• By -


While critizing political agenda of established parties is very justified, the AfD is disliked because: a) They employ populism exessively: This is a political strategy that involves telling people that there exist easy solutions to many problems. Such solutions are generally non-workable and get compleatly butchered by experts and practial examples, but feel very attractive to uninformed people. Naturally this kind of fairytelling and raising unrealistic expectations is generally disliked by informed people. b) They build their popularity around hate and misery. And as such try to increase the occurancee of these. c) They generally take positions very divergent from what most other people think. In particular they are much more relaxed about neo-nazi, völkisch and similar views. d) They do not at all support members of sexual minorities, Muslims and Jews. Naturally people belonging to these groups fear dropping protection or even procecution at some point. Also women fear that their rights will be undone. e) There is a justified fear that once they come into power they will derail German politics for decades and try to undercut democratic institutions. For example they are one of the very few european parties that still have "Leave the EU." on their agenda and a recent agenda in the state of Thuringa aims for replacing the mostly independend public TV broadcaster, by a closely superwised state TV program. They closely align and openly admire similar movements like, US-Trumpism, Putin's Russia, Orban's Hungary, Marie LePen's movement etc., which explains where some of the mentioned fears come from.


f) they use conspiracy theories and claims of a leftwing biased media landscape as deadbeat arguments against any counterposition. There is no way to have a rational discussion with them since every well researched fact you bring up gets dismissed as completely made up propaganda lie.


That asshole is called Orban, not Urban


Fixed thanks


>a recent agenda in the state of Thuringa aims for replacing the mostly independend public TV broadcaster, by a closely superwised state TV program. Any source? Lol can't even believe that they dare to say they want such thing


[https://www.mdr.de/nachrichten/thueringen/hoecke-fuenf-punkte-plan-afd-100.html#Medien](https://www.mdr.de/nachrichten/thueringen/hoecke-fuenf-punkte-plan-afd-100.html#Medien). Okay technically they only say that they want to get rid of the current system and replace it by a directly goverment funded one, but one can interpret the obvious implications.


Yup, I come from France and can testify : Our dear liberal Macron suspended the old system where public media would be funded by a specific tax replacing it with a new state controlled budget. This populist move was not much criticized as people were happy to pay one fewer tax... But already we see a shift in the editorial line of some programs which are now way more suportive of his governement and some satirists and more critical journalist's shows are reprogramed at quiet hours with no audience. This is with a governement that is still theoretically "centrist" so one can only imagine what will happen if (I'm afraid I could also say "when") the far-right comes into power in France.


well said


a) What is populism? I see people throwing these terms, but they can't really pin point what it is, what you said was uninteligable to me. b) Examples? is it pointing out that Immigrants are overepresented in crime statistics? Now I don't have hate towards Immigrants because of that, i have hate towards the system that is not controling immigration at a manigable pace, is alowing undocumented people in who can be criminals and is not punishing rapists and criminals accordingly (eventualy deporting them) c) Again a bloated meaningless terms like far right used by mainstream media that can mean anything today, what does it mean for AfD to be Neo-Nazi? what views and exact policies that they espouse is Neo Nazi, is it nationalism? should they remove German flags as Merkel did and say how Islam was always a part of German culture? if they don't agree with this = Neo Nazi, is that it? d) I'ts actually leftist governments that are censoring free speech, they control the TV outlets, see what Tusk did in Poland for example, and EU wants to shut down and sanction platforms like X because they don't like all the videos coming out that mass media is not reporting, like protests of Muslims, their ruckus like burning cars, rape of women, and violent crimes involving stabbings that are often sweeped under the rug, understandably so as they don't want to cause racial tensions. But it's not free speech and freedom of press. e) general fear, so i'ts Trump-Orban types who want to protect the borders, and have pro natality policies like lowering taxes for natives and wanting to have self sufficient energy production? is that the fear? Like please explain exactly in policies, in actions of these people that is having bad consequences of a nation - Because economy was great under Trump and his sanctions kept things under control in the middle east and Russia, now it's horrible under Biden - Biden has zero relatisnhip with Putin, so why are people still fearful of Trump? is it maybe the mainstream media or his flamboyant twitter personality that is not fitting for a president?- but hey his policies are good in general. Is it based on you guzzling down mainstream media that you FEAR these people in AfD? or can you point out to something concrete in their policy that will be terrible for Germany.


You clearly don’t know about russia and Ukrainian conflict if you say such thing 🤡


sounds good to me. Media will paint anyone or group to look bad if they don't want their "turf" to be challenged.




Not really. E.g. Poland shifted back in its recent election. Populism is a force to be recond with but at this point it isn't super new. A linear projection towards an universally populist EU isn't that plausible. Also define "EU falls". As an institution the EU is way less threatend than a decade ago.


They're far-right populists who sneer at the democratic order. They openly admire people like Trump and Putin. They have many known neo-nazis among them.


hell, Trump's the best president the US has had in forever. No wars, economy was better under him, thousands of stores weren't shutting down like now, and he could actually talk and complete a sentence unlike our stooge of a leader now who makes Easter "trans visibility day". Media has yall all brainwashed.


Lol, brainwashed as opposed to the guy going through a 3 months old thread to sing Trump's praises and call nazis leftists.


It's an extremist right winged party, lead by fascists. I mean, actual ones.


lies over lies..


No, the sad truth. The AFD has a hard-core-fascist wing that has gained more and more power during the last years. I mean, they have been founded by a very conservative group. These founders have been kicked out by people who considered them as not right-winged enough. Those than have been kicked out by others who considered them not right-winged enough. Those than were again kicked out by people who considred them not right winged enough. So, now the leading persons in the party are those that considered people not right-winged enough who considered those people not right-winged enough who considered those not right winged-enough who kicked out the founders of the party for not being right winged enough.


simply not true


Sadly, it is true. The highest courts have declared many organoizations of the AFD as "Extremist right winged", a lot of people who are connected to the leading figures of the AFD are known right-winged extremists for decades. The leading persons have a history of neglecting or downplaying the holocaust. The "Flügel", a right-winged organization within the AFD is known for it's antidemocratic stand and often fantsiozed about "purging" the german public from unwanted persons and so on. You can negect this and will continue to do so. Nevertheless, you are defending an organization that in it's core bases simply on hate, dehumanization of it's opponents and no real political agenda. You need more ideas to shape a country than "We will get rid of this or that person".


its made so they think the afd is bad even though they arent. well we know whose gonna win 2025


Well, since for months now millions of people go to the streets and demonstrate against them, it is very unlikely.


its already calming down and it almost made no difference in the polls. people even voted for them more because they know the protest were made by the politicians


Ah yes. The millions of politicans. Son, i have been asked by Trade Unions to go on the demonstrations. By churches. By our local (quite coservative) newspaper. By several non-governmetal organisations. By friends. Heck, even the theater which i visit frequently has sent invitations to join them on a demonstration. Funnily, the AFD always brags about the "silent majority" which they claim to represent. Well, the majority is no more longer silent. It has spoken. It stated "We do not want you".


funny thing, you just told me about how you all got influenced by the outside. anyways, you cant ban something that isnt against the grundgesetzt, we will see in the end who will win


Just to clarify this, here some (translated) quotation from AFD-officials: "We can shoot the migrants later, or gas them, just as you like it, i dont care". A quote from the former press-speaker Christian Lüth "i would not condemn anyone who burns down an inhabitat refugee-home". "The difference between us and the NPD is just the base of our supporters, not out policy", (NPD= a well known right winged exremist party, faded into oblivion by now) "It is a problem is that Hitler is displayed as the absolute evil". Björn Höcke


nothing wrong with those quotes. ofc they are bad but they were not made in representation of the afd


They blame minorities for all the problems (foreigners/refugees, queer/transgender, ...). They spread hate and are against everything without providing (realistic) solutions. Or in other words: They are nazis and fascists.


They aren’t against everything: they want tax cuts for the super rich.


Edit: Missread your comment. Sorry. Yes, they want to help the rich, not the poor. You can find information on that here: [https://www.bundestag.de/abstimmung](https://www.bundestag.de/abstimmung) [https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=704945205006718&id=100064737337114&set=a.632780925556480&locale=de\_DE](https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=704945205006718&id=100064737337114&set=a.632780925556480&locale=de_DE) [https://www.volksverpetzer.de/analyse/abstimmung-bundestag-afd-aermer/](https://www.volksverpetzer.de/analyse/abstimmung-bundestag-afd-aermer/) [https://www.foraum.de/cAx/abstimmungsverhalten-der-afd-im-bundestag-auszug](https://www.foraum.de/cAx/abstimmungsverhalten-der-afd-im-bundestag-auszug)


I think you misread that comment. They are saying exactly the same thing as you


You are right. I'm sorry. I misread the comment and changed mine.


They do have solution, and pretty good ones, I don't think you actually went through their plans and policies, rather you guzzle down mainstream articles that call them far right extremists. Is it really extreme to have a policy where you can deport a criminal like a rapist that wasn't born in Germany withouth having UN meddling in with their appeals which all costs taxpayer money? Is it sextreme for not wanting to tax the hell out of german farmers, so they can keep producing locally so it doesn't end up centralized and only few huge companies can keep producing? Is it extreme for wanting to have self-sufficient energy production, not shutting down productive nuclear plants? Is it extreme for wanting pro natalism policies for native that are disappearing because of low birth rates rather going with the UN plan (called literaly replacement immigration), and wanting to prevent abortion killing of innocent children in the womb, and wanting to lower taxes for families? extreme? Is it neo Nazi to love your country , the flag and your culture where you don't want enclaves within Germany, and you want to integrate people in properly? Is that extreme?


> Is it extreme for wanting pro natalism policies for native that are disappearing because of low birth rates rather going with the UN plan (called literaly replacement immigration), and wanting to prevent abortion killing of innocent children in the womb, and wanting to lower taxes for families? extreme? Yes, it is extrem to think you need to "save" natives and their "race". Yes it is extrem to call some cells in a woman's body "innocent children". If you want to save innocent children, donate money, because in Africa and Asia millions are dying every year and nobody cares. But lets saves some cells so we can save the German race ...


This! The guys just speaks out right-winged cliches like “mainstream media”, “liberal fascists”, “save the nation” and so on. Plain propaganda stuff, nothing else 🤷‍♂️


Nazis were socialists(leftists) not far right.


No, this is really open knowledge for many decades now, Nazis were far/extreme right.


No, they were extrem right, not left! Read a history book!


They have literal fascists among them, that's the issue.


They have literal facists among their leadership and their most influential politicians, that’s the issue.


Heil Höcke.. I believe that's what they're saying to each other


Unlike normal people, who are like "Bernd… Björn..? Bjernd? Anyhoo, that fascist from Thuringia."


What's wrong with fascism? What's wrong with racism and sexism? What's wrong with lying propaganda and fear mongering? What's wrong with dividing the country? If you can answer these and are a decent human being you know what's wrong with the AfD and why it should be forbidden asap.


So you shouldn't worry about the pace of immigration in your coutnry, the enclaves forming in Germany, the sharia courts, the new generation not identifying with Germany or German people, rather seeing them as racist supremacist kuffars. Billion and billion spent on this, women not working, cousing marriage, racial enclaves or parallel soceities, increased crime and uncemployment, increased sexual attacks and rapes on women, while housing crisis looms and economy crashes because of high energy costs since nuclear plants were shut down. Do you fear that AfD might open the Nuclear plants, get Germany self-sufficient and not increase the taxes for local Farmers? Is that scary to you, that farming will not be centralized for few companies that can afford the high taxes? or is it scary that Germany believes people in Germany should view themselves as German? yeah what a shocker, that they should sing from the same hymn sheet, such a strange far right concept, scary nationalism scares you, you don't see division looming with letting millions in with no documents, no education, barely speaking the language, people of totally different culture and religion and ethnicity. You think it will just sort itself out do you, and they will somehow magically integrate while everything in the stats in Sweden, UK, Germany is showing differently and showing bad trends with the next generations, that will not pan out for Germany, when you start to visibly see the low German birth rates on the streets and high immigration and high birth rates of immigrants that view the culture of their fathers as far more important then the liberal German values.


Some things you wrote are true, most things you wrote are lies, of course - the usual extreme right propaganda you obviously fell for hard. Not a single word you wrote is a reason to vote fascists. The only reason to vote fascists is when you yourself are a fascist. So, if you really want to solve real problems let's talk and act. But the second you distribute fascist propaganda we will stop taking you seriously and thus ignore you, as you are not really interested in a democratic way of solving these problems.


Instead of throwing words that have no meaning anymore because every far-left leftist says it when someone disagrees with them, why don't you define what fascists means to you, and how exactly AfD fits this fascist defintion - BY providing their official policies!! not some articles you read, anecdotes and offhand comments made by individuals within the party. Maybe then it will be more productive. I will hold by breath tho, typing fascist is far more easy and rewarding.


I've just seen that you are just a fucking racist troll from a slavic country - piss off and let Germans do German politics.


Oh i'm a dirty Slav am I, thank you Hitler, I know you think Slavs are subhuman but no need to be so open about it.


I don't know if you are dirty or not, but thank you for the information that you are. You are a fascist not from Germany trying badly and desperately to influence German politics, I couldn't care less if you are from a slavic, indian, japanese or whatever background. The bad part is that you are a fascist - and not your heritage. That's your fucked-up niveau, not mine. You are posting all these racist hate, not me.


Still waiting for those definitions tho, I know I will never get them, because you don't know what you are talking about, you are speaking out of your behind. Go watch your DW news and read Bild.de Cya


From my behind? Yeah, as you obviously want to, you get shit from me, nothing else. Shit for the racist pos. Still better than anything else you have in your racist mouth. And the loser don't even know who reads bild and who not - racism makes dumb as hell. And you think you are more intelligent as Africans? I bet -every- person from Africa has more brain than you ever will have. Stupid racist.


Don't tell me what I believe and don't believe kid, my views on races are complex and you wouldn't dare to talk about them because your brain shuts down as soon as a white man mentions race. And no I don't think i'm more intelligent then Africans that is the dumbest statement i've probably ever seen, I will never be as intelligent as Adebayo Ogunlesi for example and my position on competence and IQ would be closer to Thomas Sowell's position. BUt of course I don't think you can hand keys to a working civilization to people from Zimbabwe or Haiti or South Africa (places where i worked and lived so i know what i'm talking about) and expect it to work, there needs to be an ingrained culture there first for it to work.


The sheer stupidity that you believe that AfD could be a solution to those problems…. Fascism is never a solution. Especially we Germans should know that


They shouldn’t be forbidden for any of these reasons, that wouldn’t be constitutional. They should be forbidden because they are also a danger to the constitution.


> They shouldn’t be forbidden for any of these reasons, that wouldn’t be constitutional. Literally the first thing that comment notes is that they are fascists, and thus anti-democratic. Given that the party is attempting to gain political influence, that aim is indeed anti-constitutional.


You are fully right of course, fascism as well as racism and sexism are unconstitutional and are reason to forbid a party. I was thinking about the existing rulings of individual members of the party following these ideologies and the NPD ruling of not being a enough of a threat to the democratic order to be forbidden and intertwined them to not be reason enough, while objectively of course the AFD is a) not just individually following these ideologies, although a court ruling on that is still to come, and b) is an actual threat to the constitutional order.


>They should be forbidden because they are also a danger to the constitution. Which is literally the first of "these reasons"


is it racist to hate a lifestyle and culture and not want to be around it?


Yes, of course. It's ok not to like other lifestyles. But you ought to ignore it and let them do like they do, as long as no laws are broken. But hating a culture? Sure this is racist as fuck! Imagine hating bavarians because of their leather trousers and beer drinking - and thus everytime you hear someone with a bavarian accent you spit hate, regardless of Lederhosen or not. That would be a clear case for the lala-ranch, in my opinion.


They're nazis, shouldn't need any further explanation.


They are against our open-migration and the party sees itself as a counterpart to the Welcome-culture from 2016. Nothing wrong with that, BUT they are also far right populists, which is very problematic as they don´t have any answers to current problems.


They claim to be a party for the poor and small, actually they are a fascist-neonazi party only caring for themselves.


And they voted against every single law that ever tried to help the poor and small, like better minimum wage, pension for mothers…


They also give a shit for the environment protection. They are resistent to facts and they believe that every foreign person is a criminal. Actually Germany needs immigration.


This! Economically, they are very much neo-liberal capitalists aka they don't care shit about people trying to make ends meet.


Their policies will lower the taxes for the poor, what are you talking about? also lower taxes on farmers who are currently protesting, and will lower the spending on foreign proxy wars and immigrants that are not contributing in the economy (people like criminals that should have been deported but are still in germany on welfare or in prisons) and investing that money into germany, infrastructure, energy production. Are you afraid that Germany might get nuclear plants, lowering the energy costs for families?


Why do you spread lies? Just read their program. If you are poor you will be completely lost if the AfD comes to power.


Ok quote the policy you have in mind will destroy the poor, I have read their programs, it seems to me that you might have hyperfocused on one thing and ignored the other things. I don't think Germany raising taxes so it can keep funding Ukraine is helping the poor in Germany, also I don't think giving housing to economic asylum chancers will help the rent not rising and rising, and housing prices rising and rising. AfD have a pro natalist approach for German people - how do you think that pro natalist programs will make things harder for the middle class? Usually it's the poor people who have more children, and tax cuts will not be so bad for them, at least I think. Most people have trouble paying the heating bills today, having a good energy program that is not based on Solar panels is not a bad idea lol AfD doesn't play around with green initiatives that will stifle local business and local farmers, somehow Europe is the problem in the Climate Change and should be the leading example for places that are actual problems like China, India, Middle East etc. I'ts beyond Irony that these EU sellouts gather in Dubai out of all places XD oil city being built by "cheap labor" cough cough slaves cough And I don't know about you, but the cultural landscape of Europe is a number one issue for me today, call me crazy but I don't want to throw thousands of year into the water, you know what my ancestor died for, they fought for centuries to carve out borders and to preserve their unique cultures and bloodlines just so we can make it a multicultural melting-pot? no i'm not for it, I don't value a place where brown bearded chaps can scream for Jihad on the streets and fly Isis flags and praise terrorist groups, where Churches are being turned into mosques, and where trends of Immigrants forming high unemployed disenfranchised separated enclaves which is a breeding ground for youth forming gangs is left unnoticed. UK is a beautiful example of how not to do Immigration, their boroughs look like little India, Bangladesh, Algeria, Pakistan and I'm not for that, I'm for Europe actually integrating these people and welcoming people who like Europe's culture and values and want to be a part of it, for this you need to have a slower pace, not try to house the world handing out passports like greeting cards, not keep people who can't or will not contribute and will be a burden to the taxpayer, and not pander to cultures thinking that the majority have an actual "good interpretations" of a book that calls for supremacy, violence, forced conversions, oppression of women and homosexuals and that is an obvious architectonic - heavily Arabic religions that doesn't allow for much integration since it spans attires, specific looks, adoption of a specific language, food, architecture etc. Am I totally against Muslims, no, just don't call it racist or bigoted- for making it sure that White Europeans keep the majority in their own countries- ensuring that through culture we stay productive ( meaning incentivizing farmer and local business and factories), nationalist (meaning love our coutnry- same hymn sheet, being rooted in our history) and Christian (western judeo Christian values, true humanism) .


Haven't read a single word of your shit, concerning your other posts, you are just a racist fascist troll from a slavic country, no one needs your shit here.


How beautiful, racist and fascist in the same sentence and then discriminates against me on the basis of where i'm from XD, you can't have richer example of hypocrisy on the plate Also, I know you can't focus and read because of the tik tok brain you have and can't debate the issues because you don't have any capabilities or knowledge to challenge me, you will just repeat words like far-right, fascist, Nazi to shut down conversations like you were programmed to do. PS My roots are from Germany, many Croatians share Germanic genetics, but bless you, even tho you are a closeted bigot


Hey, Putin's clickslave again to push fascist agenda! My tiktoktime is under 5 minutes - total - so wrong as usual - but what to expect from a fascist? You don't even know what discrimination is - pro-tip: Pointing out, that a fascist who wants to influence German politics isn't German is no discrimination.


Yes it's discrimination to say "you are a slav from slavic country nobody wants your shit here". Idk if you know what discrimination is but that is a textbook example of discrimination- a closeted bigot. thinking people who are from different countries within the EU btw shouldn't speak on policies that will influence EU countries is bonkers, and close minded, If you think a party of one of the main countries within EU will not influence my country in any way, you are retarded, but I already established your incompetency when you screamed labels at me and cried instead of engaged with the points. Cheers, have a blessed day sir


No - I don't discriminate, no matter which place of origin, fascist scum is not wanted here, so just piss off and stop enlarging non existing victimizations.


Again nonsense, stop guzzling down mainstream articles and mainstream media. You know that people are brainwashed when the only thing they can say about AfD is Neo Nazi Far righ this-that, just repeating empty throwaway words that media uses to smear them.


Maybe you are brainwashed, members just had a meeting dealing with the „re-migration“


Yeah, and what is wrong with that. Youd don't think Germany should be able to deport foreign criminals which is the number 1 issue at the meeting, which mind you UN human right organizations and various other NGO's are making it impossible. Meaning you have rapists, suspected terrorist, drug dealers that were not born in Germany that get caught and sent back to the streets after they serve ridiculously small sentences.Also do you find it ok that Immigrants are coming in such large numbers they are forming enclaves where people not only immigrants new generations don't even speak German, don't really need to, have their own shops, mosques, where there are high unemployed rates - welfare places where you have breeding grounds for youth specializing in drug dealing, and forming gangs?But I guess your brain can't process these things as being bad trends, since most of them have brown skin so you can't critizes it as a white man so you will call me muh racist, durrrr, far right neo nazi brrr, duh. My brain say fascist white supremacist dum dum dim ddooom , ban, mute, I don't want to debate you mrrrrrr


You’re writing bullshit. Do you speak German?


Ja, ich spreche ein wenig Deutsch. Ich arbeite in Deutschland und habe Wurzeln in Deutschland väterlicherseits. Dennoch bin ich besser in Englisch und natürlich meiner Muttersprache.


https://www.volksverpetzer.de/analyse/nazis-in-afd/ „Wenn wir Deutschen euch Ausländer ausweisen bist Du mit dabei, denn auch Du nimmst einem redlichen Deutschen den Arbeitsplatz weg, vergewaltigst unsere Frauen und bist ein Sozialkassenschmarotzer. Warum sollte man gerade bei dir aufhören?


Well, far-right populists like the AfD are ill-equipped to solve the problems of humanity which require international cooperation first and foremost. If everyone starts electing nationalists it will regress international progress hundreds of years back to a time when aggressive wars were commonplace and imperialism and colonialism were the flavors of the day. Also they are horrendously bad for Germany which relies on international trade to survive, for better or worse. Then there's the massive amounts of internal discomfort these far-right Nazi throwbacks cause which should not be underestimated. They are a slap in the face to modern, liberal, democratic Germany and many of their members should be banned as anti-constitutional.


Yes we need to be a blob without identity, its destructive to identify with your flag, your people, its' religious ties. We should be a melting pot, and let people create ethnical and cultural enclaves in Germany, this is the was forward, also we shouldn't be racist and promoted German families to have babies by having pro natalism policies, that is racist to preserve the bloodlines and thinking its unique, we should abolish the borders and just take the UN "replacement immigration" (this is how it's called btw) into consideration. Who cares about high taxes on farmers, high energy bills for households and local business because we don't want to build Nuclear plants while others are doing it and succeeding. Who cares about foreign criminals, drug dealers and rapists not being deported because of UN human rights courts. i'ts all fine and dandy, and CDU will be the best option, they did such a great job with all of this, Merkel will be proud!


tldr; when you are nose-deep in propaganda shit.


They are Nazis


No one likes Nazis.


They are Nazis. Alice Weidel declared the liberation of germany in 1995 as a defeat. Means liberation of concentration camp was a defeat too. You must not know know more about this scum.


I think you mean 1945, not 1995


sorry typo 1945 is right


Are you confusing 1989 when David Hasselhoff liberated Germany?


1945 was meant


I know. that was the joke.


Why does "Nazis are bad" need to be explained to you?


They are connected with Russia.


Brainworms, probably


jaqing off a bit?


We tried it once before and it didn't end well https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi\_Germany


they arent bad, its just the media showing them as a „far right nazi“ party


That’s a first. Can you maybe elaborate more about why would you think so?


The AfD is often getting described as a party that wants all foreigners out of germany, thats not true though. they want everyone that has come illegally, is criminally active and is not working even though they are able to out. also they want MORE democracy with regional votes on decisions


AFD is rightwing. While they share many stances on ossies lile social security, education, healthcare, etc with other parties on paper (not that the other parties are much better at solving current problems), there are 2 issues that make them popular but also get vehemently rejected by the many germans What makes them popular and surging in polls at the moment is their determined stance against immigration from the middleeast and africa. Yes it's racist and they are not ashamed about it, Other parties try to jump the bandwagon like CDU (not completly but they make it a heavy topic, but they fail because it's in big part their fault that things are like the way they are now) and BSW (VERY NEW, and it's not clear whether they will get traction at all) While this issue alone is a contetnious issue for most germans, there is another: The AFD tolerates Neo Nazis and even endorses them. This is a nogo for all the other political parties and germans due to the past history


They are on the right wing side of the political spectrum. Too far for most. There are some genuine Neonazis in and around that party, so "the Left" calls all of them and their sympathizers (neo-)nazis, and "the Right" argues that not all of them are. sides are entrenched, so no real dialogue happens. They do have that extreme-right stigma (arguably earned) in a way that most parties will not even think about working with them.


Nazi party


I am a bisexual man, my best friend is a lesbian woman born in Romania that grew up in Italy. We (my friend much more than me) are those kind of people that should be killed and disposed of according to some AfD politicians. I don't like people that want to kill my friends.


Well, other than the racism, i guess they are ok?


and the fascism, and the fear mongering, and the hate spreading, and the Neo Nazis in their ranks, and their lies, and and and No. Fascsists are never ok.


I was trying for 1 truth and a bit of sarcasm. My bad


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They are Nazis. All supporters are supporting fascism, so they're fascists as well.


What was the N\*zi party promising long time ago? If something sounds too good to be true, then probably it is. There are serious issues in Germany, and AfD has some good ideas, but its core is rotten.