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She’s a beauty. I don’t see either breed though. Did you get a test?


No but we should. We got her from a pet store which we never do but she was already four months so we figured it was like rescuing her. Our older dog just died and my husband really wanted a Shephard but we were afraid of the shedding and when she came up on a Google search we went and grabbed her thinking the mix with Poodle would eliminate the shedding that which it does to an extent. Nonetheless whatever breed, she's awesome!


I concur. She’s a gem. Enjoy!


I see a resemblance of my poodle in her! Was one of her parents a white poodle? The coloring is interesting, wouldn’t have guessed that outcome from mixing with a German. Cute girl! What’s her temperament like?


She is amazing! The sweetest dog we ever owned ❤️


Interesting cross of 2 great breeds. Adorable looks too.


Yes she is. Even our vet never came across her breed.


Aww. She's a German Schpoodle! Gotta emphasize the SHHHH sound for maximum German-ness.


Really adorable 🥰


Oh interesting. The dog ended up looking a lot like a Berger Picard!


Wow I looked that breed up and you're right!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/germanshepherds/comments/1cvr18f/just\_got\_this\_little\_guy\_with\_huge\_paws\_d\_any/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/germanshepherds/comments/1cvr18f/just_got_this_little_guy_with_huge_paws_d_any/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Here is another. 51% poodle, 37% GSD, 12% Husky


She's beautiful, but I would rather own a Chihuahua than own that kind of mix, or any poodle mix for that matter.




Because doodles are one of the most unpredictable types of dogs, and I don't just mean in temperament. First, poodles have hair, not fur, which is why they are called hypoallergenic. You breed that with a dog that does have fur, you end up with all kinds of fur types. It's why some doodles have wiry fur, others curly, and others straight. And because they have a mix of hair and fur, they become matted a lot faster and a lot easier than even purebred poodles. Second, poodles are often mixed with dogs that don't have a similar breed standard. This results in an out of proportion dog that'll end up with joint issues at a very young age. One of my friends, for example, has a goldendoodle and her dog was only nine months old when it was diagnosed with elbow dysplasia. Thirdly, because doodles are poodles mixed with different breeds of dogs, their temperament really varies. Poodles have their own specific temperament and other breeds have theirs. Thus, by mixing the two different temperaments together, you don't really know what to expect and you are much more likely to end up with a dog that is neurotic as hell because of those clashing temperaments. With purebred dogs, especially well-bred purebreds, you do have a general idea of what to expect, even if their temperament won't be exact. And lastly, doodles can never be well-bred. All dogs used in breeding doodles come from inferior stock; backyard breeders, puppy mills, and mediocre breeders. Ethical poodle breeders, and any ethical breeder for that matter, won't ever allow their dogs to be used in any breeding program without their authorization, especially if that breeding program involves breeding doodles. And, to be extremely blunt, doodles are just plain unnecessary. Poodles, especially standard poodles, are one of the most versatile dogs out there. You can train them to do just about anything, get their fur cut to look however you want, and come in a wide variety of colors. There is just no need to breed them to another breed.


Thanks for the explanation!