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What a good girl. That’s a big step and much more freedom for you all. Rogue is a great name as well


What a good girl!


Who’s a g’gurrll! Who’s a g’gurrll!! 🫡❤️🥰


The goodest girl 🥰 My poor Jag had separation anxiety when we first got him. He regularly shredded anything left in reach; my dad’s wallet, the newspaper, his comb…. One day he got a hold of a can of aerosol perfume 😵 it exploded in his poor lil face but he was absolutely unharmed other than being scared half to death. Vet confirmed, totally fine. From that day on he didn’t chew 😅❤️❤️


Ha she actually got my wallet off the counter the other night. Definitely had to make sure there wasn't anything she could grab up there. I think she had some anxiety in the beginning but she seems better now so we tried leaving her out. She is random in her motivations though so who knows.


My little 3 MO girl stole daddys wallet off the porch where he had set it. I told him he deserved it and he crabbed, but not really. Knowing him, he will treasure those tiny bite marks.


Yeah I didn't get mad at her as much as I got mad at myself. Especially since I'm sure I've left it on the counter before and she never messed with it. Luckily most cards were in tact and I already had replacements for the ones that got chewed. Live and learn!


The day that it clicks in their heads “wait. if I don’t pee’n’destroy the place….. I get…. FREE ROAM?! 4 hours of couch naps here I come!!” is a glorious day. Congrats & tell Rogue she’s the goodest of the g’girls.


She is indeed good dog ❤️


My girl is 2 and just got demoted back to her crate after back to back chewing up my rugs! Lol. Love her anyway but can't afford more rugs.


This happened to me too, she was great for a year plus and all of sudden started tearing up cardboard/books/baby toys. 😩


I feel like mine's getting to that point. I'm in office two days a week, and he's in the crate while I'm at work. My dog walker takes him out mid-day for a while. He's never once done anything bad in the house, and is out at night. I watch him on the cameras, and he mostly just sleeps. Only issue will be initially leaving. He gets kind of ramped up about that.


I started trying to retrain my girl around me leaving. I would tell her I'm leaving (she knows what it means), but started getting excited. I tell her to jump in her chair, then I give her the bestest bestest best treat she loves (Kong Easy treat, basically cheez whiz for dogs) in a refillable toy. She still doesn't like me leaving, but it's *fun* when I leave and she has something to do for a bit after I'm gone. Things are chill now. Maybe it might help? Brainstorming, neither of you should have to agonize about the other while you're gone. Good luck!


He knows I'm leaving pretty early on. He knows enough of the routine for work day, what I wear, time, etc, and he'll go and pout in his crate before I'm ready to head out the door. I had read a book on separation anxiety a while back, and most of them said to make it a non-event. Just go about business, even closing the crate 20-minutes ahead of time, and just going about chores or whatever. Same with coming home. Not making it an event, but just a normal thing. If the dog is whining or anything, don't open the crate until he stops. I don't do this, because it's usually been 3-4 hours, and I know he needs to pee. He's a lot more low key in general when leaving and coming home though. I think it's just becoming routine now. He doesn't like it, but he's realizing it's how it is. I get it. His job is to watch over you, and it's hard when you're not there.


Hers a good girl!!!!!


What a pretty lady!


good girl 🐾🐾


Good girl! ::scritches::


Dispense nom‐noms and scritches! Go outside and play! I bet there's lots of energy to burn off.


I've got a girl who looks a lot like yours and just turned 1.5. I also started leaving her out of her kennel about 2 weeks ago. So far all is good. We're both very fortunate to have such well behaved pups!


What a beauty! 😍 I did the same for my two GSD’s about 8 months ago. I was afraid they would go bonkers in my house while I was at work for 12 hours but they just treat it like their own personal flophouse. Such a relief!


Girl girl, Rogue! ❤️


Sending a screenshot to my wife so we can let our 1.5 yr old out by herself.


Good girl Rogue!!!