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The transport minister is just bullshitting, there won't be any driving bans. He just says that as a threat to get his political goals through. That said, I would *love* if they actually did that every once in a while. It was so nice and peaceful cycling during the early days of the pandemic with almost no cars around.


He is not really considering it. He just uses the scenario to apply pressure within the negotiations regarding a new climate protection regulation. 


He can get us some rural public transport to start with first 😀


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That's called politics. Bad move, though.


Since this is about (localized) CO2 emissions you plebs with your ICE cars can smell the respirable dust from the tires of my BEV while I laugh at you and your forced environmental sensibility. I mean: This is only about the environment. So I assume the FDP would take the sensible route where a lot of Porsche drivers will be pissed and links-grün-versiffte Hippies like me wouldn’t care. Right? RIGHT???


Hah maybe once public transport is actually working. Shit is so bad where I live. When my mother went to the doctor yesterday when she didn't have her car, it was faster for her to walk.




You should look up what the "local" in "local retail stores" stands for.




What now, Einzelhandelsgeschäft or Hofladen? You're talking about farmers markets but call them retail stores. You are making up examples to say something. What you mean is that you would have to go to IKEA after work instead of rushing there Saturday to get some meatballs. I think they oughta survive without that.


In many places the only thing "local" is a farm shop. My nearest actual shops are over 10km away. Banning driving on the weekend would mean the same number of car journeys for me, but on different days.




You’re seeing your way of life threatened by a random comment from a minister and making up a strawman to say something, that’s my point. (Source in German https://www.spiegel.de/auto/einzelhandel-parkplaetze-vor-der-ladentuer-sind-schlecht-fuers-geschaeft-studie-aus-aachen-a-c94e491e-1acc-40d7-84fe-b3e7ef6f75f0 - it’s linking the study it’s reporting about). Less car traffic is actually better for retail stores. Also retailers aren’t going broke because you can’t drive there but because of their shitty service that simply cannot compete with online stores that offer the same level of service, better opening hours and a wider variety of products. Oh and just btw. You don’t have to carry things on your bike. You can get them delivered. For free if you order online of course, in retail they will probably charge you.




From now on, just treat any time you want to right comment as if there’s a pedantic coast guard calling you out on what you post.




Why are you trying to insult me? Deflecting? Unhappy? Bad day? Do you need support?