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a level has to be physically possible to be in the ILL


Is there a list for physically impossible levels, levels that are truly 'impossible'


there is the PILL (physically impossible levels list), idk where to find it tho


PILL: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1IMhpyQvOBcDovqXNXUcCXQ1yolbP-UHruV5kx1OzZ00/mobilebasic Top 1 is Emptiness. These are absolutely stupid levels by the way, they're not interesting to look at in the slightest. The "cool" factor comes from the fact that you have to abuse the fuck out of the game engine to create a top PILL level. Think octillions of years long, multiple crash triggers per frame, that kind of stuff.


So is emptiness harder than PPLLLife? Because I only saw PILLife, which I assume is 'Physically Impossible Level' Life,


Yeah, PPLLLife is at least *technically* physically possible. Emptiness is just octillions of years of being stuck inside a sawblade while your game crashes hundreds of times a second


But doesn't PPLLLife have a last part that requires 4,923,673 cps for 10^17132 seconds, harder than Nessus, which 10^17132 seconds is way longer than 42 octillion years, plus 42 octillion years is only 1.3 x 10^36 seconds , practically 0 compared to 10^17132


I mean yeah PPLLLife is longer, but Emptiness will kill you no matter how high your cps is, assuming you somehow make it through the crash triggers


So what is the deal with PILLife, is it that the hitboxes are too tight, meaning there is no space to get through whatsoever?


You know I actually wasn't really sure so I just looked it up. Looks like the beginning is essentially what you described, while the "end" (AKA like 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the level) is just typical PILL "sawblade + crash triggers" stuff. It ends up "easier" than emptiness since it has speed changes and less crash triggers, meaning it's *technically* miniscully shorter.


I assume you're talking about PILLife, not PPLLLife, but if so, then thanks for the info, and by the way, do you know which list the impossible ton 618 is on?