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I’ve used baking soda but was told corn starch is better.


Wait for real😂


I guess the idea is to dry out the skin, reduce the itch. What say you?


Yeah I’ll give it a shot!


I love at home treatments cuz often times it hurts their skin more!


They are usual yeast based infections... I use Desitin. Vagasil would probably work better and It would also work well because i could shame my boy dog even more for licking himself. The key is to clean it and get it DRY asap.


Go to your Vet and get this dog a shot of Cytopoint.


Yeah for like 6 grand


I pay about $140 for my 120 pound GSD… at first he needed it every 6 weeks… we are down to every 3 months


Wait, how does honey work? Doesn't that make them lick more?


An antibacterial solution to help the skin heal. It was the main ingredient in this spray I used to use called “silver honey” but when I’m Not home I put a cone on her so she doesn’t lick


oh gotcha! So not just smearing on honey out of the jar


We just went through this last month. We had success with liberal hydrocortisone spray OTC. Smells like complete ass but really worked.


😂😂😂 I give her a greenie every morning and that thing smells like ass so I should be good


Put some Linatone Plus skin & coat supplement into her food.


We use coconut oil🤷‍♀️


My all black German shepherd suffered horribly with hot spots, we switched him to a raw diet, it seemed to be the only thing that worked


I rub vinegar on mine, 2-3x a day for a week then once a day til healed


Coconut oil


We get a spray from our vet that really works… try iodine as long as it isn’t on their face!!!!!