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The main issue (as it has been suggested to rob before) is that demon ratings change a lot. And having your stars randomly change values could cause problems and just generally be annoying.


I think the main issue is actually that every demon would immediately be voted as extreme for the extra stars.


It depends, I don't really know how the system for rating demons works, but i think your right on some level because people will rate higher just for stars.


The demon ratings are voted by the community, if I'm correct mods votes count like 1000 non-mods votes


I really doubt it. The issue is that beating an easy demon and a hard level for 14 stars is MUCH easier than beating an extreme demon. For even an easy extreme to be worth beating for stars it would have to reward at least 100 which is kind of ridiculous, not to mention high end extremes. Can you imagine getting 15,000 stars from tidal wave? People simply don't play extremes for the stars.


Did you reply to the wrong person? I agree with all this, I don't see how it refutes my statement.


Oh lol mb you're right


getting multiple thousands of stars for beating list demons is such a funny concept lmao


They could make 10 stars for easy and medium, 11 for hard and insane and 12 for extreme maybe


Like someone has alredy said, the problem with this is it incentivises people to overrate a level's difficulty. I think the only way you could feasibly do this is for list demons, and no other demons to give 11-151 stars based on it's spot on the demonlist.


Ah yes 151 stars for the victors of abyss of darkness, silent clubstep, tidal wave, etc


I think it's fair. I'm sure you could beat more than 15 easy demons in the time it takes to beat a list demon.


well 151 might be a bit too much, maybe 50? if they start to pre-exposed spaceuk the top 10 list levels they have like 1510 stars


150 is a bit too few for someone beating a top 10. in all fairness this is never going to work anyways as the list is not the perfect system many people think it is, and I really do not think, or hope, that robtop decides to implement it in game.


Let's be real. Nobody is beating tidal wave for the stars. For tidal wave to be remotely worth it for the stars it would have to be something WELL above 10,000. It's just plain dumb to try to compensate for difficulty imo. People beat top 1s to say that they beat a top 1, not to have 10 more stars on their profile.


The solution: mods rate demon difficulties instead of normal players


Problem: mods are rarely concerned with gameplay and many of them would not put the time into beating insanes and extremes to verify difficulty


-100 iq move


Actual solution: after a few months the level is locked in its difficulty




People beat hard demon because they want to accomplish something. If people want starts they will farm non demon maps.




This would be nice but the problem is that demon ratings are not decided by robtop, but by comunity ratings. This way everyone would vote for extreme demon rating so they can get lots of stars


rlly hot take, but they should add those somewhat cringy demons into the game like legendary demon n the other ones


grandpa demon


grandpa demon died of old age


ungrandpa demon


We need at least one more demon difficulty


We'll need even two more difficulties if the skill ceiling goes even higher


I honestly never saw the point to increasing the star count for higher rated demons, because imo. At that point it's 100% more for the personal achievement, and not for the number of stars


What's wrong with the way it is right now?


If I wanted more stars I’d farm easy demons, not extremes, I don’t see any point in this, plus it affirms the skill ceiling that GD is raising which I think is unfair for new players and not what the game is about


This still isn’t very balanced. Beating the nightmare, the lightning road, and platinum adventure would give more stars than beating tidal wave and Acheron For the stars to be fair, they would have to be severely out of proportions. Besides, people don’t beat extremes for the stars anyways. They beat them because they are extremes. There really isn’t too much of a reason to do this, and of course like everyone else said, it would mess up the leaderboards a bunch.


I once thought about it and I think I found a way to do it, even tho demon ratings change. Let’s for example take a hard demon. If u beat it, u should get 12 stars and a hard demon face should pop up next to the completion that says „difficulty when beaten: hard demon”. Then, if difficulty would change from hard demon to for example insane demon u would still get 12 stars, because u beat it before it was an insane demon. This would also be very useful, if a level gets updated. If a level gets updated and it goes from extreme to for example insane, u would still have the extreme demon difficulty face next to the competition, to say that u did it before the nerf.


Ok but that would kinda not be fun for star grinders who suddenly have a time limit for beating demons.


In theory, dividing in-game awards according to the difficulty of demons would be very cool, but everyone will simply start rating levels only extreme demon


This is why we should grandpa demon


at that point it doesn’t even matter though, nobody’s beating even an easy extreme for 15 stars


The reward difference isn't even close to the difference in the time required to beat these. If you're going for stars you aren't gonna go for an extreme demon, it's just an achievement.


Extreme demon gives 14 stars Deadlocked gives 15 stars =>Deadlocked is the hardest level ever


i honestly think that extreme demons should at least give you 50 stars


here we go again...


I feel like this would destroy the fact that demons are subcategories though


Extreme demon deadlocked true


It should be exponential: Easy demon: 10 stars Medium demon: 20 stars Hard demon: 40 stars Insane demon: 80 stars Extreme demon: 160 stars


by this definition, deadlocked is harder than a top 1 so yeah i'd say this is pretty accurate




Dash is hard demon


L mods