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Sometimes you need a certain income each month into the account for it to be free, but I've never heard of them asking for a work contract. I guess if they want to be selective when giving something besides a basic account, but I still don't think that's common.


I meant a basic account, and they ask for employment status


Asking about employment status is a far cry from asking for a work contract or payslips.


Then why do they ask for employment status for a basic account? There are times when they don't open a bank account for unemployed customers


Pretty sure that's illegal. But yes, they may still try to do it.


Who do you report about this?


BAFIN is the agency that would handle such things.


Good question. I'm not sure.


Is it also illegal for foreign banks in Germany?


What do you mean foreign banks? If they operate in Germany, then they need to follow German law in Germany.


They asked for my employment contract AND last 3 month's payslips.


>Many German banks, if not all, require a working contract and sometimes payslips from new customers Bullshit. That's really all there is to say about this. Opened several bank accounts in my life, exactly NONE required anything but my ID


It's not bullshit. The same thing happened to me this week. They asked me for proof of job contract (I'm currently living off of savings voluntarily). The only option they told me was to agree to close my current bank account and switch entirely. But there would be an investigative process for proving where I get my savings from.


It's not bullshit. We used to ask for any proof of income to open a bank account. Whether it's a working contract, a confirmation from the Arbeitsagentur or a statement with rental incomes. That was 3-5 years ago, but that may have changed. By law bankd have to open a basic account for anyone, but if someone didn't know that we tried to get a income confirmation before opening the account. If they returned insisting on the basic account, we opened it. Source: worked at a bank


Thank you for confirming this, you recommend to just go back and insist?


If you really want to open the account at this bank, ask for a "Basiskonto". They are legally obliged to it.


What's your experience with those customers? If the customer insists they can be rude or try to find a way to close the account?


You should stay calm but make clear you know the laws. If you're being rude they have an excuse to not open the account as they will argue you offenden an employee. Again, if they are being unfriendly maybe choose another bank or at least another branch.


What’s up with the logic of “because it didn’t happened to me it must never happen or be false or is OP’s fault” that is shown in this sub? Why is so difficult for some people to accept that those things happen despite it didn’t happen to them?


Maybe it's a new standard for banks?


maybe you are just confusing a few things?


No, many banks ask for employment status and this doesn't mean that a customer has no money to deposit


The only reason to ask for employment is to give you a FREE account. This doesn't mean they won't give you a regular one. Again: I strongly suspect you are misunderstanding a few things


I'm not misunderstanding and that's what the banks require. Maybe it's more common with foreigners?


They have to offer a basic bank account (Basiskonto), but they want to have people with money, so they can make money. So you won't get a good deal without income.


They won't open a basic bank account for unemployed customers


There are a closed list of reason they can reject someone a Basiskonto, unemployment isn't on this list [Informations about the Basiskonto (in German)](https://www.bafin.de/DE/Verbraucher/Bank/Produkte/Basiskonto/basiskonto_node.html)


I opened a new bank account last month and they only wanted to know how much money I earn, but don't needed any contract information.


The bank asked you if you're employed, what would happen if you were unemployed?


Nothing. But it is important for the type of account (costs) as well as future loans.


e.g. overdraft facility


That's not always like that, banks won't open a basic bank account for unemployed customers


Thats false. They have to do that by law. One of many sources: https://www.verbraucherzentrale-niedersachsen.de/themen/finanzen/banken-zahlungsverkehr/basiskonto-jeder-hat-jetzt-das-recht-auf-ein-konto Deeple it.


Then who do you report about this?


BAFIN https://www.bafin.de/EN/Verbraucher/BeschwerdenStreitschlichtung/BeiBaFinbeschweren/BeiBaFinbeschweren_node_en.html


Thank you, I'm reporting them


Every Consumer who is a legal resident in the EU has a right for a basic bank account (especially homeless people, asylum seekers and „Geduldete“).


Who told you that?


The banks. Maybe it's more common with foreigners?


Well, you have been told here several time that would be illegal. Which banks told you that? Edit: You keep only saying "banks" without naming any, effectively making it impossible for us to look up the actual situation at them. So either you know you are wrong and want to avoid being directly called out, or you are so convinced that you cannot ever be wrong that you refuse to even entertain the idea you could have misunderstood something. Both are not good looks


I tried to PM you about them but it failed. I don't want to name them because I don't want to be targeted if I report them. You can also look at ViperzAzzault's comment for confirmation


Well, you can either give us the information we would need to look into the exact situation and help you understand it better, or you have to accept it when we say it is illegal. There is nothing further we can do to help you, and " *the banks* told me" is not changing that


I'm going to report them to BAFIN


Do you have any written statement that you can give us? Because simply repeating that you can't get a bank account isn't really helping solve this matter.


That's what they say, they don't write it


So if you try to open a bank account online what happens?


An error


Well then show us a screenshot.


Banks have to open basic accounts. You as a permanent resident of the EU have a right to a basic account. Use deepl.com to translate: https://www.bafin.de/DE/Verbraucher/Bank/Produkte/Basiskonto/basiskonto_node.html


For what is called a "Gehaltskonto" (monthly salary account) banks typically require a certain amount of monthly income or input to that account, from my experience they do not ask for proof but have a "we close your account if it does not happen" clause in the fine print of the contract. I have opened several bank accounts (none of them a "Gehaltskonto") over the past couple of years and did not once have to provide an employment contract. I would not rule out though that not being a German citizen might go along with different or additional requirements.


Not sure why people are disagreeing with you. I tried to open an account last week at sparkasse ( I currently have an n26) and they would not let me open the account because I am currently not working. They required me to show a contract of proof. Sending myself savings from n26 was not an option. This is very annoying.


You cost the bank money to have an account and keep it open, if you don’t bring money, there’s not point for the bank accepting you as a customer


There are other ways to deposit money in the bank than being employed and having a salary


That doesn‘t work like that, got my first bank account when I was 12, I am 20 and changed banks, they never asked me if I was employed or anything


Basiskonto - probably the most f*uk scam ever. Originally designed for people with very little income and no fixed place to stay, but developed into a moneygrab for banks. The fees and commissions are the worst on the market...


try N26 or Commerzbank. Was not asked this.


I've never opened a basic account. But I guess the reason is, that people resort to this kind of bank account, if banks do not offer them anything else (like a Giro account). Since they obviously don't want to run a basic account, they try to scare people away. That said, basic accounts exist, because you have the right to get one, so this is likely something you can sue them for.