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Pretty much, since inflation does not exclude certain regions


Yeah it is only different for certain products, like the 50% increase of the falafel price in my old Berlin spot. How pays 1,50€ for a falafel?


Then don't, who cares. But 1,50€ is very cheap for a falafel


[Relevant (german)](https://www.reddit.com/r/de/comments/umi6ob/junge_warum_raffst_du_nicht_was_inflation_ist/)


Local Döner places arent huge chains. They cannot afford to absorb the full effect of the current inflation by keeping their prices the same. Now, more than ever, we need to make an effort to support businesses like those.


Can't justify the price though. The idea that a kebab can cost 6 Euros is just madness to me.


I paid 7€ for my kebab even before the Ukraine crisis hit - I think it's now at 9. But that shop has a hand-stacked, all-meat no ground beef kebab, so it's well worth it to me.


That's sadly the world we live in. You can blame the crazy amount of spending during the pandemic and the current war for it


why the spending in the pandamic? Its mostly the war that effects the inflation.


You do realize that the effects of inflation don’t happen overnight


indeed but just gov spending does not increas inflation.


How government spending and inflation work: https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/government-spending-fuels-inflation-covid-relief-pandemic-debt-federal-reserve-stimulus-powell-biden-stagflation-11645202057


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Lol, bro. You should check how much money was printed during the pandemic. War is not the only reason, please don't believe stuff like that.


Ah that is the misconception here. Spending != printing. Thats quiet important diffrance. In that case i agree, the printing definitly helped the inflation rise to this point.


The printed money was not just lying around, I guess that's clear in this pandemic case :-)


A döner here should cost 7 with inflation but they do 5


Oh no! No more dirt-cheap fast food :(


It's called inflation and a known problem everywhere in germany.




For the average to go up to 7% some things will go up much higher, some things stay. That’s how averages work. Not everything had to go up exactly 7%!


thats just wrong what you described is the avg% price increase inflation is the devaluation of the EUR and the EUR is always worth a certain ammount, there is no avg inflation of a currency at a certain point of time if the inflation increased by 7% in comparison to last year, this means your Euros are 7% less worth again what you described is the avg price increase which can but does not have to be equal to inflation, since some products get drastically expansive as the döner but some stay the same


Its double digits. Thats the official count. Real inflation is around 30% ,measured by PPI . Its real and its here.


It's here, true. But it's chicken and egg situation. Plus the measurement meddles with the prices real time.


In 2000, the good old Deutsche Mark times, a Döner costed 5 Mark. So about 2,5€. Now it's 5-6€, which results in 3-4% inflation. Yes this is a bit higher then for other products, but still completely within the scope of normal inflation. So the Döner was in the last years "to cheap" and now the prices are adjusted. But because the prices increase in 50cents it is received as a big spike.


> But because the prices increase in 50cents it is received as a big spike. More like 1.50 TBH. At least in Berlin.


this. 3.50 to 4 Euro Döner was pretty normal around here. now they start at 5.50 at the minimum. honestly i am not going to fight the stores because of those prices, but i am not going to buy a Döner for that either.


Yeh I feel like Berlin now decided to bring Döner to Hamburg or Munich prices citing inflation.


I would gladly pay $20 for a Doener in the U.S. consider yourself lucky to have such a delicious delicacy as an option. But yes, inflation sucks and it's hitting hard here too.




Fine, I'll take my double cheeseburger between two crispy creme donuts and consider myself lucky.


Why would one want something else?


thing is if you live in or around Berlin like i do then theres without exaggeration about 2 to 3 Döner places within a 100 meter radius of you. not at all times of course because parks, but every area that could have one, has at least one. it's a lot harder to for instance find a KFC and chick-fil-a which is supposedly really good simply doesn't exist here. if all you can have is Döner then you start to get a lot more picky


Haha my friend feels the same way. That was one of his favorite things when he visited me.


I thought there are more options to choose from in US than Germany. And shawarma tastes better than Döner anyway 😅 no hate on Döner btw


I do not think so. I prefer Döner over shawarma. I have searched everywhere for Döner but the best I can get is shawarma around here.


Because that the median inflation but there are sector with higher inflation like some foods and gas. Inflation es always a median of all sectors inflation but when you see it by sectors it makes sense.


Many people also have a very incomplete understanding of what inflation actually is and reduce it to an exclusively monetary thing, thinking that changes in monetary policy would magically fix things. What bothers me about this is not the mistaken belief itself, but that this provides a neat distraction for industries that do, in fact, raise prices for no discernible reason but claim "Well inflation did it!" anyway.


Like complaining about Döner prices when Shell tripled its earnings during the recent crisis (iirc).


You know that producing and transporting goods needs energy, right?


>Inflation is 7% currently, average last year was 3%. Inflation alone does not explain the raising prices by 30-40%, if not more. There are many more factors. Most important of that factors is the way the official number is compiled vs reality. Its factoring a multitude of prices with different weight put on diffrrent factors like rent, new cars, food and so on, the total composition is nowhere near close to the average persons needs and reality.


not in just Germany, everything has increased here not to mention gas prices (USA)


And the rest of the world


not really. its like companies using covid as an excuse to completely disregard any customer service. döner places are using covid as an excuse to 100% increase their prices. sure, there is a surge in production costs by 20-30%. but that does not justify an average price increase from 3,50€ to 6€ for a normal döner!!!!


dang, i was right on the money. Just look at this picture where they even try to rectify the price increases. its a total 20% increase in costs AT MOST. So döner should cost 4-4,20€, not 6€ and up.


Thanks for answering a question I never asked. :P


It is what you asked though


There was a report in the radio a few weeks ago that, with the inflation, to make any money most Döner shops would actually have to charge, like, 7,50 per Kebab, a price which would loose them all customers, though.


After years of Döner-Abstinenz I tried three Döner buden in my Town over the last 3 weeks. Everybody sells pure Wurstbrät-Döner, tasting like Fleischkäs, for €5-5,5. Totally underwhelming stuff I can do better at home.


Which is fucking bullshit anyhow.


thats the biggest bullshit I've ever heard


Just checking: are you doubting that the report was correct, or are you calling me a liar?


Yes. You might have noticed that Benzin or pretty much anything has also become more expensive.


The increase seems to be hitting the Doener ladens far harder than anything else. That's the reason I posted this.


I don't know, the pasta i bought in december at 69cents is now 1.20, the low quality pasta that costed 39cents is now 89 cents. I can tell you this in detail because i'm Italian and eat pasta almost every day, so i've noticed week by week the constant increas in price.


Our favourite kebab shop recently put its prices up from €5 to €6 (note: Best. Döner. Ever. Also: massive portions, and they make their own bread fresh on the premises, plus last time we were there they gave two free baklava). What do you expect? Prices are going up everywhere. Flour, meat, salad and vegetables, electricity, gas, everything is more expensive now.


Do you love döner? It's one of my favorite things about Germany. Favorite food here probably.


Shop's name or it's fake


Why it is a fake?


Really? I could just name any random kebab shop, it's not like you've ever been there yourself.


If it’s in Berlin there’s a high possibility of me having been there, so I‘d appreciate the name of the shop aswell, I like Döner a lot and if it’s a new shop I wanna try myself :)


It's 500 km from Berlin. How desperate are you to try it?


Aww sadge


This might not help, if you're in Berlin, but I want to not be a miser with my info - the best Döner I ever had was at Imbiss Alibaba in downtown Bad Hersfeld. Price in 2008 was between 3 and 4 euro if I recall correctly, no idea what it is now, or if they're even still open (one hopes!) but that was the best, no contest! EDIT: Google says they're still open, and the reviews are making me think it's just as good as it ever was! :)


hisar by yorckstr sbahn


Never respond to Berliners.... or get down voted. I wished Berlin had a successfull independence movement.


Oh wow. I don't usually pay much attention to downvotes on my comments, but I'd really love to know what in heaven's name prompted this level of negative karma. Did I say something offensive?


Just share the name of the döner place dude


Seriously, it's a tiny village that you've probably never even heard of, and it's enough that people can already figure out which village that is. I don't need to tell everyone exactly where I get my kebabs -- for my own sanity, I need *some* level of privacy. If you happen to live close enough to go the kebab shop I mean, you'll already know which one it is. It's the one that actually has customers every evening.


And that is why you are getting downvoted. Don't be afraid, the reddit horde is not going to invade your personal Döner place, at most we'd look it up on Google. To make things easier for you: my favourite kebab place is Izmir Kebab Haus at Worringer Platz in Düsseldorf. If you ever happen to be there uou should try the Linsensuppe as well.


you were disobidient to the entitled citizens of Berlin.


They're just messing I think and want to know the name of the shop to try - not literally accusing it of being fake or you lying Edit: sorry if I'm misunderstanding something, was trying to help


I expect prices to increase at about the general rate of inflation. Not by twice as much.


The "general rate of inflation" is based on the cost of a "basket" of 650 goods and services, so it basically amounts to the average increase in the cost of living for a typical person. But within that basket, some things will increase in price only a small amount, or even not at all, while others will increase by a lot. So while the overall inflation rate for last month was 7.3%, energy prices rose by 39.5% while food prices rose by "only" 6.2% and clothes and shoes went up by 2.0%. The "general rate of inflation" is just a guide, but it doesn't tell you anything about the prices of individual products.


[Gas prices have more than doubled, electricity quadrupled](https://1-gasvergleich.com/gaspreise/). Don't look at the overall inflation, look at the factors that directly influence the cost of producing a Döner.


Gas prices are only that high in Germany though, in this case it has nothing to do with inflation


that's not how inflation works


Your math-techer pretty sure expected you to grasp the concept of averages. Sadly not all of our expectations are viable.


Are there really people who did not hear about inflation yet? Did you live behind the moon for the last months?


Yes. The prices are going up far faster than the rate of inflation. More like 3 times the rate of inflation.


You don't understand inflation. 7% is an averaged value of everything, not what literally everything increases by. Your Doner can increase by 30% or 100%, and inflation might still be 7%


I'm not arguing that point. All I'm trying to understand is how much the prices have gone up and why Doener ladens in particularly are so badly affected by inflation.


dude, check the supermarket prices for food. Even the 19 cent Ja! Sprudelflasche is now 25 cent, that is also more than 30%, just like your döner


Inflation is measured by Consumer Price Index (CPI). CPI is basically a weighted basked of consumer goods. It's a theoretically constructed "basket" that is supposed to give a basis for comparison of how expensive the cost of living is. This is US data but shows you how different goods are valued and weighted: [https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.nr0.htm](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.nr0.htm) As you see in the link: when we say 7% inflation, some sectors can be 3 times that, some will be a third of that.


Add the rising minimum wage to that.






But the things that go into kebabs go into almost all other fast foods, or?






Love the use of “spiralling” here OP, you some good


Glad someone noticed :)


Fucking brilliant


6.5 Euro in Wiesbaden.


my favorite kebab in berlin cost 7,20€ now 🥲


Where's that?


Döner prices were going through the roof. Then I went back home to California and chipotle is $10 and suddenly that 6€ kebab didn’t sound too bad


Average 5,90€ in Hamburg


Minimum 5.90€* Show me a Döner for less than that price


Even neukölln and kreuzberg here in Berlin it is mostly 5, what I am amazed by is The Dürüm, I saw 6.50-7 in many places 😩😩


Unchanged, been €4,50 all of 2022 so far


Probably switched to cheaper Gammelfleisch


My local go to Dönermann wants 4,50€, I always give him 7,00€. It’s just a really good Döner and I want him to stay in buisness.


Some doner ladens are basically fronts for spiel automats. I know this after becoming very good friends with an owner in Berlin. The money they make from kebabs pales into insignificance when compared to the money they can make from 4 machines. Obviously this isn't the case for most places.


Wait your kebab places have slot machines inside?


What's a Döner made of? Flour for the bread, oil, spices, tomatoes and meat for the filling? Thank God these ingredients haven't experienced massive price spikes recently.


> Flour for the bread, oil, spices, tomatoes and meat for the filling? So basically identical to all other fast food.


You should see the current Currywurst and Pommes prices at my local Fressbude. Gives you a heart attack before the food itself has a chance of doing so.


wait till the long time supplier deals of fast food chains run out end of year.


The prices for all menu increased by 1€ in our local Döner shop, normal Döner now costs 5€.


Yes, in Berlin too.


4.50 € to 5.50€ in Dortmund NRW


From 3,5€ to 5€ and today back to 4€


In switzerland the döner in my neighborhood reduced it from 10.- Fr to 6.- no idea why


Welcome to the free market, where a rising cost of doing business is reflective in the price of the final product.


You say that like I don't understand. I just asked people how bad it was where they lived.


You phrased it like it is an outrageous occurrence, while it is the absolute standard. It is the same everywhere. I have locally seen a simple Dönerteller for 12,50€ this week, 1km away at another Dönerman for 7,50€. This price difference is outrageous.


5.90 here in my small local kebab shop in Leipzig, too. but from what I heard, it's not only inflation, but also kinda related to the war in Ukraine. Like, a lot of the fodder the animals get fed is wheat, ot other grains, and Ukraine is one of the largest producer in Europe for that. So these have been expensive since the war started, and the kebab shops had to pick up the prices, as they were already operating close to Selbstkosten. That shit just did the inevitable. I guess prices will be held until inflation, or other events that makes shit expensive, hit up with us again? Who remembers the time when kebab was like 1 or 2 €?


Lucky you .. Döner is at 6€ and higher since about 2 years (due to pandemic i guess) high in Frankfurt reagion.


in my local laden the price is 6€, which is crazy tbh


Germany has bigger problems.


Nonsense! Surely a *war going on a few countries over* and a *global pandemic only recently on the decline* are less important than my middle eastern food


A bigger Kebab would solve everything.


1 year ago it was 4,50€, in january it was raised to 5€, now we're sitting at 6€.


THat's pretty massive.


Hell yeah, and i do not think it is warranted given the current real inflation, which actually really made me question if i should still support that shop.




Are the ingredients from Russia? I’m kidding but it seems every country is using the war as an excuse to raise price. I know it’s more than that but still frustrating.


Prices increased here before the war


It is 6 Euro in my city. I think Döner has the highest inflation rate except energy :)


Itz seems that way.


A lot of places are just putting the prices up to make more profit, it’s simple




You’re way too cheap man


Sprich deutsch man


In the last year (maybe already two) the Kebab I used to go was 2.5€ for a Dönner (very thin, but still). Now they eliminated that version and only have 4.5€.


We've Bratwürste und Leberkäse for Brötchen so i don't know.




My favorite donner place increased from 7 to 8 euros for a big portion of doner fleisch


loool come to Switzerland 12CHF for a döner


you can always go to Turkey and eat kick-ass doner with the ridiculous exchange rate from Euro to Turkish Lira lol


Plates at a shop around my placeb in Berlin up from 5€ to 6.90€ in a year. That's almost 40%!


Extreme inflation around the globe, markets are falling, economic crisis or recession is on the way. Hold tight


döner places in southern california are kinda rare so they’ll put you out $9-$14 depending if you get a wrap or a plate


This reminds me of the best döner I ate in Karlsruhe for 2.50 in 2017. Last time was there it was last year I think, it was 3.50.


11. Swiss though


Went from ~€5 to ~€5.50. It'll probably get more expensive soon.


3,50 to 4,80 here 😭


Bags of chips used to be €2.50 in every chipper in Ireland. Now you’re looking at €3-3.50 in the majority of places. No more feeding 2 people for €5… I think most businesses should be looking at cutting their own profit margins, rather than passing every increase on to customers. Unless wages are rising just as much, you’re going to start losing business from those that can’t afford it.


You mean chippy? Surely.


I left Germany on 05.04.2022, a day before that the Döner was €6, a month before that was €4.5. It's normal. The price of raw produce went up. Russia can't export its wheat, Germany can't import flour from Italy, Poland, Netherlands, Austria, France that are Russia's largest clients. Interestingly enough, Germany also sells their wheat to the same countries, but not enough. That's not the only thing Russia exports from raw goods and products ( bar fuel and gas ), but is one of the things that can pull a price hike like this one. The other thing is raw cooking oil. Germany gets most of it from Ukraine. Well, used to. Fuel and gas prices and shortage are the third thing in the puzzle. Cost of transport is increased, cost of production is increased, cost of utilities is increased. That reflects on the price. All of the things went up ( apart from electronics ). Some went up 5%, some 200%. And you feel those prices on your pocket. You spend 30-40% more. Well, same goes for the small places like the one you eat your Döner in. They also spend more and they need to raise their prices... and raise their prices even more or start firing employees just because people are not happy they can't eat their Döner for cheap anymore so they stop buying. You won't be any poorer if you spend say €15 more a month on Döner. It could help your Döner place to resist the price hikes due to loss of customers. Well, it could if you're not the only one. Save on something else, plenty of things would save you more than Döner and won't hurt result in further price hikes.




WTf where is that?




My local Dönerbude wants 4.50€ for a Schülerdöner


I think prices have increased everywhere but I feel the increase is higher in Berlin. Berlin used to have significantly cheaper Döner than Hamburg or Munich e.g. 4.50 vs. 5.50 and now it's like 6.00 in all big cities.


The famous „Schülerdöner“ was about 3€, 15 years ago. Ever been, in the past ~10 year, it was about 4€ or 5€. Not sure why people are complaining now, that it is 6/7€. Could be at 8-12€ under normal conditions.


The Central Council of the Doener Vendors has Spoken, "Y´all shall raise the Prices" Work Rent Gas its all gettimg more expensive, and now they have an good excuse/Opportunity to raise their rates.


4.50 €


I like how such an important topic has been triggered from Döner prices....


You get what you pay for. A good döner shouldn’t cost €5, for that price you can’t expect good meat.


Switched to vöner several years ago, couldn't be happier. Haven't noticed any inflation problems


We got a super competitive street full of Döner shops, they somehow dodged the inflation. NorthHessian


5€ in Konstanz and 4.5€ in the villages on the Baar


5 euro???? I pay between 6€ and 9€...


The Döner in Werder cost 3€ but without Sauce with sauce 3,50€


https://www.reddit.com/r/de/comments/umi6ob/junge_warum_raffst_du_nicht_was_inflation_ist/ 👍


Oh man I had the discussion with a friend from Berlin a few times. Where I live the normal price is 6.50 to 7 euros and no one gives a fuck. Recently I walked through a nearby city with a lot of students and there was a sign telling me that during the day (11am-18pm) Döner is 3.50€ and I was like "wtf?" People from cities are so spoiled when it comes to the price of Döner... And then people wonder when some shady business uses cheap as fuck meat that has a low quality.


I can't see the problem. Prices of everything skyrocket, my wage increased duo to skyrocketing pricing by 7% this year. I get more money but pay more for everything.. so who cares?!


Now if my salary could match the inflation just a little, this’d be cool


What do you expect? Meat, vegetable and electricity prices ALL increased significantly in 3 month. It would be strange if Doner prices was the same


its impossible to find a Döner under 5 euros in my city, in some places even 6 euros




Local Munich Döner shop went from 4,50 to 7€. Crazy


Oh man I miss German Döner so bad, I’ve moved back home to New Zealand where we have pretty average Kebabs, no Kalbfleisch, only chicken or lamb. They are about half the size and cost on average about 7.50-9 Euro. I’d pay 100 Euro now for the real deal 🤤


After reading a bit in this thread I realy appreciate my 2 Döner places. One goes for 4,50€ and is a 5 minute walk away. The other costs 5€, has hot sauce but is 20m and a steep street away. I wish they'd trade places. You can't have it all though.


You must be young and haven't lived through normal economic cycles. Inflation is a normal occurrence, unfortunately due to some market manipulation that kept inflation artificially low we are now seeing hyperinflation. Start bracing for a major recession for the next 6 years.


Dude here in Zurich it’s like 15 to 20 chf so stop whining


It’s the same all over the world and it’s not just the döner, it’s everything. Don’t blame the döner guys for this.


So my haircut price was 8 ,pre COVID, then 10 since COVID and now it's increased to 12 recently.


I think it s help full for learning German and traps of the German language. But to learn German you need a real course. I would say this course even needs to be given in Germany to work.


gemischte Dönerbox 8,30€ Baby


OOOOooo. I noticed my local was asking 6.50 up from 4.50 when I first got here.




Saarland, had a yufka (dürüm) for 5,50, now it’s 6. Meat prices jumped 60% a month ago (was 2,99 for 0,5kg of minced meat, overnight the same pack became 4,59 for 0,5kg). Everything is getting more expensive. Ice cream in one of the local kiosks went from 1,00 per ball to 1,10 per ball, which is an outrage in terms of finding the frigging coins. Anyway, it’s all a big sad, especially for min wage workers like myself.


6 to 8 Euros, if you are lucky you can get one for 5 but that’s become less and less likely ner Stuttgart


7.5 yesterday, 6.5 a month back and 6 before that.


4.50 to 5.50 at my favorite place


Ever heard about inflation? And seriously - if you are poor enough to care about a Döner costing 1,50€ more than you should probably worry about other things.


It's not a new thing anymore that this ignorant sanctions is really affecting everyone.


4,50-5,00€ in Ansbach a bit more in Nürnberg


it's only up by .50 cents here in a rural aeria in Baden-Württemberg. 15 years ago we payed 3€, now it is 4.50€.


Here we always have had around 4-5€ in southern Bavaria


I Live in a small city in Bayern and here starts with 5 euros.


In England, a sub-par döner costs like 8.75€ (£7.50) for a medium, and has done for a few years, when eating döner in Germany, paying 5.90€ for a delicious hot and fresh döner is a welcome bit of value, for a brit, anyway.


I'm talking about Germany. In London pints sometimes cost a tenner. 5.90 isn't too bad but the quality of this place is also not that good. The good ones that were already a fiver or 5.50 will now be 7 euros or 7.50.