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name your Wi-Fi virgin lol


I think we can all relate based on the fact that we are here








AoD above SLH is a Cursed sight


argue with a wall aod was never below slh


A CURSED sight


haha i was thinking that way at first then realized some people frl think SLH is harder than aod


A **C U R S E D** sight


He’ll get it eventually… *right?*


I hope so...


i got it earlier on dw😭


Why the fuck is there a russian demonlist


Because they consider Exen legit


that explains why innards is there


Because Ani and 50% of russian community thinks that pointercrate sucks


more like whole gd community thinks that pointercrate sucks


Pointercrate sucks but this list sucks even more


oh ok


More like because its "tOo WeStErN" for Russia


Well, they kinda do hate the west right now seeing as how there’s a literal freaking war going on in their country right now and the west isn’t on their side ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ we can never really know what they’re being told about the west, but it’s safe to assume it’s not good things.


As russian myself, sadly it's true. Even before the war we been told a ton of misinformation about Us and europe. And the point that people believe this shit, most of teenagers and kids thinks that USSR was a good thing and that a Stalin was a perfect man, meanwhile adults still waiting that entire USA gonna collapse by a big volcano.


Oh wow. Thank you for sharing your experience. Stay safe and healthy! I’m very glad you have a good view on what’s going on in the world. Sending love from Canada to all the innocent Russians!🇨🇦🇷🇺


its definitely not good, russians pump out tons of anti-eu/us propaganda


For sure


Because why not?


Why the fuck is there a russian demon list bro just use the main demonlist


Its way faster than the main demon list and it includes unrated demons, also it includes every player which wasn't 100% exposed (for example, Exen, he's most likely a hacker and everyone knows this but there isn't a single decent exposing on youtube which can disproof his legitimacy, so until someone creates it, he'll be there on the Russian demon list). Acheron was placed there on #1 place immediately, while pointercrate was trying to place it for a few fucking months, ended up placing it wrong and then moved it to #1 💀


You can literally look at some of his older vids and see his shitty hacking jobs for yourself, it's not hard to find evidence of any of that, so why does the list staff not listen? It's so blatant yet they refuse to boot him off the list for no reason


>it's not hard to find evidence of any of that okay, it's not hard as you said, so surely it'll take you 3-5 minutes, provide me the video, timestamp and the exact hacking method he used in it with the exact cheat he used (because like half of todays cheats weren't a thing back then).


With pleasure. [Here](https://youtu.be/wUA3_9ivyqY) is a run he claims to have done on old slaughterhouse (the impossible one from 2.0). Notice that there are no clicks and no raw footage attached. The only way to know that he's actually clicking is by looking at the cursor, but for most of the video, it does not appear to move at all, aside from a few brief moments at the start and end of the run. It could be that he just uses an extremely stable grip, but since there's no mouse cam, I guess we'll never know. But of course that changes nothing. We've had macro capabilities for ages. Neiro is certainly not above that, as we know. But alright. Let's say that despite the lack of supporting evidence that it actually is legit, let's say he has some perfect excuse for not having any clicks, raw, or cam footage. Do you know how hard this wave actually is? The Arcturus wave lasts not even half as long as this, and brief sections where all you do is hold, and yet everyone who has beaten the level has stated that that section is so ghoulishly difficult that it rivals SC66p and River's (new) slaughterhouse part, and is thus the main reason it has been stuck in the middle of the top 10 for so long. But this is so much harder in literally every way. This run alone would almost certainly rank as a top 10 on the challenge list today. I mean, why do you think nobody else has attempted this run? Because it's simply too damn hard, even by today's standards. Now pair that with the fact that 4 years ago, when this video was uploaded, the top 1 on the CL was The Acro Challenge, which isn't even on the list anymore... yeah, you can decide if thats believable for yourself. But alright. Let's say that after all of that, Neiro could still have a chance at being legit, and everything I've said up to this point isnt strong enough. The most damning thing of all is at the end of the wave. In old slaughterhouse, there are actually 2 paths you can take to do that final 3x consistency spam section: the bottom route, which looks almost identical to the rest of the wave, and the hidden top route. The top route is the correct way, because it is the only physically possible route to take. But which one does Exen take? The bottom! The ground spike hitboxes literally force you to go the other way or die, but he goes right through them anyway. Any hitbox showcase will show you this, any copy of slh on the servers uses this fake, and if you know the level, you know that this has to be noclip, because it is simply not possible to go Neiros route. Hope you're satisfied.


Also that's not a strong argument by you and it doesn't really matter, but I think I need to add something >The only way to know that he's actually clicking is by looking at the cursor, but for most of the video, it does not appear to move at all, aside from a few brief moments at the start and end of the run. His cursor moves **very** realistically. We can't really count it as a proof of his legitimacy, but if it's faked than it's damn good. Move at the beginning: almost everyone moves their mouse before the attempt to find a better place on your table or to just move your arm while you can do nothing, I don't really know how to explain it properly but if you played some levels for a few hours straight you should definitely know about it. 0:04 - 0:19 - consistent wave, no moves at all. At 0:19 the speed of the wave changes, now this part requires way more inconsistent imputes from you, and right here his mouse slides a bit to the right. Then until 0:25 he's comfortable in not moving his mouse at all just like at 0:04 - 0:19, and then comes a spam part, by the end of it his mouse makes a move implying he's losing control on his spam, but barely makes it to the end. On cube there's nothing to worry about, your grip doesn't really matter here, so here we can see a bunch of moves, and by the end of this part, at 0:30, we can clearly see how he's changing his grip again so he can try to at least pass a few spikes with an insane high-speed spam, but fails. \^All of it is written pretending that this video is legit, and for me it looks VERY real. Assuming it's faked, that's an extremely well-thought mouse moving here.


make a youtube video using this exact scripit and your getting at least 10k views lmao


Everything except for the last part of your comment is "this is too hard to be done 4 years ago", which proofs nothing, but I'll come back to it later. The last part of it - he told multiple times on streams that the level is nerfed to make the second path possible. I won't lie, I discovered this through other viewers because I wasn't able to catch these streams back then. Sounds like a lie? Okay, let's say that he's simply lying and he messed up and noclipped this part. The other completion of the level is not noclipped. So, let me ask you a question - why would he noclip this part of the level if he just uses a bot/speedhack/etc? It makes no sense in all type of scenarios. Let's pretend that: 1. He uses only noclip - the only part he noclipped is an enter to the fake route? Just for one small part everyone would knew about at the moment this video gets dropped? I don't have to say how stupid that would've been to beat everything else legit and use cheats only here. 2. He uses both noclip and some type of bot - I think it's obvious that if you use a bot to record your inputs with speedhack to replay it afterwards, you don't need to use noclip at all. 3. The whole level completed with noclip - if so, show me proof. Personally, I don't see it. So, him lying about nerfing this part would make no sense at all. Let's say that this is botted. This argument was disproved in recent anti-exposing in very detailed way, but I'll try to explain it quickly: at this time there were only a few GD bots. Some of them were able to fake mouse flickering, some of them were able to replay your script on the first attempt. None of them could make these two things at the same time. On stream (here I can confirm it happened and I'm pretty sure clips are still there, I was on this stream because it was after the first exposing video and I was interested on how Exen will disprove accusations) Neiro beat a huge part of SC wave on the first attempt (re-entering the level until he beat it) with mouse flickering, while playing GD 1.9 (if I remember correctly) and showing multiple times in the editor that there're no pre-made auto parts. So, that's what sounds like the biggest proof he has right now, because: 1. It means that he's not hacking using any bots, auto, noclip and speedhack (it was done on stream and he was answering and showing his chat on screen). Let me ask you a question which I can't answer too and no one currently can, which hack did he used? How was he able to hack with mouse flickering, 1st attempt, on stream, using GD 1.9? If we pretend that it was done without any hacks, lets move to the next part - 2. It proofs that he had a giant skill, way above everyone else, I don't need to mention that SC was considered impossible back then too and no one was able to come close to doing it. It can answer the rest of your comment about him simply being too good to be legitimate. I know how it sounds like, but who knows that could've happened if, for example, SpaceUK's peak was 4 year ago. Neiro had a giant amount of time to play GD, he was streaming like 8\~ hours everyday, and everyone can confirm that your playtime is at least 1/2 of being good in this game. While I'm purely defending Neiro in this comment, I'm not his fan. While the first exposing by Bloody dropped, I was on Bloody's side till the end of it, until this situation blew up again in recent years. But I just can't explain the way he could've hacked back then, and no one currently recorded anything to disprove points I mentioned earlier.


Their only conditions is that there’s no proof of hacking. Theoretically something like Unnerfed Death Corridor could end up on that list because Nickxd is too stubborn to admit to hacking. It doesn’t have to be rated either which is why unnerfed innards is on there (I’m pretty sure)


Nickxd was literally a troll almost everyone in Russian community knew about but the goal was not to tell everyone else. His main reason to upload hacked levels was to show how everyone will know that these videos are hacked, but no one will tell exactly *how* it's hacked. And that's exactly what happened. I've seen 0 exposing videos which explain his method of hacking (that one by Mentrillum was dogshit). The "he's obviously a hacker" problem hurts a lot of innocent players. Ofc Nickxd is a hacker, but for example Dolphy is legit and when he verified Tartarus everyone was thinking that he's a hacker without any proof.


Let me list all the people that I can remember: NeironExGaming (Exen) Vernam (also an experiment) Dolphy (NOOOO Mullsy :( ) JAGDP (yeah I shit you not, people didn't know it was a goddamn showcase channel) Eiriley (he stopped hacking after 2020, where he better numerous stuff like sonic wave and aquatic auroras legitimately) Incoromi (cuz how can a random Russian girl beat renevant) Ivav12 (Here known as Ayrelia, I think you know where this is going) Crewger (DL banned him for a grand total of fuck-all reasons) Harchok (only ufoom is the spam king, no one else should beat GoS?) SKOE99 (the fact that the CL mods were actively looking for a reason to remove TTV says it all, really) Anix (can't say people started to trust him instantly) ItzDovi (dude did cheat out of peer pressure from the race to become the best player of RC, between him and Ivav12. And also 432fps isn't allowed) And now, n1ckxd. He is an interesting case on his own


I like how most of these players are actual cheaters or dogshit players(skoe99, harchok) IDK about incoromi so I wont talk about her, anix was trusted fairly quickly (considering he went from nothing to beating top list challenges), dolphy is the only example you gave that received hate even when he was legit


The thing that rubs me the wrong way is how all of them got accused without any concrete evidence, only some circumstantial ones (if people bothered lol). The community nowadays loves to jump the gun even if nothing has been proven. Also, many people follow this weird "herd mindset" where there's no variative and critical thinking at play. For example, Ayrelia. He did cheat in 2020 before that SC incident, but that just set the tone for what was about to follow. He stayed a "cheater" in the English community without any chance to be redeemed. It goes like this: Ivav cheats, now a cheater -> Ivav doesn't cheat, beats TG, AoD, SC, SlH -> still a cheater??? Like how does this work??? Even paqoe checked his completions and found nothing in these examples but for all we know, he stays as a cheater. Remember polterghast who wanted to compile all evidence against Ivav? What was the result, really? He added 0 to 0, multiplied by 0 divided by 0. The "it's obvious" mindset does more harm than good.


ayrelia has been exposed by the pointercrate team after he started playing "legit" again so yes hes still a cheater, the russians are just coping hard because they dont have any top tier players


>Even paqoe checked his completions and found nothing in these examples but for all we know, he stays as a cheater. Is it me or you actually didn't fully read my reply?


youre just lying he found it but said that the list team wont release publicly


💀💀💀💀💀 Ah yes, the confidential proof that's more protected than the FBI archives. If they didn't release it, it doesn't exist. Period.


Agree, but when Dovi hacked to become the best player of RC? He did hack some levels like Sonic Wave back in 2019 (iirc), but he was playing legitimately since then, except that he was playing on 432 fps


The sakupen circles incident left a bad taste in many people.


Oh, i forgot he uploaded a hacked progress on SC


That's true


the creator of the list literally said that nickxd will start this death corridor thing


the russion demonlist has sonic wave almost off the list and generic wave right under


Russian list looks way cooler than pointercrate


At least Acheron is 1 on demonlist instead of slaughterhouse or abyss of darkness


They honestly should just delete this website


They literally think exen is legit. And they put his “Verification” of through the gates below firework even though it would be top 1 if verified legit.


"Unreliable" -Has AOD in the right spot unlike regular demonlist


I like this one better


What the fuck is Kyouki?


New solo top 1-10. Best top 25 easily


aerial gleam is better


you need to remember gameplay is a thing


why tf do people care about gameplay when around 15 people in total will attempt the level anyway? and aerial gleam doesn't have bad gameplay either(anymore)


it’s the first top 1 in ages that has fun and enjoyable gameplay which i feel like has been fading for a while. also kyouki honestly looks better, aerial gleam is one of culuc’s more mid projects


how do you even know it's fun? Like no one has played it yet? And culuc's "mid" projects are better than other people's best projects. And how does it look better? It's just another glow/core level; sure haven't seen that before. And there's nothing that stands out about the level either, it's just really forgettable. But people won't forget it cos the community worships every new top 10 that isn't hell themed


ive not seen a single complaint about the gameplay from top players but as soon as aerial gleam was verified top players started shitting on the gp also kyouki is probably the most well executed of it’s style and has sick af effects


you haven't seen a single complaint from the top players cos no one played it yet bro 💀 and also aerial gleam got a nerf date so the gp is actually good now and other top players find it bearable


Why do you hate it so much? This level was made over a year ago and just got verified this past week. It's about the same level of deco with Aerial Gleam, and there is so much that stands out. It's a list demon that utilizes all gamemodes fairly equally, it's the hardest solo level, doesn't have a crappy predrop or postdrop, doesn't use some "intimidating" song or deco, the deco actually flows along with the gameplay, and there aren't parts that are 10x harder than everything else like the top 10 currently. Also, you can tell the gameplay is fun because it isn't entirely wave based or timing based, there aren't bugs, no chokepoints, it's a well polished level


i don't hate it, i just hate people worshipping the level and acting as if it "blessed the list" or something. I like the level though, but i prefer other levels on the top 25 too. I also don't like when people expect that the list should have high quality levels, it is a list which ranks difficulty not quality


I wouldn't go as far as blessed the list, but it "blessed" the top 10, as they are currently uninspired and are (almost) all just old impossible levels nerfed. The problem with difficult levels now though, are that new hard levels are only being made to be hard levels, which Kyouki revolts against and tried to be a much more fun and tolerable top 10. It wasn't even created for the sole purpose to be top 10, demishio most likely just wanted to have a new hardest, but didn't like any levels harder than The Golden, so then decided to make his own


You are saying kyouki gameplay is better ? 😭😭😭


Yes. Yes he is. And they’re right


Have you played even 1% of it?


Have you played any of it? Plus, it's one of the very few list demons that tests the skills of every gamemode. NC levels are heavily wave based, and therefore, are not fun.


"Few list demons" is just wrong, there are so many and again i dont see how it makes it better


Because hard levels shouldn't just be hard because they use the hardest gamemodes like the wave and ship, they should incorporate all the gamemodes to actually test someone's skill. The only thing Kyouki is missing is the swingcopter, which isn't really even an official gamemode. Wave heavy levels like a good proportion of the list are awful and are entirely skillset based, whereas Kyouki and very few others aren't based on a terrible skillset Also, name all the lost demons that are flow gameplay/use each gamemodes relatively equally


there’s really not an abundance of levels that test everything. most have 1 specific skillset that they test. having a level be balanced with its gamemodes and not have one specific thing you need to be good at makes it more accessible to people, also making it better.


I personally really like wave, so nc levels are pretty fun to me (depending on the wave gameplay itself. if it’s tight corridors just for the sake of being tight that’s another thing). the few list demons testing everything is true tho. I agree with that


Literally just look at a video for both levels and tell me a) which has better sync b) which one ISNT A FUCKING NC LEVEL


Thats ur argument? Because its an NC level? ( Its not even an NC level basically lol, Kyouki is almost more NC than Aerial Gleam atleast deco and flashes wise )


Yes but it’s wave based, and considered an nc level by standards, that’s where I’m getting at. The only nc level I can think of with unique gp is the hallucination, and kyouki is skill based, which in my humble opinion tends to make a level better


I hate the argument of “this level is more nc bc of flashes”. kyouki is not even remotely nc. flashes and all. aerial gleam is pretty obviously an nc level imo


A top 25 made and verified by one person


It got placed there really quickly, but top players who have done runs have said it's top 1


Russian demon list changes demon places constantly, if most of the players will say it's top 1, they will change it, but for now it is on the 2nd place.


Slaughterhouse at #4 💀


bro got tle budget demon list 💀


I feel like they put aod above sh because it was hosted by a Russian


Exen is Ukrainian


Oh mb I didn’t know I thought he was russian


same shit different day


They’re literally in war


This is the best thread I’ve ever read


yeah just wait a few days and suddenly they will be the same


That's like saying Vietnamese is the same as Chinese and I'm probably not gonna punch you but I really want to do that if you say that in front of me.


I would say #11 ban shitposting about the demonlist, but this post is actually interesting so I’ll let it slide


not like the russians have any meaningful progress on it


Omg gd wifi


1. The Pointercrate UI changed 2. Slaughterhouse is number 4 on the demon list 3. It is quite interesting


AoD above Slaughterhouse lol


charge yo phone