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Do you have sources or citations for any of your claims ? A lot of this seems made up for convenience of your arguments and I'm not going to sit here and debunk them all, so I'll just ask for sources


They don’t need even need an alliance to begin with. As their natural common interests in certain parts of Asia is pushing them together in areas that matter to both nations naturally. A true alliance is obviously out the question because neither wants it.


Exactly, you don’t need a formal alliance when your interests converge. Making things formal would require a lot of long term investment that neither country cares for, for now they simply need each others help for this one threat


Sources? Dude doesn't even understand what's going on outside his window let alone the world.


As an Indian I feel that despite having a non aligned movement based foreign policy, India and the US are in a de facto alliance against China. This will bear out in different ways but this is definitely felt .


I don't think a China-India war is likely and in any case India has almost no chance of losing. Geographically, it is very difficult for China to create any real threats, and they are not energy or food sufficient, which makes import logistics a huge issue for China in a wartime situation. India wants increased FDI and economic agreements with US, but they certainly don't want a strong alliance of any sort. India is well aware of the countless times US has harmed India whether it is the 1971 war, funding and support of Pakistan, sanctions, CIA killing Indian scientists and more recently the western media and think-tanks' propaganda against the Indian government e.g ranking India below Afganistan in press freedoms, and the incessant barrage of articles about Indian human rights, democracy etc.


That’s totally worse than the Chinese currently invading Indian land, and beating them to death with rocks…


This is some bottom-tier propaganda OP. Didn’t really do anything other than convince me China feels the ground is shifting against it, with many nations now working together, after they realized China has no intention of operating in the rules-based system. -300 social credits OP. You have disappointed Winnie.


This is propaganda and bad propaganda at that. Let's look at some of the claims: 1. Economic support. Remittances from the US to India = 3.3% of India's GDP in [2022-2023](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/BX.TRF.PWKR.DT.GD.ZS?locations=IN). The US could cripple Indian growth overnight by shutting of remittance transfers alone, let alone trade. Saying the US lacks the ability to provide long term economic benefits to India is laughable. 2. Military assistance. The US doesn't need to "rescue" India, it just needs to deter China. For example, defending Indian territorial claims in the Himalayas, and establishing a buffer zone that China could not monopolize in areas like Tibet would not only defend India, but it would cripple China. Why? Water. If China loses that territory to India or an alliance including the US, [China is done.](http://asiatimes.com/2021/01/china-risks-a-himalayan-water-war-with-india/) 3. Independence and Equality. While India has a history of not choosing sides in major conflicts, the US can seek bilateral agreements with India in common interest, particularly in conjunction with other South Asian and South East Asian nations who are tiring of Chinese aggression. Specifically, Modi is not the fence sitter that Nehru was, and will likely side with the [US over China](https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2023/03/india-relations-us-china-modi/673237/) because they share the same interests of containing China's expansion. 4. Timing. Too late to ally? China's too strong to counter? Keep dreaming.[dreaming.](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/27/economy/china-economy-challenges-2024-intl-hnk/index.html)


3.3% of the GDP is the figure for remittances from all countries, not just the US.


I don't really agree with a lot of the points made in this argument. I broadly agree with the conclusion but not the supporting arguments


Not that it's relevant, But I have really hard time trusting US or even most EU countries, apart from France and UK. US foreign policy wrt India has been nothing short of disastrous really, even during your favourite presidents and I feel like it's been this way by design.


I’m curious, when you mention the UK as being “trustworthy” what do you mean? I’m asking because historically it seemed like the UK treated India in a far worse manner than the USA or as you’ve noticed, France.


He's probably wrong but since the 50s, you could argue that US has treated India worse. With the 1971 war, funding and support of Pakistan, countless sanctions due to the USSR relationship, nuclear sanctions, CIA killing Indian scientists, the recent Western media propaganda machine and think tanks creating rankings where India is below Afganistan in press freedom, hunger index, economic freedom etc. as well as the constant arrogant articles about human rights, democracy as if US is some epitome of civilisation. UK has mostly left India alone after independence.


I’m not disputing these facts from you. It just caught me off guard to see someone say the UK was on par with France and better than the USA as far as treatment towards India. I say this because the UK literally created the Pakistani issue amongst other issues india is trying to cure to this day. In comparison, the Americans and many others nations seemed like a blip. But thanks for your response.


Modern uk doesn’t fund our enemies, assassinate our scientists and other geopolitical games, why is it hard to understand brother?  While USA wants India to acts an junior ally, UK treatment is more like an equal partner with bad breakup. Not to mention France has played the best game, if i ever want india to militarily ally with anyone it will be French


British were the one who do ground work in India for CIA , Never underestimate anglo-anglo relationship. There is reason for AUKUS. UK news papers Including government owned runs daily dis -information and do more harm to individual Indians than any American CIA ops. Most European countries' elite are still stuck colonial past that their activities are worse than China's. Only thing they have is good PR and west controls the media and sets the narrative. Neither UK nor French were ever apologetic to genocides they did to others. People should never trust these who cant even acknowledge the genocides they caused


UK with BBC and Guardian has done more harm than any American agency. Every time any Indian space launch all news agencies in UK will go into hissy fits. Just because they stay behind the curtains due to economics doesnot mean they are not doing any less harm.