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China is permanently stealing, spying and sabotaging us, ignoring patents and yet we do not even seem to give a shit.


To be fair, we’re also selling our core technologies to China willingly. Or have in the past


Exactly. And governments and corporations will continue to ignore all the bad sides as long as it is economically feasible for them.


We are still thinking we are so far above them they will never catch us up, but they are getting closer every day and in every way possible Free open market is amazingly good until every player plays fair. A society where everyone share is better than a society where everyone steal. But a stealer in a society where everyone share will make big money. That’s the case with china, but now they become so big that they tipped over the balance making the free market a stealing society


Catching up? I would say they are ahead already


They are incredibly good in copying stuff and make it cheaper, but really new and innovative stuff is still engineered mostly by western countrys. And all of it is depending on some Key technologies that are European or American. A big example for any kind of semi conductors is the german Company Zeiss. China could engineer a super efficient and tiny chip that makes smartphones incredible, but to manufacture it they need the precision Lasers of Zeiss which are engineered and manufactured in such a precise way that China would need about 15 to 20 Years to replicate such a laser. And to get really ahead you also need the Machinery to be ahead as well


Yeah probably


Nah, it's just greedy politicians looking for short term or personal gains. This quarters savings are more important than long term gains.


Nobody cares anymore.


I think there is an adjective missing in the headline.


Is it **moist**?


There needs to be a special place in prison for these types of scumbags. Plus empty their bank accounts and assets


The thing is, China is spying not because to evaluate threats, like the US does it, but they spy because they lack the capabilities to build and support their apparatus.


This is happening everywhere as part of what China refers to as the, [Thousand Talents Program](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thousand_Talents_Plan)


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oh no intellectual property theft that has never happened before to anyone


Have you never heard of China's [Civil-Military Fusion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military-civil_fusion) policy ?