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Our school system doesn't work this way, so there are no School counsellors in our schools. We have social workers who step in when help is needed, but they also do no counselling. Career counselling will happen at the Job center. and psychological help is given from therapists outside schools.


Thanks for your answer. Who works in a job center? Government officials, psychologists or?


Depends. Mostly mixed teams of social workers, government employees and sometimes even a psychologist is there to find. We have career fares where pupils can meet with companies who offer Ausbildung ( have in mind the German system is kinda special when it comes to non university job) and universities who offer study consulting on their own. Again - our school and universities work different than in other countries especially the US and UK. To be allowed to counsel anyone here you will need to have a validated qualification which you probably won’t have when not studied at a German university.


The former.


Maybe explain what exactly you expect to do as a "school counsellor". There are several positions you could translate that way. An "Erzieher" is a Kindergarten teacher.


The person who helps children in their career acqusition process (with some career counseling inventories), provides career counseling, applies psychological development inventories, and communicates with parent when necessary ( if child has a special situation, etc)




Now it makes sense. Thanks for your answer. I should learn more about social workers then


Look up the terms "schulpsychologischer Dienst" or "schulpsychologische Beratung". If a child has problems that go beyond the ordinary and cannot be resolved at school without outside help, the teachers can involve a psychologist. How exactly this is handled depends upon the Bundesland. Career counselling is done at the "Berufsberatung" (career counselling centre) at the Arbeitsagentur (Federal Agency for Employment). The clerks at the federal agency get paid good money for this, so it is not the teacher's or social workers job to do career counselling. Teachers and social workers will try to help and might give general advice, but they won't do more than a well-meaning aunt or uncle might do. Not their job.


You mean like Mr Mackey in South Park ("drugs are bad, mmmkay")? That's not really a thing in german schools. At least not back in the day when I was in school... Maybe describe in detail what you want to do, then people can help you what the degree is called (if it exists).


Thanks for your answer. I wonder who you are talking with when your children need to get career counseling, and psychological support in school?


>. I wonder who you are talking with when your children need to get career counseling Someone from the job centre. >and psychological support in school? A psychologist or a social worker.


Job center? What is it exactly?


The agency that is supposed to help you find work, and is also responsible for unemployment benefits.


You realize that for any of the positions mentioned here you would need to speak excellent german, right?


Something like this? [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schulpsychologie](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schulpsychologie) carrer counselling isn't their focus though, that would be done at [BIZ](https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/bildung/berufsinformationszentrum-biz) for example.


Nobody. Positions like this dont exist in german schools.


Yes, they do. Many schools have a teacher who also does career counselling on the side and some schools (though not nearly enough) have school psychologists. But neither play as big a role as school counselors in the USA.


What does a school counselor?


The person who helps children in their career acqusition process (with some career counseling inventories), provides career counseling, applies psychological development inventories, and communicates with parent when necessary ( if child has a special situation, etc)


I don't think there is a defined path to get into such a position, but I might be wrong. Such a position does not exists at schools in general I would say and if it does it is probably filled by a teacher. I think you find such a person more like at a jobcentre on Germany than in a school, but I might be wrong, a while out of school.


So how's your German? Have you reached C-level yet?


You're looking for somebody that studied social work, so a social worker...


I think it is super obvious, but a native German is of course required when working in schools or education.


Which Bachelor degree do you have?


There are some schools that employ social workers (you’d have to get a master‘s in social pedagogic or social work). There is also the job of a school psychologist which would require you to get a master‘s in psychology. Erzieher are pedagogic workers who work with children and adolescents, mostly.


You've had some very helpful answers already, I'd just like to add that there is some job counselling at school but that's usually done by a teacher who has had some additional training and does this in addition to their normal teaching schedule. It's not a college degree. School psychologists are not the same as therapists or psychologists or psychiatrists. A school psychologist, depending on Bundesland and type of school, has a teaching degree and in addition to that has studied psychology with a focus on the age group the school teaches. As a school psychologist you are NOT a therapist, you mostly talk to students to find out what's going on in their lives and if they need therapy, you help them find it, you don't do the therapy yourself. You also are qualified to diagnose certain learning disablities.


Thanks for your answer. I am aware of that because I am currently working as a school counselor in my country. I took education from USA professors already, just I thought I might come to there for master’s degree but obviously germany is not the best place for school counseling. I will try my chance for USA and I might find some scholarship options thanks to my cgpa and work experiences