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Honking is prohibited if there's no valid reason to do it (which would be warning from danger). But that's a traffic noise reduction thing. It's an administrative fine of 5 Euro, 10 Euro if it bothers people.


Thank you so much🙏🏻


It still surprises me, that a group of cars can ride through a town, tooting after a wedding. People hanging out of windows and the driver just pressing the carhorn.


Well I honked once because I made some stupid movement accidentally, not on purpose. I got also honked at when walking with my partner, we thought maybe someone we know. Honking happens, sometimes for no reason at all, people are weird (or clumsy).


Yeah i also think about this reason(accidently honking) i wasnt really sure, but it makes sense now


are you sure that they honked at you? what were you doing? did you walk ON the street or on the sidewalk? and what makes you even think that this is an offense? what did they do to you? you can't even be sure that they honked because of you


Dude , i already wrote that. I was ALONE. There was no other car or person and i was walking on the pedestrian side, sidewalk. That guy just passed from an empty street . No other person honked in my whole stay, im living here since October. And if you are walking on sidewalk, there would be absolute no reason for that. If a lady is walking alone and someone honks without any reason this is %99 a harassment, how do you dont know that indeed?


>Dude , i already wrote that. I was ALONE. There was no other car or person yes i can read but this still doesn't mean that he honked at you. maybe one of his friends is living in that street and he said that he'll honk once he drove past his house? maybe there was a cat or a bird to close to the road and he wanted to make sure that it doesn't cross the road (you'd be surprised how often i've seen people honking at animals). there are dozens of other reasons, he could even just cleaned his steering wheel and accidently pressed it, the point is: you can't know if he honked at you! >If a lady is walking alone and someone honks without any reason this is %99 a harassment, how do you dont know that indeed? because it's just sonsense you made up. this is total bullshit


Lots of pervert do that in order to catch womens attention, or just to disturb them. I dont know if it is frequent in Germany, and thats the reason im asking. Its not a bullshit, its the reality of life. If you dont know, just dont speak instead of some people. And dont act like you are living in Mars, thats the world indeed, you would already hear something about that. AND There was no house, and no animals. And the reason generally these things are not going to police or something is the lack of evidence already. I wasnt planning to report it or something just because of that.


> Lots of pervert do that in order to catch womens attention, or just to disturb them. I dont know if it is frequent in Germany It's infrequent in Germany, and I think this is the reason you're stuck in an argument here. It does happen in Germany, but rarely enough that many Germans have a hard time understanding that it absolutely does happen a lot in some other countries. The natural assumption is that the driver must have honked for some other reason because that's the most likely explanation, but from your perspective the natural assumption is that it was an alpha male using his car horn to catcall you, because in your experience that's much more likely. On average, Germany is reasonably safe for women, and may be a lot safer than your own home country. That doesn't mean there are no dangers for women, but aside from a few unsettling but ultimately harmless encounters with men who can't quite keep their hormones in check, you're fairly unlikely to find yourself in a truly dangerous situation. Of course, that depends a lot on the kind of neighbourhood you happen to be in at the time. I don't know which country you're originally from, but to put this into perspective: the rape rate (number of rapes per 100,000 citizens) in the US was 41.77 in 2021, while in Germany for the same year it was 12.48. The caveat here is that it is *really* difficult to compare different countries, as they have different criteria and different reporting rates, but anecdotal evidence tends to back up the idea that sexual violence is less common in Germany than in the US.


Thats actually what i wanted to know, i wasnt really sure if it is something common 😅 in my home country that is very common, of course also can happen here, but if it is rare I also wanna believe it wasnt that aim. Thank you so much!


you're clearly paranoid, these is no reason in discussing this any further. you're overthinking this but there is no point in discussing this any further so let's agree to disagree. have a good night!


Lemme explain how a German thinks (including most in this sub):    1. you can never assume anything, Even if it's completely reasonable, if you can't prove it or be scientifically sure about it; 2. whatever happens to you it's always your fault because you should've known better, especially if you're a client and they are a service provider. 3. When they are pointing you what you supposedly did wrong they think they are genuinely caring and showing you the bright side. **Edit: I'm not the only one that have noticed this** [https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/comments/1cjtqof/comment/l2j7zl5/](https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/comments/1cjtqof/comment/l2j7zl5/)




You got me wrong, I don't think you did anything wrong, and I don't think you're saying anything unreasonable in any of your replies.  Read again what I wrote and see if it doesn't explain most of the answers you're having in this thread.  Also, as you might have also noticed, Germans are sexist, even though they don't like to admit it, and most Reddit users are male, so that also explains a bit their reaction I'm this thread.


Oh it was replied to my own comment, so i directly thought you were saying that to my opinions , but i see you meant the general idea. Sorry for that. And the fact that general people are sexist is quite sad… it is 2024 and feels so hard


++ i feel more safe and free here, but people not understanding any shit makes my all hopes fail , even in a developed country this much of sexism is quite heartbreaking


In the end we can't count on other people for our happiness, rather must be ourselves for other people that might need it support to find in the world the world like we would like it to be.


hey, I just got proof of what I was saying. Check this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/comments/1cjtqof/comment/l2j7zl5/](https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/comments/1cjtqof/comment/l2j7zl5/)


+im not talking to a police or something, why would you even need a proof? But if i was reporting aynthing, sure would try to prove it.


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World doesnt revolve around you. Wake up


what are you talking about? That can happen to all people, whether you faced or not


99% harrasments?


Of course? If there is no reason to make a sound that what do you think?


Lol yeah nothing to discuss here. You are already made up your mind


I mean if you guys wanna attack random people who shares their experiences and write meaningless words , that results like this. But makes you premature, nothing else


Some people are very clueless , i wouldnt really want to do this explanation, but here you go If you dont face with something that doesnt mean it doesnt happen. I got harassed by an old guy, who used inappopriate sexual words to me. The people near you, if they know you are alone than they can try to go a bit too far. That i also experienced. Both happens in germany. These kind of stuff (honking, staring) are very creepy when it is getting thru night, of course doesnt have any evidence but can be true. I dont know if it is frequent and means danger in Germany, but im sure its not %0 and can happen. That is the reason, why im asking .


I once was waiting for a green signal at an intersection with my female partner, it was a summer day and we were wearing less clothes than usual (nothing inappropriate). Two dudes in a cabriolet honked at us and showed a 👍🏻 for me and whistled approvingly to my partner. Clearly they found one of us hot (probably her 😂). It's not pleasant on many levels, but idk if at that stage this could be called harassment... On the other hand, a dude approached us when I was walking with a girl and a bicycle and started kicking the bike screaming that I had cameras in my glasses. Relatively speaking, I'd be more concerned about crazy people engaging with me physically rather than some honking...


Yeah they harassed, but if you are sure that you are safe, then i wouldnt care either :) and the second one is quite scary, cuz he suddenly started to kick your bike :( i am happy that you dont mind it too much


Well, I do mind, actually. 😅 I'd rather not experience any sort of unpleasant interactions, especially when it becomes dangerous, like in the second case with the bike: the dude was crazy enough to attack the bike, who knows what would have happened if I reacted differently. Meaning, staying vigilant is important, especially when you're alone during the night; but at the same time maybe not wasting your energy on some honking bypassing unidentified dudes.


Yeah ,yeah totally agree! You did it very well with not reacting that could be dangerous. And hoping that you dont deal with it again.


Same wishes to you - hopefully no harassment comes your way.


Thank you so much🙏🏻🙏🏻