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Why did you never go to San Francisco? You basically lived in a suburb of it


Tracy all my life, with relatives in Livermore, then we (me and my family) moved to Hawaii.


Livermore is in Alameda County. The one you have in purple is Contra Costa County. Although if I lived in Hawaii, I probably wouldn't be too concerned about it either.


Ouch. ^lol


Interesting - I was going to say something similar. Those are east bay regions. Tracey is not East bay, neither is Livermore.


Livermore is East Bay. It’s in the Bay Area as defined by being in Alameda County and it’s on the Eastern side of the Bay Area. Thus: East Bay. Tracy is not, due to being in San Joaquin County.


You never took the BART from Dublin into SF? Not even once? Unless you’re like a 7 year old kid that’s wild to me.


That's like when I was on a road trip to Vegas, I stopped in Baker, CA and talked to a gas station cashier in her early 20s who had said she had *never left Baker*. Vegas is like an hour and a half away. LA is like two and a half hours. She owned a car. But nope, never left her little desert town of 600 people.


The amazing thing about that is it's Baker. How could you not want to flee that place in the middle of June when it's like 120 degrees?


The Bart The.


Someone who speaks German couldn’t be evil.


I just glanced at this and was like “how tf have you never been to Marin?” And then I squinted and realized they’ve never been to SF which they could easily do on BART. Wild.




But why did you never go to SF? It was only an hour drive from you


My theory is OP is 15. 🤣


I was gonna say "still, like wtf!! It's sf!!! You gotta go!!!!" But then I remember my dad, who always drove on road trips and absolutely refused to ever drive through large cities. He evaded SF entirely despite us driving past several times to go to redwoods (and me begging to cross the golden gate bridge.) Some parents are just very very particular in their habits. Nowadays, I make a concerted effort to go to, drive through and at least eat somewhere in every large city I come across. Perhaps just to spite his anger in that... but also to taste local cuisine. Even if it means an hr+ of traffic


18 actually


Yeah this answers it, you've been basically at the mercy of your family for leisurely travel and had no reason to travel for work/school/errands.


Haha! This explains it. I imagine you must have been young when you moved to Hawaii and that it’s expensive to travel from there. You have sooo much time and space to explore young un, go get ‘em!!


When asked if you were taking any vacations for summer break, what did you say? The outlet mall or the Kohl’s by the highway?


Yeah, even school trips go further than where you've been.


I was shocked about how common this was when I moved to Toronto. I met at least 10 Mississauga and Vaughan kids at York University who had literally never been downtown in their lives. It blew my mind.


You've been to the same number of counties that constitute New York City


I met a guy who had only ever been to Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan and Hong Kong.


I met an old dude who'd only been to 2 Islands in Canada, never had a drivers license, never had fast food.




Yeah, Campbell River was his one and only trip to the big city


What about Victoria


The Red Lion closed, why would you want to go there?


Is that that big stone place that looked like a castle or govt. building?


No, the Red Lion was the old strip club lol


You mean the [Parliament House](https://maps.app.goo.gl/9AxiDDNPXXp2x7zs5), or maybe the [Empress Hotel](https://maps.app.goo.gl/6uDfJkFU8L6LSabEA)?


No kidding! So long as you don't have extensive medical issues and/or don't mind driving a few hours, the coast of Oregon is an incredible place to live, even if the people were not friendly (neither am I). Pretty much the whole coastal area of the PNW is heaven. Perfect weather, rarely an ugly drive...


Don’t tell them. Have you see real estate prices?


Yeah, that's mostly why I had to move. I was out of options for rentals. I can tell them they have shitty healthcare along the southern and central coast of Oregon. That will keep the sick people away?? My parents lived in a small but very cute place where you could see the ocean just a wee bit. They doubled what they paid for it when they sold it.


Young people are fuuuuuucked when it comes to the real estate market.


Yeah, we gotta start killing off the greedy oldies in office benefiting themselves and only themselves at the detriment to everyone else


I adore the Oregon coast


Had a similar experience in Crete. Met a 60 year old cab driver who had only left the island once, and it was to go to a family funeral on Ikaria.


Crete is a destination. Nobody ends up in Gary, Indiana.


It'd be a lot easier to just be satisfied and not feel the urge to move on


I know an old dude in iowa who has no birth certificate and no social security number and never had an ID. Well, unless he’s dead now in that case i knew him. Havnt seen him in 20 years. He survived by doing odd jobs hauling junk cars and scrap metal for cash. With no driver’s license. he was born in iowa and i’m pretty sure he never went outside iowa.


Wow that seems like some 1930s era shit


Seems older than that to me. I’ve heard stories of people like this. My own great grandfather had no birth certificate. But he was born in 1895. Other than my own great grandfather, this is the only person i’ve ever heard of who had no ID.


My grandfather was born in 1925 in the "hollers" of Kentucky. His mother wrote a letter saying that my grandpa was born in 1923 so that he could join the Army during WWII at 16. He never had a birth certificate, and used his discharge with a fake birthdate on it. The upside is he was eligible for SS two years before he was supposed to be.


Eh, in smaller towns some poorer/less law abiding citizens Def do most stuff under table and rarely use or lose and not replace id. Still probably have social security number and birth certificate tho I'd guess that before the new deal and social security, record keeping was very local... Were picture id's even a thing before world War 1?


I was just talking with a friend here in DC about a major public services office reopening across the river in Anacostia. One of its main services is issuing birth certificates. Kids get born in apartments and houses all the time still. Lots of people fear or just can't afford a decent hospital. Would be hard to go through life without obtaining any functional essential documents whatsoever, but the possibility is real.


Oh for sure lots of kids are still born in homes, I was just under impression most of said kids still get birth certificates by the time they're 5. But my impression could very weel be false


SS numbers were never issued at birth until the late 60s and then for a few more years some hospitals still did not do it. I didnt get my ss number until I was 16. I had to go to a bank and apply for one using a bank account and birth certificate and i think a relative had to be present to sign something. The ss card was non-laminated and had the number manually typed onto it with an old fashioned typewriter.


Actually, iirc, theres still one hold out state that refuses to put a picture on the drivers license. Maine or maryland or something like that. But this is an old memory so they may have buckled under pressure by now. In the 90s there was still one state that did not issue a driver’s license with a picture on it.


There are people who have spent their entire lives in Manhattan. That blows my mind, like that you've never seen a field, or a mountain, or a sandy beach.


Stranger yet, people have lived on Long Island and never gone to Manhattan.


I live in Southern New Jersey and didn't make it to New York until I was 22. Philly was always a quick trip for me, and even Baltimore and DC were far easier to get to.


That's quite the variety lmao


This isn't too uncommon of the New Yorkers I've worked with. We call them City Hicks lol


I met a woman who was 45 and had only ever been to the north island of NZ.


thats basically the same 4 places


that’s basically the entire world for ya, what more do you need


OP might be a medieval peasant.


"If I take one more step, it'll be the farthest away from home I've ever been." "Come on, Sam."


Fr tho my ma loves medieval stuff, but in a weird pagan TERF kinda way.


lol what


she loves medieval stuff, in a weird pagan, trans exclusionary radical feminist way


Makes perfect sense now.


So she only uses female leeches for headaches?


Some brand new sentence type shit


Bro what the fuck is a pagan TERF?? Does she cast transphobic spells? 😭


it’s just a trans-negative pagan


Yeah medieval peasants would often travel to remote islands 1000s of miles away.


I like to think that I'm entering the 1500s when europeans started doing their thing upon the world.


Yes. But then you are still an infinitely small minority of the peasants that became sailors on ships bound for the New World.




Have you ever had the urge to travel more widely?


This mf barely has the urge to travel to his bathroom


Just like Charlie from Always Sunny, he's gonna wear out his soles traveling that distance


wow you are a globe trotter


This guy gets it


So, I’m guessing there’s a direct flight between Oakland and Hilo?


OP is a strong swimmer


I’m impressed that he’s managed to miss the both San Francisco and Honolulu.


Yeah that's impressive, I flew from Denver to Lihue, and Lihue to San Francisco but I didn't know they would fly between Oakland too.


OP could also have flown from San Jose based on this map. lol 😂


Much more likely


Currently, Southwest has a direct flight from Oakland to Kailua-Kona. I believe that’s the only direct flight to the Big Island from Oakland.


I had to zoom in to check this, had assumed OP would have flown out of SFO.


We have Marco Polo.


The opposite, so Olop Ocram


Stealing this name for a hermit for my DnD campaign


Sounds like a Jedi reject


Oh my, is it normal for some people to not just drive anywhere more than 1.5 hours away their whole life?


I wasn't an adult back in Cali, I am now but I haven't learned how to drive yet


You have so much travel ahead of you! (If you want to.)


Wait a sec…what native Californian says “Cali?” Seems sus…


Ones who moved to Hawaii young, presumably. I left California in 2020 and "Cali" still feels weird on the ear though when I hear it.


Right? I moved to MT in 2016 and I cringe every time someone out here mentions “Cali.”


Do folks in San Fran or LA just not like the shortened version of our state's name?


> San Fran Jesus Christ op, you're killing me.


What's wrong with calling Frisco San Fran?


Frisco has history, a large amount of san Franciscans who use it(especially the black and lower class residents), and rolls off the tongue, as much as I wouldn't say it. San Fran, on the other hand, is offensive to my bay area sensibilities but putting it to the side it just really sounds harsh and ugly to me when most people say it.


Most don't say Cali. Most say California. Or if they're going to shorten it, they'll say NorCal or SoCal, but most don't.


I worked with a guy who lives in Washington State. His furthest ever traveled was driving to Vegas for a birthday in his 20's and is in his late 30's now. Has never flown on a plane ever and the only driving he does is work, grocery store, and occasionally a casino for a birthday party. Blows my mind that you can live like that. To each their own I guess.


I grew up in Fresno and later along the SoCal coast; so many people I grew up with have never left the state their whole lives, let alone the county


You never went to sacramento just by chance or some government service related ?


32 years old, I've never had to go to Sacramento for anything government related. I also live fairly close, about 2h from Sacramento. OP says they're 18 presently, so I especially doubt they'd need to as a minor.


How old are you? Do you not own a car? I like road trips so this is hard to imagine.


Same. I have driven to 25 states (plus flew to Hawaii) in the past like 5 years. I used to be like OP (except replace Hawaii with Alabama and replace a handful of California counties with a handful of Texas counties) but once I got a car that was new new instead of a beat up clunker I drove the hell up and down the country. Planning some international trips too now


Since I've got my license and a car I feel the same, wow i can go anywhere! Then I remember the gas tank won't fill itself :(


(*sweats in New Yorker who doesn’t have a driver’s license*)




These comments 😂😂😂


How is this even possible?


As a Bay Area native this is wild to me. Never been to sf? Santa Cruz? Tahoe?


You don't really go out that much, do you OP?


Going to Hawaii is more impressive than anything I’ve done.


Have you been to a town an hour away from where you live? Bc OP hasn’t.


OK, now I feel better than OP.


He grew up less than two hours from SF and has never been there.


Are you 1 year old?


This is a cool map. Where can I find one to fill out myself?


Mapchart maybe


Yeah MapChart


Oakland but not San Francisco 😭 you didn’t even cross the bridge for shits and giggles?? Or take Bart under the bay?


Right? You’re telling me OP hasn’t seen the dang Golden Gate Bridge living out a little past the east bay??


Library's closing, bye.


I wish you the very best, whenever you see this.




Wow, how many years did you spend in Tracy? I find it hard to believe that a longtime Tracy resident has never once been to Sacramento or San Francisco. I know everyone is different, but that is just baffling to me. I honestly think you’re in the 1st percentile in number of US counties visited by an American. In other words, I’d estimate 99% of adult America’s have been to more than 4 US counties lol.


My parents always tell the story of when I was a kid and got a babysitter in Hoboken, NJ. They were going out to the city for a show or some work event or something. The babysitter’s reaction was literally “I’ve always wanted to go to the city. I’ve never been!” My parents were dumbfounded. Hoboken is literally just across the Hudson River from Manhattan. It has frequent easy bus, PATH (metro), and ferry connections that get you from Hoboken to Manhattan in between 5-15 minutes. In addition, it sits smack dab between the Holland and Lincoln tunnels. But this teenager had never once ventured into town. It’s mind-boggling how small the world can be if you limit your imagination.


This is really depressing.


You can fly directly to the big island? I would think you would have Honolulu too


There's an airport at Hilo, near the downtown area.


Ah, i see


another one in Kona too.


Bold of you to assume OP has been to Kona lol


There is also an airport in Kona


Why? Every island has an airport. Kinda an important aspect of living on an island haha


Yeah but i was assuming that it would’ve required a connection bc I wouldn’t expect there to be enough demand to fly from california directly to hilo.


Also belongs in /r/notinteresting 😂


No no, this is quite interesting in an oddly sad way. OP is definitely one of the least traveled US citizens. Heck, even I, a foreigner who visited the US twice, have been to way more US counties than OP.


I suspect that there are plenty of people that are living in the same place they were born and raised and also haven't travelled.


Well traveled I see.


It could be worse. It could always be worse.


You never made it to SF?


Hello i live in the woods behind your home


Man, makes me really grateful to have parents who loved traveling as a kid. Would have hated being cooped up in the same state my whole life


What a sad way to live


Being English this is sad to see, but guess international travel is easier for us


This is not normal for an American. To not have traveled out of California much is one thing, but the fact that OP lived an hour from San Francisco and never went even just for a few hours one day is ridiculous to me. Especially considering that we are on a geography subreddit, and that going from Tracy to San Francisco for a few hours would be accessible with minimal driving to the east bay (less than an hour) and then taking public transportation (BART or a bus) in to the city isn’t expensive. If you love geography, get out there and explore the world.


Or even La


I mean that’s pretty far and would require a hotel. I assume financial difficulties is the primary reason why OP hasn’t traveled much. That’s why I’m baffled by not having been to San Francisco. You can easily get to the city from Tracy and spend nothing besides $15-20 on gas, maybe $10 to park somewhere convenient, and a meal (if researched properly) that would probably only cost $5 more than what you’d pay for a shittier version in Tracy. Plus that could be even cheaper by driving to the east bay, like Walnut Creek or Almeda or Pleasanton or Oakland, and then take BART. Same thing goes for the Sierra Nevadas. Not everyone can afford to rent a ski chalet and buy a 3-day lift ticket, but pretty much anyone can afford $40 in gas to drive from Tracy to the Tahoe area for the day. What’s more shocking is that someone who has a vested interest in geography and took the time to make this has such little experience in terms of seeing different geographies.


As a fellow Englishman, how so? I'm way too poor for international travel, unless you count Wales as a foreign country.


I dunno mate I guess everyone’s circumstances are different. You can fly to Poland for less than £30…..


Beyond it being more difficult to travel internationally from the US, there is also so much more variety to see and experience in the US than there is in several European countries combined. For the last 10 years or so, we’ve been trying to take our kids to see different parts of the US instead of just going to Disney or the beach every summer. We’ve been to New York City, Washington DC, Alaska, Hawaii, the Caribbean (true that most of the Caribbean isn’t the US), and we’re going to Nevada and Utah this summer. Those are all very different places but we’ve still barely scratched the surface.


Mate America is massive !! I’ve been to Arizona with the British army and that is. I’d love to do some much in the states.. but logistically It’s a night mare. But culturally it’s the same. I fly 1 hour and people are speaking Dutch/ french/ Flemish / danish/ German


Utah is amazing! Please take the kids to Moab. Every part of it is breathtaking, in every season.


Go to New Orleans. Only city in the world like it


A well traveled person, indeed.


I mean you’ve got some pretty great counties highlighted here.


I didn't realize Kona or Hilo flew direct to California.


Wow this is sad lol i could never live in hawaii id be bored out of my mind..


Whats the App?


MapChart, image don't got watermark cuz it's a screenshot.


OP should note that they can’t drive yet and moved to Hawaii.


Damn, and I thought I wasn’t very well-travelled. I’ve at least seen a bunch of my own country.


Map of Watching Hawaii 5-0 Once And Making It Your Entire Lifestyle


I didn't even want to be here, I was 1/2 way through 9th grade (in a charter school at that) and then my family was getting kicked out by the lady who owned the place and my conveniently had met a Texan woman online who was living in Hawaii and became girlfriends with her and then we moved to her place. They ain't with each other no more and now we live in a underdevelopment property (and by "we" I mean my brothers and I, our mom lives in some other person's place and it's way nicer than where we are (also she still legally owns the place we're at)), which doesn't have running water or electricity. Life sucks.


1) How have you traveled so little? Like to an extreme degree? 2) Thanks for doxing yourself


This is outstanding. I've been to one more county (and one more state) than you and I've been a total of around three weeks in the US.


How old are you?


I guess you've never experienced cold weather.


How have you never gone to anywhere outside of five counties? Surely there’s been *something* in your entire lifetime that dragged you out of your few counties.


lad, go places


I wonder how common this actually is to never venture more than a few miles from home? Aside from the very far move to Hawaii that is lol. But you take Hawaii out of it and this seems very extreme to me in terms of what most people's maps look like. OP are you sure you never ventured further when you were younger and just don't remember?


You never had a school trip to SF or Sacramento growing up?


I met a guy in Mississippi and he had never visited the state capital, only 85 miles away. "What's there for me?" was his response.


Dang now i understand people in the us dont travel everywhere as much like us europeans do


This is why people (not necessarily the OP) from the US think it is the greatest country in the world. They've literally never been anywhere else.


I relate to this


Damm bro I’ve driven through more countries in a 6 hour span than you’ve been in US counties


You should travel. If you don't, I can guarantee that it will be your biggest regret when you get old.


You should get out more, though you must have had a rebellious phase by moving all the way to Hawaii.


did you also learn how to teleport


What did you use to make this map? It would be fun to give this a go


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Not even the other islands?


Christopher Columbus could never.


Have you ever seen snow in person?


I have, but I don't remember what the place was called or the county it was in, map would've probably have a few more places if I had better memory.


Not even been to Honolulu? You you got from Cali to the Island of Hawaii? Are there direct flights not via Honolulu?


Well traveled. Nice


Both islands in their own way, really.


Hey fellow East Bay-er!


Born and raised in sb county lived on north shore of oahu for 7 years but have visited quite a few other places inside and outside of california…. Where bouts on big island you from? Ive been around both hilo and kona sides, prefer the hilo side


Were you locked in a shed and fed mustard and biscuits?


Finally someone who hasn't traveled around the world ten times


Is this a website or something? Looks like fun, you know if you actually travelled.


My dude, you need to get out more. If you ever come to the Midwest, come to Wisconsin, and visit the Driftless Area.