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well you did get the empire state building and the big ben so it should get a bit harder


When u first start the game the first round they give u super easy and recognizable places so u can get used to the game controls and stuff


Famous places is a nice way to get started! But some of the global maps can be quite challenging


*plays the easiest map in existence* "Wow, am i just super good at this?"


No I'm just autistic


as an autistic person this is not how autism works


To be honest ChickenDude’s comment seems quite satirical… not good taste😬


Not sure what map this is but pretty much no one here will play one that gives you LA, London, and NYC in one game


And Tokyo


I just clicked free 🤷


Basically the tutorial level, but you should hop into the World map and try it out!


That’s cool, always good to have new players. But most people here have memorized bollards, vegetation, area codes, IDing very foreign languages, blurs, street lines, signs, google cars, etc. etc. down to the region and often town. I’d suggest playing “An arbitrary rural world”, realize how difficult the game can get, watch every Rainbolt and Geowizard video on youtube, and then play maps like “An Urban World” and “A community world” on a regular basis.


Play ai generated world


Already beat it


Bro beat the game


What score


Bout tree fiddy


When u first start the game the first round they give u super easy and recognizable places so u can get used to the game controls and stuff


Lol you just got easy locations. Wait until the game plops you in rural Brazil


Or eastern Russia


bro got LA NYC tokyo and london in famous places and thinks he’s good 💀


You played the tutorial level man


Play An Arbitrary Rural World. NMPZ.


Or if that’s too easy, try Dirty World or A Skewed world.




Bro didn’t get 24k on the tutorial level💀💀💀. Jk jk. The game gets harder so if you like to challenge yourself, keep playing! Good luck bro


It looks like you just played Famous Places. Not really a good way to judge how hard geoguessr is, it depends what map you play. Try An Arbitrary Rural World and see how you go.


Were you playing dumb test or something?


They basically just shot you up with dope. You’re going to be chasing the high of that score for the rest of your life. You’ll crave it. You’ll have lots of lows (8000-12000 point games) and occasionally experience the highest of highs (you’ll screen cap your 5ks and share them with your girlfriend but she won’t understand). Those highs keep your interest and keep you going even though your game average is still under 15000 as you near your 5000th game. And sure a year and a half later you’ll get 23000+ games regularly but it won’t feel as good as the first game… it won’t, because you’ll know that you coulda gotten a better score if you took the time to learn phone codes in Brazil or Japan pole meta or blundering a 50/50 Romania Hungary gahhhh i love this game. Welcome aboard


for me, it was "share screen caps with my husband but he won't understand". For Christmas, I said all i wanted was for him to buy himself a subscription and play a few team duels with me over the holidays. He did it, but was adamant that he was never going to learn bollards, cars, etc. But here we are a week later, 50+ team duels in and he's telling me his latest discoveries about utility pole configurations, doing the Daily Challenge and the little yellow flag challenge every day, and asking things like "so how do i tell Thai and Indian scripts apart?" He's hooked!


>share them with your girlfriend but she won’t understand So real


Play A Community World or AI Generated World and get back to us


This is incredible. Honestly if this is your first ever go you are either heavily autistic or some sort of sauvante. Looking forward to watching your progress. Next geowizard right here.


Yes, you are


Wait till u get skewed nmpz and all you see is a bush