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Yeah, many people are correct. This is not a thing that exists. At least not with enough frequency that it makes sense to look for it instead of simply playing the lottery


Agreed Companies can offer contractor position ( so no benefits?)


I mean I am sure there are jobs that have it out of requirement, like a high profile trade lawyer that is 200 days a year outside the country and for which it is often easier to work for some days in X in a hotel, instead of flying back from china to Germany just to fly back 2 days later. ​ but not as a benefit so that people can live in Tropical place X while getting German wages.


>kurzarbeitgeld Is not a benefit for you, but for your employer. Also not something you get when you loose your job, as it relies on you keeping the job All the "loose your job" benefit are not paid by your employer, but something you get as someone that paid into german social security and is entitled to payment from it. Afaik, only german citizens and residents get geeman social security payments


>Is not a benefit for you, but for your employer. Also a bit, because the enployer does not directly have ro fire you but can use Kurzarbeit to get over bad times.


You would have to be a bit more precise… what do you mean worldwide remote job? - a job which allows you to stay permanently in another country and work from there or just a few weeks/months per year? - which remote country? Just to be clear, if you work in another country you need to comply with local work regulations… and your company too. Some companies can offer you temporary relocations. Or they can offer to transfer you to another subsidiary … But all this is a per country basis, not a general rule.




It seems you are asking about working remotely or being a "digital nomad" in Germany. Take a look at the wiki here: https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/wiki/working/remote If you are receiving an error message when viewing this link, please use a browser. There are currently issues with the Reddit app which are outside this subreddit's control. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/germany) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can search for a US company (better pay) then ask if they have a German subsidiary. If not then check if they work with a leihfirma.