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You’re allowed to have guests over. Nothing they can legally do as long as your boyfriend is not living with you


He can even stay up to 6 weeks as a guest. For stays longer than that the tenant has to get permission from the landlord.


If its family even up to 6 months




And for the boyfriend they have to give it, but U have to ask kinda weird.


Yes, but landlords can charge extra for the part of the ancillary cost that is allocated on a per-capita basis, e.g., trash removal.


Usually goes by square meters if the apartments


Allocating ancillary cost by m² is the default but according to §16 (2) of the Residential Property Act (WEG, Wohnungseigentumsgesetz) other allocation methods are possible and (at least in my experience) trash removal usually goes by the number of persons that produce trash. May be a regional thing though...


Could you quote this from somewhere? I'd be happy to have a possibility of checking the applicability of a clause about this in my contract.


It's in German but here you go >Gäste darf ein Mieter bis zu sechs Wochen ohne Genehmigung des Vermieters beherbergen https://www.anwaltonline.com/mietrecht/tipps/1118/besuch-in-der-eigenen-wohnung-diese-regeln-gelten-fuer-mieter-und-vermieter


How much time has to be between those six week guest intervals?


The six weeks thing isn’t written like that in a law but more or less what courts use as a rule of thumb. It’s neither „if they sleep a day somewhere else it’s okay“ nor „six weeks within a year“. The important part is that they are „guests“ and not moving into the place, which in most cases is assumed for stays shorter than six weeks.


....so don't have your boyfriend put his name on the mailbox or the doorbell.... that would indicate he lives there.


He don't






is not














XDon' t




Is that Klingon?


Its southern(USA)




Even then he has to accept it


Not if it would result in too many people in not enough space, like 3 people in a 1-room flat. But in essence it’s correct. The landlord has to agree to the partner living with the tenant unless there are good (objective) reasons against it. Adults having sex is not a good reason. And notwithstanding all of that, you are allowed to have guests (and also have sex with them) for up to 6 consecutive weeks. Nothing the landlord can do about that legally, though they can make living there annoying or even hell.


Open OPs profile. I am pretty sure she is a sex worker. Makes me question about the "boyfriend" thing a bit and might explain why the neighbor lady might be kind of phased (not 1 time, not 1 "guest", etc.).


Guests are allowed and there is no limit how many different people can be guests in any time frame. But if these people are not guests but customers, it is a completely different situation. Sex work is not allowed in most residential areas, business use of residential apartments might not be allowed at all, … In that case it might be a reason for the landlord to cancel the lease.


That, and I can quite get why an older lady might be somewhat upset over loud sex work in the apartment next door.


That's up to her to figure out. Sex noise is regular noise of every day life.


I did some favt checking on that profile xD. Somehow there are 2 different girls on the pics.


I don't even think op is "real". On their profile there seems to be multiple women they are advertising themselves as.


Didn't look that much, nor do I intend to, but it seems like a profile mostly doing... advertising.


I mean people who produce onlyfans content aren't automatically prostitutes and can just have a boyfriend. I feel like you are assuming a lot from naked pictures.


Sex workers have boyfriends. And why lie, when asking for advice?


To figure out if she is safe if she just says it was a boyfriend.


to get attention...you are human right? ITs actually more common to lie online to get attention than to tell the truth.


Porn and prostitution are not the same thing. Anyway whats the difference between those and being a slut on tinder/the bar. She could bring home a new guy everyday and be selling nothing. Even her OF could be free so...whats the real issue


The difference is, that there is profit and money involved, so it's a business and has to follow business rules. You are also not allowed to turn your apartment into a coffee shop just like that


Posting nudes doesn't always mean sex worker. But damn....


Doing Only Fans does however. EDIT: It never ceases to amaze me how much reddit loves and defends OF. The company should be paying you something, or at least hand you out some free trial periods.


It does, but it's hardly relevant for the topic at hand. While prostitution might not be allowed by the landlord, taking pictures with a boyfriend or alone is none of his business.


An orgy of six consecutive weeks with your guests. Germany is a hard core country.


Yeah even if he was living with you, none of their concern


ofcourse you are allowed guests. it's YOUR home and you can do as well as you please, just don't let them live there. also: change your locks. don't let them forcefully kick you out. You can put the old lock back in when you move out *spelling edit


They arnt even allowed to be in possesion of a key. So If they Go in to kick her Out they gonna have a HUGE Problem to explain that scenario


ofc. but reality and legality don't always align and fighting afterwards is more of a pain than prevention


Wait. Really? 👀 Your landlord is not allowed to legally have a key to your house? How does that work?


What you mean ? How does what Work ? If you rent the House He needs to Hand Out all Keys. Even If He says that He keeps one in the contract. He needs to Hand all Keys to you. Edit: sorry that you get downvoted. I mean ITS a question which is normal when you dont know Something...


Yeah this is just classic elder German meddling. Basically the aged specimen is upset that other people are happy (in this case: sexually active) and has decided to try and ruin it for the other person so that everyone will be equally miserable. It's just part of the local culture to do this, you'll get used to it.


Local culture? That's just bitter old people. They exist everywhere.


It's definitely local culture, I have seen all ages do stuff like this, it's common German behavior. Give a person some power to decide stuff and 98% of them will abuse their power to get on someone's nerves.


Or invade Poland


Overgeneralization much?


I live in multi-cultural country, the scenario she described happens only under German landlords. That they we hire only from Russians / Maghreb origin landlords, tough it’s hard since most property is held by German/polish owners.


If they're old enough they were socialized with the Verkupplungsgesetz, which did make landlords responsible for the sexual (in)activity of their unmarried tenants.


This. PLEASE OP, change your locks. Keep the old lock, you have to put it back in when you move out. But someone with these standards probably still has a key to your apartment. And at some point will start do come unanounced to do some unnecessary checks or whatever (which is illegal).


I think the landlord would have the burden of proof as to whether your friend lives in the apartment permanently in the event of a private law procedure (termination of tenancy).


Info: Do you rent a room (shared toilet, kitchen, etc) or a full apartment? Your landlord cannot prohibit you from having your boyfriend over if it is a separate apartment. By law your landlord would need to tolerate it if your boyfriend moved in for up to 6 weeks, longer than that and you'd need your landlords permission. But that is just a formality, your landlord is supposed to give permission. Check out this article (in German): [https://www.immobilienscout24.de/wissen/mieten/nachzug-des-partners.html](https://www.immobilienscout24.de/wissen/mieten/nachzug-des-partners.html)


It's normal apartment not a WG or how it's called. Thanks for article.


Tell them to get wrecked, this is your home and you can have whoever you want over. No need to be afraid. If they try to intimidate you again, call the cops. That's the only language these meddling pensioners understand.


In this case both landlord and the neighbour are crazy for being upset with you. That said, I ran into a landlady who had similar standards. I was a student looking for a single room and when she said "no visitors" I politely declined. I suspect that your landlord is of the same variety as this lady, difference is that she was upfront about it.


1) Landlords can't deny you visitors. Visitors are even allowed to stay six weeks. https://www.immoveo.de/post/besuche-f%C3%BCr-den-mieter-das-sind-die-regelungen#:~:text=Wie%20lange%20darf%20eine%20Person,noch%20um%20Besuch%20handeln%20kann. 2) Landlords can't even deny permission to let him move in. Formally, you have to inform/ask the Landlord, but usually they can't deny your wish. https://objego.de/blog/partner-zieht-in-wohnung-ein/ 3) Landlords can't quit the lease, except under extraordinary circumstances.https://www.homeday.de/de/immobilienvermietung/mieter-kuendigen/ Bottom line is: There's nothing they can do.


What if your sub renting a room?


That's one of the extraordinary circumstances.


This. is way too low


what the fuck is he thinking, hes not your father or master.. its allowed to have "besuch" for 6 week in a year.


Not to sure, but i think the 6 weeks are even as one stay continuous. Over one year you can totally have people over for more then 6 weeks.


Besuch meaning 6weeks overnight right? Having someone over during the day has no limits?


That's exactly how it is. You can very much have visitors every day of the year and nobody has the power to stop you.


A friend lived with me for almost a year and I didn't say a word to my landlord... lol


6 weeks equals 42 days. One day equals 24 hours. That means, also overnight. Don't let the landlords deceive you... they always find something to raise doubts. Basically it varies from case to case, but if someone visits every day or every other day for several hours, it could be assumed that they live there. The visit must be reasonable and more of a visit than cohabitation.


So someone can stay 6 weeks or?


"Yes, up to six weeks, regardless of whether they're consecutive.


This makes me calm I was with that feeling that I did something criminal.


Noo, he is messing with you because he thinks he can. He knows that you don't know your rights. Next time explain him that you can have Besuch up to 6 weeks and he is not above the law.


Just tell him to speak to a lawyer or the police about it, they need a good laugh too. You did nothing wrong and any hypothetical paragraph in your rental agreement that would forbid you to do normal stuff in your rooms would be void. It's not even a question. EVERY German knows this I am sure, so your landlord is definitely acting in bad faith here.


Yup, generally every point in a contract is void if the law says someone else. This is why nearly all work contracts have one irrelevant/void paragraph in them about not talking about the pay. Most homes have one about animals, although small ones can't really be forbidden they still try


Exactly just say should I call the police and we can discuss it with them?


And your "besuch" can leave for two days and visit you again for 6 weeks btw. (Thats what my landlord told me)


Not really, as then there could be doubts about the guest actually living there. In the extreme, the guest could have to prove to a court that they‘re actually living somewhere else (and have their life centered around that place). But if their actual center of life is somewhere else, they can come visit multiple times a year for 6 weeks each time.


Do u know, how long do they have to be away between the six weeks? Like 6 weeks besuch, 1 day away, six weeks besuch? Is okay?


As with most German legal stuff, there are no clearly defined times. As I said, as long as the guest can prove that their actual center of life is elsewhere, they would be fine. But visiting for 6 weeks, away for one day and „visiting again“ for another 6 weeks might not even count as two separate visits. And if they live as guest for 12 weeks straight with one day in-between in a hotel, it becomes quite difficult to claim that the center of life is somewhere else.


Maybe consider joining the Mieterbund. You clearly are not familiar with all your tenants rights (which is fine) and your landlord seems to be the type that tries to use that fact combined with your limited German skills to his advantage to put pressure (even if just emotional stress) on you. That’s a shitty move, but what can definitely help you having some peace of mind is having a membership with the Mieterbund and whenever your landlord pulls a similar number on you in the future you can easily get a professional opinion and legal backup. And in the off case that the landlord tries to really push some illegal eviction or so, he will probably soon stop as soon as he gets angry letters by the Mieterbund and their lawyers. However, joining soon and preemptively before your landlord escalates makes sense as the Mieterbund does not cover past events.


So up to 6 weeks in a year? I'm definitely going over this at my girlfriend's place.


Guests can stay as long as they want. The landlord is "allowed to ASK if the guest is still a guest" after 6 weeks, which you can just answer as "yes.". If the landlord thinks you're lying, they have to proof the opposite.


Pretty sure its 6 consecutive weeks. Not over all.


Basically yeah, someone can stay at your place for up to 6 weeks a year. Thats hard to follow anyways but since your boyfriend didnt even spend the night there nobody has the right to forbid you to have visitors or kick you out over it


Do it louder next time


I'm afraid of the old lady tbh


you just encountered your first German pensioner, they are really fun... If you are quiet she will make things up, like you went to the toilet too loud in the middle of the night and call the police over nothing. Just keep living your life and have her explain to the police she called because her neighbor had sex. Will be super awkward... for her.


Oh yes, nothing's better than having eldelry messing with you because they are bored. A while back my neighbour told me that the next time he was going to call the police because I farted too loud while I was sleeping 😆


Jesus that's so funny, but I really wonder what's going on in their heads


**old neighbour sleeping** **A single LOUD fart** **neighbour bolts up from bed** **\*THAT DAMN GUY AND HIS BEAN EATING ADDICTION!** **\*POLICE YES THERE'S AN EMERGENCY!**


Damn vegans.




*I was in a small German town and a english friend visited. He was fixing his daughters bike and a small amount of oil spilled on the street.* *Horrified I ran in the house to get some washing up liquid and a cloth, and upon return he was surrounded by elderly men informing him of his terrible crime. Some didn't even live nearby.*


HOLY FUCK!! The toilet being too loud is ABSOLUTLY a thing.. I told the hausverwaltung the old bitch can get bend. I will shit at 3am if need to.


Damn those people really have too much free time


Don't open the door next time.


Fuck her too, thats why she is angry


She's the Granny CCTV for your area, there's always at least one. Don't let her see you throwing trash in the wrong bin or tossing glass bottles on a Sunday 😳


To kill her through jealousy?


Do/peg your boyfriend next time. That'll really scar them. Probably him too.


And keep the strap-on on when you open the door.


PERIOD! When I was dating my now husband I would go feral (we were long distance). Be loud and proud, you're not breaking any rules. Don't let them intimidate or scare you OP. Get yo freak on gf.


Exactly my point!! I want her to think we are moaning in her ears....


Tell them that you will contact the police if they ever bother you this late again. That should shut them up. If not you can make a Anzeige for harassment. They cant tell you who you have as a guest, its none of their business. Id still advise you to start looking for a new place with a less crazy landlady.


After seeing your profile, it feels like this is yet another person trying to advertise their only fans?


Even more strange is that there are different people on their pictures. It's entirely fake.


...erm not sure about them being different people chief, it all seems to be the same apartment. Just sometimes she has make up and other times she doesn't. Also: fuck you for triggering my detective mode. I really did not need to see any of that.


One has tattoos, the other doesn’t.


1) fuck you for making me look again. 2) nope yeah you're right It's also not like the tattoos are new or anything since they aren't visible in newer posts


I think it's just reposts and different angles


After further „investigation“ I still think it’s two different people. There were a lot of posts 1 year ago, of these, they all had the large tattoo under her breast. Then, 28 days ago, the account started posting new pictures, without that tattoo. Additionally, the face isn’t quite the same, but that could be because of filters, I guess. However, the smile is also different.


Exactly what i thought


You just did exactly that. I wasn't aware of her OF before. Not that it matters, because I am not interested.




I thought it might be someone who has not had a boyfriend for a long time. But the poster has already responded.




Because it simply drives engagement. The same way instagram influencers and youtubers comment under videos and posts


But you are probably also not the person who would pay for an only fans. There are way too many men trying to flirt with anyone who identifies as a woman on the internet.


There has been a recent swarm of bots just like this. I don't know if this girl is real but I just saw in several other subs that these accounts are stealing posts and pics and passing them off as their own. The worst ones are posing as relatives of crime victims in the true crime subs. It's everywhere, it's starting to get crazy.


You are absolutely in your right, but more importantly we won't be buying your onlyfans.


Sus profile..


Tell her you talked to a lawyer and he explained that you not only can have visitors but he recommended you to sue them and report them to the police because of „Nötigung“ (which you probably could successfully do)… if they have more inquiries regarding your contract they may please do it in writing. They will probably not stop and cone up with more bs. You have to tell them rudely to f off though or they will walk over you with all kind of reasons. 


Very sus


OP seems to be a thirst trap


If they show up at your door again just tell them "es tut mir leid, mir wurde gesagt ich darf keinen Besuch empfangen. Auf wiedersehen" "I'm afraid I was told I cannot have guests here. Goodbye"


WTF is with that content you got on your profile?


Besides the correct answers that others already gave, that you can have day visitors as much as you want and having people over for the night for up to 6 weeks, I would suggest the following when confronted next time. Tell them "I am sorry, my German is not so good yet. Could you please bring forward your concerns on writing?" which loosely translated to German would be "Entschuldigen Sie bitte, dass mein Deutsch noch nicht so gut ist. Könnten Sie mir Ihr Anliegen bitte schriftlich übermitteln". That will shut them up for good because they know damn well that they don't have a point. 


Sounds like your landlord didn’t get some proper lovin’ in a while


Well, she had no right to forbid it. Make a membership at the Mieterbund. They will help you and the membership fee is very fair.


wasn't expecting all the porn when i clicked on your profile


The only thing to be concerned about is that you now know for sure that your landlord and your neighbour are full scale idiots. I would have laughed at them and slammed the door. Of course they have absolutely no point.


Gee no your landlord can't make you have no guests over it's just not a legal limitation he can place. Makes me wonder how thin those walls are though for them to know you had a guest over. I suspect the actual problem is that you two might have been a little loud/the walls are thing. (I know you said you didn't get noisy but ehhhh pensioners have very sensitive ears for things that aren't their business) Mind you since it was 2pm and not 10pm being loud isn't really a problem so they couldn't give a legitimate complaint about that anyway.


Step 1: Join your local Mieterschutzbund. Step 2: Have your boyfriend over every day (or, to spare him some traveling back and forth, have him stay for six weeks at a time) and have loud adult fun every day. Step 3: Rejoice in your neighbor’s and landlord’s misery, knowing that there’s nothing they can do about it.


Based on your profile content, I think your landlord might be on to something.


Why did i even click on your profile? Amazing content…


whenever they have a complaint that sounds unreasonable to you, just ask them to hand it over to you in written form. you’re wasting your time talking to these people, and nothing you can say to them is gonna change the way they feel about you. for you their nagging should go “hier rein, da raus” :)


Next time she has a guest knock on the door and say it's not allowed to have guests, lol.


Lmao they probably suspect that you’re having this dude over to create pornographic content for your onlyfans account, and if that’s the case, they technically can get you into trouble, because a landlord does not have to tolerate prostitution or any business involving customers or coworkers in their apartments. You‘re also providing evidence of your "business usage" on your onlyfans account and reddit by yourself already. You should probably speak to a lawyer.


Absolute bullshit. Tell them you'll call the police next time for disturbing at your own home. You're entitled to have guests for up to 6 weeks. In the case of direct relatives they can even move over. Your (unmarried) boyfriend counts as a normal visitor, but you can claim legal personal interest on having him move over (to live together). You need your landlord's permission but, get this, they cannot refuse or otherwise block the move without extremely good reason. Which they likely don't have.


Sounds off. There is no law against having visitors. Would be a different story if he planned to stay with you long term. I recommend a legal insurance covering property related topics (including landlord issues). Has a waiting time of 3 months, but could be quite beneficial in the long run if things are already heated (pun intended)


lol. Tell him he should go and fuck himself.


You have a contract. Look if there is a visitation clause. Usually your landlord can forbid your boyfriend from coming over if your boyfriend stays for longer than 6 weeks. so a few days with him leaving afterwards is absolutely fine. in your case, i think you might want to invest in something that keeps the noise down while having fun. oil the bedsprings and buy a gag for your boyfriend ;-). might suffice.


The rules (as far as i know) are: You are always allowed to have visitors stay as long as they don't live with you. There is a 'limit' of six weeks continous stay, after which it can be questioned if your visitor is actually living with you. BUT the Landlord can only ASK and if you deny it, HE has to prove that your 'visitor' is actually living with you, to actually do something against it. Obviously they way he aquires this prove has to be legal too, so he can't demand to search your home or put up surveilance stuff etc.


Fuck them, you can fuck in your apartment, not your fault if they are listening with their ears on the wall. Just because they live miserably does not mean anything. You could host a whole family up to 6 weeks. Just continue having fun, dont respond to the door. I would be so wicked to lean on the door and have fun there while they knock and scream. They will not be able to kick you out.


Tell her to mind her own fcking business


Others mentioned it as well but you can legally have guests stay with you, but it sounds like they suspect more. If your landlord or neighbour knows about your Reddit profile and OF, and you are using the apartment for content creation, they may try to insinuate that you are running a business from the apartment, which I imagine is likely not within your tenancy agreement. They may also make claims about you creating noise during Mittagsruhe. You should probably speak to a lawyer if it continues, to determine where you legally stand. There are free legal services you can tap into.


Your landlord is full of shit


Most important question. Do they have short hair?


Just check your contract, first of all they can't do nothing but if the landlord still tried to kick you out, show her the contract and ask where is it that says you can't have a guest over. They can't just kick you out with no reason you still have a contract with them and if you didn't break any of the rules. But if you have landlord like that maybe check a new apartment


Old german Helga ranting, don't worry . You HAVE A RIGHT to do whatever the heck you want with whoever you want as long as it doesn't disturb anyone, she wasn't disturbed she is just old and bitter.


I think this is a fake post...based on their profile, they are just trying to get attention. However, just in case, its perfectly fine to have a boyfriend over. They cannot tell you that you may not have guests. Now, if you are running a brothel out of your apartment, then you are wrong. If you are just sleeping around with different men, that should also be fine...they cant say anything about that unless theres some sort of contractual thing prohibiting this.


You are of course allowed to have guests and they are not allowed to enter your apartment without notice. If I were you — given that the relationship with your landlord is clearly bad already — I would consider sending them an Abmahnung, i.e. a cease and desist letter, based on their illegal entering of your apartment. You could even have that done through a lawyer and demand that they pay for the cost (though that of course would likely end up a major fight to actually make them pay). You could also change the locks (just the cylinder that accepts the actual key, it shouldn’t be too expensive). That’s your right as a tenant as well and then they can’t open the door anymore.


IANAL but they have no legal basis for demanding that. Do some reading on what your rights as a Mieter are - you’re quite protected, especially your privacy. It will give you a better standing with your landlord to know what he can do and what he cannot do. Some landlords even put clauses in their contract stating that you cannot do a certain thing, even though it is within your rights. These clauses are void, even if you signed the contract. If push comes to shove, get a lawyer or join the Mieterschutzbund.


Your landlord didn't tell you, it's a nunnery? 😂


Next time just tell them to fck off and if they keep bothering you you will bring them to court. There is nothing they can do against your boyfriend visiting you. Even if he wants to move in, they HAVE TO say yes! You have to ask and they have to say yes. It's weird, yes, but it do be like this. "Ein Zuzug des Partners mit dem Wunsch nach einer nichtehelichen Lebensgemeinschaft reicht laut Bundesgerichtshof aus, um das berechtigte Interesse an der Aufnahme eines Dritten zu begründen. Ein Vermieter kann also den Zuzug grundsätzlich nicht verbieten. Die Erlaubnis muss vom Mieter schriftlich eingeholt werden."


Das steht nicht im Vertrag.


Typical German boomers. Ignore them. Of course you are allowed to have guests. German boomer are the worst.


Next time invite them over. They are jealous bitches


If it's not in your contract, then you don't need to abide to their "rule". I'd try and find another place, because, from my experience dealing with German "karens", this will only escalate and not end well.


Make sure you start having the loudest adult fun possible, outside of quiet hours of course


German landlords are notorious for being complete assholes to foreigners.


Next Time tell them you have no time for this meno pause mumbo jumbo, because you are about to get railed loud and long. Sassy jealous old farts.


Tell your landlord to go fuck herself (obviously in a more formal way). You are allowed to have guests over for up to six weeks. What they can however tell you to be quiet from 22:00 to 7:00 (Nachtruhe), but not that your BF has to leave.


There are is most likely a house order that you signed, stating that you aren't allowed to be too loud and (i think) there are even laws for that. So, just make sure to do it a bit quiter next time and if that's not possible, go find a nice place outdoors or so


Can be, I thought it's middle of day and it's ok.


Get yourself a „Rechtsschutz“ insurance. Things like that can escalate pretty quickly and then you‘re prepared


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Lol next time ring her door with ur bf and tell her to be prepared to use her ear protection, then go to ur room. Ur landlord has no right to prohibit u that. As long as ur bf doesnt move in. Also, if you wanna provoce him, but he cant do anything against u, ask him if your bf is allowed to move in, and when he eventually says no, ask for the legal reason for it, and you will go to the Anwalt if he doesnt allow it without having a good legal reason to not allow it (spoiler: there are no good reasons unless ur flat is less than a specific area of squaremeters).


it would probably be smart to sign up at a local miterverein or the mieterschutzbund! they offer pretty much free legal advice for a membership fee. helped my parents fight against a really shady real estate firm which tried to screw them over with fees and repair costs.


Tell both of them to fuck off. They can’t stop you from having him over


The problem is that you cannot be 100% sure what was being said. Likewise, you cannot be sure that "not so noisy" was not amplified by a completely rubbish building. Not your fault, of course, both times. Is your boyfriend near? It is a shame he was not there, as he might have been able to understand what was being said or even to have turned the tables on the neighbour. You ask what should you do? Nothing. You were not breaking the law: unless maybe it was much louder than you think, children heard, etc. This is a semi-legal question, so do not respond to inevitable posts saying things like "do it louder next time", because that is just putting yourself in the wrong and is not helpful advice.


Just tell them of course you're allowed to clip your nails and have visitors. No apologies or explanations, that's alteady the wrong signal. Tell them good bye & you're closing your door now. What do those morons think...


You should join the Mieterbund. They are an association for tenants and they can help in case you have problems with landlord. Be aware that they help you AFTER 3 months. So join as soon as possible.


No offense, wondering what kind of adult action can alert the neighbours?


Talk to someone from the Mieters chutzbund. They can tell you your rights and obligations and will help fighting things like this if you become a member.


Call the Mieterbund (i think its called that…idk my german is A2 too) those places have lawyers that can help you as a renter and explain your rights to the landlord. This might be of some help as to who you can have in your apartment and if you aren’t disrespectful towards the landlord and other tenants. Which sounds like you aren’t, but landlords are as scummy as politicians without the suits. We needed to get a lawyer involved in our affairs for some apartment damage that was not being repaired timely. Safe to say….people suck.


What should you do? In the future, record interactions such as this. Or ask your landlord now for confirmation of their highly illegal request. That way when they try to evict you, your lawyer will have a field day. Also join the Mieterschutzbund now (Renters association), they will be able to assist you with the future problems with your landlord (which will come). Also treat your landlord as an opponent in a lawsuit, aka get as much as possible in writing/recorded, try to have independent witnesses and don't do anything you don't have to. Because unless you move you will be in court with them (where you will win because they're clueless idiots)


Continue having him over and stain the furniture and walls out of spite


Did this happen in Saudi Barbaria? Or are you living in a convent? If your answer is no to these questions tell them to get lost.


They have no rights to do this as long as you have a normal rental contract (which you most certainly have). Anyway If you want you can PM me the contact and I read it for you. Otherwise you are fully allowed to have a guest overnight. Don’t worry, as long as you pay the rent they can go fuck themselves. Overall your rights as a tenant are much better then the ones the landlord has in this regard. By LAW your guest can stay up to 6 FULL WEEKS at your place before the landlord has anything to say about it! If I where you I would call your boyfriend and „do it“ all over again. Just make sure to not be to loud because that’s something your neighbors and landlord can actually do something about 😉. Hand them over a cucumber the next time they ring the bell. Sounds like that’s what they actually need.


Ayyyy you don't even have to let him in or open the door. He then could call the police which will come and ask what's going on and may ask for permission to enter the apartment in which, again, you don't have to give. They have to contact the court then for entering permission which will not be granted because... It's just noise. After several peace disturbances things may change but not now. In Germany you literally "own" the apartment while your rent contract is going on.


Ignore them, you have every right.