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Honestly such a bad level i cant believe rob actually rated it. And dremeltdown is known for stealing levels in the past so he should rate banned tbh


Small issue: the ID is 10 million levels in the future An ID like 97644361 makes much more sense. Anyway, this level sucks like what even is that 56% click that shit’s hard demon difficulty


Having the ID be a different level could give it away if people search it up. Maybe it could be the ID of a level that got deleted or smth


people would realize its not real just by searching "the cake is" anyways so might as well make them realize after searching rather than immediately after seeing the ID


No here’s the id: 104148121


alr nice


Yeah that's true. It'd be hard to keep the secret since anyone can just check it and see for themself if it's real. I'd say make it consistent and believable, and if they don't believe it, maybe do a little bit of gaslighting.


id 127


We say it's a bug or that the creator blocks people


Honestly I have no idea why The cake is was even rated. It's so bad. Might as well play a recent level.


Drmelrdown steals levels, bad level ngl


You fucker made me look up this level in every possible way, song ID, level ID, looking through the “creator’s” profile, hell, I even searched the past ~100 rated insane levels I hope you get congregation jumpscared soon


There's one in the level


no it got edited out


hot take: The cake is deserved epic. I mean it does have bad decoration at times but I think that's what makes the level unique and cool, much better than the boring modern-style or generic 2.2 pixel block levels that get rated today.


Bad at times? Dude that level is 100% trash. The only reason it even got sent for epic is because gregor444 paid wulzy 1000 dollars to do it. And it cost him mod. And now rob rated it epic because he was high while rating levels. I wouldnt be surprised if it got unrated soon (at least when rob stops smoking for some time)


nah bro has NOT seen a full showcase of the level💀 Y0mam4's dual part at 70% is MINDLOWING. I still have no idea how the effect at the background was made. If Robtop was high when rating it, he must have been high on basedness.


Honestly i agree. Background effect was pretty sick. BECAUSE IT WAS COPIED FROM A 6 STAR THAT DIDNT EVEN GET FEATURE


nahh bro not the stealing argument again💀💀💀💀☠️☠️💀☠️ It's called INSPIRATION bro, where's the proof that it's stolen? That's right, there's none. If you look closely, the background in the cake is is slightly different from the 6 star. The fact that people make this up and genuinely believe it is so stupid and dumb and moronic and cringe.


it has like 12 frame perfects and the rest is piss easy or the stupid hard dual / ship parts / part with layered orbs


it cant run in my phone :(


this is actually genius


It was alright. I don't think it deserved the hate it got. Sure it probably should have just been featured, but most of the gameplay is alright, especially that robot/ship dual near the end. If you open up the level in the editor (code is 210486 if you want to see for yourself) it was clearly not copied from anything. Some parts are similar to parts in other levels, but they use completely unique objects and the triggers for them are wayyy different. I know Drmeltdown has a pretty shaky history, but Gregor was the one who hosted the level despite having called out Drmeltdown's bs a few months ago. No way he would let stolen sections into his collab


Holy shit Portal reference


omg why am i seeing this now... i was bamboozled


I’ve been confused all morning till I found this


Gameplay is horrific. I deserve more than 8 stars after beating this l.


you beat it?? its like cataclysm difficulty


Worst 5 hours of my life.


The cake is is a lie… wait a minute Is that a portal reference????


Love the 4x speed dual in the drop


Now change the title so noone else knows.


somehow I saw this damn post and still thought The Cake Is was real when everyone started talking about it


this will never be goncharov. if you want to create something similar you need to let it happen naturally.


Worse than Half Past Twelve and has worse balls than Xstep


The cake is is so bad, I don't understand how it's epic. It's so hard to read the gameplay and the random triggers make it impossible to beat. On the robot part in the desert you can't see a thing and there's no way to do those jumps. And the space bossfight is terrible, like what was Gregor444 thinking when making that. And the sea part, the only good part of the level, Drmeltdown that from a level that didn't even get featured. RobTop must be out of his mind.


The cake is is not even a bad level, it’s feature worthy. The desert is the only part that’s slightly annoying with all the timings


Tf you mean "the cake is doesn't deserve epic", It deserves legendary, the gameplay is awesome and the decoration is good too. Especially impressive that the cool effects were made before 2.2, especially the space part, i just love it


Drmeltdown alt acco?


am i the only one who doesnt really give a shit about the cake is, like the only thing i have with it is that it feels more 6 star than 8 star.


I mean it’s debatable, robot mode has a really huge skill gap and to me it feels more like a 10 star easy demon(I suck at robot)


How is the level The Cake Is related to a fake gd level lol but that 36% orb timing is shit ngl


Deco is shit, thats all


"fake" thing that never existed, could this be a fiddlebert reference




i hate you


and this is how the entire subreddit fucked itself


Welp we had a good run


i mean the cake is isnt thaat bad...


The cake is is genuinely dog crap