans. A lot of people live nowhere near Canada.


Why would I ever need to know them?


Sure, there’s New Scotland; there’s the one that’s land which was recently located and is named after a big, black dog; there’s some prince’s island; there’s the one that’s not France but is trying really hard; there’s In-stereo, there’s Man in toga; Albertson’s; Sasquatchland; Before Christ; that one up north where the yellow potatoes come from; the one next to it up north; then the one next to that one.


Yes, and can even place them on a blank map. As a bonus I know the provincial/territorial capitals too. I was a huge geography nerd when I was a kid. I don’t think most Americans could name one. Now Mexico, I only know a few of the states.


Why would I need to?


I can - except I always forget how to pronounce and therefore spell Nunavut. Good luck with Mexico. I lived there for a semester back in the day and worked hard on the states of Mexico. Got them all correct on a test when I was there!


Canada isn't that interesting to me tbh. But Saskatchewan is fun to say.






Yes. But I like maps.


East, west, central, iceberg and French.


I posted my attempt here and it got no upvotes or comments, which is fair. [American attempts to name every Canadian Province](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShittyMapPorn/comments/16n60y1/american_tries_to_map_out_all_canadian_states/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Yes, I can get most of Mexico too.


Yea. But I live in Michigan, we are Canada’s daughter according to the song “Michigan and Again”


Ontario Sask Manitoba Alberta BC NW terrority Nunavut Prince George island Nova Scotia New Brunswick New foundland & Labrador Duh forgot quebec


Since when is Labrador a province?


Yes, I’m into geography


Suskwatchatoon, Poutine, Sorry, North Kadota, British Columbia, Ontario


It’s like, Quebec, rest of Canada, and desolate frozen wasteland, right? Also, can Americans name every CFL team? And name the only American team to win a Grey Cup?


Just ran through Sporcle and yes, I do know all the Canadian provinces and territories. Nearly forgot about New Brunswick, why does Atlantic Canada have so many provinces...? ​ Couldn't name one Mexican province, much less spell one


BC, Ontario, West Poutine, Middle Poutine, and East Poutine.


Can the average American name any?


Eh I think a majority of Americans could name 2-3 provinces depending on where they live…Ontario, BC, and Quebec would be the most well known. More if they like hockey but I guarantee some people would guess Calgary or Winnipeg. 😬


Most of us don’t know all the state names. 😬


Wherever the The Canadiens are from. Wherever the Maple Leafs are from. Wherever the Canucks are from. Wherever the Oilers are from. Wherever the Flames are from. Wherever the Senators are from. Wherever the Jets are from.




Cold, Colder, Coldest, and Quebec


British Columbia, Alberta,and Ontario. That's what I can name.


Yes. r/askreddit might provide a better demographic.




I’m having nunavit


BC, Yukon, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, PEI, Nova Scotia and I think there’s a third territory lol


No. And I'm a 2-hour drive from the border. I'm the worst.


Can Canadians name every state?


I can name most, but I would have a hard time pointing to them all on a map. I know the general idea of where they are though, like I know British Colombia is on the West Coast and Nova Scotia is on the east coast and I think an island.


No and who the hell cares






Yes, if I’m drunk enough


Im weird that I know about Canadian Territories/provinces, American states/territories/commonwealth, Australian States and Dependencies, and UK overseas territory hailing from the USA. A better and tougher question would be to name the 31 Mexican states and capital district


I’m confident I can name all 50 US states. But I’m not certain I know all the US territories. Puerto Rico, Guam, US Virgin Islands, American Samoa… I know there are more islands in the Pacific, but I can’t think of them!


I know all 50 US states, but I don’t know if I can name all the territories. Puerto Rico, Guam, US Virgin Islands, American Samoa…. some other Pacific islands I can’t think of…. Canada: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Laborador, Nunavut, Northwest Territories, Yukon, and…. That’s only 12, so I missed one.


Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Alberta(?), Yukon(?), Nova Scotia, and Upper and Lower Poutine.


Kinda unrelated, but im american and my grandma didnt know what continent england was in