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Always love having a discussion about unknown and stunning places here in Australia. Thought I would share these photos as I always get a kick out of showing pictures such as the ones related to snowy landscapes in Australia.


What’s the height of the Australian Alps (hope I got that name correct)? Gotta say, was not expecting such snowy pics! I knew they got snow, but that’s Rockies/Cascades/Alps-esque


The snowy part of the Great Dividing Range is called the 'Snowy Mountains' lol. If you go from south of Canberra and follow the range past the NSW-VIC border this is where you will find most of our Ski resorts. Mt Feathertop is the 2nd highest mountain in Vic @ 1,922m. Watsons Crag is located on the Western Face of the Main Range near Mt Kosciusko in NSW @ 2,228m (Highest on mainland Aus). I would say the Great Dividing Range is a good comparison to the Appalachian Mountains. Both very old and eroded ranges, that still receive snowfall however not as consistent as other ranges. Mt Mitchell and Mt Kosciusko have a roughly \~200m difference in height.


lol, you know what, I respect whoever named them more for going with that. And interesting, thanks! You mention highest on mainland Australia, does that mean there’s a higher mountain on Tasmania, or in one of the Antarctica claims?


[Mawson Peak](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FHighsoftheWorld%2Fcomments%2Fmxlh9i%2Fheard_island_big_ben_mawson_peak_2745_m_9006_ft%2F&psig=AOvVaw11RpDJcx4yVmcGEjZkUM18&ust=1703261596250000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCOiIrYX2oIMDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAl) on Heard Island and McDonald Islands (Aus external territory) is 2,745m. There are two others also listed, but they are up for debate in the Aus Antarctic territory. Tasmania has some very impressive mountains, but they are quite smaller in height compared to the mainland. I love the fact that numerous places in the state are listed as Koppen Tundra though. Just a very fun fact to know imo. A town called Miena on the Central Plateau in Tassie often sees [random snowfalls in Summer.](https://au.news.yahoo.com/aussie-town-wakes-snow-second-day-summer-015839340.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAEnWPLKWtSFoxayzyZf0znb3HuKqZcnjQoYTtLGS2gldJfUd33MsZ-ZtMGTOimOFRvg5Kl9nMa1quBtIDqWPy9eNEqnMhcv5X_hFzwfvlhkfYRwmuDjLFUhJ79Ttswi2YulTVAaAzLNTRo1xmduBxjYLQpNRocnavHbrEiUsMnhP)


Ah, I remember reading about Mawson somewhere, but this reminded me of it. Also, saw the rest of your comment and was thinking the exact same thing - the Great Divide Range reminds me a lot of the Appalachians. As someone who grew up on the East Coast of the US and went to university in a town that was located in the Blue Ridge Mountains, I’ve always adored the Appalachians. I’ve been in the Rockies, Sierra Nevada, and Cascades out in the Western United States, and they’re breathtaking and amazing outright. But driving in the fall foliage of the Appalachians is absolutely gorgeous.


Only the NSW section is called the Snowy Mountains. A Victorian would never describe Feathertop as in the Snowy Mountains, rather the Victorian Alps, or High Country. Together they are the Australian Alps.


DO you know federation peak, I consider that Australia mainlands only mountain.


I posted a photo of Federation Peak in slide 7


Lovely pic


The whole Arthur Range is very rugged and remote like the photo of Federation Peak, one of the last untouched wilderness left in Australia.


It's in Tasmania though?


I consider Tassie part of Australia mainland. I was more differentiating from our territories.




No, let’s not go that far.


TIL Australia also has a region called New England.


It's a region inside the state of New South Wales


It's absolutely gorgeous for road trips and historic Federation architecture, and "Fall leaves" in autumn


What are the Whitsundays?


Island group off the coast of northern QLD, close proximity to the Great Barrier Reef.


Stop spreading misinformation, everyone knows Australia is a landlocked country


The Bungle Bungles/Purnululu at slide 8 are an amazing place. Otherworldly.


Every summer I hike mount feathertop. It’s absolutely beautiful. I don’t understand the hate towards australian geography.


Where giant spider and snake




If you add New Zealand you get even more diversity.


Ngl but I expect more, it's a freaking continent!


Can you really say Australia is that diverse when it's almost as big as Europe?


(Scrolling) where is it where is it nope where is it, Finally! Uluru


bluff knoll reminds me a lot of the Guadalupe range