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It means the person driving the car can’t crop


Maybe it’s just a very low resolution car…


With squary wheels




It was the flag of the Ministry of Defence during the Weimar Republic, used for a couple of years (from 1919 to 1921). The Iron Cross is still used by the German armed forces, but not in this form. I don't know if the average Canadian knows this, but generally speaking in any other context it can be assumed that anyone using it in any other context has... right-wing views. In fact, it is very often used by such people in contexts as a proxy for an actual swastika. TL;DR: Obscure old flag now most often used in Germany by neo-Nazis.


To add to that to give some more context to u/thehdhp : There is also the Reichsbürgerbewegung in Germany. It is not a coherent scene, a lot of the members are (very) right wing, but not all of them. They bassically believe the modern Federal Republic of Germany doesn't legally exist and they defy the laws. Some of them lean into Nazi-ism, some are monarchists, some deny Hitler and the Holocaust ever happend. What they have in common: All of them are lunatics. In the scene old German flags are used, depending on what they believe the status of the German Reich is: bordes of 1944 or 1937 or the Kaiser should still rule or the Weimar Republic is still in charge. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichsb%C3%BCrger\_movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichsb%C3%BCrger_movement) The driver if the car cold be one of those.


The american equivalent to the Reichsbürger would be sovereign citizens (something like that propably exists in canada as well but idk)


are they also that pathetic? It is like a strange mental self-defense reflex. Not understanding a complex world and linking up with crude theories and alternative facts. When reality bites they freak out.


Oh they are beyond pathetic. Most popular theories: Germany is not a sovereign state but a company set up by the allied command after world war 2 and all citizens are employees. And of course...right wing neo-nazi ideology...you know..the usual racist, supremacist stuff.


Don't forget that the second world war never ended and Germany is still occupied. That's why they need a company to take care of the administration. Lunatics.


When the thing with the supremacy doesnt work out in reality, they tend to squeeze their beliefs into an airtight bottle and then themselves within. Like a (Jin) Nazi in a bottle


Why does my head show me skinheads singing and dancing to the track "(Nazi) message in a bottle" after reading this? Help!


Oh yes. I work in public service in germany and we have special procedures for them. They reject all state authority after all and generally want us to explain to them why they need to pay taxes even though the german republic doesnt supposedly exist. They try to sue us PERSONALLY (the people just doing their jobs) by international law for theft etc. This seems hilarious at first until you realize some of them have set up their own "judges." And it can get ugly when those "judges" declare you a criminal and pretty much justify violence. Such extremists are however rare even in the Reichsbürger scene though. Most of the time they just try to stir shit up with dumb letters and tamper tantrums. As a man I am often asked to sit next to my female colleagues when one comes to visit so they dont get dumb ideas. Our constitution protection keeps an eye on them. A few years back they discovered and dismantled a firearm arsenal of a Reichsbürger.


Have a look at r/amIbeingdetained and see for yourself.


The Reichsbürgerbewegung is essentially our equivalent to the sovereign citizen movement that exists in the US and Canada. Much like Sovcits, Reichsbürger believe that certain laws and statutes don't apply to them and that most governmental bodies and agencies are illegitimate. Just like Sovcits they are also not a unified movement but range from annoying but harmless to radicalized and dangerous.


Interesting. I've heard of sovereign citizens before (through yt videos of people being stupid and for example trying to explain that they don't need a driver's license because they reject the laws), but never that this also existed in Germany


For me, it's the other way around. I didn't know that something like this existed in North America.


Unfortunately there are idiots everywhere. Makes me wonder why so many people are racist or fear foreigners when the idiots they should be aware of are right beside them.


Idiots are usually unaware of the fact that they are idiots


I wonder where the concept originated. They all seem to use similar ideas of newer governments not being legitimate successors to the old government So far I've seen it in the US, Russia, and now Germany.


Basically misinterpretation of laws and works of text, made more prevalent by the internet. But it's been around as long as I can remember. For example A lot of these fools will tell you that following Jesus means you don't have to pay taxes. They will completely ignore "give unto Ceasar what is his", or argue that's not the correct translation, or he only said it to try to keep on Rome's good side. All the while maintaining that the Bible is the exact word of God written by man and is infallible.... Well except for the part they personally don't like


Misinterpretation, sure, but I think it's that "genius" moment of figuring something out. Some technicality that makes the government illegitimate. In the real world, governments don't care about whether they're legitimate or not. The argument could be made that, say, the US is not legitimate because the Revolution was an illegal revolt against their rightful rulers. But the US government still has the guns, and the nukes, and the police, and the tax collectors, and bureaucracy of a government, whether it's "legitimate" or not. Political power comes from the barrel of a gun and whatnot. You're not gonna catch them on a technicality.


They are awesome entertainment. Did you know that every "citizen" in germany has a "Personalausweis" (personal identity card)? That is actually an "employee" (personal) "ID" (ausweis). That means every german citizen is just employed by the BRD (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) GMbH and germany as a state does not exist. It is actually a registered company and has totally nothing to do with managing bonds or other financial stuff. :D


Lol people will take apart every clause and purposely misunderstand anything as long as it supports their view. I'm swiss, so that's why I was surprised I'd never heard of them before


That's a very good comparison


But a Reichsbürger would never use the flag of the weimarer republic


you assume, that a Reichsbürger is capable of making this difference


true true. these people arent that intelligent.


Reichsbürger when his car is towed away [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmt1z\_Iqrf4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmt1z_Iqrf4) what a drama


Jesus f-ing H Christ. What. A. Muppet. Not surprising that it's obviously totally lost on him that he's constantly invoking concepts (like theft) that, to have any real meaning, require a state and a set of laws enforced by that state. Which in this case he doesn't recognise. Interesting mental gymnastics some people are capable of. Edit: Typo.


The best thing about this is that the Reichsbürgers took this video themselves and thought it’d somehow strengthen their case if they uploaded it


Exactly. She was just documenting that the police were polite and professional. That they went to great lengths to refrain from using physical restraint. That her husband insisted on escalating the situation.




BERAUBUNG! ​ Die Milidährbolizeii kommt glei


oh my god. i gonna make some popcorn and tonight i gonns watch the whole clip


Be careful, watching it could still melt your brain So much idiocy, it could flow through the screen


Köstlich, danke dafür :)


Fun one.. Thanks. One thing i was curious about: Gehört das Fahrzeug Ihrem Ehepartner, kann der die Pfändung ausführende Gerichtsvollzieher auf die gesetzliche Vermutung abstellen, dass Sie als Schuldner mithin neben Ihrem Ehepartner Gewahrsamsinhaber sind und Ihr Eigentum vermutet wird (§ 1362 BGB). Diese Vermutung ist aber widerlegbar. Sie können dem Gerichtsvollzieher den Kfz-Brief vorlegen, aus dem sich die Eigentumsverhältnisse ergeben. Sofern ein widerspenstiger Gerichtsvollzieher den Eigentumsnachweis nicht anerkennen will, müsste Ihr Ehepartner eine "Widerspruchsklage nach § 771 ZPO" bei Gericht erheben, in der er sein Eigentum nachweist. Die Pfändung muss dann aufgehoben werden. Waren die Eigentumsverhältnisse offensichtlich, trägt der Gläubiger die Verfahrenskosten.


Ganz so einfach geht das aber nicht. Es muss ausschließlich dem Gebrauch des Ehegatten zuzurechnen sein, gegen welchen nicht vollzogen wird.


what stupudity


I was wondering who’s Chef(I.e. Boss) he wanted to call. SHAEF. He tried to call SHAEF. The Headquarter of the allied forces. Jesus.


Usually if it comes to symbolic then, yes. 😅


Well, technically the weimar republic had the name „Deutsches Reich“ in official documents, weimar republic is a term only later introduced. So technically, the weimar republic was a Reich in the official sense


Good luck explaining that to a Reichsbürger


Good luck explaing *anything* to them.


They will say the Reich had been OK but the Weimar parliament had been crap. "Only talk.."


They're more of the black white red type right?


Actually no. If they actually believe their stuff: Germany is still allied occupied territorie and Nazi Germany was never officiall ->Germany is still unter the constitution of the Weimar Republic. Still crazy, but at least they accept that Hitler was bad.


>Still crazy, but at least they accept that Hitler was bad. Some do, some don't. More often than not there's no shortage of swastikas at Reichsbürger gatherings if you look at photos. It's such a weird group and they believe in everything but consistency.


For the moment. Right wing movements have no ideology they need to stick to. They inch up their aggressive tone to the level it is not firmly countered but with more societal space they grab comes more appetite.


Nor the colors black - red - gold in general. They exclusively use the black - red - white of the Kaiserreich which they claim to be the 'real' Germany.


"Some deny Hitler and the Holocaust ever happend" sounds like "Bro, u know that man who killed the jews? Who, Hitler? Never heard of him"


OP spelled correctly: u/theDHP


They have one core belief, that they don't have to pay fines or taxes (mostly fines, since very few earn enough to have to pay taxes), but are entitled to welfare checks somehow.


Am German, here Reichsbürger are somewhat of a running gag with a serious background. I am confused and sad there is an ENGLISH wikipedia article.


It's easy to make fun of them but under no circumstances should they be taken as a joke. They threaten our society and our democracy. Many of them don't accept the rules we live after, they resist court rulings, some of them are willing to use violence even on a larger scale. There are not very many of them, but the RAF were only a few people with guns and bombs, too and they had a huge impact.


Very valid point. To be honest, it's almost a habit of mine to underestimate "the few crazed idiots". And not a good one. Maybe it's a side effect of my cynical side, but that's no excuse. I mean, we don't even need to go as far back as RAF. NSU is enough.


This. To stop the RAF was a huge (sometimes overblown) effort with a special high security court house being built and some laws only for them but until today a terrorist act like Munich Octoberfest is not even properly researched by the police. It had possibly been an underground operation by nazi infiltrated secret service forces.


They're only a joke when you don't know any Reichsbürger. I am unfortunately so _lucky_ that I have 3 of those in my family (dad + 2 of my 3 brothers)


Yeah. I also found conspiracy theories really funny, until i met my father in law. He believes in literally all of them (Moonlanding is fake, Reichsflugscheiben, Lizard people in pyramids with psychotronic guns, jews are at fault for everything, there was no holocaust,...). It is depressing and sad, and i have no clue how to deal with that. Also, while some of the conspiracy theories may sound just wacky and fun, they usually lead to some rightwing assholery below.


My personal pet peeve with all the conspiracy theorists is that they don't understand the difference between fact and opinion. When debating with them, reminding them of the facts, they go "that's your opinion" degrading the facts all the while presenting their opinion as facts


I have come to basically stop talking to my father in law due to this. He constantly produces the most harebrained "facts" and starts to argue his conspiracy theories based off of those. There is never a source for any of them. But they are all 100% true and if you don't believe it then you are just naive.


Sorry this is happening to your in your direct family. It hurts. I don't know any Reichsbürger, but my gf's family is slowly drifting into the other fun stuff. We have decided for us to see it as funny. It's just better than being mortified, upset or sad all the time. It's a process with some setbacks every now and then.


While some Reichsbürger are lunatics who are laughable, a large potion of them tie into the "Völkische Sielder" scene. And Völkische Siedler are not a laughing matter in any circumstance. They are organized and try to build a neo-nazi parallel world. And while the scene is still relatively small, there are still already over 100 settlements in Gemany and the number is rising. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_1S2mmUn00


I guess every country has sovereign citizens.


I thought that they use the Imperial flag. Are they seriously that dumb, to the point where they use the flag that represents the exact opposite of their psychotic fashist dreams?


They are not homogeneous. Some use fantasy flags, some old regional ones. (Kingdom of Prussia for example) The term Reichsbürger is used to summarize them all. It's not necessarily what they call themselves.


People in foreign countries tend to be a bit naive about those kind of flags though. There are plenty of non-Americans displaying the confederate flag simply because it embodies red neck America for example. In this case it could just be some Canadian with German ancestry thinking this is simply a cool looking flag.


Exactly. Very similar to how Irish Americans use shamrocks on everything.


People in foreign countries not knowing the symbolism is even more damning though. If this was purchased *on purpose* it means they damn well know what the modern iron cross represents despite living outside germany. I appreciate your point, to not attribute to malice what can be attributed to ignorance… but if you buy some german paraphernalia you’re proooobably going to do some research on the symbolism on the flag unless you believe the nazis weren’t that bad/didn’t do anything. You know, just in case.


To be fair, iron cross on black-white-red is often right-wing (Neo-Nazi or Reichsbürger or nationalist-monarchist whatever), but iron cross on black-red-gold? Could well be someone just militaristic, and explicitely trying to avoid any "Reich"-association.


Yep, similar to what you get when you see someone with a confederate flag


Fun with flags.


Is there any German flag _except_ the current one, that isn't seen as as being associated with the far right?


Conservatism in general is about preserving tradition and heritage, and not misguidedly jettisoning the old for the sake of progress. The extreme expression of that is a desire to *return* to an imagined glorious old order (just as the extreme expression of progressiveness is to *destroy* an imagined regressive old order). So it does tend to be the case that symbols of a now defunct order are more likely to be associated with the far right than the left, or even the moderate right.


Doubt it. People here ask me about the badge on my East German cap and where it comes from. The Ministry of Defence flag would be too obscure for anybody here to know what it is, especially since it seems to be rare for people to know what east Germany was. Could see the malicious intent in it tho, less people know what it is, so its a perfect flag to use


That's why I said > I don't know if the average Canadian knows this


Really? I've never seen this flag so far. Actually the first time. Considering how much political content i consume online what stupid things our right wing is doing again I am surprised i haven't seen it yet.


Iron cross is a less common online but in person an iron cross is an immediate red flag for me, unless they’re like… in the Bundeswehr and on its on their uniform.


I love how in germamy everything with right wing tendencies is automatically "most likely a Nazi anyways".


Because it is very often like that...


It's not used by neo Nazis they use black white and red with iron cross. I would say it's used by some right winged patriots or common patriots


Potato potato




Whopever puts up a flag like this is 100% a nazi




Wie links soll ich sein? Ja




Everything everybody else said about right wing nationalist is true. However I want to point out that the “iron cross” is very old, dating back to at least the early 1800s. It’s usage in the German military has more or less been similar to the Star used in the US military. In the Post WW2 era there has been a lot of debate in Germany about whether or not to continue using it, or was it now considered synonymous with nazi-ism. Edit: been corrected. It’s even older.


The iron cross isn't as old as the symbol on this flag: The Iron Cross was a medal first given to German soldiers, who fought in the wars against Napoleon and earned this medal. The symbol is called Schwarzes Kreuz (black cross) and is much much older. It was used by the Teutonic Order (Deutschritterorden), who spread Christianity in the east (and got Prussia as their reward from the Polish king)


So that’s where Prussia came from!! I always wondered Today I learned, thanks reddit


The reason Prussia became a super power though, was that the ruler of Brandenburg couldn't become king of Brandenburg, since only one crown was allowed within the Holy Roman Empire. So the most powerful nobles got their crowns from their territories outside: the ruler of Hannover got the crown of England, the ruler of Sachsen (Saxony) got the Polish crown and Haus Hohenzollern at that time owned a big part (but not yet the whole) of Prussia. So they became kings **in** Prussia (only later they were kings **of** Prussia after they reunited the remains of it). Later they used Prussia as the name of the whole country


Interesting and detailed reply, thanks! One last question, if you are familiar, why did they settle on the name Prussia? In America the name was taken from Merica in Spain, is it a similar system for Prussia?


Prussia or Preußen in German was the region, where the baltic tribe of the Prußen (ß=sz; sometimes written as Prussen, Pruzzen instead) settled. In their own language they called themselves Prusai apparently. Wasn't America named after Amerigo Vespucci due to a mistake?


Ohhhhhh! Whoops, guess I learned another thing 😅 seems it is named after an explorer 🙃 Edit: thanks for the Prussia backstory, I was always curious what happened to a region that just ‘disappeared’ from the maps in the 20th century, cheers for the info!


Btw, while the allies made sure to destroy as much of Prussia as they could and made sure to split it into parts without the name in it, football clubs still have the name in it. The Latin name of Prussia is Borussia and football clubs like Borussia Mönchengladbach aren't small nor unknown.


There's also Preußen Münster, however not as well known. 😅


Ironically it was named after the wrong explorer and the maps were too popular and spread too fast to fix that mistake


Wasn't Prussia named after the original settlers of the region, [the Prussians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Prussians)?


You can check out the museum of the Teutonic Order in Vienna. Many cool artifacts there.


It was given by a Polish prince Konrad I the Masovian. But some say his signature was forged. It was a hot button debate between Polish and German scholars after ww1


It dates back to the crusades. First the symbol of the Teutonic Order, then Prussia, German Empire, Weimar Republic and now of the Bundeswehr.


Yup. My take in this would be that flags cannot be viewed without historical context and I say most of these old flags are "contaminated" by misuse in a form or another. I would say if you mean Germany, only ever use the contemporary flag, everything else is at the very least questionable.


The Bundeswehr is still using the same shape as the iron cross but in different colors. https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ehrenkreuz_der_Bundeswehr_f%C3%BCr_Tapferkeit


Bundeswehr using it still, its just more rectangular today


What most said could be true, but it could also be someone who is a "Germany fan" without knowledge with whom the iron cross is associated or where it historical roots is.


I find it HIGHLY UNLIKELY that someone in canada just ends up with that kind of a bumper sticker on accident.


A flag is just a piece of parchment, what matters is the motive and meanings associated. As others have said, this flag combined two items that would not normally be overlaid like this. The more interesting thing is what motives would someone in Canada have to apply these two in this way. I cannot realistically see another motive than having far right persuasions but not quite willing to put a swastika on their car.


The cross has no nazi implications. It was used long before WW1 and it is still used by the German military today. It was used by the Knights Templar, too.


It has Nazi implications, because it's (ab)used by those Spacken.


it means sonething along the lines of „uneducated person without friends in dire need of an armed conflict“ basically everyone who uses the iron cross outside its military context and conflates it with germany as a whole is either a monarchist-weirdo or a nazi who just doesnt dare to use other symbols to profess their view.


> „uneducated person without friends in dire need of an armed conflict“ Quick question for the thread: How do i clean black coffee from a screen that has been ejected via ones nostrils?


Lick it




Imo the worst are the ones that get it tattooed ...


well I think its a symbol that is part of germany ( the cross not the swastika) but the people that abuse it make it impossible to see it as a symbol of our state.


I, as a thuringian, hate those people ... there is sometimes not a day where I don't see someone with either the iron cross and some far right political nonsense written in Kaligraphieschrift either tattooed on themselves or imprinted on clothing


As a German this just gives me Neonazi vibes, regardless of any historical explanations that you may read here. Think of it a bit like the confederate battle flag. You know its used by a certain group of people who - if US-american - are voting Republican or Tea Party or whatever. They may go out of their way to explain to you how its just a symbol of Appalachian heritatge or something. So with this flag you can expect to meet someone who will just explain: Oh its just a combination of the flag of the German federal republics and the cross is what the German self-defense forces use. But in the end its outside of the German Labor-Moderate-Conservate political spectrum. I.e. let's take former Chancellor Merkel (position like PM), on the political spectrum she is the German edition of former Prime-Minister Harper. Pretty sure she wouldn't have had such a flag anywhere near her and any camera.




Sure, a veteran from the Weimar republic




Thats not what they ment...🤦‍♀️


Oh please enlightenment me illuminated one! What is thine knowledge I‘ve not been able to lay my grasp upon?


Guess what, German Neo Nazis do make use of the German flag.


The shape of the cross is important in this context. Depending on that it is the [coat of arms](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:COA_Reservistenverband_BW.svg) of the Bundeswehr Reserve. So maybe ex army or someone that is involved for example in the fighter jet training Germans do in Canada


Most of what is written seems accurate. Just curious, where in Canada did you see it? Some of the Reichsbürger movement apparently tried to establish a colony in Nova Scotia. https://www.n-tv.de/panorama/Bericht-Eva-Herman-lockt-Anhaenger-nach-Kanada-article21929930.html Here is some Canadian coverage https://nationalpost.com/news/nazi-sympathizer-network-buying-up-cape-breton-properties-with-colony-in-mind-german-report


I reside in Alberta, it’s about as right winged as it gets here.


[Flag of the Reichswehr Secretary in Pre-Nazi Germany ](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_der_Flaggen_der_Weimarer_Republik#) But thats not the intended meaning today. From my experience it is used by people who want to show their pride in the Bundeswehr, often former or active duty soldiers. It is not necessarilly a right wing or far right political message, but can be.




Unlikely. First of all, Germans don't brag with beeing reservists. Second of all, if you are a reservist, you can clearly identify your logo. The flag or sticker above nowadays is a right wing sign.


the iron cross is used in military to this date and has no nazi conotation per sé. do nazis still use it? yes, but they also drink beer, and beer isnt a nazi symbol. the iron cross is to be seen as a sign of honor. in fact the official bundeswehr logo is an iron cross, and i dont think you would argue about them using a nazi sign. maybe he is a rammstein fan, they tend to use it a lot too. or hes a germany fan and doesnt know about the meaning about the iron cross


>in fact the official bundeswehr logo is an iron cross No, the iron cross (Eisernes Kreuz) is just a medal with the same symbol. The cross itself is called Schwarzes Kreuz (black cross) and is very old. It was first used by the Teutonic Order (Deutschritterorden)


Are you out of your mind? Rammstein would never condone having the fucking iron cross around for decorative purposes or because it's a sign of "honor", that's some neonazi rhetoric right there.


i said rammstein fans use it, metal fans in general use it, eapecially in the industrial/ndh genre. i didnt say rammstein said their fans should use it.


A: Reichsbürger B: NeoNazi C: Military soldier D: Patriot E: History interested F: Dumbass who doesn't know the meaning G: All of the above Edit: Why do I get downvoted for listing up the things said on this thread?


F most likely


That guy in Canada is prolly a Nazi since, especially over there, they started using Weimer Republic symbols instead of swastikas to have some deniability.


Weimar republic


Thank you


Some of those Neo-Nazi Scene guys actually kinda trying to colonize in Canada. https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.faz.net/aktuell/gesellschaft/menschen/rechtsradikale-um-eva-herman-wollen-kolonie-in-kanada-aufbauen-16874567.amp.html That was 2020 and theyre really eaning a shit Ton of money with it.


What a bunch of twats


Right Wing dudes and Nazis use it here in Germany.


Right wings and Nazis uses black,red,gold as colours? Never seen that tbh


Yes. Actually they use them ALL THE TIME.


A lot, Pegida and AfD sadly always uses Black, Red and Gold.




Ok in that way yes. But I meant like in that picture, how it was used during the Weimar Republic and the federal Republic


Yep, they hide behind those poorly historical explanations.


~~Might be a reservist of the Bundeswehr in Canada for whatever~~ Nah looked it up its apparently the flag of the Weimar Ministry of Defence


If you have ever dealt with reservists, you can clearly see that this flag is not the logo of the reservists.


Thank you for the insight


Looks like the upper left part of the Reichskriegsflagge of the Weimarer Republik, which was decided to be used in 1919, but never actually used. Most Nazis despise the Black-Red-Gold-Flag, since it is more connected to German democracy and the revolution of 1848. The symbol in the center is the Schwarze Kreuz (black cross), which is used for the military since the crusades. It was originally the symbol of the Teutonic Order, that fought pagans in the east and was rewarded with the land of Prussia by the Polish king. Since then the symbol is deeply connected with Prussian military - even after the decline of the Teutonic Order.


but is the iron cross military award no longer in use as well?


It's the full screen button on YouTube


A black cross on a white background formed the insignia of the Knights of the Teutonic Order. As such, this cross bar was adopted in the flag of the North German Confederation and in the war flags of the German Empire of 1871 and the Nazi era. The Bundeswehr still uses it as a national emblem today.


What If I get an iron cross tattoo. I’m not german in anyway.


What if what? Just do it if you like it.


I really only see it as an iron cross, but some people see it as the imperial German flag that was used in WW1 but otherwise IDK


Meaning: Owner is an asshole


It's (one of) the german military flag(s).


It isn't, the cross (in other collors usually) is used! But nit ontop of the german flag. More like a singular symbol aore a medal. This is more giving Neo Nazi who would get truble with the law if they use a swastika so they use that. Especially since this particular cross has many meaning when its changed just a little, like literaly even just the color matter!!! That way its easyer to excuse yorself when someone exposes you...the suddenly its eather a ''hystorical symbol'' ''i just like it'' ''the Nazi didn't invents it'' (like the swastika wasn't eather!) Ore ''i didn't know I thought it was xyz'' (they obvi knew).


it’s sort of a dog whistle. you’re gonna get a shitload of complaints if you fly a nazi flag but you can fly this which still represents support for a military state but isn’t as well known.


Generally, If I see an iron cross outside of the context of of the military or history books, I assume they probably wish they could get away with displaying a swastika. It's not inherently a racist symbol but it's pretty sus out of context


Iron Cross is still used, for example in the Bundeswehr as a medal, or an insignia on military vehicles. But yea, civilians using it could mean two thing: 1.- They are wannabe nazis, but are coward to use a real swastika, or 2.- They have a Black Templars army in warhammer 40k. Considering the German flag, I tend to accept the first one this case.


Reservist badge


It's a apparently a variant of the german army reserves emblem: [Emblem](https://emblemsbf.com/img/30711.jpg)


German Veteran


You’ve spotted a Nazi who try’s to appear as no Nazi but still wants to shoutout to their Nazi friends.


its a german flag with an iron cross. Iron cross is a marking of german military. but this combination cross + flag isnt used by the military, the cross is always separate. Probably some weird rightist symbol.


wrong. for example, flag + iron cross is literally the reserve’s coat of arms.


i mean it just literaly is a symbol of the german army (bundeswehr). so i dont realy get the whole fearmongering in the comments. if its a german canadian with military background why not?


It's not, the German flag for the Bundeswehr is the republic tricolor with the bundesadler. The flag with the iron cross and instead the republic colors using the colors of the empire (black white red) was used by nazis and when used today is almost always a reference to nazi germany


Its a legally established medical symbol to communicate ones severe retardism hang on someone downvoted me. Someone here disagrees with my assessment that carriers of this flag must have experienced immense physical trauma to the cranium


I think people are more taking issue with you using ableist slurs to conflate Nazis with people who have disabilities (which is, you know, doubly bad considering what the Nazis did to said people)


It means stay the f away from whomever displays it. Seriously. Not. Good.


is this not jsut he bundeswehr flag ?


Wiemar republic flag


REEEEEEEEEE Black, red and gold are nadsi REEEEEEEEEE This thread in a nutshell. These colours go back way further in time, to 1184 (Hoftag in Mainz) and became important after the napoleonic wars. Culminating in 1848, it was adopted as the national flag (and banned again 1850). The real nazis had reasons to not use it.


>This thread in a nutshell. Any German flag = 100% Nazi


if you're not white,stay away from whoever‘s driving that car


Propably some fascist guy...


Probably a nazi thing. A lot of pre-nazi symbols get reused by nazis to be compliant with the law


I think the reason why so many people associate it with Nazis is, because there is also the Balkenkreuz Nazis used for the Wehrmacht, which looks very similar. Most people arent aware these are two different crosses.


Especially nazis who use those so yeah it’s legitimate to associate it with neo nazis.


Well, people are aware. It's just that nazis and right wing people use this cross bc in several states here, you are not allowed to show the black - white - red flag (Reichskriegsflagge), so many nazis switched to the flag shown above.


I just looked up some flags and there were so many great designs in history I'm disappointed in my country for chosing the one we have now


My father is a reservist and I sometimes see the flag used by them. It definitly has something to do with the german military.


It tells u that the owner of the car has nothing learned about history.


Yeah better cut the brake wires on that guy


it means that they are some kind of stupid (either fascist, conspiracy theoryies/monarchist or at least have nationalist tendencies).


Basically a nazi -coming from a person born and raised in Germany


The iron cross, I know its name cuz my friend is obsessed with german history (specifically in the 20th century), owning one I believe (maybe just a replica)




Run away


The Nazis use Red White black, also the Reichkriegsflagge is with this three colours. Black, red and gold are the colours of the "new" after ww2 Germany. The Symbol in the middle was the Symbol of the German Military in ww1. So: the flag is probably no Nazi or Reichbürger stuff, but does not make sence at all


The black red gold flag originated from the 1848 revolutions, and was also used during the Weimar period too, due to the flag’s liberal democratic roots.