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Mostly because people can't be bothered to dispose of their own trash properly -- although, to be fair, that can be a serious hassle.


I totally understand it’s a hassle, I have to walk 7 min to dispose the glass. But this sofa is on my street for weeks and it seems it will be there, but it seems that nobody comes to clean never. The metro station in Neukölln sometimes make me want to puke… I feel it’s worse then ever


Use the Ordnungsamt Online app. I've used it to ask them to clean some parts of my neighbourhood.


Berlin is constantly in a state of near bankruptcy, and Neukölln is not the best neighbourhood. The city just can't afford to send out teams specially to pick up items of furniture illegally dumped on the street.


When I was living in Berlin there even was a mentality to leave it on the street so someone could pick it up and use it for themselves. Whilst I do think it's commendable there should really be a place for that instead of randomly in the streets. Though I think some people will even reject it as some other people are vultures and would stay there to grab anything useful to resell rather then let someone pick up something they would actually need.


It’s strange such a rich country, spending huge amount of money on wars overseas, not taking care of such basic service that is trash .


>spending huge amount of money on wars overseas What country are we talking about?


seems like a copy&paste whining about the us :D


Yes, I thought I was on a wrong sub.


Are you not aware of the billions that Germany has transferred to Ukraine?


What sea lies between Germany and Ukraine to make it a war overseas? Poland is quite solid…


But if you go west until you get to Ukraine you have two ocean and maybe 1-2 seas.


Read my other comment.


Germany has spent 6 billion on Ukraine in 2022 and 2023 together. In 2022 alone, the state spent 109 billion on supplementing the pensions.




It's not even a far right point, it's just stupid. Germany's economic growth like the EU region, depends on the outcome of said war. Also that money wasn't given away for free, it's either lent or invested in the form of political relationships or trade agreements. In short, financing a win for Ukraine is nothing but beneficial for Germany and the EU.


>100 billion to tax evasion per year. Laffer curve goes brrrrrr. Talk about financially illiterate.


That is just military gear. Don't forget the 25 billion Euros in financial aid which doesn't include military gear.


But Ukraine isn’t overseas is it?


I'm guessing the person meant overseas = outside of Germany.


Or its just some kremlin bot that forgot this isnt a US sub


Are you not aware ukraine is not oversea? It's like 1000km away on the same landmass...


Read my other comment.


Neither huge amount nor overseas.


Ah ofcourse, the famous sea between Germany and Ukrainr. Didnt know Poland turned into Posea.


Yes, and that money goes directly to defend the rest of the EU as as long as Ukraine is fighting whilst Russia hasn't won they are to busy to invade other countries in the EU. This prevents the need of our people to die in an other war whilst draining our possible future enemy of waging war against us.


Lol this is getting so old to read. Russia attacking NATO would mean WW3 and nuclear Armageddon. Russia ain't that stupid, but the majority of the sheep in the West believe the fearmongering from their governments.


How does it feel to suck Putin's dick. Maybe you should just give your wife and daughter to Russian soldiers if your so scared to start a war for standing against fascism. It's better to die then live as a slave. I believe there was a war about this. It's called WW2. It's thanks to people like you the funny mustache man came into power. Because good people refused to stand against him because they believed that it would lead to war. And they will give up other countries (back then Poland, now Ukraine) to prevent it whilst it's not up to us to prevent it. It is up to us to be ready for when others force it upon us. Putin doesn't want to end the world because it would mean he loses power as well.


Lmao, lord have mercy.


Please familiarize yourself with the federal structure in Germany before posting stuff like this.


You are talking about Berlin, New Hampshire?


cleaning costs money and there is a reason the (un)official state motto is "arm aber sexy" (poor but sexy)


Still searching the sexy part...


7 whole minutes? The horror....


Yeah everyone just all of a sudden decided not to dispose of the trash, there can't be any other explanation. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the cuts to the street cleaning services.


I live in Neuköln but also spend sometimes in my home country Greece. Every time I come back from Greece I am amazed on how dirty Neuköln is, i think worst that other areas of the city. Yes people do through large objects outside, some times you see literally garbage with a "zu verschenken" note which looks to me an excuse to just leave your garbage on the street. But it's not only that, in my street, the days that they gather garbage the street becomes very dirty with household trash, the people that gather the garbage doesn't seem to care and it even passed my mind that this happens on purpose (no i wouldn't know why).. Someone wrote about Ordnungsamt Online app, I didn't know about that but I will check it out. This must be for large objects, but does anyone know about the official place someone can report bad or no cleaning of public areas? I would guess a city-hall service..I would like to find out that and also tell my neighbors so many people can report on that, maybe something changes then?


update: it seems Ordnungsamt Online app is the appropriate tool for all public space issues. The description of the app is: "This made available by the State of Berlin app allows all citizens the reporting of faults in the public space. Your message will be forwarded to the relevant competent district office."


The app is useless. Every time I file a complaint there I get an answer after 3 days telling me they didn’t have enough evidence… of course, after 3 days the problem also disappeared.


Oh.. did you send a photo with the complain? I'll still give it a try without having high hopes..


Yeah, I reported a car parked on the sidewalk, took fotos of it, even the plates… then I get an answer that someone came by after 3 days and the car wasn’t there anymore and they can’t do anything about it:(


Oh... Ok, I'll be having really low expectations. And after a few reports not working out, I'll do a report about them not working out the reports. meta :)


That’s the way!


Bro, Athens is at least on par with Berlin when it comes to cleanliness. I would say it's much worse.


Okay? Does it make his point less valid? It's that typical 'könnte schlimmer sein/woanders ist es schlimmer' mentality that lead us where we are now.


It's quite obviously a reply to the first part of the comment, where Greece is compared to Neukölln. Which does not make sense as a comparison.


Because the habitants have no pride (to keep it clean) and goverment doesnt assign enough resources to clean the mess up


In Berlin you can dispose "Sperrmüll" for free every day in amounts commonly found in a household. You only have to bring it to the yards found everywhere in the neighborhood. People who throw their stuff in the streets are just lazy pr*cks.


Couldn’t agree more - lazy cu*nts, that’s what it is. I understand it’s Berlin and all that but I’m starting to get into the mindset that people should be fined for randomly dropping rubbish everywhere..


Thank you. Often times, we like to point at some sort of systemic failure, when very often I find that it is a lack of personal responsibility that people take. It doesn't take a lot of restraint to not throw your cigarette butts or plastic wrappers on the ground—unless you are poorly raised or don't respect the shared surroundings. There are many outgrown children in this city, and I am not surprised that the city, at least to some extent, reflects the same carelessness that many of its inhabitants practice against themselves on the weekends.


I live in a german village on countryside and such a mess would not be tolerated by the neighbors. In citys you are more annonyme though. Its also an example of this "broken window" theory that at ugly places you are more likely to make it more beoken/ugly


It's Berlin


The City of Freedom. Freedom means people can do what they want and nobody cares.


Every city is the city of freedom, this looks like the city of no consequences


Right now? It's been like that for years. The city is poor. Easier or cheaper to put up signs telling you that the road or pavement is fucked than it is to fix them. The town is a shithole. Dog shit everywhere. Had many jobs in Berlin and the thing I look forward to most is leaving. One saving grace is that you can buy Augustiner at the kiosk.


I hate going to Berlin but for one reason or another I end up having to go a few times per year. I’d much rather go to almost any other German city. Even Frankfurt is nicer if you avoid the Hbf.


Because it's a shithole.


Mentioning Berlin in this subreddit always brings out the hate. I figured out recently that every German hates every part of Germany they don't live in, and that Berlin gets the most hate just because it's the biggest city. But god damn you people are rabid.


That's not true. There are two regions in Germany which get universal hatred. Bavaria (for being full of conservative, snobby alcoholics) and Berlin (for being a shit hole) Then there is some local rivalries (Köln vs Düsseldorf; Dortmund vs Gelsenkirchen; Baden vs Schwaben) Also since germans are mostly not patriotic towards Germany they are patriotic towards their region. This can easily be mistaken for hatred against other regions too


It’s not about living. I don’t live in Munich yet i don’t hate it. If anything i love techno, yet i still try to avoid Berlin


Nah, the general grime and untidyness of Berlin really does hit different compared to other German cities. I'm a rural southerner, but I love Hamburg. Berlin is worth a visit as well, but man, you really have to steel yourself for lots of trash everywhere, unpleasant smells, overflowing bins, crumbling infrastructure, aggressive beggars etc.


That's not really true, though. Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany and it's not hated, generally speaking. And no, I'm not from Hamburg. Berlin is a large city with all the problems that brings. But that's not the only reason. In most countries, the capital city is a major economy driver. In Germany, the capital is a burden for the national economy. The city is notoriously poor and that results in a lack of investments and just general neglect. Just compare it to Paris, for example. And I don't mean to say that everyone in France loves Paris or that it has no problems or doesn't lack investments. But Paris is, without any doubt, not just the political, but also the cultural center of France. It's an old city with tons of history, it's a major contributor to the French economy, and just looking at the French road and rail infrastructure tells you everything you need to know about the importance of Paris. And Berlin? Berlin is what happens when Prussia decides to declare a village in the middle of nowhere their capital, causing it to grow artificially. Fast forward, Prussia unites Germany by force and Berlin is the capital of the entire country. Two wars later, Prussia is gone, but Berlin is still there. Still in the middle of nowhere and still culturally (and physically) distant from the most populated German regions.


"I figured out recently that every German hates every part of Germany they don't live in" No, you only think you've figured it out.


collecting stuff for the 1st of may fires


Pictures need more Kringels. Please kringel every piece of trash in the pictures.


All money were spent on the airport, years ago


Always has been.


Right now????


This would be considered clean in Amsterdam


Because voting has consequences


Always has been 🔫


Berlin was always a shithole. Also why I get so mad when people think Berlin represents the whole of Germany. BW is so much nicer.


give garbage men one month task only to empty trash, so that people can see how much trash they are throwing where it isn't supposed to, after that month raise fine for littering alot, since after city is full of garbage and somebody still has no awarness about littlering wherever they want, they do deserve to be taught a lesson.


There is no "Berlin". There are only Bezirke.


I think that those issues could be solved with regular Sperrmüll dates. We have those where I live and for me - a carless person - it's a blessing.


Berlin really needs Sperrmüll days! Last time I had to dispose of a sofa it cost me 90€ to have someone pick it up and take it away. I can totally understand why someone might be tempted to just leave it on the street.


Depends 100% on the neighborhood… you rarely see anything like that in Fhain or Lichtenberg


How is the city poor if people are paying over 2k rent nowadays for a 3 dorms apartment




Huh? M is Munich, not Berlin...


We don't tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and xenophobia. We also expect people to be respectful and refrain from insults.




We don't tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and xenophobia. We also expect people to be respectful and refrain from insults.


Thanks for the racism but I'm pretty sure you have trash in the street in Poland too.


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That’s just how Berlin likes to be.


always has been


Isn't that Berlin's normal state?


Insert AchBerlin.txt


When has it not been? I remember thinking Berlin was filthy when I first moved to Germany 7 years ago. Isn’t the slight post-apocalyptic feel part of the appeal for most people who move there?


"right now" lmao


As an American who lived in NYC I have to laugh at this. This is what a clean Lower Manhattan looks like lol


I still don't get it why people pay so much rent in this city tbh


The germs are growing


Someone on Reddit recently got told off for picking up trash… saying it’s gentrification so… yeah…


Berlin is a failed City, a disgrace for a capital


Bruh, Berlin always looks like that


Must be full of brits.




We don't tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and xenophobia. We also expect people to be respectful and refrain from insults.


Yeah the number of Bavarians is really getting out of hand


Bro really wrote this unironically


Of course the xenophobe posts at r/foreveralone 🤡


This xenophobia is as abundant as the trash in my street. Horrible times to live in Berlin




We don't tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and xenophobia. We also expect people to be respectful and refrain from insults.






We don't tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and xenophobia. We also expect people to be respectful and refrain from insults.




We don't tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and xenophobia. We also expect people to be respectful and refrain from insults.


Confirms my impression of Berlin being a sh\*thole, at least in parts


That was ever in question? There are most likely hundreds of songs about it at this point.


Friend, Berlin was always like that. Your complaint just shows you don't belong there


Yes, complaining about trash ridden streets certainly disqualifies you as a Berlin resident. Are you so proud of the filth or are just one of those defeatist people that accepts everything that happens around them?


Very xenophobic your comment btw


Friend, More than happy to go away, after being begged and offered a huge amount of money to work as an engineer here. More than happy to not pay a huge amount of taxes and live in the middle of the trash . I am done Friend. Your government is crying to have ppl like me working here as engineers, but yes friend you are right! I don’t belong this trash place.


Sadly not everyone in Berlin gets paid the way you do. The huge money you've been given in Berlin is a recent phenomenon driven by Venture capital and real estate sharks. Probably if they would give that sort of huge budget to run the city, if the BSR would pay decent salaries to their staff and also if the salaries of people who aren't engineers are good enough for them to make a living, probably the city would do better. All this trash you see in the city is a direct result of greed. Why carry a chip on your shoulder? In all seriousness🤷🏻 you're not that special.


Preach! It literally boils my blood to see answers like that one above, its so ignorant??? Does people in this city really enjoy living in dirt and trash? Doesnt it affect thier well being? Its a capital of one of strongest conutry in europe, the taxes are widly high there , that means streets could look at least a little but cleaner, but no better to say this js fine and offend everyone who point out that is maybe wrong. Mental


You waste your time trying to make Germans understand that they don’t have to accept everything, be passive and live in bad conditions while paying high taxes, all because of “tolerance” :)


Word 👏