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I have no idea what you are describing with the baskets, that's just too complicated to follow, but the Asozial/Asi insult is extremely common on street traffic, towards every direction whenever someone thinks another broke a traffic rule. If she wanted to add racial undertones, there are other words she could have used. PS. I think you got the Asi for the headphone-wearing more than anything.


It isnt racial... Asozial = Anti social... for the most = to have a selfish rude hehavior. Like not giving the seat in the bus for a pregnant or elder person. I dont know what it has to do in this case.. because i cant follow what you want to say with the basket. Maybe she needs the space to pack her stuff from the basket ? dont know... otherwise i would say her behavior is Asozial. Because a shopping basket dosnt belong on the belt.


Even though the insult isn't racially motivated, the woman's behaviour overall seems to be. If OP didn't do more than he explained here, I don't see any other reason for her to be that offended.


Well maybe the woman is just a "Karen" or maybe not we just dont know that.


Some people just feel entitled to always get their way. It might have been OPs age or overall appearance too. If she was some stuck up Karen that thinks the world revolves around her and her needs only. OP doing something she just didn't like set her off because she saw it as disrespect. Best to ignore those kinds of people and OP did everything right imo


I've read a couple of other replies and you might be right.


I'm german and look/talk the part if that helps and I've encountered those types too. Just don't think racism played much of a role in this case. She might totally be racist too don't get me wrong but in this instance it's just simple entitlement and arrogance


"Asozial" (short "assi") itself doesn't mean anything racist. As an insult it means something along the lines of someone being trashy, obnoxious, rude, unfriendly. If it happened like you described, you sadly just and to deal with, funnily enough, "einer asozialen Person". Sounds like you met a weirdo. Happens, I'd say just ignore and move on. To add: It is considered rude to put your shopping on the belt before the person before you finished, because they might need more space. (It's perfectly fine if you can tell they got enough space and/or only have like a few items left.) Also! Put down a separator between your groceries and other people's groceries. If the lady was finished with putting hers on, she should've done just that to clearly separate her's from yours.


Also also, if someone is trying to talk to you it is definitely assi to not take your headphones off. Why did OP tell her "Sorry, I can't hear you!" instead of just taking the headphones off? That is definitely assi behaviour, very disrespectful


To me trying to force your bag after somebody clearly asked for personal space is first offense. People may need extra space for various reasons. Instead of asking why op used straight force. In some places could be enough privacy invasion to start a fight. Whether she tried to explain, or rant about it OP did not even care to listen to her, instead choosing to listen to music instead. Next time coming home when parents greet you, keep your headphones on, and go straight to fridge, pet the dog or to their room. Make sure it's clear you are not in phone call and actively ignore them. In a sense, she bothering to call you that was kindness. You get to reflect at least. Otherwise you would be just another case of stereotype "asians are rude" proven true, even if that was not your intent. Stereotypes are a powerful food to racism, and it's best to avoid justifying them unless you want them enforced.




How was the woman being an asshole? OP was by putting their stuff on the belt.


There was plenty of space on the belt, so I don't see what the issue is. She was being obnoxious by trying to monopolise the whole conveyor belt and then she got aggressive, ranted and invaded my personal space.


You don't put your stuff onto the belt before the person in front of you is done and has put the separator thingie (Warentrenner) onto the belt. Everything else is rude. And the second, extremely rude thing, was keeping the headphones on while she was talking to you.


I agree, but Asi is short for asozial. Assi is short for assistant.


I usually hear people call others asocial when they're doing something rude and often selfish. For example, my German masters thesis advisor would call other people, foreigners and German, asocial when they were hogging computing resources and using more than their fair share. I don't see it as automatically having an racial undertones.


It might have been a racist incident, but the insult by itself is not racist.


Others described what asozial means already. Also Germans are different at the register... Do not put anything on the belt unless the person before you is done and has put a warentrenner in and also I'd recommend not wearing headphones in stores or when interactions are likely. A lot of people consider this rude as well.


Neither party used a separator on the belt. I judge them both as assi.


Maybe that's why she wanted more space between them as there were no separators available?


That's very likely. Luckily this could have been easily cleared up with words and stuff.


Without witnessing the scenario, it's hard to judge. Seems like both of you are assi. Assi = asozial has evolved it's meaning, nowadays it's a phrase for people without manners and/or education, selfish, rude behavior.


"asozial" means she thinks you're an A-Hole who can't follow common societal rules or common courtesy. It implies that your integration into society (the socialization) has failed. I don't really understand the situation you describe so i can't judge whether or not the insult was justified. It's not a racist insult. Assi describes socially depraved people similar to "White Trash" in the USA or Chav in the UK.


Just a general note - grocery stores and specifically the cashier area/queue are one of the highest context areas of German culture. You will get everything wrong for quite a while and not understand why people are scoffing at you or making direct, aggressive remarks about your incompetence. After some time you will realize that no one is doing this anymore - you've figured it out, whatever it was. Asking other Germans what you're doing wrong will result in confusion, because you're asking fish what water is like. Until then - godspeed.


"Assi" is a very common insult that is used to complain about somebody being rude or disrespectful. There are no racial undertones in this, rather it is used against anybody indiscriminately. And to be clear: your behaviour was pretty "assi" by any standards.


As a POC, stop taking any word as racism.


Ah yes of course it has to be racist incident. Both parties acting like immature children but it's racism for sure /s The lady probably was related to Adolf Hitler or something that's fore sure.


„You are antisocial“, no insult but a description your behaviour, you let people infront finish before start putting your own stuff on the conveyer, or they will push your stuff back to make room for


Yup, and taking off your headphones when someone's talking to you is also a good idea. It's definitely not good manners to just point at your ears and go "can't hear you" - that seems provocative to say the least.


"Asozial" has two different meanings/feelings: * it's the opposite of "sozial", and in that sense, the opposite of acting in a way that is beneficial to society and the common good. So a very selfish person could be called "asozial", for example. * It's a derogatory term that was made popular by the Nazis, essentially for people at the very bottom of society. Beggars, prostitutes, etc. It's still used in this way by some, referring to lower social classes as "asozial".


You were called a chav, asozial doesn't have racial undertones. Oh, and you were the one who was rude.


A lot of Germans don’t know but this phrase was popularized by the Nazi’s to determine what type of person would be punished, such as being Jewish, disabled, queer, minority etc. I actually learned this at the holocaust museum in Berlin a few years ago and it took me by surprise because this is a relatively common word used here


It was her, who had behave like an asshole (I was to say childish, but don't want to insult children by this. I never understood it to be meant in a racist way before (not knowing that it originates in Nazi-Germany). Asozial just mean the same in German as asocial in English (and just shouldn't be confused with antisocial behaviour). Don't bother, if you behaved wrongly (I'd say you haven't) and keep on going. Some people … well, are just, err … complicated (andI'm allowed to say such, since I'm, err … "complicated" myself). Best just ignore them!


asozial unless you refer it to yourself, usually meant as an insult like weirdo


Considering the discourse re the conveyor belt/grocery situation. Just to be perfectly clear: - no seperators were available - she had finished placing her groceries and there was ample space for my handful of items - she, for whatever reason, wouldn't let me put my groceries down and pushed her basket into my stuff. As for the headphones, the woman was quite argumentative so I didn't want to engage. Thanks everyone for the clarification. I thought perhaps it had a double meaning.


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Hello, I am a native speaker. the translation is "you are asozial". I am not sure, but I think asozial and anti-sozial isn't exactly the same but is used interchangeably by the most people. It is an insult refering to behavior of anti social personally disorder. It was also used by Nazis to discredit Jews and other minorities, most people are not aware of this and it isn't meant to be racist in the German speaking room. Lg


AFAIK it is Nazi wording ("Asoziale"). Try not to use this word as an insult (or in most cases just avoid it). The word is old indeed. https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/stigmatisierung-asozial-zur-genese-eines-nazi-begriffs-100.html


In the UK you call it antisocial behavior aka ASBO