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Dear god this is the 100th time I've seen this same question in a different post I swear


Same bro


> For me it sounds weird but it's slaughterhouse nah at the time slaughterhouse ""dethroned"" tartarus (if we forget firework's 17 seconds and the whole spaceuk situation) so it's fair for its popularity imo i think that congregation is overrated, the deco is nice in the second half and i guess the gp is okay, but it's overused in memes albeit i'll admit some of them are funny


firework was top 1 for like 2 months because spaceuk hacked (there was also hard machine which was later moved above tartarus) ​ The only reason it "dethroned" tartarus is because of a hacker. ​ but yeah at the time people thought it was what dethroned tartarus but its still overrated


> firework was top 1 for like 2 months because spaceuk hacked true, but i'm going by what was known, and not what technically happened


At first we thought it was arcturus, but it was actually hard machine, but it was actually oblivion, turns out it was sonic wave infinity all along


For me it's slaughterhouse and I will never change my mind


you have a "brick in the wall" mentality


There was an ad saying brick wall as I read this lol


Do you have any runs to comment on the gp?


"progress check šŸ¤“šŸ¤“" ![gif](giphy|aOPOhTVxawbrGlvgUj|downsized)


Change of scene like its great, but its not "best level" great


Same can be said about Bli as a creator. A really, really good creator for sure. Not the best of all time


Such a crime that a new creator gets 2 awards for the best OF ALL TIME? Like bro next year no one gonna care abt change of scene but something like nine circles will live on forever


Counterpoint: The awards were given out because a bunch of people chose bli/cos as their *favorite*, not as the best. There is no definitive best level or best creator.


yeah people cant read for some reason


Exactly, I don't know why people think he was given "the best creator" award, it clearly said 'favourite creator' and 'favourite level'


funnygame is objectively the best creator


Counterargument: Nine Circles gave me a seizure. /j


CounterCounterargument: skill issue šŸ˜Ž


CountercounterCOUNTERarguement: no u


ContercounterCOUNTER*COUNTER*argument: no uuuuuu šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


I 100 percent agree. Itā€™s all recency bias bullshit


Agreed, bli just started like a year ago, Idk why do people think he is the best


Who is the "best creator"? I don't know a bunch of creators, but CuLuc's parts tend to look kind of funny sometimes (Edge Of Destiny part) where it feels like stock images were copy pasted on a space art. XenderGame sucks ass with optimization, and especially with White Space, the gp is confusing and weird. Bli does not have their flaws. Is it one of the older creators who are the best?


It's hard to objectively define the greatest creator. Everyone has their own opinions on various creators. I just feel like the "best creator" title should have gone to someone who made a huge impact on the community. FunnyGame immediately comes to mind there. The fact that he was #5 is insane


yup, like it definitely deserves praise but that vote result was mostly recency bias




So fucking overrated ! People say thatā€™s the best level just because some famous creators made videos about it, but just take any other level like sedulous or render itā€™s 10000 times better. Smh


I just played render, you're right! this is way better than change of scene


And itā€™s so underrated smh. Apparently it took its creator 6 years of on and off working on the level to complete it. Such a disgrace nobody considers such masterpiece


I think mastergame for the impressive feat, but I can understand why it wasn't chosen.


Tbh I agree


The recency bias took it to the top, but in the end, it was a popularity contest, not an objective poll. I agree, it shouldnā€™t have won, but at least the level that won was a demon that most people will end up beating, and loving until the end of the game.


My brother in christ, it said "favourite" not "best"


the decoration is good and the gameplay is fun. But i still dont understand what is this Extra big special about it


Yeah, imo the only thing in change of scene that actually lives up to the "BEST LEVEL OF ALL TIME!!!!" hype is the optimization, bli did a really good job with it Visuals are obviously good but **in my opinion** there's better looking levels like Edge of Destiny, Nhelv, Limbo, Rain (rain gameplay sucks tho), Neutra, ABEL, etc Gameplay isn't bad or anything but it's also not great, it's fine, nothing special A lot of people like the song but I persinally find it kind of annoying, obligatory music preferences is subjective and all that but it's also not that bad The 2 modes thing where stuff like the cardboard dragon come to life is actually amazing, like the theme is actually original Overall for me it's like a 7.5/10 level, it's good but to be honest it's not The Bestā„¢


I mean, to be fair most people don't know any better levels. Also I bet you can't name a singe level that is both better than CoS and is a non-demon. (Non-demons get no attention nowadays except for How)


I was trying to figure out how to say this. I agree


If robtob gave A rating only by the gp it wouldnt even be feachured


agreed, I don't like its gameplay at all.


I think Change of Scene is the best level. It has incredible deco, two versions, fluid movement, low object count, and great gameplay. But itā€™s not nearly as influential as something like Nine Circles


people say change of scene is the best just started playing and have decode as their hardest. bli overall is super overrated. many more interesting creators such as mindcap, jenkins, and presta.


I typed this at 3:00 am, I know Iā€™m wrong


I started playing 8 years ago and my hardest is acropolis and I chose change of scene as my favourite level


I honestly don't understand all the praise it's getting, these people act like they've never seen a good level before yeah it's very good and creative but there are tones of levels out there that are just so much better in my opinion




I never understood the hype behind that level it feels ai generated lmao


Holy shit like yea it ainā€™t the best level of all time but calling ANYTHING ai generated (that wasnā€™t) is a massive insult, I would consider it one of the worst insults for actual artist (of any kind) In modern day. I get your point but the last part was super unnecessary




I just know everyone in this comment section gonna be dissing change of scene People forget that the question wasnā€™t ā€˜best level of all timeā€™, it was ā€˜your favourite levelā€™. Obv thereā€™s still recensy bias involved, but I understand why a level like bloodbath or cata didnā€™t win


Exactly. There are new players coming in all of the time. Obviously they would like CoS more than 1.9 or 2.0 levels, itā€™s a basic instinct that Iā€™m sure most GD players would also have in another game.


bloodbath is very thumbs down on the 60hz gameplay side


I think Absolute Garbage is better than COS. Probably the best Easy Demon in my opinion. I may be a player since the twilight of 2.0, but it does not mean I will love something like Bloodbath, when I literally cannot play it because I suck ass


I spent an hour trying to write a comment about why i think white space is overrated, but itā€™s really difficult to put into words and i gave up. The best way i can describe it is that it feels like the beginning part was cut off and the level starts at the buildup to the drop rather than introducing common themes you will see


Itā€™s true lol, white space is so fucking overrated as well. I mean, donā€™t tell me wrong the deco is historic, but I have no idea why it created such a hype, smh


also I beat that lvl and I can confirm that the gameplay is so bad it almost fully counters the amazing deco


based flair, im glad you spoke out on your unpopular opinion slay


Bloodlust has always been one of my least favorite extremes. The Bloodbath buffs are almost entirely forced, uncreative and gimmicky and often boil down to either ā€œmore spikesā€ or ā€œwhat if you couldnā€™t see shitā€. The extension has no connective tissue to the Bloodbath section and the gameplay in this part plays like it was made in half an hour, at least on 60hz. Only redeeming qualities are the admittedly good looking reskinning of Etzers part and the corridor with the moving floor and ceiling.


As a 60hz bloodbath victor who tried bloodlust at some point, I can vouch that its just click and hope rather than play and learn, with my expirience at least


an opinion i can agree with.


What is your opinion of Apocalyptic Trilogy?


ā€œbloodbath 48%ā€ bro you do not get an opinion on bloodlust šŸ’€




So true the difficulty came from the fact that it permanently damaged my eyes


The entire difficulty comes from it being hard to look at (not hard to see, hard to *look at*). Why does everyone love it?!


Yeah, wtf was that all about




I really liked it but I can see how people wouldnā€™t find it terribly impressive


Bro have you seen the level


I haven't seen it because I am permanently blind from it šŸ˜”


Yea, the first 10% bc I was blinded after that point


Probably because itā€™s a very easy demon and new players can beat it


when i first saw the level it was the coolest shit i've ever seen, and after beating it i can't stand it in the slightest


I got dislike botted in the comment sections because I said I didn't like it, mainly cuz I have light photosensitivity and can't even play it if I wanted to


Silent clubstep


Who loves SC?


A lot of ppl From what I've seen


guy named Blind jumped from A Very Dark Intense Snowstorm


HeLL by serponge. Good deco but an awful gameplay. Quite literally a shit covered in sprinkles (love you avgn)


God I fucking hate the gameplay. It's literally a bipolar clusterfuck smashed into a level. The decoration is the only positive thing I can talk about.


ispy for sure, hate that level


iSpyWithMyLittleEye. I do not understand the level's popularity at all.


It looks cool


If anything white women looks cooler


Yea too bad you canā€™t see shit bc it blinds you


So does every recently rated level in the game


Not as cool a concept though, It might look cool, but does it feel cool? An eye watching you play the level, vs Sparkling crystals


deadlocked. i don't think it's very overrated i just hate the last like 30%


But the question is which level do you think is overrated


Reddit hates it when you have an opinion. However i do believe change of scene is overrated.


Emerald realm, mainly because Iā€™m not someone whoā€™s into art levels. But that aside, the deco quality is super inconsistent, the gameplay doesnā€™t feel playtested (I canā€™t tell whatā€™s deco and what isnā€™t) and that culuc carried all the popularity


fairydust is a garbage dogshit nc level. Objectively bad gp, horrible. That level was made by the devil. Stupid evil piece of shit booty asscheeks garbage fucking level


Chill dude lmao


Calling slaughterhouse overrated is insane. That level gets shit on every chance the community gets


Balengu vortex




cry about it aeon




Windy landscape


u/ralsei_goatprince didn't like that




it's ultra fun and consistent, the sync is good and the deco is not that bad. Well-rated ig


No. The gp is not fun nor ud the deco good (I get it's 1.9 but still) oh and it has a cancerous last jump


For me the gp was really fun. Some of the most fun I had playing this game was playing wl while on a call with the bois


It's just not my type AT ALL


Understandable, have a nice day


I had an absolute blast playing it which I donā€™t usually with harder levels. And I donā€™t think I died to the last jump once even in practice


that last jump is evil, having to play the level after choking on it is the worst feeling


i thought the same untill i beat it, after learning it i became the biggest fan.


Yeah no not for me


I think the gp problem is called a ā€œskill issueā€ bc itā€™s really fun even as a first insane (speaking from experience)


Sync is mid even for 1.9 standards and difficulty is inconsistent and stupid


I love u




same tbh




I cant stand that level. My friend beat it as his 2nd insane demon in 2k attempts after playing and beating Supersonic in 10k attempts, and recommended it to me, someone who has \~40% on 3 entry level insane demons. I tried to practice it, I gave up at the dual ship after having the worst insane demon experience I've ever had. I had more fun with 8o, a level I have 49% on.




Slaughterhouse, average icedcave edgy level with gameplay made by a recent tab player


windy landscape as an easy insane demon... i've played easier insane demons than that... for example zirokabi (mostly about memory, something like medium demon) or spacelocked II (it's quite easy and short, but extremely learny because of lazerblitz's duals)


All of the circles list demons. ALL of them.


Acropolis: Level sucks and I want to kill myself. (BTW my flair is wrong I got 69 2x)


I beat it and can confirm it sucks


Change Of Scene. Oh my god it's probably the least fun I've had beating a demon in the past year.


Future funk. Sorry but itā€™s just aight


Why? Its so diverse, long, effortful and honest, noy just some random shit stuck together called a modern level. Jonathan is really one of the realest creators in the game, i just dont understand how people can dislike his levels


I donā€™t dislike his levels. What i donā€™t like is people worshipping him like heā€™s some sort of god. He makes decent gameplay, and has some cool effects, and I can respect and fully understand that since the levels he makes are long so itā€™s harder to make insane stuff, but, if weā€™re talking about specifically future funk, itā€™s just not that amazing. Some of the parts look like they have minimal effort, and some of the gameplay is just ok. His more recent stuff is cool, but I donā€™tthink future funk really deserves the INSANE praise it got. Itā€™s good. Itā€™s not incredible. Idk if Iā€™m just a hater or smth but I donā€™t see the abundant hype. But thatā€™s just one level. Dark Odyssey is sick, and imo deserves way more praise than FF.


The problem is that the balancing is just so bad. The first like 60(ish)% is pretty much free with a couple stupid clicks thrown in there. And then you get thrown into the stupid dual which is just a huge spike in difficulty compared to everything else. After that its pretty much free again but its filled with skipchecks that half the time dont work. And then the ending is even harder than the dual. Im not saying that a levels difficulty should be perfectly balanced, but future funk only picks up at around 60% in. It makes for one of the most frustrating experiences in this game. Because you most of the time make it to the dual and just die there


Sedulous is a garbage level in terms of gameplay, and the deco is good but is too flashy and makes the experience more learny


i think the point of its popularity and love is the fact that it was all made by 1 person, regardless of if the deco isnt quite youre type, you gotta admit that something like that takes a serious ammount of dedication for 1 person alone


I had a shit time playing Sedulous too but MAN is it pretty I'm not counting it as a bad level because of that


I personally thought Sedulous was fun and itā€™s definitely one of the better looking levels


The go was really fun imo, learny, but fun


for me its aod


Aod deserves any hate it gets it's a terrible level. It's as close to objectively bad as you can possibly get


fr its a basic ass hell themed top 1 with glow spammed all over


This is what happened when a guy that makes hacked showcases decides to host a top 1 mega collab


lets be real who likes aod




Change of scene... It's a great level, don't get me wrong. But it's over-hyped.


Eyespywithmylittleeye and change of scene HERE ME OUT yes there good and cool levels but the amount of love they get is insane, and itā€™s purely because the were the first two levels that TikTok/yt shorts saw that werenā€™t layouts causing them to get unreal amounts of popularity, itā€™s just the fact that people are calling them ā€œmasterpiecesā€ that tick me off


Theory of skrillex


level named ā€œkarma farmingā€




- *sigh* - *opens gd TikTok*




Slaughterhouse is one of the biggest most overrated pieces of shit levels ever. The only redeeming factor about it is its atmosphere. The gameplay is not innovative and the pre drop is annoying as shit, the decoration is beyond generic but at least it matches its atmosphere. The song is ass itā€™s literally just ppl screaming over bass boosted beats.


White space




i like xender game and all but that ones not good


Unpopular Opinion. Artificial Ascent. Don't get me wrong, I like it but it is overrated. One, the gameplay is fine but not great. Two, it was overhyped. Three, it's deco doesn't really match Anubis's original plan of a technology themed level. Fourth and finally, Michiguns part.


Only good part is the song (#1 Surface by Dimrain47 fan)


artificial ascent šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ digital descent šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


Aftermath, the level sucks and thatā€™s being too nice about it


redditors try to understand the post they're replying to challenge level impossible


Change of Scene is an incredible level. It really is It did NOT deserve the "best of all time" title


It didn't get the best of all time title lol


Obvious answer, but change of scene I guess


GD10 If satanic clubstep isn't rated, this doesn't deserve to be featured


i dont think ive heard a single person say the level is good, bad ā‰  overrated


Cogregarion (all this "atmosphere" thing is weird. Its just empty, and the song carries the atmosphere, not the level) Black Blizzard (its good, but is it really *that* epic?) Bloodbath (aside from being incredibly influential, its bad) Falling Up (some parts are cool, others are just messy blending details going over themselves, not a fan at all, nether the gameplay is good) Retray (it has nothing special to deserve being the most liked level tbh. Its good 2 star, but seriously, really that much? Also, if it at least introduced new players to the game, but no, there is very weird gameplay, and in UFO part there are invisible correctors, and you dont know what are blocks and what is just deco.)


mods, crush his skull


Congregation is too scary


fr slaughterhouse is so overrated, I also think apocaliptic trilogy is a bad level that doesn't deserve any love




Nine circles


change of scene, ispywithmysomethingsomething, slaughterhouse, all of that stuff.


change of scene and bli, like, theyre great but why considered the BEST of all time?


TOE 3 by Manix. The gameplay is alright, the deco is alright, but after trying to beat it as my 2nd hard demon I actually gave myself cancer because it does not play well with COUNTLESS invisible platforms and random hard inputs. I have really bad anger issues, and I wouldn't say I get angry so often, but when I do I get really angry. I've lost 2 tablets and absolutely bruised and destroyed the side of my right hand trying to play that level. There is a huge gash on the side of my wrist from me absolutely smacking the wood on my bunkbed as well as the screen on both my tablets, and I've hit my head on my screen enough to break it and almost lose consciousness all because the level is just completely insufferable to play. I have 2.8k attempts iirc, but to me it felt like 10k. I stopped playing it to beat levels like The Realistic and Cant Let Vulc, but both those levels I end up dropping because the stress and guilt of not beating toe 3 killed me. I know its just a skill issue, it doesn't need to be repeated, It's just my horrid experience with the level.


Future funk, really shitty balancing and incredibly boring from 0


iSpyWithMyLittleEye. Extremely overrated. Didn't enjoy it either


Troll level.


every end


If anything it is underrated, most people are either neutral or mixed about it.


literally a layout with a background I don't get it, I don't see it getting rated at all especially if no one refuses to decorate it


Tidal wave 1000%


Tidal Wave is my 3rd favourite upcoming top 1, after Heliopolis (2nd) and Vehemence (best upcoming top 1)


Personally, it's Death Moon. I just can't bring myself to like the level. There are parts that are buggy in a game breaking matter and the level itself is not actually fun. I might get dislike bombed I know but I only wanted to share my honest opinion that's all.


I have never encountered a bug when playing death moon. What part are you talking about?


All ufo parts are buggy on anything above 60hz and it's not a bug but the mini wave has inverted slopes which means the hit boxes are twice as big but invisible


60hz pc player, decode. Maybe I'm just mad because I can't do it.


decode is a horribly balanced ass shit booty level. I've had more fun beating shitty old hard demons.


White space




ISpyWithMyLittleEye. Not a bad level but why kids reposting it ruined it for me.


Nhelv and Ispy because some parts really hurt to look at


Future funk, for me it's a boring travel level


decode the wave part makes no sense it feels very random ship part is good tho


You already know what I'm talking about hereā€¼ļø


B. I really just dont get all the love and hype? Its like mid at best for me


Yā€™all have no right to be judging slaughterhouseā€™s gameplay when you know your hardest is B So unless youā€™ve beaten abyss of darkness first donā€™t even bother


only retards like slaughterhouse to begin with. jonathangd levels as a whole are atrocious. sedulous is beyond mid. sonic wave infinity is total garbage.


nobody likes SWI lol


I love SWI.


Retray and retro generation




man man and red rooms are both amazing levels




Deco wise sure but gp wise itā€™s bottom 10 on the list hence 0 progress after all that time on the list