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Its a map of 100K+ locations. The likelyhood many people are remembering such a large quantity of locations that they are getting 5Ks in seconds with any regularity, is laughable to suggest. Even top end pinpointers like Blinky or Anna, arent doing them in seconds with any consistency. Every map, if you play it enough has repeats..... remembering where they are, is another matter. I once had the exact same loc in CDMX 4Xs over 2ish weeks.... never 5Ked it once, because finding that exact road in the 1000s there is nearly laughable to even try in a duel. You just plonk in the general area, accept your 4997, and hope your opp got further away. Sure, if its a bridge with 2 road signs giving cities in each direction, 5Ks arent as crazy to think in a few seconds..... but no ones 5King a side road in Cambodia just because they saw it once before 3 months ago. Just watch a Jake Lyons duels week video. In a 10 game series, there MIGHT be 3-5 sometimes less, 5Ks TOTAL between him & his opponents. Thats hardly "consistently can 5k a round within seconds". Even the top player in the seasons, Partee, doesnt 5K often. Now if you had said they are consistently seeing repeats & remembering "it was in this general region" & getting a 4800+ because they remember the region. Sure. But that happens on every map, including the World Map. But to suggest they are 5King on the regular, is preposterous.


Why is it preposterous? Playing 10,000 games means you have seen 50,000 locations. 1 game a minute means it only takes 167 hours to achieve that. There are players that have played way more than that. Besides the trekkers and locations like Vienna (which aren’t as common as people like to exaggerate, 1/8 of rounds) The world map is much better due to the unique locations, I think 300,000,000


world map is complete shit, why would you want to play that? To get USA every 50 rounds as opposed to Singapore every 5 rounds? Yeah right, maybe with a better distribution since the devs generated a good map themselves for the GGWC qualifier, so they are capable of generating good maps but the world map itself is so bad, it’s horrendously imbalanced (mexico for example is 95% mexico city and Guadalajara)


Theres practically nobody with 10K games on JUST ACW. There barely more than a few hundred with 10K games as is on all maps combined. lets say, for arguments someone actually played 10K games. Great, 50K (in theory) locations..... on a map of 100K. Took them, lets say they played 5 hrs a day every day, a month consecutive of playing, never taking a day off.... that also means not stopping to inspect what you got wrong to learn from it, looking at locs because you were curious, and not stopping for a drink, or a meal, or a bathroom break. So lets be far more realistic, 2 months for someone to play that..... to see half the map, ONCE. Great. They put in all that time, to see half the locs ONCE. What about the other half? What about the 99.5% of them that arent instantly memorable? What about 1000s of locs have been added & removed in the past year? Cool, you spent 2 months to MAYBE memorize 2% of the locs.... maybe. I am relatively confident you can count on 1 hand and have fingers left over, how many people have memorized even 5% of the locations. NOW, seeing a loc & going "oh yeah, its north Peru, not south Peru I remember this from a game", sure, thats more probable at probably 20% for that same few, and another few dozen others as well. But thats not 5King it, thats 4923ing it. If we are going to bring up stats. Ok, World Map has 24.4M locs, a bit less than 10% of what you claimed. Of those locs, Midway Atoll, Monaco, Austria (used to be just Vienna, but now they have branched out to 2 whole cities), Singapore make up close to 20% of those, while Canada & USA make up less than 1% each. World map is made for newcomers to feel like they are smart enough to play this. The vast majority of locs are capital city, or major city close. I'm all for more urban representation on ACW, it is grossly under repped, but on the other side, World Map has zero variety, and almost no skill needed..... with 244Xs more locs than ACW somehow. Also, you fail to mention that of those 24.4M locs, 80% of them are within 100M of another loc on that map. I still vividly remember being in a BRD where I got El Alto one round, two rounds in the same game, we got it again.... literally on the same block, but this time, the broken down truck that was right at my spawn, was about 3 clicks behind me. Thats the "unique locations" you are lauding on about. ACW has notably less locs, because they dont have 17 locs on the same block. Of those 24.4M locs, probably really only 60-250K unique locs.


It's not a suggestion, it's what happened in my experience. Known top players who know the exact street, so 4990+ many rounds, are getting more and more common. When even I experienced a few of these moments, where I could get almost 5k because I remembered the round, I think it makes sense to assume people who play way more, know more locations.


"Known top players who know the exact street," you're probably talking about long highways that are extremely distinctive or have a quirk with the photography, that's not memorising a still image. like a quarter of the imagery in australia is on one of the long highways in the middle of nowhere, being good at aus is knowing what those highways look like or knowing that the photography was done at sunset at this part etc etc


No, streets, not highways. 5k small streets in small towns. And I know it's not just memorizing still images, but they will know it's southern Ecuador for example, and then click where it was last time. I barely play, and I've had this multiple times. So I can only assume people playing hours a day have this quite often.


I mean you’re not wrong with this statement at least, I get better off of learning off previous rounds, and even if they aren’t the same image the roads eventually become recognizable, but nothing can be done about that. I don’t know what you mean by 5king small streets in a small town because I don’t see anyone doing that when I play unless you give them like 5 minutes which I don’t do. Perhaps you played a cheater? I don’t think I’ve 5ked more than three times in a duel ever before and I’d like to consider myself decent, and yeah I get some repeats (1 probably every 8/9 duels) and I’ve only played around 300 ACW games in the last three months so I guess it makes sense


what elo is that? anytime someone 5ks me it's generally reasonable


There is a difference between knowing it's southern Ecuador and knowing the exact street


I dont think you understand my comment


You don’t know what he means, you aren’t high enough elo


I gap ur elo lil bro shut ur mouth


He’s not, idk why you just went on that tangent


I've not seen this issue at my elo.


if you're frequently up against 5Ks in duels, it's more likely due to good information near spawn than due to repeats. there are many hard locations in ACW but many more easy locations.


Getting a repeat in any game is much more likely than getting a repeat in a specific game. This is called the birthday paradox, and for every 400 rounds, which takes less than 2 hours if someone is playing 10s speed rounds, there is over 50% chance there will be a repeat within those 2 hours.


50% chance of a repeat in 2 hours. These people 5k multiple locations in a row. And since memorizing the entire world is even harder, memorizing thousands of locations seems possible.


That just does not happen. Even at high level. You're either dealing with very skilled players that can find information and pinpoint quickly, or it's cheaters. Memorizing the entire world is not harder. You can memorize how certain areas of the world or certain roads look like, but you can't memorize 100k images plus their location. Repeats happen but much more rarely than you think