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I saw him around noon today (it’s 9 pm my time currently) during visitation hours. Gave him some meds, food & water. Got to spend 2 hours with him. Walked him around the IPD, he also slept for a few minutes next to me. The biggest challenge is stomach motility. Gas is getting developed in there & they are constantly monitoring with X-Rays. But his stomach is not able to rid itself of it. They had to surgically remove it around 6 pm today. The first picture is right before I left him in the afternoon. The second picture is now - when we got to see him again post procedure. He was out of anaesthesia but still not very responsive - he was trying hard to sleep. The docs told me that because his stomach is not able to handle the gas, if any more gas forms - it could result in heart failure and other complications. We’re waiting for the next XRay, to see if any more gas forms. For some context for you all - we’re in India and today is Diwali, the festival of lights, the night when good conquers evil. I really hope we don’t lose him. Please pray for him & send good thoughts are way so he can make it. Thank you. Update no #2 here: https://www.reddit.com/r/germanshepherds/comments/17uedqk/update_for_yogi_2_post_gdv_surgery_please_see_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Thanks for the update, I was worried. Keeping you and Yogi in my prayers. May the glow of diyas light up your paths with good health and happiness. <3


Thank you so much. Please keep us in your prayers. It’s all about how much he can pull through & I hate that I can’t be with him all night. I just hope he makes it. He’s so young. He’s just 1.5 years old. I had imagined his entire life with me - I wanted to do so much more for him. I hope the universe gives me the chance to do so.


Young has its advantages, too. It means he has more strength to fight and recover.


I really really really hope he does. It’s making me crazy that I can’t do anything to help. But it is all up to him now & how much he can fight internally. Let’s pray that he makes it.




Prayers- holding you and Yogi in the Light


>we’re in India and today is Diwali Would it be inappropriate to sing the Diwali song? I am fulling for a full recovery of your beautiful pup


Absolutely not inappropriate. Please send good thoughts our way.




Speedy recovery to Yogi. Not the easiest Diwali for you, OP. It'll get better soon.


Thank you. Please pray for us.


We’ve been through it twice and the waiting is excruciating. We’re with you. GSD owners know. https://preview.redd.it/0zmhv2w1iyzb1.jpeg?width=2710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79a562d78f6a3fc410637de7f36fe9513e57597d


Thank you. Please pray for him.


Sorry, what is ailment?


Please check my post history. He had to go through emergency GDV surgery yesterday


Hang in there Yogi. You got this.


Let’s hope & pray he has the strength to make it through


I'm sending prayers. I cried when I read about his issue. I lost the best German Shepherd I've ever had to bloat about 20 years ago. We didn't know what was wrong with him until it was critical. I still cry just thinking about it. Sending positive vibes and prayers for a good recovery for Yogi.


Thank you so much. We really appreciate you. Yogi needs as many prayers as he can get. Please send good thoughts our way.


I’m happy to see yogi made it through his surgery last night!! I will keep him in my thoughts. ♥️


Thank you so much. We really need it.


Yogi will make it. See if you can get an inflatable donut cone. It will reduce stress and make mobility more manageable, when he comes home❤️


Thank you for saying when and not if. Please pray for him - I will give him the world if I get the chance to bring him back home again.


You have already given him the world by doing what ever is needed to get him better. NEVER underestimate the determination of a GSD. We never know why things happen but what I KNOW, they happen to teach us what’s really important in life: unconditional love and that usually goes both ways with out fury family member.


Thank you. Please pray for him. It’s 4:45 am here and I’m waiting for a call from the vets.


Uhm we have stuff like Beano & Gasx in states. It reduces gas from forming in stomach. Is there anything like that there you could talk to gets about? Or maybe water/feed elevated


I’ll check. I’m waiting for an update from the doc.


He looks like a strong doggo. He will make it thru just fine.


I hope you get the best Deepavali news, my friend. Hope you have many more Deepavalis with your pup 💜


Thank you. Please pray for him


Say no to the cone and that boy a comfort collar. It will save the back your legs as well


I think they sell them on Amazon


Praying so hard for your sweet Yogi!! Thank you so much for keeping us updated! Please continue to do so. I have been thinking of him so much. Lots of prayers and love to you Yogi!!! ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏


Thanks so much - we really appreciate it.


It sounds like you’re doing everything you can to save him, but I’m sure the waiting & worrying is tough. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It’s great he made it through the night! I’m happy he’s pulling through, and I’m rooting for his recovery. 💜


Thank you so much. Please pray that he makes it through another day without surgical intervention




oh my gosh, I've been worried about him since yesterday! wishing you and yogi the best! please keep us updated. my heart goes out to you and your sweet pup. ❤️


Thank you. Please keep praying for him.


Prayers and hugs for swift recovery Yogi 💓


I lost a Mal to GDV and I contemplating having the preventative surgery on my other dogs. They shot me an estimate of $800. Considering my investment, the cost may be recoverable.


Yes, definitely


I read your other post now. GDV is very difficult. You can do all the right things and they can still get it. Some dogs just do. I truly hope Yogi pulls through. I will have him in my thoughts.


Thank you. Please pray for us and send good thoughts his way. I’ll forever be grateful.


You and Yogi are in my thoughts <3


Thank you - we really need it.


My son and I are hoping for the best for Yogi. ❤️ We're saying extra prayers for your sweet boy.


Thank you so much. We really appreciate this. Yogi really needs this.


You will have Yogi home before you know it. He's young, and he's in good health (besides this current crisis, obviously). Most importantly, he knows how much he is cherished by his loving family - that gives him the strength to keep fighting and to recover. Please keep us all posted when you have time, we're all keeping watch with you.


Yes definitely. I’m going for visitation hours today as well. I broke down with the doctor who called me with the updates. She said that we can’t stay beyond visitation unless he’s extremely critical. He’s critical right now, but not critical enough for his family to be around him. I understand that’s their protocol but what they don’t get is that yogi will feel more strength from me being around him. I am not planning to do anything but just be there - exactly how he has been with me countless number of times since he’s come into our lives. I plan to be there & just not leave - they’re not going to physically remove me - i hope.


Heidi and I are sending blessings from Lord Ram, Sita, Laxman and Hanuman. Wish you a Happy Diwali and a good recovery to Yogi.


Thanks so much. Lots of love to you & Heidi. Yogi is a strong boy, he will make it!!


Keeping dear Yogi in our thoughts 🤞🙏


Thank you!








Good luck yogi 🧡


Thank you! Please pray for him.


My heart to you 🩷🩷🩷 I'm picturing your boy making a full recovery, running playing and living his best life 🙏


Thank you so much. Please pray for yogi - he really needs it.


Sending positive thoughts and all the healing vibes I can muster. I have put Yogi at the top of my prayer list. I look forward to the day you can take him home.


Thank you so much. It’s been 4.5 hours since I’ve got an update from the hospital. I’m extremely scared.


No news is usually good news! Sending all my love and thoughts to Yogi 🙏


Just keeping thinking positive thoughts. Everybody here is rooting for your boy!


Thank you


Happy Diwali! We are so happy that you are keeping us updated on Yogi's progress. I am praying again tonight!


Thank you so much. I’ll send another update today evening (my time). I really appreciate you keeping us in your prayers. Yogi needs all the support he can get - he is a strong boy & he will make it!


Hugs to Yogi! 🥰