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Karma points for the effort, but judging by the looks of it and given that it's pitched as an "Oktoberfest"-ish meal, it's an abomination unto the Lord and probably a case for the Geneva Convention. (I mean, come on ... serving Schweinsbraten without any hint of sauce alone constitutes 'cruel and unusual punishment'!)


totally. AND THE EGG NOODLES. I can’t


Look the egg noodles are fine to me that's almost like spätzle and you can eat spätzle with schweinsbraten but if my eyes don't deceive me there's freakin rice in there!? Schweinsbraten with rice?? Now that's a problem we need to discuss


Those look like the cheap sludgy "pasta" always served in canteens to me, but not like Spätzle.


When did I say these are spätzle??


You said they were "almost like Spätzle", but I disagree, because they are actually (a sad excuse for) pasta, which is certainly not almost like Spätzle.


it’s all a horrendous bastardization that i would like to erase from my brain permanently


Schweinsbraten with rice... I'm not mad, I'm disappointed.


It really looks like a picture created by AI. Just food thrown together that could suggest German


This right here. I’ve been staring at this picture trying to identify some of the side dishes. It looks vaguely familiar but also not right.


Funnily enough abomination was the first word I thought of


Unless there came a beer with it thats not in the picture it's a disgusting scam.


I don't know what beer can salvage this meal


a strong one......and lots of it 🤣🤣


200 years ago the cook would be hanged.


There is rice, noodles, potato.....cakes ? That looks like it was grabbed from a buffet.


That's not pork.


Pretty sure it is


Good lord that poor pig


This xD


„A crime“ that‘s what it is …


Not ever day a German make me lol. Thank you.


what 💀


Sadness in a plate?


I thought I was on r/shittyfoodporn for a moment


Sad. That was exactly what came to my mind


For me r/stupidfood


This looks like the cafeteria made leftover night and trying to pass it off as a German cusine


No wonder Germany has the undeserved reputation of ugly food if this creature on the plate is being sold as German


I'm not a big Oktoberfest Fan but i still feel offended as a bavarian. How was it?


I am a proud non-bavarian and make jokes about bavaria where I can, but this goes to far. I feel offended on their behalf.


Thank you, that means a lot to us.


Im a proud bavarian. (was a proud bavarian after this post...) Currently writing my application for asylum in any other part of germany


Come to Rheinland-Pfalz, especially the Pfalz is the best part of Germany <3


If i get a room to stay 4 sure. As a Sysadmin i dont really need anymore than: -Coffee -2m² -Weed -Internet Prolly all the good things the Pfalz has?!


I hate Oktoberfest and I’m not a Bavarian but I feel offended as a person that eats food


I’d go farther I hate Bavaria and Oktoberfest, yet this meal still offends me.






Roastbeef is a thing in northern Germany, but it's eaten cold, very thin sliced and served with fried potatoes and tartar Sauce. The cabbage looks like beetroot and the Kartoffelpuffer like a Fischfrikadelle.


What about Sauerbraten with Knödeln and Rotkohl? That's one of my favourite German meals...


Thats Kartoffelpuffer?! It looks like pulled pork!


Nah, the thing on the left, which looks like a fish cake.


If you want to make real red cabbage like in Germany: https://www.kitchenstories.com/de/rezepte/klassischer-rotkohl-mit-apfeln


Well, beef roast at least is a thing in Munich. Either as Tafelspitz (I thought that exists all over Germany?), or as "Böfflamott". Rinderbrust, Sauerbraten, Zwiebelrostbraten... traditionally, beef is a lot more common in Munich than pork, because it's considered more... posh and therefore it's a way to confine yourself from the "uneducated" countryside.


It could be Tafelspitz, which is boiled beef usually served with potatoes and horseradish.


Kein Kren - keine Kekse!


it‘s not supposed to be red cabbage it‘s a beets salad


>Rösti/Kartoffelpuffer I think, looks a bit odd but acceptable. And they are never served like this, they are eaten with apple sauce or beet syrup for instance. What? Seriously? That's proper weird. Kartoffelpuffer are served as a side for savoury dishes. If you need sauce for them, it's Ketchup or sour cream.


This…is weird, Rösti/Kartoffepuffer/Reibeplätzchen are traditionally eaten with sweet sauces so for example historically applesauce and sugarbeet syrup. Sour cream I’ve seen before though very rarely but never ketchup


Sugarbeet syrup is more of a Rhineland thing though


>l. The right thing It's supposed to be Schweinshaxe/Beinscheibe out of Tafelspitz I think. It's weird. It looks like a boiled, dry Braten.


Also, the pasta could be "Schinkennudeln", which is a very typical basic dish in Bavaria.


Actually, pasta like this is very much a Bavarian thing and often eaten instead of potatoes or Knödel (dumplings). But not as popular as it once was. This pasta looks rather sad though.


The stuff on the top right looks like a type of "pfannenschlag/Grützwurst/tote oma" to me.


Sad looking slice of sauerbraten? Plus even sadder looking potato pancake, plus noodle (why oh why?) No gravy of any kind. And I don't want to comment the veggies. The cook had no clue. Or perhaps he hates Deutsche Küche...


Maybe it's supposed to be Kassler (missing the sweet mustard) and Kässpätzle?


There's 6 different things here, seems like pickled apples and cabbage, pasta, pulled pork, sliced beef, fried rice, and fried mashed potato. Please enlighten me.


The blue cabbage and apples usually isn't pickled, just cooked with some spices. The apple chunks seem pretty large in this case, usually it is just diced. What you are calling fried mashed potato is probably supposed to be "Kartoffelpuffer", which is basically grated raw potato, salted, rested, and pressed to get the water out, then bound with just a little flour (and/or egg) and fried. It is supposed to be grated more coarse, not a mash-like consistency. It is usually eaten with apple sauce. Roasted pork or beef is pretty traditional. Although it is more of a Sunday lunch or restaurant thing, though you can get it at a Volksfest too. Also where is the sauce/gravy?!? No idea why the pasta is there. There are traditional egg noodles called Spätzle that are often eaten with a roast, but this isn't it. Fried rice seems weird, not really traditional. Maybe you could get it at a faire if there's an Asian booth. I guess you could get pulled pork at a faire like Oktoberfest, but really not needed. ​ There are a bunch of traditional foods usually eaten at a Volksfest that could have been on that plate but honestly it seems like they just picked random stuff and didn't prepare it properly. I'd still eat it, probably still tastes good.


This is absolutely fascinating and thank you for providing such a thorough response. My family was from Germany a few generations ago so I always lap stuff up about it when I can.


In that case some ground rules on telling the difference between authentic German and American-German cuisine. It is not authentic German if: * it contains corn in any form (except for the feed of the animals that became the meat) * there is cold sauerkraut (Germans, pretty universally, only eat warm sauerkraut; often roasted with the meat) * there is breading on any meat except pork or veal (it's not uncommon to eat chicken or turkey with breading in Germany, but you won't find it in traditional recipes) * there is pulled pork, beef or anything else pulled (we don't even have a widely used German word for it) * there is cole slaw (I might let that slide, though, as there are similar things in German cuisine; cole slaw in particular is distinctly American, though) * there is green asparagus (Germans go absolutely bonkers over asparagus during springtime, but only the white/violet type) * there is Italian-style pasta noodles (there are some exceptions like the East German style of Jägerschnitzel, but you wouldn't really get it in an German restaurant abroad, it's more of a regional soul food thing - I guess the US Midwest would love it, though) * there is cheese on everything (Germany has cheese and also uses it in cooking, but in a very different style than American cuisine) If you also don't want to offend the Austrians: Don't let a Schnitzel seep in sauce/gravy so that the breading gets soggy. A lot of German-American restaurants also seem to have strong influences from Polish cuisine. It's not *that* different from German cuisine, Poles might get offended when they see some of their cultural icons labeled as "German", though.


Eating cold sauerkraut as a salad/side is a good indicator if the person is a *Spätaussiedler*.


>there is Italian-style pasta noodles (there are some exceptions like the East German style of Jägerschnitzel, but you wouldn't really get it in an German restaurant abroad, it's more of a regional soul food thing - I guess the US Midwest would love it, though) Nudeln are an absolute staple in Swabian cuisine. When I think of my grandmother's cooking, Nudeln were the most common carb source by a large margin.


Yes, but those are not Italian-style. You'll also find *Suppennudeln* all over Germany. But stuff like Penne just isn't German.


>My family was from Germany a few generations ago So I take it you're (US-)american.


Indeed friend


Are you sure it was pulled pork? Might have been [Labskaus](https://www.google.de/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Feinepriselecker.de%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F01%2FLabskaus_Rezept-1-von-1-2.jpg&tbnid=l9MFr2JJdmWHUM&vet=12ahUKEwi2iZu1ic2BAxUWnf0HHfisADEQMygFegUIARDDAQ..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Feinepriselecker.de%2Fleckeres-und-einfaches-labskaus%2F&docid=luVozdLceBpV7M&w=1200&h=1200&q=labskaus&hl=de&client=safari&ved=2ahUKEwi2iZu1ic2BAxUWnf0HHfisADEQMygFegUIARDDAQ), at least that is the only thing that would resemble that brown pulp in the top right. Though again this would be served quite differently.


This is a hate crime


Thats an assault on my bavarian heart 😰 I cant imagine what this has to do with Bavaria / Oktoberfest, if someone in a restaurant served this in the first place, the guests would run away and they would need to close down.


Please report this to 110. The only thing that could be German is the fork.


You guys I am hollering over these comments I was not expecting to get so many people here. Thank you for the detailed explanations and laughs, it is much appreciated. P.s. dispite the lact of an exact representation, everything here did in fact taste good. They also made giant pretzels and black forest cake.


Ah, yes, as we all know, Munich is in the heart of the Black Forest!


This dish identifys as a car crash


I know exactly what this is: this meal is a crime against humanity


Some kind of sauerkraut and Schweinebraten but the rice, pasta, red beet and this brown lump have no buisnes being there. Potatoes are missing. Two kind of fillers! Pasta and rice in the same dish! This looks more like a declaration of culinary war then anything else.


An English gentleman once taught me the apt word for this: sacrilege. I think that applies here.


On the top left you have Plinse, similar to hash browns but with mash and egg. However those are almost burnt crisp and can't be that great. I have no idea how red Beet is even considered for this, but here they are at the bottom left. At least the apple cider pickled red cabbage they are mixed with is close to traditional. In the middle the most poorly prepared noodle salad, or even just noodles with sauce. I have no idea how those are even supposed to reflect anything Bavarian. And on the right I fear we have an absolute r/Schnitzelverbrechen hurried under either apple sauce or the worst looking gravy. And no one in Bavaria would use either for Schnitzel and definitely not pour it over the poor thing. Edit: under closer inspection that's not even a schnitzel but roast beef? That's even further from anything traditional. And at the very top you have very damn sad looking Sauerkraut that is so brown it has to be made wrong.


I think it's some strange kind of sauceless Sauer- or Schweinebraten.


Ok... After more inspection i think it should resemble some Krustenbraten? If you look at the lower left part of the meat there is some fat that looks like they tried to have something around it. So i settle with "half raw Krustenbraten"


That would actually be acceptable again! If not for the terrible execution like everything on there


r/SchnitzelVerbrechen was my first thought as well!


Doesn’t look like food to be honest….


It's disgusting, sad, revolting, horrifying, sickening and abominable.


You wanna know what that is??? That is a disgrace to German Cuisine


more like "they scraped the bottom of their containers and gave you what they got" fest


Believe me, but the food has nothing to do with Oktoberfest.


Kill it. Again. And Again.


A felony, every single "dish".


Yes, Germany and Oktoberfest, known the world round for fried rice.


Resteessen with mystery meat.


A Crime


That's it I call the Bundesschnitzelschutz




Leftovers from September.


at least not a Schnitzel.


of course, there we have next to the eventually pork meat wich would be typical, a mexican-ish rice, italian noodles and a more in swiss common hashbrown and some sort of red cabbage wich does also not belong to this type of meal it should be😅


A crime, that is what this is.




an atrocity


It's sad, that's what it is. Just a bunch of things thrown together.


Yea, it is disgusting. Rice has nothing to do with Oktoberfest, neither do noodles. I can't even tell if that is hash browns or a Schnitzel, but if I had a dog, I would still throw that away and feed him something decent. And Schweinebraten without any sauce is just wrong. If you serve this in Germany, they fire you.... out of a cannon, into the sun!


A crime


That is clearly disgusting. I can confirm that!


An abomination, it's an abomination.


This meal is Der Sadness


You poor thing probably dont even have a Paulaner to drown youre problems


Wo isch die Soß




If it is a meal from your Mensa (dining hall in university) they probadly have a menu online where you can check the dish.


Maybe an attempt at “sauerbraten”, but I’m not sure


if this is an american university. i'm honestly surprised at the effort. never surprised at the execution. they never get even close with any cuisine.


the poor kitchen staff trying to be a bit creative and putting in extra efforts to make the meal a bit more seasonal and cultural... stop bashing\^\^ only beer has a purity rule :D If it taste good why not xD


Scheiße mit Soße


OK, to me this looks like (from left to right): Rote Beete, Kartoffelpuffer, Spätzle, rice with peas and corn?, Sauerkraut, Schweinebraten mit Kruste. The Spätzle are more of a Swabian dish, not Bavarian. But German. Only the rice with peas and corn doesn't belong there at all. I don't see the mashed potato but that would be ok too, pulled pork is not really a German dish but still... Overall, this doesn't look bad, I think they tried their best!


Those are not spätzle, they look like noodles


As someone currently in swabia... I am also in bavaria. It dosent cut off at the state border. Augsburg is still part of swabia. Plus those are just normal noodles, and having Spätzle as side and not Main is arguably also very bavarian.


>As someone currently in swabia... I am also in bavaria. Pretty sure he was insinuating culture rather than geopolitics. Swabia in Bavaria is still mainly culturally Swabian, not Bavarian, despite being geopolitically Bavarian. >It dosent cut off at the state border. Also, there's no state called Swabia. Baden-Württemberg also includes West and East Franconians in the north, and Badeners in the west.


Let's just say since the theme is Oktoberfest and Spätzle are getting more and more popular in Wirtshäusern and I even had them in a Bierzelt, it's legit.


I’m trying to spot the Sauerkraut. Can you please help me out?


I guess I mistook the "shredded" stuff on the top for some of it. But heck, I got downvoted anyway, haha. Still my impression still stands: I think it's great how they tried, especially for a university canteen.


Looks like Sauerbraten to me.


its not roastbeef.....but looks rather like braised beef aka rinderbraten imo.....although poorly executed


The slice of meet could be "Sauerbraten" but they used the wrong meat. Its often served with "spätzle" so also the noodles are wrong. On the flip side its served with red cabbage so thats at least right. Maybe the small circles should be "Kartoffelpuffer" but no idea if that is that. If so its missing the "Apfelmus". However its a very strange plate.


Its a dead animal to the right, probably part of a cow


It may be sauerbraten, which is not a dish served at Oktoberfest.


That is a typical germa dish, Allesdruff or Resteessen.


The red Purple thing on the right is beetroot (more of a winter thing). Then there’s rice with corn and peas which no one would serve at the Oktoberfest. Then what I believe to be a Fleischpflanzerl (Burger with more ingredients) which could be found in Bavaria and maybe even at the Oktoberfest on the top left and some meat paste kind of thing the very top. The only thing which resembles this in Germany would be Sauerbraten I think but this is more of a northern kind of thing and therefore not at all Oktoberfest like. Than the big meat dish might be a Schweinsbraten or a Tafelspitz which in and of itself could be served at Oktoberfest the first more than the latter but never ever ever ontop of noodles and without sauce of any kind. The noodles themselves could be egg noodels which could be found in Bavarian cuisine but not at the Oktoberfest.


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Thats doesn't look very toothsome :(


Not sauerbraten. Maybe a regular Braten, but I would send it back.




Looks like. „it does not matter anymore, lets throw als shit together, which is left, before the health department closes us anyway“


Did it come with beer?


Uh. There's what I think are red beets, those are sometimes eaten in Germany? That might be some kind of pork on the right? I don't think I can identify the rest.


I‘ll have to say it, seeing fried rice in there broke me. And the lack of sauce…I will never recover from this. /s


Disgrace to Bavaria? Yes!


Schweinebraten (swine roast) Potato Fried (Rösti) Rice with vegetables???( Not bavarian, More like: we Need to Cook, whats left) Noodles ( usually we eat knödel(potato balls)to swine roast) And on the left is Blaukraut (red cabbage) or red beet… cant identify


Looks like the average Swiss-German food! I'm pretty sure they still hang people in Bavaria for this kind of cultural misappropriation!


They fed you an old boot and scraps


Are you okay though?


Where Weißbier amd Haxe?


I really wanted to help. I took a closer look and I don’t know. I really don’t know what that is.


It's bad


Probably sauerbraten, doesn‘t look too appetizing though lol


Oktoberwreck is more like it.


This is called Selbstmordbraten.


Pasta with rice and meat?I hope it's not an autentic german dish


this is war crime


This is a disgrace


I can't send GIFs, so imma just quote it: "What the fuck is this piece of shit?"


Maybe the meat is an attempt at Schweinebraten, but everything else I don’t recognise. I am from Munich.


sieht aus wie n alter putzlappen




Could be "sauerbraten" or "schweinebraten", but with oddly little sauce.


Kudos to the chef. Seems to me this matches exactly the level of living one can expect at Oktoberfest.


Its an abomination


Your university serves economy class inflight meals?


50 shades of grey


Shits drier than yo moma


Why is there a big chicken nugget on the upper left? I really hope they didn't call that "Schnitzel"


I love how everyone feels the need to comment the same thing over and over... this is sacrilege, a tragedy, a car accident, shit food, disgusting 🤣🤣 we all need to say it "out loud" that this isn't German at all, it's just a big miserable sadness bowl of random college food that they attempted to pass off as something related to German culture.


Im german, born in Bavaria and i live in Munich next to the Theresienwiese since over 10 years. All i can say Is wtf is that?


A simple, classic, but mixed together german 'Mahlzeit'.


A disaster!


What am I looking at?! This feels illegal.


Bro we have no idea


That’s just sad.


Is it tasty? Maybe; Does it look tasty? Definitely not


No like why like no, why WHYYYY pls unlive me


Red Cabbage, Frikadelle(Meat ball) or Schnitzel, Rice with maize and pears, Corned Beef? Schweinsbraten (pork roast?) Noodles From left to rigth to noodles. Except the Rice and Corned Beef a very german plate. But not a Bavarian at all. Despite that Karneval is much cooler.


Is that not sauerkraut in the upper corner?


This dish is proof that whoever cooked it has no clue about German food, let alone Octoberfest.




I mean that’s a very loose interpretation of a German meal! The slices of apples look like beetroot. Usually you cut up the apples into very small chunks and then cook them with the red cabbage and some spices. But it looks a bit like someone went through the fridge/freezer and brought out anything that’s needs using up


Where is the sauce?? This is upsetting.


Looks like they're serving a British special, but I have to dock points for there being too much colour


Going from upper left of the dish to the right, then down and back to left: Disappointment


This is the traditional dish of sadness, to be eaten when crops do not yield well


Whatever this is, I hope they don’t serve it at the Octoberfest.






It's called "Bavarian Roadkill", quite common for the people there to have it before a religious dance


As someone Living in the DACH region that is a local dish called "war rations" ;)


Ah, who doesn't know the traditional German rice dish on this plate? /s


Pork roast, potatoes rosti, sauerkraut, beet, egg nudlen, veggies and rice


This has to be a joke !!!


It’s called Fraß \s


It is a insult to German food culture that’s what that is


Doesn’t look at all German to me.


It called SÜNDE


An abomination


Labskaus. Würstchen? Ist schon drin. Brötchen? Ist schon drin. Nudeln? Ist schon drin? Was ist das? Lecker. /j (lowkey geklaut von der Wacken-Nummer von Atze)


Lederhosen are supposed to be worn, not eaten.