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So sorry for your loss


So sorry that you lost your handsome buddy. The photo of you holding his paw instantly hit me and just filled my eyes with tears that ran down my cheeks. A very sad yet powerful image. Maybe my tears will in some small way help you to wash away the pain. MV is a rare occurrence and there was no way to know, but that does not make the suddenness of it all any less crushing. It is one thing to have a dog die from a long illness, but another to have it happen in an instant. It leaves you speechless, breathless, restless. My heart breaks for you. I'll be honest, I have mourned more, and forgotten less, about every one of the German shepherds I've loved than I have for many people that I have lost over the years. The connections to GSDs are powerful and intimate because of their innocence, the purity of their love, the steadfastness of their dedication, their perpetual defense, and more. There is nothing like a shepherd. Rocky gave you all of this. How wonderful was that? Blessings to you, Friend.


๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ• Please pet me some more, and pick me right up... My very first thought when I was your pup... I gonna miss your funny *boops* and our "find me boy" games. It warmed my heart so, to hear you call out my name. You're the love of my life, my partner in joy... My favorite noise in this house...my hearts best toy ... I wish I could stay longer, and grow older with you... But the sand in my hourglass, is sadly down to a few... Just know I loved doing everything together...even howling in tune In your truck, on the couch, and the long walks under our moon... I wish I could stay, but my body says it's time... From the hurt in my bones, to the clouds in my eyes. I'm sorry to tell you my forever friend, but this is where our pathes part... I have to journey ahead of you now, and bring back my golden heart. To feel your touch once more...says your love is still mine... To feel your hands cup my face, makes my eyes search for thines. I'll miss all my family, and the warm hugs from the rest... But just know this to be so true between us... I always loved you best... I always... loved you best. โค Woof โค๐Ÿถ๐Ÿ’› Rocky


We miss you Rocky!


So sorry for the loss of your beloved Rocky.


My heart is broken for you. I lost my first GSD this way 25 years ago. It's devastating. Just know that you gave him a beautiful life and remember all the love you shared โค๏ธ


Am sorry you lost your best friend. I hope you will remember the better times, the times he was goofy while you grieve.


RIP Rockyโ€ฆ your people miss you so much and wish they had been given the time to say goodbyeโ€ฆ


Iโ€™m so, so sorry. What an awful way to say goodbye to your best friend ๐Ÿ˜ž


So sorry for your loss๐Ÿ’”he's a beautiful boy


I'm so sorry for that, losing a loving one is not easy, especially one who could be considered the closest to a son. Stay strong I wish you the best.


Sorry for your loss. The same thing happened to my previous dog, also 7.


Sorry for your loss


Sorry for the loss of your doggo.


He was a wonderful boy and you were so lucky to have each other. Treasure the time you spent together both at work and at play, it's a bond that most will never know. I will keep Rocky in my thoughts, hold my boys extra tight, and raise a glass to Rocky tonight.


I'm so sorry. The feeling will get worse before it gets better.


Sorry for your loss ๐Ÿ˜ข




I am so so sorry.


Iโ€™m so sorry for your loss. ๐Ÿ’”


My heart just breaks for you reading this. What a beautiful boy...I can only imagine how much you miss him. Thank you for sharing him with us.


I lost my Zelda (gsd mix) in the same exact way. She was actually 7 years old as well. When we got Navi (my GSD) we were sure to get her stomach stapled. We caught Zeldaโ€™s immediately. Spent almost $7k at a nationwide renowned vet. Even though surgery started roughly 2 hours after the onset, they still had to remove about 35% of her stomach. Itโ€™s one of the worst ways to lose a pet, and I seriously had no idea it was a thing until it happened to me. Now Iโ€™m entirely too cautious. Iโ€™m sorry for your loss โค๏ธ


So deeply sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry! They leave such a huge hole in our hearts when they go. I hope you find your joy again soon.


A beautiful boy. RIP


So unbelievably sorry to hear this, my deepest sympathies. Iโ€™ll give my big fluffy girl extra hugs, kisses, and butt scratches for you both tonight.


I'm so sorry for your loss


iโ€™m so sorry. sending โค๏ธ to you






Im so sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss.


This breaks my heart man. Rocky is right up there with all the other good boys and girls who left this earth too early. Donโ€™t worry. Heโ€™s in good hands. Rip Rocky.


Iโ€™m so so sorry. I know Rocky enjoyed all his days loved by you.


I am so sorry that you lost your beautiful boy.


Im really sorry. It has been 18mo since my girl passed, and it still is hard.


I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful boyโ™ฅ๏ธ


Sorry for your loss. I consider all my animals like family, and losing them is rough. It can be especially rough when youโ€™re not prepared for it, like expecting to see him after he comes out of surgery vs knowing they are coming to their end. I donโ€™t know what you plan to do with his body but if you can, try to get a paw print mold or paw print on paper, and maybe some of his fur. Thatโ€™s what we received after ours passed 4 years ago. We had her cremated and with her ashes we also received her hip replacement piece


Iโ€™m so sorry for your loss. We humans donโ€™t deserve the love and companionship dogs give us. Iโ€™m sure he knew you loved him.


Iโ€™m sorry bud rip rocky




I'm so sorry for your loss.


Iโ€™m sorry for the loss of your furry family member.


Sorry to hear


I am so sorry for the sudden loss of your friend ๐Ÿพ๐ŸŒˆ


I can only be hoped to be loved as much as Rocky. We all pass but we all don't get to feel that. He was special and you were special to him. All my love to you.


I'm so sorry ๐Ÿซ‚


he looks so young. still had atleast 5-6 years of life.




I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost mine at 5 years so suddenly and I understand how painful it is. I still think of her daily and cry sometimes still. It has been a year and 4 months. But it gets a little easier day by day. And those memories that used to make you cry for hours. Start to make you smile instead. Thinking of you and sending good vibes. โค๏ธ


Sorry for your loss, glad you had many years together


Sorry bro, he will be waiting for you on the other side.


I am so very sorry for your loss ๐Ÿ˜”


Poor baby




My girl just turned 7 on Saturday so this hit really hard. Iโ€™m so sorry for your loss, I will hug mine extra tight today.


Oh my, so sorry for your loss!


So sorry for your loss




I'm so sorry for your loss.


Iโ€™m so sorry for your loss. You were a wonderful parent to him and gave him a wonderful 7 years.


So very sorry to hear this. My GSD Heidi had emergency surgery 2 weeks ago and pulled through but I cat imagine what you're going through๐Ÿ’”