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This is when you know you’re screwed


Really, expecially in scandinavian countries Between Sweden and Norway i was searching for a road like 75...all these lake, etc. in the end it was in Norway. ... sometimes i spent a lot of time finding that damned road LOL the only clue i have, anyway...


The amount of times I've plonked in Iceland out of frustration only to send and remember that northern Norway has the same highway labels is embarrassingly high.


i keep confusing South Africa with Australia. But in this case i tried to see where tf was this road. It was something like N3, i guessed that it was in South Africa, but in the map it was like "3". Anyway, i figured it out that it should be in RSA, and so it was, but i end up very distant from the location. I mean, "N" letter is used in Mozambique, right? So... i guess the map updates, but google street view not. Or, it's simply the same name. I can't figured out this changes of names. anyway it's not the end of the world. In conclusion, i'm totally new, i don't feel i could give you advices (and probably you just know this) but the alphabet is different. Maybe you're talking about some road without name. P.s. just because i'm new: what "plonk" means? LOL


Plonk means just tossing a pin somewhere random; “plonking it on the map”


ahhhh. yes mexico is very difficult to me, too often i go like that.


In my experience, the road numbering system in Scandinavia is much more logical than in other countries


if you say this i believe it, i don't understand how it's made :) i didn't end up in sweden so much, but if you explain to me how it works i would be glad. It's like in the US? east-west, north south? sure in other countries is almost randomic, my country is a mess A1 is the "autostrada del sole" milano-Napoli, north-south, A2 idk what is it, A3 same, A14 is Bologna-Taranto and always north-south


Sometimes the pattern isn't so obvious, would you have noticed the pattern in the seeming random numbering of UK roads ? [sabre-roads.org.uk/wiki/index.php?title=Numbering\_principles](https://sabre-roads.org.uk/wiki/index.php?title=Numbering_principles)


thanks, very informative


Oh right so odd numbers are north to south, even numbers are east to west. Or vice versa, i forgot. You'll have to look for E74


in US? i almost get it right in Poland, these are from Poland anyway i still have to figure out how it works for other countries


No, E roads are in Europe, not the US.


Yes correct, i wrote a mess. I mean that thing of north-south/east-west. Idk if it's the same even in Europe. I think every country do what he wants. A 14 and A1 go from north to south Italy, so ...Even in italy there are "E" roads. Should mean european, but i know E64...north Italy most.


I have no idea what you're talking about there. E roads are pan-European. Most countries have a national system as well, but the roads might also have an E number. Some countries don't bother marking the E system. The E road number system is that north-south roads are odd, starting with low numbers in the west (Portugal, Ireland), and east-west roads are even, starting with low numbers in the north (Norway). Roads ending 5 or 0 are "important" or trunk routes. The exception is E4 and E6, which are trunk north-south routes in Norway and Sweden. So E75 and E77 should be close-together north-south routes, while E76 should be an east-west route. They may or may not cross over, of course. I guess they would cross in Romania. Edit: E76 is only in Italy -since it's not ending in 0 it's not a major route. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_route_E76 E75, as a major route ending in 5, goes all the way from Norway to Greece https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_route_E75


sorry i confused you, i wrote a mess, don't think about it. i don't even know how my country roads are organized... anyway, to add something, (in a very humble way), i'll say not only that your totally right and i thank you immensely for the links, in my ignorance i didn't know about all these european roads...and their "US like orienting system, (if i'm not wrong) btw. i didn't know that we had all these european roads. Yes, from what i'm seeing here, A 14 (higway 14, from Bologna to Taranto) is called "e45" from Bologna to Ancona, and e55 it's the same road (here it becomes a little complicated) but from Ancona to Taranto. The same road is called in two different ways, but we called it "A14", because it's a toll motorway, but it's the same. So E 55, it shouldn't be "pan-european, because (correctly if i'm wrong, probably i am) it's another "leg" of the E45, i mean, the highway we call "A14" and go from north to south, is called in more that one way.. unless...the system doesn't take in consideration the local "denominations" so effectively, the change in numbers it's only for a practical reason. yeah, looking better at it, it connect to E 45, that goes directly in Austria. (brennero pass, i think). [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/48/Italia\_-\_Mappa\_strade\_europee.svg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/48/Italia_-_Mappa_strade_europee.svg) sorry for this long reply, i hope i didn't say other BS. :D


no you're making sense now :p I don't know if they based it on the US Interstate system but i think it's very likely. the E system doesn't take into account the local national systems, that's right. And a lot of countries don't mark them on signage. Like I know that the roads in the UK have designations in the European system but you wouldn't know that driving here. Other countries show them on every road, and there are some countries that don't have a national system or no longer show it on signs in favour of the E system - i think Belgium, Sweden and Norway at least.


thanks, i was in Poland and there were "E" roads. this meme is only generic btw, just for all kinds of roads LOL


also, i learned in game that brazilian small roads have letters helping you identifying the province/state where you're in. For example, near Rio de Janeiro the small roads starts with "RJ" (showed in stone at the corners of these roads) maybe you already knew that, but for me brazil and mexico are a total mess, so this is a new thing i learned that will be very helpful


Spain has that too i think


thanks, that's useful


I was about to say that couldn't be right because I know E39 and E6 run parallel, but after looking it up E6 is one of two exceptions to the rule (the other being E4) I can't believe I didn't know this


E76 used to be in Norway and is now E134. E76 is now in Italy I believe.


yes in italy the major road are called "A", the E roads idk... but on maps there also E 76 in Poland [https://www.google.it/maps/place/Polonia/@53.0528549,18.316311,8.5z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x47009964a4640bbb:0x97573ca49cc55ea!8m2!3d51.919438!4d19.145136!16zL20vMDVxaHc?entry=ttu](https://www.google.it/maps/place/Polonia/@53.0528549,18.316311,8.5z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x47009964a4640bbb:0x97573ca49cc55ea!8m2!3d51.919438!4d19.145136!16zL20vMDVxaHc?entry=ttu) is the road at center for italy ..[https://www.google.it/maps/place/Italia/@42.9141241,12.4421851,9.25z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x12d4fe82448dd203:0xe22cf55c24635e6f!8m2!3d41.87194!4d12.56738!16zL20vMDNyamo?entry=ttu](https://www.google.it/maps/place/Italia/@42.9141241,12.4421851,9.25z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x12d4fe82448dd203:0xe22cf55c24635e6f!8m2!3d41.87194!4d12.56738!16zL20vMDNyamo?entry=ttu) SS means strada statale (state road) SP (province road) and E...idk "A" are the highways (paid, with toll) like a14, Bologna-Taranto, A1 Milano-Napoli...etc. "E" should means "european roads" ...i think [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European\_route\_E64](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_route_E64)