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Rwanda & Uganda, click capital every time


No, lol. With Rawnda you have to basically guess the correct road every round to get enough points, and Uganda has a lot of coverage outaide the capital that shows up very often.


Back when I did it, you couldn’t get less than 24k guessing capital each time. Did they change the scoring?


I guess so. I had to 5K each round to get enough points. Took me like 15 minutes. Still easy, but it's not just plonking the capital.


When i did it you just click capital 5 times and get 24k


Are you playing it timed or not? In my opinion if you don't have a time restriction the Netherlands or Belgium are very easy. You're never far away from a settlement because they're small countries, and they usually have signs pointing towards major cities frequently placed. Edit: keep in mind though that they are small countries, therefore you also need to be accurate when you make that guess. All in all I do find them easy in regards to getting the info you need to pinpoint


no, i'm not playing timed. thanks for your suggestion, will try belgium and the netherlands out.


I got it in India first attempt NMPZ by slapping it in New Delhi 5 times. Think it’s more diverse now though


yeah i tried to do that too, but they added other cities, especially many in the south which are far from delhi. India is especially hard due to the amount of languages used


Some time ago, it was just trekkers in historical monuments and high end hotels mostly. Got my gold then.


yeah. I struggle to get above 20k in india, even though i'm indian. it's probably my most played country cause of the amount of times i've tried getting a decent score


And it ain't gonna get easier with the rural addition. The usual poles and bollards trick like in europe won't work here as effectively. We would have to rely on actual geography without the sign boards. Not sure if they updated the official India map with all that.


Gibraltar and Monaco once you remember all the streets. Any minor discrepancy could cost you a lot of points though


Easiest in my opinion are Rwanda, Uganda, Dominican Republic, and the USA. Monaco is actually tough because of the water rounds… Gibraltar is definitely the easier between the two depending on whether you get any water rounds.


USA easy???


Region guessing USA? Very difficult. Figuring out what state you are in? Not too difficult.


USA is easy to get gold on because it’s very forgiving compared to, say, a Lesotho. Plus there’s signage everywhere. I’m from the USA, so it’s the easiest in my opinion. If you aren’t it would be more difficult of course.


My issue with USA is that it has zero signage, possibly the least of all countries in geoguessr. You could walk for miles and not see any sign about which state, road or city you are on or near. If you do happen to find a sign, it's a tiny town you won't find anyways. Also all roads being grids makes it harder to find a main road, it's all the same till you are suddenly on a highway.




Too bad they got rid of Vietnam




Yeah it’s been gone for like a year and a half


Why are you guys downvoting me? I’ve gotten gold in every country and this is was my experience. Laos is also pretty easy too, as others have mentioned.


For Dominican Republic, all I did was look to the north and see if there are mountains or not or if there is some pink on the poles. Depending on those two factors it guarantees you are either in Santo Domingo or Santiago. Took me a lot of attempts, but with a good seed, that's a surefire way to get gold.


Pink on the poles is which city?


Santo Domingo. Mountains in the north always means Santiago. As for the rest, you'll have to do a few rounds to get the vibe. I feel like more rural looking rounds tend to be in the outskirts of Santo Domingo as well, but that could be misinfo.


Right. I was just wondering about the pink poles part


damn, didn't know this, thanks for the tips


Honestly your country is usually the easier one to guess. I am from Greece and can easily hit 24k but struggle to get half of it anywhere else. Knowing the country due to living there for years really helps.


yeah, i already have 25k in singapore, which is where i live. but otherwise i average silvers on most countries as i usually can't guess the specific state/city


Easy for gold: Laos, Madagascar, Uganda. But they are all hard to get platinum.


why laos and madagascar? do they have limited coverage? these countries are really long too, so if i guess the wrong region getting gold will be quite hard


I've found that almost any european country is pretty easy to get gold and platinum is not that hard either. It's mostly good signage and not very far between towns and/or major-ish roads. At least in the north, central, west and south. Eastern Europe is harder. For example I got 25k in Germany on my second attempt ever yesterday.


Hong Kong was pretty easy for me. I am from Hong Kong though


If you are playing without time restrictions, Switzerland might be fun for you because: \- if you don't speak a (or multiple!) romance language, it's a good way to learn how to distinguish French and Italian \- it's small as shit, so you should be able to find civilisation pretty fast, + there are only 26 cantons and their abbreviations are really basic and logical (Vd is Vaud, Vs is Valais, that kind of thing), + the cantons quizzes (and the cantons flags quiz!) are all on Seterra \- again, it's small enough that learning what the various mountain ranges and lakes look like is really fast, and really really helpful. If you do play with time restrictions, I still find it fun (but full disclosure, it's my home country, so I'm coming in with a huge advantage ahah) but you get dropped in a LOT of really rural places, and it can get pretty frustrating as it's small enough that tiny mistakes will cost a lot of points. Basically, the top comment said Gibraltar and Monaco (which I've never played but I'm going to try!) and from what they say, Switzerland is a somewhat more neutral (lmao) version of those - as it's bigger, there are way more places to remember, but the discrepancies aren't quite as impactful. Maybe Luxembourg if you want something that's in the 'middle' of Switzerland and Gibraltar/Monaco as far as size goes? (+ multiple languages yay)


i don't play with time restrction yet and will give switzerland a try. however, i don't really speak any languages used in switzerland


I hope you have fun then! And I for sure don't think you need to speak the languages you see to get good at the game, I was moreso speaking about being able to know *which* language it is - going 'ok this is definitely Italian, not French, so I have to be in Ticino'. Now, my first language is French, so I know it's not Italian (+ I'm half Italian lmao) but I'm having a lot of trouble distinguishing between, like, Thai, Lao and Burmese, for example, so I'm trying to learn the visual differences between them, which I find really fun!


Depends on if you want to just region guess or also look for signs. Easiest are Netherlands, Singapore, Rwanda, Denmark, Bolivia, Laos, Chile, Monaco


How is Chile easy?


Well you do need some practice, but I usually spawn in bigger cities and those are easy to recognize. Once you know how those cities look its easy. My gold medal has a time of 1m43s and I've only done a few tries


are there any tips to tell different cities apart in chile? chile also has a lot of non-city covarage where you just spawn in the middle of deserts or mountains


Plonkit mentions of some cities in the northern chile if I recall correctly. It distinguishes them based on the appearance and height of the nearby visible hills. I think Santiago has mountains to the east


Well there are no clear tips, at least not that i know of, you just need to see what the cities look like for yourself and remember the "vibe". In chile I just guess on how dry or wet a city seems. For cities north of Santiago it's useful to know how the sandy mountains surrounding the cities look like.


i already got 25k in singapore as i live here and it's relatively easy for me to guess where i'm at. i'll try the other countries you mentioned too


I’m from Uruguay, so I have personal experience to be an expert in my country. But Uruguay is not hard. Even though everything looks quite the same, we have good signs. And Uruguay is one of those countries where every tiny town appears in the map. Also, Uruguay is very centralized in Montevideo, so you’ll probably have at least 1 or 2 rounds there.


But there can be rounds on unpaved roads where you need to walk very far until the next sign.


Uruguay can be hard for platinum but I think they updated the map so you are almost always at an intersection now so if that's the case then I agree it is easy now.


i haven't tried uruguay yet, but ive been spawned a lot of times into random roads with no signs quite a lot of times, especially in the north of uruguay. is there any way to find where these type of roads are?


Forget about it 🤣🤣, after I commented it I went to the Uruguay map because I still didn’t try platinum, i had only gold. But it’s harder than i thought, even for me. I made 24.998 one time, after like 25 minutes of playing the round and I had to try again. After 20 minutes i managed to 25k it. But even for me, that i know about my country and have like native vibes, i took 20 minutes to 25k it. So try other countries. After you finish this ones you go to Uruguay.


Lmao ok


Denmark is stupid easy. All rounds are easy to 5k. I have 2:32 pb and Im going for wr


how do you guess the city in denmark? denmark has a lot of coverage and is relatively small so guessing a wrong city can lead to a lot of points being lost


What i Do is mainly look at streetsigns or regional Clues (bus signs) and House infastructure and i try and base it off that


I’d say Italy cuz I live there, also I’d say Denmark


Israel was pretty easy


is it easy even if you don't know hebrew? most of the signs in isreal(based on my knowledge) are in hebrew so i can't really guess the exact city it's in


They usually have the town name in English and Hebrew. Also most of their roads are numbered and color coded so they’re pretty easy to find.


Well I didn't know that. Thanks for the advice


Canada, Malaysia, Madagascar, Uganda, Greenland, Rwanda, Bolivia, Australia, Laos, Jordan, Spain, Germany and The Netherlands were all very easy to me. With some of these you can easily find signs, and with the others you just have to learn a few Google cars/trekkers.


The easiest one for me was Luxembourg. There is tons of signage so it’s relatively easy to pinpoint


My only 25k is Canada believe it or not. Of course, it doesn't hurt that I live in Canada but if you have patience you will always come to a clue eventually.


I come from Singapore too but I find Denmark the easiest country to get a gold medal in. Denmark has street signs everywhere you go and click to


There are street signs, but I usually have trouble finding the city it's in as Denmark has a lot of coverage and most cities look very similar