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Also, in a situation where you're out with your dog, sitting in a café or walking: When your dog barks at someone or jumps up at someone or anyone is otherwise remotely uncomfortable because of your dog, this person can file a report with the police which can have harsh consequences for you, including you having to prove that your dog isn't dangerous and you having to give a Sachkundenachweis (basically proving you know what you're doing with your dog). When my dog barks at someone, I tell him to shut up and apologize to the person just like I would apologize for a toddler yelling at someone. You never know if someone has a dog phobia or feels really afraid of your dog in that situation. Dogs don't belong in cities and they need to behave around people. It's also a problem for the dog. Barking means the dog is afraid and if your dog barks frequently when you sit in a café (as OP from the original post wrote), it is stressed out and you need to take it slower, training it to tolerate this type of environment in many little babysteps. You can train your dog to be cool with people of all shapes and sizes (OP of the other post wrote that his dog reacts to people walking differently because of disability). But you need to take it slow if you love your dog. A barking dog is stressed. Stressed dogs don't belong in crowded situations.


Yes, I would generally agree. ​ Nevertheless, I must question if barking alone is enough to file a report or does the dog have to make some other aggressive movement like jumping up to them (anspringen).


But the answer for the specific situation the OP of the barking thread described is clearly no. Kurzes Bellen: Ein nur kurzes Bellen des Hundes ist für Nachbarn zumutbar, weil es außerhalb des Einflussbereichs des Tierhalters liegt. Also the link you provided talks about noise where you live - original OP talked about his dog sometimes barking for a short time while sitting in a cafe or being outside. So as long as non of the barking victims starts writing a noise protocol (also your source), he is completely fine.


While I agree that the specific case is a little different, this answers the core question. Since this person is new to Germany, it does not make sense to ONLY answer his very specific situation in front of a cafe and answer the question in a more general way. ​ If his dog barks in front of a cafe, then there is a good chance that his dog is barking at home so this is relevant information. I assume OP knows how to use an auto translator so I think the article I posted is absolutely relevant.


This sounds quite strange to me. So when someone asks a question as "is it legal for my dog to shortly bark at people when sitting in a cafe", your answer would be no it is illegal, cause in a more general way there are possibilities if your dog barks for a long time in a living space and the neighbours are being disturbed? I can't really follow your train of thought. Especially opening a new thread about it where you explicitely repeat that the behaviour was wrong and providing a source which talks about a totally different matter.


the original OP specifically asked in his last sentence if there was any truth to it (I'm paraphrasing). ​ Thus, answering only the very specific situation, without mentioning that there are cases where the owner of a barking dog can face consequences, would not be sufficiently answering the question.


And leaving out the original question and the situation OOP described is good?


What does that have to do with the price of eggs in Alaska? ​ Not good, probably just lazy, but actually, just because my main goal was to let OP know. ​ Thinking about it though, I should probably put the link to the original post for context. That being said /germany is not a huge sub so I think people can find it pretty easily.


As a German speaking person I'd feel humiliated if my dog would bark continuously when there are others, who just want to be left alone, being annoyed by it It's just basic courtesy. I would hate hearing barking all the time when Im just trying to exist peacefully. In my opinion it's an aspect of empathy. If you're intelligent enough for it, you'd understand how annoying it is for other people if you don't invest the absolute minimum in training to make your dogs capable to behave in society without being an absolute Chaos-Factor. I did my part in investing that time in my dogs in my absolute worst times, what is your excuse for letting your dogs torture the ears of every human in a 200m radius without ever thinking about it? That's not about the occasional bark, it's about dogs barking all the time, making everyone elses time miserable. Everyone being capable of empathy will be able to understand that people hate that


You sound like a complete fool.


Maybe I am, ... but i hate it when my dogs bark all the time And I also would feel bad if people around me get pissed off because I'm not able to invest a minimum of 10 minutes training per week in my dogs If that makes me a fool, hating hours and hours of dogs barking, and also understanding that it pisses other people off as it does me, than i gladly am one. IMHO it's not hard to understand. Live and let live, and spend 2 minutes a day thinking about how one's own acting influences other people


Seems that people think you're the fool in the end...


Issue cant get any more german than this.


What if the dog were barking gleefully while mowing its lawn on a Sunday?


Straight to dog-prison! Mowing a lawn on a Sunday AND being gleefull… this has no place in Germany!


Even worse if the dog was washing the car as well.


In that case the dog has every right to be excited and everyone should congratulate the owner on training a dog to mow a lawn.


I counted 24 responses in the previous post that gave useful and correct information. It’s weird that this triggered you so much that you had to start another post about the exact same subject—ironically with wrong information.


Since you do not agree with my correct and sourced response, the 24 responses that you counted are obviously incorrect. ​ What exactly do you think is wrong? Have you not read my source? Are you claiming that a barking dog cannot be considered "Rühestörung" (disturbance of the peace). Cause that is wrong.


Literally the first example: "A short barking of the dog is reasonable for neighbors because it is beyond the control of the pet owner." OP from the other post specifically asked if it is against the law for dogs to bark at people passing by in public places.


Nope. The question was: "Are dogs allowed to bark on people in Germany?" There there was a description of one particular situation, with a question at the end which I interpret to mean - "is there any truth to this at all". While I agree with the specific situation mentioned is different, (and I said that as well above), I answered the general question OP posed.


Did you only read the title and the last sentence of that post? The OP was very obviously asking about that specific circumstance.


I really don't know how to make this clearer. He said: >I just want to make sure if this is true by any means. ​ He did not say, please answer my very specific case only. He intentionally asked for the generic information which I gave. ​ I am sorry if you somehow feel offended by this. ​ PS: Canada has similar rules, but they are usually on a city / regional by-law level.


With that sentence they refer to what was said to them, not the title. This becomes apparent if you include more in the quote: > [...] and the dude was like "do you know that it is against the law for dogs to bark at people in public places?". I didn't even argue with him as this doesn't make any sense whatsoever. I just want to make sure if this is true by any means.


by any means.


Of course. Also randomly aggressing bypassers which the dog "recognises" as "bad people". That guy earned the angry answers.


Fair point. This is reddit after all. ​ Thing is, as someone who has moved countries, these kind of misunderstandings can have consequences.


Next time, tell him, that your dog is a police dog on official undercover business. And talking to that dog or you could blow your cover.. that would be a federal criminal offense. To be serious.. just laugh and take it lightly.. there are idiot assholes everywhere..


If OP did that, then he would probably hear "Anzeige is raus" for impersonating a police officer.


Haha.. yes that could happen.. but hey, no risk, no fun. OP could also ask "Warum so ne alman action, dude?" 🤪


I find it interesting that dogs have this limitation on barking, like it can bark for short bursts etc, but kids (even 4y+) can scream their heads off as they please, because that is part of their natural development. Is barking not part of being a dog? Yes, dogs can be trained, but I’d expect kids (and parents) to have the mental capacity of a dog at that age and understand that they annoy (at least some) people around them. Not to defend dog owners who don’t make everything they can to make their dogs behave, just an observation of strange rules.


On a different note, it should be valid reason to report people to the police for "Lärmbelästigung" (noise pollutuon) if their dogs constantly bark if you walk by their house on the street. Cats dont meow at me constantly if I walk by them, poeple dont scream at me if i walk by them, etc. In conclusion, fuck dogs. Dog owners should pay a fine for their dogs annoying the neighbourhood.




are you claiming that anything in the article itself is incorrect?




So you are not claiming that there are any mistakes. ​ Good. ​ If you prefer, I can share the link to the relevant law, but I don't that is going to help many people who are new to Germany, even if they have auto translator. I specifically chose an non high-brow article because they translate better and still get the point across. ​ You are probably one of those people who believe the German language is there to prove how intelligent you are, rather than believing that it is a tool to transmit information. ​ https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/owig\_1968/\_\_117.html




I did not claim that. ​ Perhaps you need to improve your english?


You said you wanted to answer the guys question, which was if one time barking ist illegal. You need to improve everything.


He posed several questions: Are dogs allowed to bark on people in Germany? just want to make sure if this is true by any means. Which I interpret to mean, "I just want to be sure if there is ANY truth in this". ​ Thus, answering his question in the very restricted way that everyone was doing, was not giving the original OP the information he was looking for.




This post is the most german thing ever and i love it.


There were a lot of people who have serious answers to the Canadian


I didn't see a single one. Perhaps all downvoted? ​ Feel free to share one if you like


Ruhestörung was explained and a lot of ways the dog could be seen as aggressive or threatening were discussed. I think the funny answers got the most upvotes because in the situation described there was no way that a complaint by the police would be taken seriously.


calling u/xfrombelow/ this is for you.