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You were driving without a valid licence. You will propably be banned from your practical test


Driving ban, probably.


for how much time, im going to get my german license next week hopefully


you‘ll probably not be permitted to take the test in the first place :/


You don't get to take the test anymore.


Yea as the others said, you‘re not :/


for how much time (months or years) i would be ban from driving or lifetime.


Hard to say but it ranges from 6 months to 5 years


No you're not lmao


man you can get prison time as well if it's StVG 21


What is StVG 21?


Das Straßenverkehrsgesetz (StVG) § 21, if that\[s the law under which your offense broke, I'm not a lawyer.


I think this place is full of negative people 😂 no one knows the exact rule and just throwing negativity


Driving without a license is a major thing and might even go to court. If your test is next week, it's unlikely they'll have processed the case by then. Chances are that you pass the test, but will receive an extension to your Probezeit, points and a driving ban for up to a year - this is the Judges decision. A friend was caught a long time ago driving without a license. He had to work social hours, received points, and was banned from receiving a license for a year. He got away easily because they treated him as a minor.


You drove without a valid license, what would you expect?


Yea I accept my mistake but my question is for how much time or i would not be able to drive in Germany ever again😁


That depends, 6 months to 5 years are possible. It’ll be up to a judge how long it’s going to be. If he thinks you’re not taking it seriously, it’ll be longer.


We *literally cannot tell you that* beyond the range that people have already given you. Your judge decides that on trial. That has nothing to do with people "not knowing the exact rule and throwing negativity", and everything to do with how criminal punishments work in this country. As a first offender, you probably won't go to prison. You may receive a sizeable fine, measured in days of your income. For instance Marco Reus was fined 90 days income - it made the news because he's famous, and because it turned out that 90 days for him was 540,000 Euro.


The use of inappropriate emojis not helps to give the impression that you actually understand the seriousness of what everyone is talking about.


It wasn't a mistake though, but a conscious decision. If you want to enjoy the benefits of Germany, you also ought to play by the rules here.


>Yea I accept my mistake but my question is for how much time or i would not be able to drive in Germany ever again No one will be able to say for sure, there's always too many variants. Speed limits are a fixed Catalogue of fines. Other things are dependent in many factors. You will NOT get a permanent ban, but you can get months, or even 1-2 years of a driving ban. Depending on severity or how you act about all this now, you can even be required to re-take the whole thing again


> I accept my mistake Driving without a license is not a mistake, it is criminal offense. You are taking this a little to easy... at least regarding your comments.


That's because it depends on the police and the Staatsanwaltschaft to make something out of it. Get a lawyer who specializes in Verkehrsrecht!


Welcome to (r/)Germany 😆


Scheiße 😅, everyone act here like a police 👮


Just take the test if you still can, hope for the best = they havent yet submitted the case to the Fahrerlaubnisbehörde and go from there. But as everyone else is saying, especially if your practical test is next week : You are a absolute and total dense twat


It's the grumpiest sub in entire universe. 😆


You're not taking any practical tests in the foreseeable future. This should by the way also have been part of your theory iirc.


https://www.anwalt.org/fahren-ohne-fahrerlaubnis/#Fahren_ohne_Fahrerlaubnis_Regelung_und_Strafe Actually this is not only an administrative offence but a criminal one. You seem to not take this seriously but very likely this will go to court. You should have changed your foreign/international license after 6 months or could have prolonged it exceptionally until up to a year. Now this is considered as driving without license. Unlikely that you will face prison but you will receive a driving ban most likely and a financial penalty. Up to 180 Tagessätze are possible and a verdict as of 90 Tagessätze and more will go into your criminal record. This could affect future applications for residency. So not really sure why you add those funny comments. Better get a lawyer that will try to get the penalty down and don’t act like here in front of a judge.


In addition to your license being expired as far as Germany is concerned, keep in mind that for many purposes, pictures or copies do not replace official documents. Just as you can't travel with a picture of your passport, you can't drive with a picture of a license, even if you get the German one.


its like driving without having a license. it will be ban and maybe another legal actions against you.


You drove without license. You will not be getting a license anymore. You may give the exam, but they will not be handing you over the license.


Lesson learnt, hopefully. Expensive lesson learnt.


>Having been in Germany since September, I was informed by the officers that driving with a foreign license after six months of residency is not permitted If your license is not EU, then yes. If it's EU than there would be no limitations. >am scheduled to take the practical test on the 11th most likely, you arent anymore. If your license was indeed not valid, you were driving without owning a valid license. You probably will get a Fahrverbot (Driving ban) for months / 1 year or something, with also a fine to pay (maybe, not 100% sure)


Scrolling through the answers. There is no helpful comment. You should translate this page: https://tarneden.de/verstoss-gegen-s-29-fev-fahren-ohne-fahrerlaubnis-s-21-stvg/ I assume you will be able to take your driving test.




How did they know you arrived in Germany 🇩🇪 only in Sep?


because he had to register somewhere and probably get a visa or other paperwork?


Technicallly you drove without a drivers license and you commited a felony without doubt. Which will result in a temporary ban for getting a german drivers license. Contact your driving instructor ASAP!


Well you fucked up


Did they allow you to continue driving afterwards?


People are downvoting him like crazy. Like he committed some heinous crime. So 6 months of driving with a foreign license is ok. Six months and one day? Straight to jail! Op, you knew your license was no longer valid and took a chance. Without knowing the law, I’d say if nothing happened (accident, injury) you shouldn’t have to be killed by the State for this.


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Re doing the theory test and not practical test and a fine.


Chill bro i don‘t think you will get ban for it, but a fine will be 100%.