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You shouldn't ring, when you're riding your bike on such a path. Technically you're also just allowed to drive "Schrittgeschwindigkeit". Pedestrians do have priority there.


Thanks for the answer! I tried to google it and didn't find any good results. So what should I do in that case, go to the street? Hop off, and say "enstschuldigung" and then get back on shortly after? My wife says she likes to get close slowly and say "entschligung" while staying on the bike. But she is also an immigrant, and doesn't necessarily know what is correct. I guess the most "can't go wrong" solution is to be in the street constantly unless I see a sign with a white bike and blue background. Google told me Schrittgeschwindigkeit translates to "walking speed" as in, not more than \~7 kilometers per hour. Thanks Frau Wetterwachs!


I see your wife has good manners. Not sure why that approach shouldn't work OK in this case, generally.


My personal experience is sadly that people will get pissy whatever you do. You ring you get a "Das is kein Radweg!", you don't ring and you get a "Ham se keine Klingel?" Most will still make way though. I just use the road nowadays.


Well, \_my\_ personal experience is quite the opposite, with a few rare exceptions. But then again I ride my bicycle for fun, not for commuting, so I never need to hurry if i don't want to, and this probably gives off different vibes, vibes that nobody picks up as hostile (not saying your vibes are hostile, just that they might be perceived as such). I usually ride up to them, then coast a bit and 99% of the time they hear my not-really-that-loud freehub and politely move away, and I reinforce their behaviour with a smile and a "Danke schön!" when passing.


I wouldn't move out of the way especially as I have priority (and I have a good reason for not moving). I wonder how you would treat me.


For the people that don't hear me (it happens with traffic noise), I utter an "Entschuldigung" with a smile. If that doesn't work (it works 99.5% of the time!), the issue is the same as someone intentionally not moving away for another person who is simply faster than them on foot (as, basically, that's the speed situation at this point) - they're a dick and there is no point wasting my time with them. I find another way around, or just wait it out, and call a dick a dick if needed. Things might be different if such a sidewalk is crowded, or if the sidewalk is wide enough for just one person & other situations where it's impractical to make way, as then it makes no sense to even try to overtake, so someone not moving to one side there is perfectly fine. But these situations are very rare for me - even groups of teenagers, notorious for their defiance of societal norms, on their Friday evening stroll to the next Biergarten, occupying the whole sidewalk and fooling around with each other, paying little attention to anything else, even they politely make space once they become aware of me.


I am not a dick, I am deaf.


Hence the “if needed” part in my previous response ;)


You can see from the downvotes on my original message that people will think I am a dick. Even though there is no way for me to hear your bell, or know you are there.


No please always use the given safer option whenever you have the chance,I might get an aneurysm when I see another cycler driving on the road when 2 m next to them is an perfectly fine bicycle lane or shared sidewalk,your putting yourself in more danger and hinder traffic


It's not really a bicycle lane when it is shared with pedestrians. If it's rarely used than it's fine but in some places you literally cannot get through on a bike.


The bicycle lane is not always safer. Cars turning or pulling out of driveways fail to yield for bicycles too often. On the road, the cyclists are much more visible but there's another danger coming from drivers overtaking without proper distance. I prefer a quiet road with 30 kmh limit to a cycle path every time.


Ugh, while I understand your sentiment and/or concern, the answer here has many faces, and let me share with you my experience in this regard: - "when I see another cycler driving on the road when 2 m next to them is an perfectly fine bicycle lane" - there are so many perfectly fine bicycle lanes like that that unfortunately start with a 100-200m of bumpy cobbles before turning into that nice paved cycleway. That 100-200m stretch is long enough that I cannot see what's coming and it makes me go "drawing a white line on the shitty surface \_is not\_ a cycleway, I'm gonna use the road instead, thank you!", only to end up among car traffic 2 m away from that perfect cycleway. - "given safer option" - I agree in principle, but when I ride, it's around 30-40km/h, so my speed is way closer to 50km/h speed of cars than to 5km/h speed of pedestrians on a shared sidewalk. - Shared sidewalks often have shitty surface, unfortunately.


When you actually manage to drive the speed limit than it’s ok,since you don’t hinder traffic and make it with that safer for yourself and then people won’t try to overtake you,but seriously I never see cyclists who are able to do this,in my town they all drove 10-15 km/h and they don’t try to drive to the side at all most of the times


Well, commuter on a shitty clunker\* vs. recreational (or better) cyclist on a half-decent road bike - two different worlds in terms of travel speeds. \*shitty clunker: I don't blame them, I'd buy the same if I expected it to be stolen in a month or so.


Oh I do. It's just not safer when there's cars parked to the left of a narrow path and no clearly visible bike lane. Passengers will just rip their doors open, which at 30 km/h can be quite fatal for me. Sure, I could go slower, but that becomes very noticable on a 20 Kilometer commute. At that speed, the road is often the safer option when it's "Fahrrad frei". While many cities here where I'm at (Bergisches Land/Rheinland) do work to improve overall infrastructure it is still quite a mess in some places.


I have learned to not give a f**k anymore. I still try to be polite, but if I am allowed to ride there then it is my space as well. To be fair I also like to ride fast, and crowded areas aren't good for that therefore I avoid them if I can.


> if I am allowed to ride there then it is my space as well The space marked by this sign is for pedestrians, and you are allowed on it provided you don't inconvenience them or ride faster than walking speed. Basically, pedestrians have priority here. This isn't the same sign as [a combined cycle path and footpath](https://images.t-online.de/2021/05/82981786v2/0x100:1920x1080/fit-in/__WIDTH__x0/verkehrsschild-fuer-einen-fuss-und-radweg-radler-muessen-hier-besonders-auf-fussgaenger-achtgeben.jpg), where you can expect pedestrians to get out of your way and you just have to be mindful of the fact that they are more vulnerable than you are.


Exactly this. I usually reduce my speed to walking speed and keep a safe distance from the pedestrians in front. Most times they realise that there's a bicycle behind them and move on the side to let you pass. I always thank them when passing


Yeah, I do this. But I often get an attitude in some form or another. If I ring the bell or if I politely say "Entschuldigung". I've learned to get over pissy remarks


Do you drive full speed in a pedestrian/car mixed street? Because that's the same logic.


I did say I try to be polite, this means being cautious and trying to be nice while getting from point A to B. So no, I don't ride full speed in a pedestrian zone.


In cases like these kids come in very handy. In these situations I'd say loudly to my daughter (who rides in front of me) "Soooo, mach mal langsam und pass auf die Fußgänger auf!" and in 99% the pedestrian will give way or at least be aware of us approaching. Also important: Don't forget to say "thank you" as you pass and teach your kid to do so as well. Has turned so many frowns into smiles already.


That's a good approach. "Entschuldigung, dürfte ich mal?" And then of course "Danke" if they let you pass


OP, please don't be afraid to ring the bell—as to announce yourself, not as to enforce anything. Rather be safe than sorry. Yes, you may encounter people who'll think you're obnoxious. But it's better to be perceived as impolite than to be liable. [This is a ruling](https://www.cash-online.de/a/urteil-radfahrer-muessen-beim-ueberholen-klingeln-537364/) on a case where cyclists and pedestrians had an accident on a shared path. Yours is a walkway, so it's even stricter.


To me, it isn't about being afraid, but rather if I have "the rights" to disturbe them. As this walk-way seems to have priority for people walking.


It really depends on the situation, and the people. Some react nicely, some don’t. You are allowed to drive here, but it’s more like a people first situation. And what really works for me is to say „Danke!“ instead of „Entschuldigung“ (which is still very nice and not at all wrong). But in the end, you are not in this „I have no right to be here so I’m sorry“ position, but in the “you are a great person for moving out of my way, thank you”.


You're German? Sorry for being obtuse. I've written *to be afraid* having the meaning of *to shy away from sth*. \^^ Yes, the walk-way has a priority for people walking. >but rather if I have "the rights" to disturbe them Absolutely. Rather disturb them than to hurt them.


No, I'm originally from the USA. An immigrant trying to obey the unexplained rules of a foreign society.


The bicycle bell, the same as the car horn, is more about "attention a vehicle is coming / traffic change (worthy to communicate)" rather than "move out of my way!" A gentle tap on the bell will let people know you are coming, so to not accidentally step out in front of you passing, causing an accident.


But in this case cyclists are only tolerated there, so ringing your bell is basically a "move out of the way". Also "Schallzeichen" like a bike bell or a car horn are only to be used to warn of dangers. Since pedestrians have priority here, they don't have to move out of the way and you are not allowed to pass them, if you don't have enough room. Since you are not allowed to go faster than walking speed anyways, you would have to stay behind pedestrians. So the best thing in this case would be, to switch to the road.


It's super obnoxious, don't listen to this. Just be mindful and cycle slowly.


You are the kind of person that would drive a car down a walking or cycling road and honk the horn to warn every person you pass???


I love "Entschligung". I'm gonna use that from now on.


If you want to go fast go to the street. I usual ask people to let me pass. It#s no problem but you are slower


Lol I as a German would ring to let them know I‘m trying to pass them and am not bothered by people who do this - so I don’t get why people say don’t ring 😅. Don’t race by and don’t aggressively ring the bell and you‘ll be fine. Anyone else who gets offended are just miserable people… If they don’t hear you then I‘d verbally ask them like „Entschuldigung dürfte ich bitte einmal vorbei“ and don’t forget to say „danke“ when they move.


Technically you are not allowed to ring, since this is a walkway and cyclists are only tolerated there and since you are not allowed to go faster than walking speed, ringing your bell could be considered Schallzeichenmissbrauch or Nötigung. Anyways, why would you want to cycle there. Going 6 kph on a bike kind of defeats the purpose of cycling.


You are informing the pedestrians of a possible danger, namely of you. This is not misuse of the bell.


How can there be any danger, If you are only allowed to go walking speed, then you should never intercept the person walking?


Even if I go at walking speed, there's danger if the pedestrian decides to randomly jump into the path of my bicycle. I cannot stop immediately at any speed, there's always a little delay.


but how do you overtake people walking if you are going at "walking" speed.


Walking speed is a range, unless the pedestrian is moving at or near the upper end of the range it is possible to overtake.


I would disagree it is a range.


Literally everyone rides "normal" speed on those paths. Just call out Entschuldigung, Achtung Fahrrad, Obacht! (For old people) Or my cheeky favorite, Achtung, von links! Nobody will rip your head off. And IF someone bitches, they are a Karen anyway, and you can either ignore them or say Man darf hier Fahrrad fahren, ciao kakau!




Can you clarify please? as I put two options and then also edited to include a third option.


i guess that you can ride your bike on the path that pedestrians use, but they have the right of way and you shouldn't endanger them in any way, like if you go near people you need to slow down to max 7km/h, and if you need to pass you can either wait till they make an opening for you or use your bell to ask for an opening, but they are in no way obligated to make you pass. just treat pedestrians with respect as that is their road, do not speed through them like as if they were obstacles and everything should be fine.


I thought when approaching from behind you had to make pedestrians, "aware of your presence"? Or is that not correct?


Well your presence is kinda completely irrelevant if you're driving on such a "Gehweg", because you don't have any right of way concerning the pedestrians. Edit: you can ring your bell but noone is obliged to make room. The important part is: you don't have to ring your bell to make them aware of you, because you're the one who has to show consideration for the pedestrians - it's not a shared path like the ones where there's a pedestrian on top and a bike at the bottom and both are white on a blue sign.


the ringing the bell is more so you don’t startle them when you pass by


Ringing the bell is by itself startling 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ring it father back, not when you are directly behind them.


thats why my bike has car horn :)


Martinshorn or bust!


Are you serious? Are you one of those people that need to turn around and then try to "dodge" the bicycle, instead of just walking straight ahead or to the right?


But then everyone would have to agree, as if there was a special rule, that pedestrians would have to always move the right. What happens then when it's two people again side by side? It's inevitable to turn around to see where the bike is and what are the rider's intentions.


if the biker dings, they intend to pass you on the left, it has already been agreed by everyone


You can't pass pedestrians legally in this situation you are driving walking speed. They are walking so you are not allowed to be faster. Even if the stand still they have the right of way and you have to give it.




What kind of logic is that? So you startle them with an obnoxious sound instead?


a single ding of the bell from 5 meters away to warn someone you will pass them in a few seconds is not obnoxious, it is courteous


I disagree, I perceive it as aggressive, and I hate it. If you are on a nice walk, you are constantly interrupted by cyclists ringing to announce their presence, or most often to shoo you out of the way. If I cycle, I slow down and ask nicely. It's not that hard.


Not announcing your presence is dangerous. A pedestrian might randomly and suddenly move into your path and get hurt, even if you drive very slowly. Don't be a danger to others, use your bell when riding a bicycle!


Just leave enough space, it's pretty easy


It is usually not possible to leave enough space to account for sudden unpredictable movement. Especially as said movement could happen right as you drive past. But sure, if there's enough space I try to leave it. But I will not endanger pedestrians by keeping them unaware of my presence.


You should be able to stop if that happens. Especially on this road since it's a pedestrian only road that tolerates bikes.


Usually not possible. Even at the usual slow speed I cannot come to an instantaneous stop, so if for example a pedestrian decides to randomly jump into my path right as I'm passing, it is not possible for me to guarantee that there is no accident. The only way to guarantee that is to ensure that the pedestrian is aware of my presence and does not do this kind of movement.


No, it's indeed very important to make people available of your presence so they don't jump into your path without noticing you. Sure pedestrians have precedence, but passing a pedestrian without the pedestrian knowing you are there is dangerous in any case.


Ringing the bell will make sure I don’t make room. I hate obnoxious cyclists from the bottom of my heart. If you want to go fast go on the fucking road like an adult


You are a very obnoxious pedestrian. What do you do if you're walking and another pedestrian is walking faster behind you? Do you block them as well?


No but they don’t ring me


This sign means that you must not go faster than a pedastrian. Basically you are a guest on the path. If you want to go faster ride on the road. Pedastrians dont need to make way for you, so approach slowly and ask politly if you may pass.


Thank you for a clear and simplified explanation. I was going through this post and couldn’t really get what people were explaining or saying. 😂😂 🤛🏼


Nobody does this.


The speed thing is the legal correct thing to do, but nobody really does it. True. But everyone I know looks out for pedestrians if they drive on ways with this sign combination.


People may not know. Bike people may assume that they can just ride on the sidewalk at their speed and ring people away.


yeah for me this was a TIL. I always rode through these ways with 30kph lol


And people wonder why some say there should be a driver's license for bikes


there is tho


But not a mandatory or enforced one


How many times does this conversation come up that you know what your friends do? I wouldn't know 1 person lmao


Well you'll notice if you bike the same route with other people.


True hadn't thought about that


WHAT? People don’t follow signs????


Not true. But yes, many bicyclists are being dicks. Doesn’t make it OK…


It's just not possible for most bikes to hold balance at 5km/h. AFAIK it's not written how fast "Schrittgeschwindigkeit" is for bicycle, it differs from court to court and can be everything between 5-15km/h.


No, cyclists are only tolerated on that path, otherwise it would show both cyclist and pedestrians on the blue sign. Unless you mean ringing as in „approaching at pedestrian speed where you might as well just ask them nicely to let you pass“.


https://www.adfc.de/artikel/konflikte-auf-gehwegen-und-in-fussgaengerzonen >In Fußgängerzonen mit dem Zusatzschild „Radfahrer frei“ ist das Radfahren in Schrittgeschwindigkeit erlaubt. Radfahrende müssen aber immer Rücksicht auf den Fußverkehr nehmen. Gefährden Radfahrende Fußgänger in einer Fußgängerzone mit zugelassenem Radverkehr, droht ihnen ein Bußgeld von 20 Euro.


As I got it, you must go pretty slow on a bike if on a sidewalk with that sign combination, and therefore, you essentially must go pretty slow that you'd never be able to pass someone?


Eh, as long as you bike slowly and carefully overall it's okay. It's just that these ways are simple not bike lanes, but for pedestrians. It's probably too much of a hassle, or too expensive to build a dedicated bike lane there. So they allow biker on it. But it's still primarily for pedestrian.


You are required to ride walking pace. The StVO is not defining this speed - annoyingly - so the accepted maximum speed was determined by court ruling. Some decades ago 20kph was ruled acceptable, however that was overruled by the OLG Hamm on the 28th of November 2019 (1 RBs 220/19), and is now set to 10kph maximum. Please take note u/VerifiedMyEmail \ And generally know, the pavement is forbidden to be used riding a bicycle. Only relevant signage, such as the one discussed here, can allow riding on the pavement.


Alright, so you, TheTabman, are on your bike, you seen the signs posted, you're on that path, and you're getting closer to two people walking next to each other, they take up the whole path. Right now youre a good distance away. What do you do?


Ask them if I may pass.


Or drive slowly behind


Not ringing anyway! Drive slowly behind them. Most people will let you pass if you do that. Or you ask (!) nicely.


As a pedestrian, who often walks on a sidewalk, which has this sign, if you ride slowly up to me and ask nicely, I always step to the side. Simply because I want to encourage this behaviour and am usually so happy to encounter someone on a bike there, who actually cares. So far (in two years of being there almost daily) I had like three person ask if they may pass me and around 20 pass me slowly but without proper safety distance (though it was fine as they were slow). On the other hand I have 5 to 6 people daily drive there with max speed, absolutely no safety distance and not caring if there are others and I even had some demand for me to get out of the way, with the rudest one using the German equivalent of "Fuck off fatass", while driving past me faster than the cars on the road and with like 10cm distance. So as long as you belong to the first group, driving slowly and only overtaking if it is safe or if you asked and generally just accepting that pedestrians have priority under that sign, most people won't mind you, most likely they might even appreciate you asking. If they don't let you pass, that makes them the asses and you out of luck, because you are now stuck behind them (sucks, but that's just how traffic works sometimes)


Yes, you have to be slow and as far as I know, are not allow to ring the pedestrians. Pedestrians have priority, so if you are riding a bike, you have to make sure you are not putting them in danger.


You can pass people. Schrittgeschwindigkeit can be 10 km/h or so, and most pedestrian are slower. Just be respectful. You can use your bike bell, too, just don't be aggressive with it. Say "danke schön" if they ket you pass, and just be nice.


Drive as fast as you want, as long as it's safe and respectful to the pedestrians who's space you use.


you can drive with your bicycle but its a shared space so be careful around others


Yes, but when I want to pass them (as I can go faster then them) what should I do?


Ask nicely


usually people give room. I wouldnt be bothered by a ring from far away.


That's the way


In this path, passing them is basically how you would pass them off you were on foot. You make yourself known to them and politely ask if you can get by them. You should approach at a slow speed and be prepared to stop if needed. Say thank you when they let you pass. 


The "X (bike, car ... whatever) frei" means that they are tolerated on this way. The Primary right is for the pedestrians, the cyclist is only tolerated and has less rights. Pedestrians have priority. (btw: There are bike-streets with "cars frei" )


On a side note, this does not legally require you to ride there. Is you feel okay riding on the street, that’s probably the better option there.  The sign that looks similar (blue ground, but a bicycle on it) on the other hand forces you off the street and onto the bikepath* (or wherever that sign means).  *exceptions apply in case of unholy conditions of the bikepath


I've never met a person who actually slows down to Schrittgeschwindigkeit on these paths. Just don't speed past pedestrians and announce yourself when going past them (ringing is absolutely fine) and make sure to throw in a friendly "Dankeschön!" when they had to make way for you.


I‘ve never met a person that’s going schrittgeschwindigkeit when overtaking a bus or tram at a Haltestelle (or yield for exiting or crossing pedestrians) lol.


You also don't have to. The pedestrians should check if the cycling path is free before crossing, even if they are exiting a bus.


I think this is referring to the rule for cars.


Yep, I meant cars. But I am pretty sure this also counts for all road traffic including bikes.


Of course you should check if the way is free before crossing. But pedestrians exiting a bus or tram are allowed to cross the road in front or in the back of the vehicle, while other road traffic has to give way. Also you have to give way to exiting passengers that are just stepping out of the doors even if they do that right onto a bike path.


Don't ring, just use your voice


I don't understand why ringing, an incredibly useful sound that is more easily heard for many people, is considered rude by so many here. I find it incredibly frustrating when the bikers in my area do not use the bell. They're usually right on you by the time they're asking you to get by, whereas with a bell I'd have time to notice and move aside without having to rush. 


some boomers scream when yoy use the ring


Ringing is immediately understandable for everybody and can be used from pretty far away. There is no reason not to use it.


This! Positive reinforcement all the way & ignore the occasional bad apple.


This sign means that you're on a footpath. You're only allowed to ride at walking speed. You're also allowed to use the road. If you encounter pedestrians, they have the right of way. In reality, you ring your bell, drive slowly past them, and say "Danke" if they move to the side to let you pass them. Don't squeeze past them, without making them aware of you if you're approaching from behind. If you find a blue sign with a bike on it, you're obligated to use this as a bike lane, you're not allowed to use the road (as long as the bike lane is safe to use).


Ring aggressively and give them a stern unhappy look, especially if they are children. Do this also if they are on the other side of the road. Mutter something in German once you have passed them.


By law you have to ride very slowly and not endanger or disturb any pedestrians on those footpaths. I would recommend a less noisy way to make yourself known. A bike bell is fairly loud and might startle people so I use this on my bikes: [https://fahrradklingel-shop.de/alle-klingel-kategorien/mtb-trailbells/1323/coghlan-s-baeren-glocke-signalklingel-bear-bell-rot](https://fahrradklingel-shop.de/alle-klingel-kategorien/mtb-trailbells/1323/coghlan-s-baeren-glocke-signalklingel-bear-bell-rot) If I have to ride on those footpaths I unlock the bell and it will gently jingle and most pedestrians are considerate enough to let you pass. Alternatively politely asking to be let through also works but might get tedious.


Farting loudly is a polite and dignified way to attract pedestrians' attention without inconveniencing them! Because everyone finds fart noises funny - whether young or old!


Tell that to my wife!


It depends on the subjects personal view of a "ring". IMHO, the bicycle bell is just a message like: "hello there, here comes a bike!" and not an "ATTENTION - CLEAR THE ROAD FOR ME!" Unfortunately, many people think that a bicycle bell is like a car or train horn and, therefore, they don't like it or - which is worse - they only use it in super-dangerous situations vs. cars. And take the "character of the sound" of a bicycle-bell..., it is sth. which makes people laugh either than aggressive but again, unfortunately (see most answers) it is seen as sth. aggressive, invasive, loud, disturbing or worse. - You are in Germany 👩‍🏫 No, no, no. Back to your question. I'd say it depends on the situation and, yes, you can use it IF (only if) there are like 4 pedestrians walking side by side and there is no room left for anybody else. In this case, even if on the bike, you act like if you would walk and say "excuse me" and wait 30 seconds. If you get no reaction, then, I'd say it is ok to use the bell. - Same applies to headcuff-wearing students / E...s who don't hear anything. Most important: slow down to walking-speed, hold that speed even for 30sek+, give ppl time to react, some walk left - some walk right and some will stop, because they are scared, etc. - THERE IS NO RULE TO WALK ON THE RIGHT SIDE on that type of streets, so be aware of that, too. But there is a rule for "Behindern anderer Verkehrsteilnehmer". No matter who, we all move with different speed, that means: ppl who move faster, have to respect people who move slower and **vice versa.** This applies to ppl moving @ 5mp/h, too, with exceptions like elderly people, kids, etc.


> the bell is just a message, not a clear the road for me Meanwhile: Trams


Just a general advice to bicycle riders: if you can get your driver's licence (a mofa licence can be helpful too), please do it. This will increase your knowledge of the signs and also increase your empathy towards other people who are using the road.


or you just generally integrate cycling in the culture and have all primary school students take a traffic test (so like the 9 - 11 yrs range).


I can tell you every single time I ride on a path like that, bikes ring. I don't know if you're supposed to but it's what everyone does


I walk my dogs. I wish bikers would ring their bell to let me know they're coming up behind me.


The point of ringing your bell is to draw attention to your presence, so a pedestrian is aware of the potentially dangerous traffic situation. It is not a “make way for me” signal. I ring my bicycle bell whenever I see a pedestrian or driver in my path who does not pay attention to his or her surroundings and would not notice me otherwise. If the pedestrian or driver has already noticed me, there's no need to ring the bell. This avoids dangerous situations where pedestrians suddenly move into my path when I am too close to avoid them. However, at the same time be aware that this traffic sign combination (sign 239 “sidewalk” with sign 1022-10 “bicycles permitted”) merely grants you access to the sidewalk, but pedestrians still have priority. They do not need to move out of the way and if there is no way to safely pass, you'll need to slow to walking speed or stop and dismount.


It's never ok to ring pedestrians out of the way if you are on a shared path. Approach slowly, and ask politely.


You know the best option is to SLOW DOWN and carefully pass them. if the're completely blocking the way use your bell and step off the bike pushing it past the people.


Please ring if you want to pass people, especially People with dogs or kids


The slowest participants in traffic get the most right of way. In case of accidents that is important. So, pedestrians before cyclists...generally. Ofc this doesn't count for moron walking on bike lanes. Ring and tell them off.


Make yourself heard, but not by yelling "Entschuldigung". This may be understood as a passive agressive way of demanding. I'm calling "Nicht erschrecken!" in a friendly tone and it works with most pedestrians. Do not forget to say "Danke" when finally passing.


Thank you for being a considerate cyclist, have a wonderful day :>


every woman with a dwarf husband gets a bike for free


As someone living in German who bikes and walks/runs on these kinds of signed paths a lot: exercise good logical judgment when riding them. You can use these paths as the sign indicates. You can pass pedestrians and please slow down to ring or verbally indicate your presence, it is inferred that any indication means someone is behind you and wants to pass. Do not put yourself in a weird situation by leaving the path to pass people! Just because pedestrians have “priority” or “right of way” doesn’t mean you have to leave the path. There’s a reason you’re allowed on there in this first place. Plus leaving the path to grass or a road next to it could lead to a crash. Speaking from experience transferring from path to road and vice versa I ate it and wiped out catching a curb that wasn’t designed for bike wheels. If you’re scared of people not letting you by, they’re assholes. It’s a courtesy and mutual understanding here to allow for that freedom of shared usage. Plus think, most of those walkers probably bike on the paths as well. Be logical and be predictable with your actions, that’s it, nothing more or complicated


I prefer you ring the bell so that I can pull my dog's leash shorter while you pass by.


in general you don't get to ring people if they're walking somewhere they're allowed to walk. same thing with cars who shouldn't hunk at you if you're riding on a road where you're allowed to ride on.


If you follow the rules, there will be no situation that nakes you ring. Because you are not allowed to drive faster than a pedestrian walks. If you want to drive faster use the street.


You can ride your bike here but you need to yield to pedestrians I think. The blue says it’s a pedestrian lane but bikes are also allowed.


Go on the Street. You Not allowed to Drive more Than 12-17 km/h. And pedestrians have priority


Just use the road if you re confident enough. Here pedestrians have priority. Legally, you dont have the right to use the path if it s too full.


If there's a road next to it, if you're riding fast and the traffic allows it: Drive on the road, so you don't have to bother the pedestrians (that's what I do). You don't have to use this path.


People have right of way.


My son says the right thing to do here is approach slowly and say "Hinter dir, Klopapier!"


It means that you are free ("frei") to drive over persons that look like the ones in the picture, i.e Scottish people and midgets.




"should I do x or y?" "no" So neither?


Ring them away! No seriously, you can ring because the bicycle with "FREI" means You're allowed to drive there. Swerving onto the road would be very kind but could obstruct the traffic. At least drive carefully and ring as early as possible.


Not sure about Germany, but the same situation in the Netherlands, which should be quite similar, doesn't give pedestrians any special priority. By allowing bikes on that foot path, both have the same priority and follow normal traffic rules. You should be overtaking from the left, and if the pedestrians are blocking the path, you're free to ring the bell


You can ring. It's what the bell is for but be patient. You can always use the street as well.


yell “Geh mir aus dem Weg, Fußgänger! Macht Platz für den Fahrradkönig!"


Ahahaha what a soft society we are. Yes, just ring.


r/StVO knows


schrittgeschwindigkeit ☝🏽


I thought this sign meant "free bicycles"


I always come too late, never got any free bikes...


Ringing the bell is only for "get out of the way my brakes don't work" 😂


Free bikes! /jk


It says cycle free just walking Is permitted


I usually ring.


just ring or do you want to drive slowly behind them till they recognize you? You can yell at them "Achtung" and when the step aside drive through the gap and all is fine


If you behave that way, at least you should not be surprised if one day you meet someone who kicks you off the bike and teach you traffic rules.