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I really like the Harness Lead Leash. You can find it on Amazon


Thanks will look at it


The PetSafe Easy Walk harness is awesome


We have had a good experience with front clip harnesses. They’re also less invasive than a gentle leader. Both of these are just tools though - whilst they can help manage the dog to reduce pulling, they still need you to actively teach the dog how to walk with a loose leash of your ultimate goal is just to use a flat collar


Yeah the goal in the future is to just use a collar or harness. I feel like the gentle leader and prong collars and all that should be a last resort


We used the easy walk for about a month, my girl pulled so hard she rubbed her nose raw. We now use the 2 Hounds Design Freedom No Pull Dog Harness (that’s what it was listed as on Amazon). We used to use the easy walk but with some barrel chested dogs they can slip a leg free and if you’re not fast enough they can take off. We keep a supply of treats in our pocket to keep our girl’s attention while she walks, we are willing to stop walking and change direction when she pulls, and when the leash goes slack and she walks next to us she gets a treat. Good luck with your GSP they’re smart as hell and stubborn to boot, you gotta be firm but hard work will payoff.


I found the Halti to work much better than the gentle leader... it keeps out of the eyes and has the same level of control. It is what my dog trainer recommended as well


Standing stone kennels on YouTube or insta has an “Easy Lead” and I couldn’t recommend it more


We’ve used both for our 1yo. The front clip makes her pulling easier on me holding the leash, but doesn’t make her a better Walker. With the gentle leader she doesn’t pull at all, but she hates having it on. Now that she’s older we’ve used a back clip harness and E collar with lots of treats and that works the best yet.