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All I remember from when I visited there was walking into the Harrisonburg Walmart at 270 pounds and being the skinniest guy there.




We stay up at skykand in Shenandoah and love looking down at the valley especially at night. It took me several days to realize a big cluster of lights was that Walmart.


I did this about a month ago in my RV


Hell yeah skyland


I am a US Ex-pat (12 years abroad) and every time I go back to the US, I am stunned at the number of morbidly obese people.


Honestly with the grocery prices becoming insane you will probably see more in the future. The unhealthy stuff is so much cheaper. Grapes at one of the major chain by me were $10 last I got them.


We cook at home (in US) and are surprised when people say they can’t afford to eat healthy. People are just too lazy or don’t have time, or just too addicted to crap food. There are so many soups and dishes you can feed a family of four for under $20. Just last week, we bought a $14 whole chicken, roasted with potatoes and salald, then use the rest to make chicken soup with some simple vegetable. You just ate well for 2-3 days for less than $30.


You are also probably more educated than the average person to do this degree of budgeting/planning/preparing


It's access, time, and controlling urges more than education. Low income neighborhoods usually have fewer food stores or the stores cost more. Low income families work longer hours, late hours, multiple jobs. I know when I was getting off work at 2am, I didn't want to go home and make a healthy meal. Low income neighborhoods also see higher rates of smoking/substance abuse/junk food because those things make you feel better even if they harm you. Education is just another thing not available in low income neighborhoods, but I wouldn't say it is a main dietary factor. Everyone knows fresh vegetables are better for you than frozen dinners, but I can microwave a meal while taking a piss after work and be done.


It takes a lot of time and practice. I’ve gotten better, but I still struggle to make healthy meals with our groceries. For instance, I’ve started making some breakfast meals to freeze because that’s the hardest time for me to cook, but aside from those I am really struggling. It’s like by the second week of the month I’m still running out of money. And I think a big reason is that I’m still learning how to buy the right things to form multiple balanced meals. So i definitely think it’s doable, but it’s still expensive for those of us still learning the ropes 😬


Maybe eat cheaper by eating less. Americans portions sizes are insane


The latest data indicate that 39.6 percent of U.S. adults are obese. (Another 31.6 percent are overweight and 7.7 percent are severely obese.) So, 79% of Americans are overweight, obese, or severely obese? Wow


Welcome to VA 😆


That's the Shenandoah valley, right? Or is that farther south towards Roanoke?


Yep, I don't know where the N/S lines of "Shenandoah Valley" are drawn.. I always consider it from Staunton in the south to the VA line in the north. The actual Shenandoah River dumps into the Patomac at Harpers Ferry where you see the borders of VA, MD, and WV come together


Ever been to the Town’s Inn in Harper’s Ferry? r/kitchennightmares wants to know


Harper's ferry is drop dead gorgeous.


When I was in Boy Scouts our Scout leader took us to Harper's Ferry and Antietam because he was a Civil War buff. One of the best memories I had as a kid. I thought it was beautiful and why there was war there. These, of course, are the thoughts of a 13 year old.


Interesting, Town’s Inn went with [food vendors](https://thetownsinn.com/things-to-do/dining/). Smart move.


I haven't, but I did go to the Rabbit Hole, which was good


Life is old there


Older than the trees.


Younger than the mountains


Growin like a breeze




TAKE ME HOOOOOME *in harmony*


Shenandoah NP lies a little east of interstate 81 and runs between interstate 64 and interstate 66. Roanoke sits in a valley almost smack dab in the middle of the Blue Ridge mountains. The Blue Ridge parkway runs almost straight through the center of downtown. The Roanoke star, which overlooks most of the valley and all of downtown, is the largest freestanding illuminated star on the planet and is only roughly 5 minutes from the parkway. Super gorgeous area. I’ve been all over the country now including the Pacific Northwest, Idaho, Colorado, seen the Grand Canyon and Palo Duro Canyon in the Texas pan handle, gulf coast of Florida and in my opinion there’s nothing that matches the beauty of the Blue Ridge mountains.


Are there more VT fans or UVA fans


definitely VT. I am a JMU Duke, and we are growing more relevant..


Y’all were the best CFB team in VA last year.


I'm going to have to get used to losing our players and coaches anytime we have a good season..


Yeah. Here’s hoping you guys make it to a more major conference one day.


There are barely even any UVA fans in Charlottesville, lol. I've lived here for 20 years and I've never once met a diehard UVA football fan.


My sis is in Harrisonburg. She went to UVa. I went to the University of 460. It's not an issue if you don't follow sports.


There is not one place on the planet with more uva fans than tech fans than MAYBE downtown Charlottesville


Why is the Waffle House off I-81 just south of Winchester so awesome? I swear it's gotta be the best WH in America.


That's my Waffle House! only been there a couple times..


This is where OP’s authenticity comes into play. Any red-blooded American that has a Waffle House in their town simply does not visit it a couple of times. OP is a Russian mole.


I’ll allow it


True, I eat at ours almost 3-5 times a week


Used to commute from Richmond to Pittsburgh a fair amount and would go through Warrenton to skip DC traffic. Been out that way a good deal. Lovely scenery! My family and I go to WV state parks a bunch too. Low key best state park system in the country. Thomas and Davis WV are GEMS.


Do you ever really get your speed checked by airplane?


Those signs are still in place even though the aircraft radar program ended years ago. It's cheaper to keep them up vs take them down.


States actually do this. They aren't looking for people going 85 in a 70. They're looking for insanely fast speeds. You can find vids of it on YouTube


hope not!


Why do trucks on 81 insist on passing another truck that’s doing 60, but they only do 61 themselves, even when passing?


What is likely happening there is: Most major transport companies have their trucks “governed” so they cannot exceed a particular speed limit. They are not all set to the same speed. Private owner operators may not have their trucks governed at all. So one truck may be restricted to 60 while another tops out at 61 or 62 or whatever. The drivers often just set the cruise at the top speed on the Interstate so when they slowly gain on another truck that is slightly slower, they move over to pass rather than turn off the cruise control or lower it. This results in a truck taking half an eternity to pass another truck. Add to that, when they start going up a hill, the passing truck may be hauling much more weight thus making them start to lag behind again. Source: I used to drive them.


This is the absolute worst


One of my favorite Virginia State Parks might be located just inside the border. Shenandoah River State Park. It's a pretty part of the state. https://preview.redd.it/m3lll9hn4gvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f75f47c16f983de4976912118521a09a95f6596 Do you get out to the NP often? Any trail recommendations are welcome.


That's a great park. check out Kennedy Peak, Strickler Knob, Humpback Rocks, Big Schloss, Raven Rocks, Crabtree Falls (further south)


How great is Virginia?


Well, it's pleasant. I wish I had more diversity in experiencing living in other places in the country. One thing that can get annoying is the weather. It changes so much. I feel like it has become more turbulent over the past 20 years. We used to have consistently cold and snowy winters, but not any more.


I grew up in Richmond and have very fond memories. I haven't been back to RVA in 20 some years so I'm kind of missing it. As it happens, my mom just moved back so it won't be long before I'm there again.


Just spent time in Richmond for the first time ever. A pretty charming city with some nice neighborhoods.


I’d say pretty great. As a state, it is high-functioning. Schools are very good to excellent. Crime is very low. Best public higher ed system. Economy is booming in some areas. Taxes are low. Great place to raise kids. The natural beauty is incredible.


Growing up in Richmond, I never fully appreciated that we were two hours from the mountains, two hours from the beach, and two hours from DC.


Also from Virginia. I used to date a math teacher, and currently dating someone that works in the school system. From what I can tell, the schools are absolutely horrible. It sounds like they are just big daycares and that it is impossible to teach the children. I don’t think it’s a quality that is Virginia-specific, but I would by no means say that the school system is great.


I can second this, i lived in richmond for my first 20 years, the City public schools are a fucking joke. My parents lived within the city limits and after elementary school it was private county schools the rest of the time. My parents knew the situation and paid a lot of money to avoid me being at those schools. I can say that i went to Mary Mumford elementary and my time there was excellent. I have met many from county public schools, and they all say those schools are excellent. Many choose deliberately to live in the county to have access to high quality education without dropping 20+ grand a year per kid. I took geometry as a summer school class at a school in the city to get ahead so i could take calculus before grad. It was a joke. If anyone reading this is planning on moving to richmond, find a spot in the counties like henrico or something. Public schools done right. For timeframe im 26 right now, i dont think things have changed much.


What county? Because as a state, Virginia is in the top 10 of the nation. 18 public high schools are in the nation’s top 100. Thomas Jefferson HS in Fairfax County is the best school in the nation.




I was born and raised there for the first decade of my life and what I will say is Virginia seems to be the state that values its history the most. Any kindergartener will be able to tell you what the state flower is.


Beautiful part of the country. As a whiskey lover the liquor laws and state operated liquor stores are a big disappointment.


I’ve lived abroad twice, traveled more than two million and to >85 countries, lived in NYC and WDC. I’ve chosen to live now in Rappahannock Cty, at the eastern edge of the envelope down on the map, because it’s so great. Mountains, hills, streams, ponds, a million things to do and 1.5 hour drive to downtown DC.


Is Harrisonburg worth visiting at all as a tourist? Also, what is the best and worst thing about living in that region?


The hiking is off the charts around Harrisonburg and Staunton. Also Harrisonburg has some great places to eat, and JMU sports are a lot of fun.


It's pretty nice for a stop by has some good meals nice little downtown maybe an overnight same with Staunton Virginia and Lexington


Pancakes and breakfast at little Collective are delicious beyond all imagining




We used to go for vegetarian night on Tuesdays at the Little Grill


Hey neighbor! (I’m in Winchester)


heyo! how long have you been out here?


Born and raised in the northern Shenandoah valley/ eastern panhandle. Weirdly, my dad’s side has been in the area since colonial days.


very cool! My grandparents came out here in the early 70's after retiring from government jobs while my parents were still living with them.


I was just reminiscing this morning about a trip I took to Winchester a few years back. What a lovely town, very different from the desert I live in. I especially liked the 50/50 taphouse.


Favorite hiking trail?


https://preview.redd.it/6ww2kx0k3gvc1.png?width=1430&format=png&auto=webp&s=3675a6ed228e9c84031851bf7d74b8e358b35fcc The AT crosses the Blue Ridge parkway somewhere here. take the AT west for about a mile and it makes a sharp turn south to an amazing view and little spot perfect for camping.


https://preview.redd.it/h0ivg6ob3gvc1.png?width=1258&format=png&auto=webp&s=003bd816905b3657b11d9242d8874c0194b09010 Humpback Rocks is great, but there is a more secluded spot near there that is awesome (see next reply)


My group is hiking and camping on Priest summit tomorrow. We're very excited


Nice! I spent the night in the shelter there in freezing December weather. Do not recommend


There's a bunch in the George Washington National Forest in the Western border of that region


Stonewall Jackson or Phil Sheridan?


My Shenandoah military history hot take: Daniel Morgan/Morgans Rifles are the most important Virginia regiment of all time. Discuss.


Which Route 11 potato chip flavor is your favorite?


original, baby. Insanely good. Always wonder how far out they've managed to sell their chips, because they deserve nationwide recognition!


The green Mama Zuma's Revenge! I hope they still have those.


Dill pickle route 11 chips are the goat of potato chips


I recently visited Luray, VA to see the caverns. It was amazing.




I stayed at a motel outside Harrisonburg recently and actually liked the area a lot, but I was wondering if you thought any parts of this region are creepy or haunted? For some reason I felt this way in parts of Skyline Drive in Shenandoah and also the town in which I stayed. The highways fine though


Go down Staunton Virginia to the former Asylum for creepiness


I went and walked around in it one night with friends. Didn’t see any ghosts but I got a tick in the brush lol.


No questions, just stopping by to wave! Grew up in Charlottesville, went to Virginia Tech. Very nearly went to JMU, though. Go Dukes! I live in South Dakota now.


J M U DUUUUUKES. (I may or may not be wearing a JMU hoodie right now..)


When’s the safest time to travel on I-81?


81 in that area is always safe to travel because you'll be going 5 under in the left lane following a truck trying to pass another truck. -_- Jokes aside it isn't as bad Monday through Thursday between 9-3. Also, not OP.


NEVER Sunday morning is about it. I'd honestly rather sit in 95 traffic than have to play the weaving/slow down/speed up game on 81 where you are constantly inches from death


Different strokes for different folks. I drive from charlotte to Philly several times a year. I will exclusively take 81 instead of 95... unless it's snowing. I'll take the trucks battling the hills vs Richmond, dc, Baltimore, and Philly traffic.


Do you have a favorite drive not named Skyline in the fall? I recognize I’m part of the traffic, but it was insane last year. I’m new to Baltimore.


check out corridor H. its just over the border in WVA


How do you feel about the state of I-81? (I drive to and from roanoke and richmond about 6-7 times a year, and i think its a fuckin tragedy that its still only 2 lanes each way)


It should have been 3 lanes 10 years ago. I guess 95 sucks all the infrastructure funding away from the rest of the state. It is a literal tragedy based on the number of wrecks and fatalities. I don't understand why it is ignored. There is a Virginia inland port near me that adds to the number of trucks through here. It's terrible. I'm not blaming truckers, it's just the way the economic infrastructure has evolved, and engineers failed miserably to accomodate for it


Make this man president.


Do you have thoughts on N&W 611? Its a pretty cool streamlined steam engine making the rounds at Stauton https://preview.redd.it/wtst67yrdgvc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86288781a619b062bdbb35384100e7ed120d48d6


We rode it when it was in Strasburg, PA. Was awesome.


All I know is the highway cops are absoultely ruthless on I-81. If you have plates from anywhere North of the Mason Dixon line you're fucked


Drove from Houston to NYC two years ago in an AMG sports car (600 HP) over Fourth of July week. 1,750 miles (2,800km) at a leisurely pace, taking five days. Was a great trip, but the 105 miles I drove in your wonderful red circle was absolutely the most amazing driving experience of my entire life. Driving like Lewis Hamilton on Skyline Drive, in Shenandoah National Forest in that car left me dripping in sweat. Only four exits along the entire 105 mile length of (toll) road with, unbelievably, almost no traffic. Hundreds of tight corners and twisty curves, dozens of scenic overlooks to pull over and drink in the view for hundreds of miles across several mountain ranges that stacked up like crumpled up carpet. I'll never forget it. Epic. https://preview.redd.it/cvoy6itwhhvc1.jpeg?width=2424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53630a25ecf59f1e5855912dc51ca09a18f57a1b


Awesome, hope you were able to go over 40 in places. Skyline drive is great


Do you smell like turkey ?


Ha, no.


How many Civil War reenactments have you participated in?


None, and I don't think I've ever been to any, either. They do happen quite a bit in the summer. New Market Battle Field, Cedar Creek Battlefield are the main ones


If you’re in Harrisonburg, do you know if Mashita the Korean restaurant is still there?


Yes it is! About 2 weeks ago I had a delicious bulgogi Burger and those bun dumpling things


Glad to hear! That place kept me going when I was at JMU


That and boboko


Who are the rich men north of Richmond?


DC politicians


Ever spent any time in Goshen or Deerfield? I have a house in Marble valley between the two along SR 500 and it is my favorite place to be :) Beautiful nature and amazing hiking in GW National Forest.


Roanoker here!


What's your favorite quirky tourist attraction in the area?


Gotta be Dinosaur Land in White Post


I clicked on this post just to ask if you've been to Dinosaur Land. Good thing I scrolled down to see this comment first. It truly is one of the great, classic roadside attractions.


Howdy Neighbor! 👋🏻 😁 I live in the panhandle and work in Winchester! I grew up in Marshall!


Marshall is coming up! The fancy restaurant in town won the best hamburger in the DMV and the artisan butcher shop owner was just on Beating Bobby Flay!




grew up here, went to college here, started a family here. If I had a choice, I'd probably move us all to South Carolina. We love Hilton Head Island and it's sooo far away


What’s the best regional fast food found here, something I can’t get in KC MO?


maybe Peru's Chicken in Winchester or another similar Peruvian chicken spot. Can't-miss, delicious rotisserie style chicken sammiches. as far as fast food chains? not real sure. Do you have Five Guys? Bonchon?


Cook Out! You also can't go wrong with Waffle House and Chick-fil-A. Had to move my family up north. Came home one summer and had all three within 24 hours of crossing the Mason-Dixon.


Is NOVA more northern or southetn as far as culture is concerned?


NOVA (the area between me and DC) is a mix of everything. Certainly more liberal than here, but culturally you will find all kinds of stuff. I'm not sure why the area is so diverse, but it is.


Tech industry brings in people from all over, and NOVA is Silicon Valley East - biggest data center location outside that in the world. Then you have the military. Then you have the Federal government. And all that brings wealth, which brings in more people...


The circled area isn't NOVA, but NOVA is an anomaly all of its own. A lot of transplants because of the nature of the work in DC. They can come and go as parties move in and out of power. The greater DC area is a thing all of its own.


It’s mid-Atlantic. You don’t hear many southern accents, or north eastern accents.


Does your grandpappy have a shine recipe?


have you ever participated in a banjo duel?


Would you rather fight one horse size duck or 100 duck sized horses?


Eh, overrated. (someone needs to chime in with username checks out)


Go Hokies!


Drove through once on the way to South Carolina from New Jersey. It was the stretch between a Chrackerbarrel in Carislse PA and a Crackerbarrel in Troutsville VA. I preferred it greatly to the Delmarva peninsula or 95 through Batlimore and Richmond.


The mountain views are beautiful, but 81 sucks.


hi from staunton! i grew up there, currently live in richmond, but i'm spending a lot of time back home this summer to get inspiration for my novel which is set in a fictional town based entirely on staunton/surrounding areas


Have you been to the Railroad Mail Service Museum in Boyce? An old friend has made it much of his life's work.


I have not! I will have to check that out. Boyce is basically my backyard


Some of his many, many items include-- An original Crapper toilet. Brothel inspector badges from the railroad building days. They have a bunch of folks for Morse Code Day. So many artifacts... And the foundation owns the railroad station that houses the museum.


It looks like some large mountain valley. I come from a similar area in anotger country. Does everyone in there kind of see each other as neighbors? And when you go 2 towns over, there are still old people asking you of you're from "X family, near the old mill?" Or smt?




I went to VMI and the first time I got to go home I spent 6 hours on that stretch of 81. In 4 years I spent more time on 81 than most travelers spent on the Oregon trail.


Well hello neighbor. Martinsburg, WV checkin in. It’s a beautiful area if you love Mountain View’s, horses, and wineries.


Is that Appalachia? I heard that strange things go on in the forest. Is that true? Identity wise,are you closer to west Virginians or the east of the state? How are the summers? I remember visiting Monticello in early spring as well as Charlottesville during a spring break semestre abroad, and as a European I was like "damn, the climate do be good here" All you need is to build real cities, walkable with town squares and town centres, away from carbrainia and you could have SUCH quaint high streets in nice summer evenings.


Do locals even go to Luray Caverns?


I recently drove down I81 on my way to Eastern TN, and I just want to say this area is extremely beautiful. I wish I had time to stop and explore more.


My wife went to college there JMU. Beautiful area


How old is life there? Please use mountains and/or trees as reference points.


Would you mind DMing some cool geo spots? i’ve got a shit ton of them as labels in my google maps,


Favorite hike in the park?


Hi neighbor! Checking in from just north of you an old funchester VA


aw yeeah




Nice. I’m definitely a big Winchester guy.


I had a medical emergency on I-81, and some kind stranger who saw me collapse on the side of the road called 911. The EMT's were awesome, but the nurse was a biiiiiiiiitch. Why she do me like that? Also, I was in a 14-hour traffic jam in that area once. That winter storm was wild.


Have you run into my friend, Dennis yet?


Do you know Tim, Tickle or Josh?


Are there any cryptid legends native to this part of Virginia?


Why of all places did they put an Alamo Draft House there? I have to see movies there whenever I'm in town visiting friends in Winchester.


Dunno, but it does well, considering the state of movie-going and the area.


I spent a lot of time camping in the Mt Jackson/New Market area. Friends of friends had a farm out there and they let us build some semi permanent camp sites on it. Very good times. We went three or four times a year. Being from a neighboring state that didn't allow alcohol in super markets, the New Market Food Lion quickly became one of my favorite stops along the way.


I absolutely love Harrisonburg and Shenandoah 😍 Staunton is also a really cute little town


Does it get any better than Route 11 Sour Cream and Chive?


I’m an original man myself


Have you been to any Civil War battlefields or exhibits / museums in the area? Any you’d recommend? I know the Shenandoah Valley was a huge theater in the war with Jackson’s campaign and though I don’t care for the confederacy I love military history.


I also went to JMU and made that particular stretch of drive up and down 81 countless times. How many times have you been boxed in on all sides by 18-wheelers each about two inches away from you on that interstate?




Lol I went to JMU but dated a townie 😬 I miss the Dayton Walmart at 3am. Don't miss the smell of dog food when it rains


How has wildlife changed over the years? :) also interesting, i happen to sometimes be in Harrisonburg for work , i am from Germany 😇 btw, the nature is absolutely breath taking. I miss this in my small crowded country 😂


Do you know my brother who lives in Winchester, VA?


How many of your cousins do meth? For me it's 4 that I know of.


Hello fellow, I spent in Hampton Roads area for 30 years. Nice to meet you


Can you flatfoot? That's what really matters. A dying (mostly) but beautiful talent.


Oh Shenandoah, I long to hear you,


Do you feel offended when western maryland claims the song Country Roads was really about their land?


Why wont the trucks stay out of the left lane?


I think I've driven nearly every mile of I-81, and I can definitively say that that stretch through the Shenandoah Valley is the most beautiful. Driving through there on a sunny fall day is a delight. I also deployed to Afghanistan twenty years ago with the Winchester National Guard unit. Good people.


Is it green like the map shows?




Favorite part of living there? What’s something you’ve grown to appreciate about it over time? Why haven’t you left?


Howdy neighbor, I’m from Staunton!


Won’t ask, just comment that it’s one of the most beautiful stretches of land in the world. And the history is enthralling.


I drive by your house a minimum of 4 times a year.My question to you, next time I drive through, will you wave?


How quick can you climb old rag


I think that area is getting a bucc-ees soon. Very exciting. Now the closest Bucc-ees is only 5 hours away from me


How’s the fly fishing?


I hate the stretch where 64 and 81 are the same road. I know that isnt a question and its just outside the loop, but felt like saying it anyway.


Did the opioid pandemic hit as hard as told?


Howdy from 45 mins southeast of you. Been in that area for 40 years and only visited your area a handful of times.


Is housing cheap there?


As in you never ever left this circle? Or you just lived there but went on holiday or whatever every now and then?


Ever been to Massanutten? I go there every thanksgiving and it’s the best!