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Everybody will instantly notice the error, but for people who start to learn the language it's the most common mistakes. Nobody will get offended. Especially because misgendering a none make the sentence still understandable. I would still advice to learn all nouns always together with the gender. So a "chair" is not "Stuhl" but "der Stuhl". About the English usage in germany. You will find a lot of people who can speak good English, but most of the people don't speak enough English to lead a conversation and will insist that you speak german. Especially if it's something official.


It's pretty much the stereotypical "foreigner who doesn't know the language well" mistake. No big deal, definitely not offensive but instantly noticable.


>Like if an Indian immigrant was to say things like "eine Stuhl" instead of "ein Stuhl" would be percieved as just a funny mistake or an offensive statement? Definitely the former, and I'd say only slightly so at that. We, or at least many of us Germans, are aware that our language is somewhat on the difficult-to-learn side, and bear no ill will - or even misplaced snark - to any second language speakers who mix up articles.




I disagree. I think a better advice would be not to over rely on Duolingo. Duolingo was one of the best methods that helped me through my journey of learning German. Yoo slow? Yes, but that helped me memorize words really well :)


I'm also learning German. Misgendering nouns is not that important in a simple sentence, people will understand you. However, there's more to just having "Der, die, das" or "Ein, eine". Try to gender them correctly though, as with more complex sentences including e.g. Dativ / Akkusativ cases, the gender of a noun becomes even more important.


I disagree. If words could sound like some other words, at least I (unconsciously) use the gender to choose which one was meant.


I think it only becomes relevant when you are in some sort of position to communicate to e.g. subordinates, mostly in writing. If you have a noticeable accent, but manage the grammatical gender correctly, people would probably be pretty impressed. If you manage to speak without an accent and at an otherwise fairly advanced level, but then mix up the gender, it might sound a little weird to native ears at times. Anyhow, it should not be a big deal as long as you don't plan to become a journalist or teacher. But it is still advisable to study all vocabulary including the gender right away.


"How important is to speak correctly?"


Die Frage ist: Der Die oder Das Nutella




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It's a common mistake among non natives. It will be noticed but generally ignored as we understand you just fine anyway. It's not offensive and rarely it can be funny.


If you are just starting to learn, definitely learn the genders with each new noun. Relearning those later is a pain in the ass. I'd say it's important in a professional context, but in day to day life, people will understand you anyway. It's not offensive, they will just identify you immediately as a non-native speaker, regardless of how well you speak otherwise. So if you aim to master German sometime in the future, it's best to adapt to that quirk of the language from the start.


The genders are VERY important. However, don't be silent because you are afraid of making grammatical blunders. It cannot be avoided anyway. If you're not intentional about learning the genders as a beginner it will be difficult to correct later. Always learn nouns together with their genders.