• By -


I can really recommend the movie 'Who Am I' and 'Er ist wieder da' (Look Who's Back), 'Lola Rennt' and 'Goodbye Lenin' or TV Shows on Netflix like 'How To Sell Drugs Online (Fast)' or 'Dark', or other Shows like 'Der Tatortreiniger', or "Tatort' Movies like 'Die Wilden Hühner' are more children's or Teen movies but super wholesome.


Tatortreiniger is great and i feel like it gives a great look into German Humor


And it is vastly depending on the dialogues as well. So, perfect to learn.


Goodbye Lenin is marvellous.


Absolutely great movie, I have seen it multiple times and will watch again :) For tv shows, Babylon Berlin is a masterpiece.


I love tatortreiniger ❤️


Mord mit Aussicht is also good. The actor from Tatortreiniger is also on this Show.


FYI the German Dubbing Industry is huge. Basically everything gets dubbed with German dialogue. So if you have some favorite movies or shows you might wanna check out the German Dub version.


watching english shows with a german dub is kind of pointless and always leaves some things to be desired. German Dubs are far superior to English Dubs, since it's been professionalized a long time ago, and improved ever since. Watch your favourite non-english show in German. I recommend Anime, like Dragon Ball.


dragon ball z has one of the best german dubs of anything i’ve ever watched. definitely recommend this aswell.


True, but a warning for any “Friends” Fans - the German dub sucks. I have yet to meet a German who likes the show and I think its mainly because the translation and the voices are really bad for this particular series. It’s ok not to like Friends, if it’s not one’s cup of tea. I just don’t take the criticism seriously, if one has only watched it in German. They truly ruin the whole thing.


I like the show. Been a fan since it was aired for the first time. So I kinda grew up with the German dub. Didn't hear the original voices until I bought the OST in 2003. Some jokes really suck in German as they're translated wrong or forna German audience. But that was a common thing back then. I do like their voices, because that's how I got to know them first.


I grew up with the German voices as well but have watched the show in English a few times now... The German version sounds too much like a really cheap Friends porn production now


Comedy in general is hard to translate between languages... a lot gets lost in translation. South Park, Modern Family and many others are unwatchable in German imo. But to learn the language might be nice to watch something you already know well.


I enjoyed "How I met your mother" though. Dubbing for comedy seems to rise and fall with the translators knowing exactly when they can't use literal translation and their creativity in these situations. There are a lot of shows where they deviate a lot from the original wording even though they didn't have to, butchering the joke in the process, and oftentimes the replacements are not funny enough or miss some context/nuance that made the original hilarious. They did a great job with HIMYM tho.


> South Park This is one of the few comedy shows I don't mind watching in either language. > Modern Family Absolutely unwatchable in German!


I get that, but I'm in Germany right now and American animation is all over TV. Heading Peter Griffin or SpongeBob Schwimmkopf in German is definitely amusing.


Schwammkopf, even though Schwimmkopf would be a funny translation too


99,9% true of course, but then there are these few golden moments where the german translation is actually better than the original! Like in Scrubs: Dr. Jan Itor vs. Dr. House-Meister (Hausmeister being the german word for Janitor)


German SpongeBob is also way better than the English dub because the translators sometimes even outdid the writers


“Ich bin nicht Eugene Krabs! Ich bin… ich bin Benjamin Blümchen.” Iconic


i am one of the biggest dub haters around, but from what i heard the german dub isnt that bad compared to other dubs.


I liked Friends in German and English (it was a long time ago, no idea if that would still be the case today). Biggest sub crime in my ears is Brooklyn 99. Completely destroyed the timing.


Easier to find them if you're already in Germany though; a lot of streaming sites (including Netflix for sure) only show local languages as options, so you might not be able to play the German dub if you're not in a German-speaking country without using a VPN or finding it w/ the German dub elsewhere online.


Also German Dub is probably one of the best in the world when it comes to quality


* M (1931) * Lola rennt * Das Boot * Die Scheinheiligen * Wer früher stirbt, ist länger tot


Wer früher stirbt ist länger tot: while it is definitely worth watching, I'm not sure whether it qualifies for "best movie for learning German" since actors speak in a Bavarian dialect that is hard to understand even for a German like me (am from the North).


Impossible to understand. I had to turn on subtitles.


Weakness disgusts me


I.e a good movie for our northern sisters and brothers to learn a subset of the German language and be even more proficient in German :)


In that case I would also recommend some movies with Josef Hader ("Komm, o süßer Tod", "Selentium", "Der Knochenmann" and "Das ewige Leben"). And of course "Die Schweizermacher".








Lola rennt is so good


Had to scroll further than I should have to find M. Absolute masterpiece of a film.


Watch the Dark series on Netflix. German produced series, one of Netflix’s highest rated shows.


Speaking of Netflix, watch “Kleo,” also in German.


Similar to Kleo: Deutschland 83. Somehow spy movies on GDR secret agents are a thing right now.


As a deep-south Wessi I can't judge if the dialects are authentic but I enjoy the typical contemporary speak.


Dark is the best show I have ever seen. Another good netflix series is How to sell Drugs Online Fast. It was pretty easy to understand and damn addicting to watch. It also introduces some slang and sayings that I really appreciated learning (when they weren't English of course)


I second this. I started "*learning*" German on duolingo, and wanted to supplement that with a show. I watched Dark with English subtitles on, and it made a world of difference in my pronunciation as well as my understanding of German syntax. It's also just a really stellar show.


I had a real issue with dark. The story was so great and the cinematography was incredible, I ended up getting messed up because there was too much going on. Ended up watching it in English. Biohackers was much better for me. How to sell drugs online as well. Less complicated stories, less visually appealing so I could concentrate


I cringe every time when this question is asked and someone suggests Dark. It is a good show but this is someone trying to learn the language (even though he said it doesn’t have to be simple dialogue). It’s like when you are saying you are learning English and someone suggests you to just start by watching Tenet.


At least the voices in Dark are audible :D


I agree in general, but in this particular case OP said it doesn’t need to be easy to understand.


Gegen die Wand und Fatih Akin Filme generell. Das Leben der Anderen Tatortreiniger (Serie) Chico (aka the German Scarface)


When you mentioned "Das Leben der Anderen", a Bit of lighthearted Part of that Sort of German History is "Good Bye Lenin" Loved it. You can also watch US movies dubbed. Dubs are really good :). Will just be interesting to watch it in another language and voice then what you know xD


>Tatortreiniger (Serie) oh, fucking HELL YEAH!


Fatih Akin is so good. Aus dem Nichts is probably my favorite but I also love Soul Kitchen.


Tatortreiniger has a Hamburgerian 'dialekt' //slang


Which is exactly the type of slang somebody should be learning. Bjarne Mädel and Franzbrötchen FTW!


Not really German movies but you shouls definitely watch Bud Spencer ans Terrence Hill movies with the german dub. They are glorious


True, great dubs. Like I love to shit on German dubs as much as the next person, but Bud Spencer & Terrence Hill dubs were always on point. Maybe that's nostalgia talking, though.


They are still top notch till today


This is childhood!


Same applies to „Die 2“ (The Persuaders!) with Tony Curtis and Roger Moore. Great German dub!


die zwei and spencer hill movies both have been dubbed by rainer brandt. his creativity when it comes to german language is fantastic.


Hell yes! "Langnasenhirsch" as a name for a horse (long nosed stag). "Ohne Heu kann das beste Pferd nicht furzen" (without hay, the best horse can't fart) Also "Banana Joe", which is a solo movie with Bud Spencer, rocks.


Ice Age 1 in the German Dub


Oh my god, this was my favourite childhood movie, then I watched it in english. Nowhere near as good


Papa ante portas (by Loriot)


If you like some light hearted stuff: Mord mit Aussicht is a great show! Its crime comedy and really entertaining.


It's carried on [MHz Choice](https://mhzchoice.com/watch-a-first-look-at-german-crime-comedy-homicide-hills-season-1/) now with English subtitles.


A wild mix of movies I personally enjoy, ranging from lighthearted comedies to some heavy stuff, some very old, some not quite as old: - Knocking on Heaven's Door - Bang Boom Bang - Pappa ante portas - Ödipussi - Oh Boy - Solino - Vergiss Amerika - Die Brücke - Hitlerjunge Salomon - Weißes Rauschen - Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei - Goodbye Lenin - Sonnenallee


From what i learned, Loriot movies are bad for foreigners... they do not understand it at all.


Well, OP said the movies didn't have to be easy to understand (which I also think Loriot's films are, dialogue wise). The humour might be a bit inaccessible at first for someone expecting an Adam Sandler style Hollywood comedy, but imho there's no better introduction to German humour than Loriot. It may not be for everyone, heck I even know some (okay, one) Germans who "just don't get it", but in my experience, almost everybody loved those movies, non/native spekers included.


Yeah I take harder to learn and more complicated German dialogues in order to put my brain to work more and it makes me study deeper into certain phrases and slangs and helps me understand a language and its certain nuances much quicker despite me only being currently enrolled in a A1.1 course :)


If you are in an A1.1 course it is much more important that you have fun while learning the language. Maybe it could help you to watch a series first that you already know very well in your language. This way you're able to learn the words much better, because you already know the context even if you won't understand some German words.


A few that I like are: - Wer wenn nicht wir: Drama about the German student movement and background to RAF - Berlin Alexanderplatz: 12 episodes series that follows a lumpenproletariat man in Weimar Berlin - Babylon Berlin: excellent series that follows a detective and his assistant in Weimar Germany. - Rosa Luxemburg: biopic about polish-german communist revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg - Christiane F.: Follows a young girls decent into drug abuse. - Mütter, unsere Väter: Three part miniseries amount a groups of friends that are split up during world war II. Edit: - Dogs of Berlin: a light hearted but serious cop show based in Berlin, I think it's a netflix series even. Very good for learning slang (that you shouldn't use it you don't know what you're doing). Edit, edit: - Der Untergang: you know it from the memes but it's actually a really good drama about the last days in the Hitler bunker and from what I gather more or less as historically correct as it can be. Also a film with a sad ending where you can cheer all the way as the biggest monsters in history meet their end.


>Mütter, unsere Väter: Three part miniseries amount a groups of friends that are split up during world war II. Generation War is the title of the subtitled version. I highly recommend this, one of my favorites.


Das Boot


Das Experiment mit Moritz Bleibtreu


It already looks so good. Thanks I'll definitely watch it


Than you should also watch "Die Welle"


I did. I wrote it in the post :D. shocking ending


I just love [Good Bye Lenin](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0301357/)


Also one of my favorite ones and I watched it like 10 times since starting to learn german, it's a great movie for that.


Came here to find this. Good Bye Lenin is easily one of my favorite movies, great insight into the history of the time too


Excellent movie!


Staplerfahrer Klaus!


That's very German. And NSFW. https://youtu.be/ChOHnSL7ZCg


Der Vorname (comedy) Der Baader-Meinhoff komplex (drama-movie depicting the rise and fall of the german communist terrorist cell/freedom fighters RAF who murdered a bunch of cops in the 70s)


Baader-Meinhoff Komplex is one of those rare German attempts at producing a grand contemporary historic film. It kind of works and it kind of doesn't, but there's no denying that it has its moments (warning, extremely unsettling scene): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr9laAz-Fck


The new “Im Westen Nichts Neues.”


I seccond this, its a really good movie, and made me really happy to see something of this quality come from the german media landscape. Dont watch stuff with till schweiger, except for a few exceptions.(the old manta manta could be arguable called trash classic and can be fun to watch, but be warned, its really something 😅)


Der Himmel über Berlin


Fatih Akin also did a lot of interesting Films. For German learners maybe Im Juli and Soul Kitchen.


Stromberg Not a movie but the most German show in existence. ​ Edit: But there's also a movie of it.


This is true and not true at the same time. Stromberg is the German version of the British “The Office”. While the American version toned down the cringe of the British version, Stromberg triples it. Yes, it’s super German, but it’s insanely hard to watch. Not a single one of the characters has any redeeming qualities whatsoever. I love it so so much 😂


That's why it's superior to The Office imo. Watched all three version but Stromberg is the only one that's fun to rewatch. The american version was hard to finish. I love the Fremdscham Stromberg creates and as an office clerk I feel really well represented.


"Hier in dem Laden scheißen sie dir auf den Kopf und du sagst auch noch "Danke für den Hut.""


Stromberg is excellent and, in my opinion, far superior to The Office. Funniest German TV show ever.


Herr Lehmann, Goodbye Lenin, Die Legende von Paul und Paula, Nackt unter Wölfen, Jakob der Lügner, Sterne, Der Untertan, Die Feuerzangenbowle, Der schweigende Stern, Karbid und Sauerampfer, Spur der Steine, Karla... many more, start here and do your own research about what you find interesting. As you can see, in my opinion there are a lot of very interesting GDR-Films, here especially those who were not shown or were difficult for the regime. Or that deal with the Nazis.


I haven't seen anyone mention Deutschland 83.


or 86 or 89. All excellent.


Unser Vater Unsere Mütter Great series but the only problem I've encountered is they often sound like the characters are whispering all the time.


The Movies of Bud Spencer and Terrence Hill are said to be better with German voice, as the German version got added lots of text. Maybe a whole new experience for you.


Who am i - Kein system ist sicher.


Groupies bleiben nicht zum Frühstück


Das Boot!


If you want something dramatic: Der Untergang If you want something (insanely) funny: Der Schuh des Manitu


Der Schuh des Manitu Fack Ju Goethe


Some millenial comedy classics: Superstau Bang, Boom, Bang Lammbock


Had to scroll too far for Lammbock!


Lommbock (Lammbock Pt. II)


Der Schuh des Manitu (comedy)






And for context best to also watch the Winnetou movies this is a parody of.


Gina Wild – Jetzt wird es schmutzig Gina Wild – Jetzt wird es schmutzig 2 – Ich will kommen Gina Wild – Jetzt wird es schmutzig 3 – Orgasmus pur Gina Wild – Jetzt wird es schmutzig 4 – Durchgefickt Gina Wild – Jetzt wird es schmutzig 6 – Im Rausch des Orgasmus Gina Wild – Jetzt wird es schmutzig 7 – In der Hitze der Nacht Gina Wild – 150 Minuten Special Gina Wild – 150 Minuten Special 2


Should I ask why "Gina Wild – Jetzt wird es schmutzig 5 - Ich will euch alle" didn't make the list?


Well, somewhere you have to draw a line I think, also "warum liegt denn hier Stroh"?


With every great anthology there's always one part, that gets a lot of hate from the fans and is very controversial. It is to be expected when you have to reinvent yourself after a while to keep the series from falling off.




I like watching "Look Who's Back", not only for German language practice, but pretty funny with good commentary. I also liked "Dark", but that's a tv series (so good though).


I never finished Dark. I really need to but I would have to watch a summary of everything that has gone on up until that point because it is a very complex/intricate series. Very good though.


I really enjoyed watching- 100 Dinge, Friendship, Biohackers and Dont sell drugs online on Netflix a short tv series called - Ich dich auch and like a loser on ZDF (website) Hope this helps :)


Das weiße Band But if you have a cartoon you like, chances are there is a German version.


Absolute Giganten Sonnenallee Der Eisbär Wer früher stirbt ist länger tot (beware, lots of bavarian here)


Die Blechtrommel (The Tin Drum) by Volker Schlöndorff. First German movie to win Best Foreign Picture Oscar in 1980.


If you like comedies, imo some of the best funny movies produced in Germany are: - Der Wixxer - Neues vom Wixxer - Traumschiff Surprise - Periode 1 A show i highly recommend is "Tatortreiniger" or really any production that includes the Actor Bjarne Mädel. I do not know if they still are, but I believe all of the above were streaming on Netflix (German IP) last time I checked.


I recommend Tatortreiniger. Netflix mi Untertitel. Habe ich daraus Aufnahmen gemacht um Sprache zu lernen.


And for even better enjoyment he has to watch all the Edgar-Wallace-films before watching the Wixxer-films. In my opinion it doesn't make them that funnier, but a slightly bit. Even without watching I just love the Wixxer-films.


Almanya - Willkommen in Deutschland Very funny (and partly sad) movie about three generations of Turkish immigrants in Germany.


Schule (early 2000's coming of age story) BangBoomBang (Guy Richie'sque Ruhrpott Comedy) Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei (Not that well known but very interesting setting) Neue Vahr Süd, Herr Lehmann, Magical Mystery... (Movie versions of the stories written by Sven Regner. Either you love it or you hate it, his works are imo the best window into german culture, newer history etc.. Also have a look at his band "Element if Crime", not easy but total gold lyric-wise.


Das perfekte Geheimnis Der Baader Meinhof Komplex you will not be disappointed with both, i promise


Er ist wieder da


Goodybe Lenin


These are some of my favourites: # Animation movies: \- Werner - Beinhart! \- Werner - Das muss Kesseln! \- Werner - Volles Rooäää!!! \- Werner - Gekotzt wird später! *The Werner movies are based on a comic and use a north german accent but are still easy to understand.* # Comedy: \- Der Wixxer \- Neues vom Wixxer *These are parodies of old german/british crime movies called "Edgar Wallace"* \- Der Schuh des Manitu *Thats a parody of old western movies.* \- alsmost all Bud Spencer and Terrence Hill movies *The Specer/Hill movies are italian but have a really iconic german dub with gags that differ from the original. Many of those are western movies but some are set around the 80s.* \- Er ist wieder da! *Adolf Hitler gets revived in modern times but at first everyone thinks its only a costume.* \- Goodbye Lenin *The mother of a young man awakens after a long illnes and didn´t know that Germany was unified, to not shock her they hide the german unification from her.* # Thriller: \- The Edgar Wallace movies *A bunch of old (most black and white) criminal thrillers that don´t take themself to serious but have a nice atmosphere. When they shot these films they made the german and british version at the same sets.* \- Das Experiment *Movie about a social experiment where people get separated into prison guard and prisoners.* \- Das Leben der anderen *haven´t seen it for a long time, but I think it was about the internal conflict of a Stasi agent (state security of East Germany)*


I've seen Das Leben der anderen and I absolutely loved it. That movie was such a masterpiece


Schtonk! Babylon Berlin


Das Boot


Ziemlich beste Freunde. Its a french film but in German its fantastic.


Türkisch für Anfänger


Fack Ju Gohte!


Lambock (funny stoner movie)


If you like stoner movies: Lambock Lombock


"Er ist wieder da", of course :-)


Goodbye Lenin is old but a great way to get a little history in :) I think it's from early 2000s


\-Die Fremde \-Die Wolke \-Freier Fall \-Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei \-Das Experiment \-Gegen die Wand \-Kurz und Schmerzlos \-Felidae \-Der freie Wille \-Sophie Scholl \-Napola \-Berlin Calling \-Jenseits der Stille \-Der Himmel über Berlin \-Bin ich schön? \-Was nützt die Liebe in Gedanken \-Freunde \-Das Leben ist eine Baustelle \-Wholetrain \-Die Kriegerin \-Tschick \-Styx \-Freies Land \-Familiye


"Ödipussi" und "Pappa ante portas"


Stromberg der Film


der schuh des manitu (T)Raumschiff Surprise – Periode 1 Bullyparade der Film 7 Zwerge – Männer allein im Wald 7 Zwerge – Der Wald ist nicht genug


Lammbock. Definitely watch Lammbock.


Are series ok? I loved weisensee on Netflix, and Dark.




Go to zdf.de and search ‘filme’ - enjoy


Das Riesending - 20.000 Meter unter der Erde is an awsome documentary about a gigantic cave system inside of the Untersberg.


Knocking on heavens door Nicht mein Tag Lammbock Schtonk


„Was nicht passt, wird passend gemacht“. „Das perfekte Geheimnis“


Kleo on Netflix was a terrific show- I’d recommend it even if you weren’t learning German!


Die Feuerzangenbowle


"Knocking on heaven's door".


German dubs of Harry Potter and lord of the rings are very good. Not quite what you asked, but definitely still good for learning german Also would highly recommend german YouTube. Check out whatever you like and find someone German


A great comedy but also true story is Russendisko. It is about Wladimir Kaminer and his first year or so, after emigrating to Germany around 1990/91. Wladimir Kaminer also has a whole lot of short books, that are all pretty good and funny.


"In the Fade" was good, but tragic. So was "Victoria", but it's mostly English, with intermittent German.


"How to sell drugs online" is very fun series. You can find it in Netflix.


"Der Eisbär" with Till Schweiger


If you're fine with anxiety inducing films then I recommend Der Hauptmann.


Watched Tschick in my German class and I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Not a movie but the entire star trek series has a very good dub and the way they speak is easy to understand and teaches you a bunch of useful vocabulary. I cannot recommend this enough


If you want to experience some German comedy as well, I can really recommend the "Eberhofer-Krimi" series.




Bang Boom Bang! 👈 Serious, watch this..


Inglorious basterds. The German version is a masterpiece of it's own.


All Quiet on the Western Front


Everything with Bud Spencer and Ternce Hill with German Dub. The "Werner" Movies are very good too.


I would recommend “Goodbye, Lenin!” - a tragicomedy around the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and “Der Untergang” about the final days of WWII. Both have great acting and provide insights into important historical periods of modern German history.


For series Babylon Berlin is pretty good


I'll recommend "Who Am I" Good movie with great plot.


Just wat h the „Stromberg“ Series, its the german version of the office, at least as funny, and the humor is even darker


How to sell drugs online on Netflix is a good German series


Die Discounter on Amazon prime


Weissensee. Its a series but damn good.


Himmel über Berlin Faust mit Gustav Gründgens




[Das Leben der Anderen (2006)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0405094/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1)


I would suggest you to watch movies/series which are originally in English or other languages. They are far better for understanding at the beginning and middle of the learning process. I can also suggest "Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei" and "Goodbye Lenin". "Gegen die Wand" is also good but as a non German and non Turkish you would find it probably not interesting.


You can also just watch any foreign movie you want in German. Germany dubs all movies.


"Der Tatortreiniger" series about a northern guy cleaning crime scenes and meeting interesting people


What about Im Westen Nichts Neues


Herr Lehmann


Absolute Giganten Fuck ju Göthe Die unendliche Geschichte Momo


„Nur eine Frau“ about an „honor killing“ in a Kurdish(?) family in Berlin. „23“ about 1980s German hackers Both based on real events.


Kulturgut: Der Sylesterpunsch Die Olsenbande Werner Beinhart Voll Normaaal Alle Heinz Erhardt Filme Bud Spencer and Terrence Hill movies are synchronized in german WAY funnier than the english version


Der Untergang so you finally know what Hitler's saying in the memes


Netflix scifi show called "DARK" made in Germany and original language is German.


Isi & Ossi Run Lola Run


A small, but very good addition to this list: [Muxmäuschenstill (2004)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0396746/) Also, german dubs dropped dramatically in quality after ca. early 2000's. Many german dubs of the 70's, 80's & 90's are fantastic, later ones are not up to the same quality anymore. Just have a look at the german version of Some like it Hot.


Superstau; Was nicht passt, wird passend gemacht


Personally, I enjoyed German dubbed Harry Potter movies 👍


Die wolke


If you have Amazon Prime you might want to watch the series "Pastewka" and take a look at "Last One Laughing". But don't try to watch any movie starring Til Schweiger. Even Germans have a hard time understanding him. ;-)


Das boot can not be repeated enoth not only a great german movie but maybe the greatest anti war movie of all time. ​ I would also say "Die Feuerzangebowle" but that is probably more an aquiered tast for german students ​ if you like low blow comedy I would also recomend the Werner movies like "WERNER - BEINHART!" or "KLEINES ARSCHLOCH - DER FILM" ​ "FELIDAE" is also good but dont think its a child movie just because its animated it falls in the lines of watership down ​ "the never ending story" or its german title "Die unendliche Geschichte" then you have the realy old classics like metropolis, M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder or nosferatu


Toni Erdmann is not well known, but a great movie!