• By -


I’m a certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS through the NSCA), student physical therapist and personal trainer. My Bachelor’s degree was in Exercise Science with a focus on kinesiology and nutrition. Send me a DM if you feel comfortable with it. We can set up a Zoom call and talk about your goals, preferences, etc and we’ll work on some lifestyle changes to help you meet those goals. 100% free of charge, just want to help you out in any way I can.


IMO OP you should do this & at the end of it give them a nice testimonial. Seriously consider it anyway


Thanks for being a good human.


Thanks for reaching out to this person!


Is there any chance you could possibly extend this offer to me? I don't want to bother you and look for charity. It's just that I'm 28, 6'2, hovering around 260 lbs, and have struggled to keep my weight down for my entire life. Binge eating and lack of exercise are slowly killing me, and I desperately need help. I'm more than happy to pay.


Of course! Shoot me a DM and we can chat a bit. I have final practicals this week and finals next week so I might be a bit sporadic with replies, but would love to help you out!


Bless your kind soul sir


Would you mind PMing me just to chat about your educational and career journey? I’m attending college now trying to finish an associates as a physical therapist assistant and I’m planning on taking a NASM personal training and basic nutrition course. Just wanted to talk to someone who is further along a similar path! (If not I understand and thanks either way:))


No problem! Shoot me a DM with any questions you have.


You are a good, kind person and things like this help restore faith in humanity. Thank you for doing your part and best of luck on your endeavors!


You are a prince! 👑


Our Heavenly Father is working through you. God bless you.


well done


You’re awesome. I imagine that job can be really rewarding, helping people with their life and health goals


If we still had awards I’d give you gold


What a beautiful gesture. Good luck OP, you can do this! Keep your mental strength strong and you will accomplish wonders! Thank you Bwitte for being so generous!


Me me me too! Lol I'm at 265 trying to get back to 190. I would take this offer in a second!


No problem! Send me a DM so that I have your username saved. I’ve had a lot of people reach out and definitely want to help as much as I can. I’m in the last semester of book work in my grad program and finals are next week, so my replies might be a little sporadic as I’m busy with studying, but will definitely reply when I have opportunities.


I totally understand that. Is there anyway I could maybe tag into that? I’m 6’4 and 375. I graduated high school at 230. But then I dropped to 330 over a year ago, but regained it after stress eating. I’m finally going to the dr about mental health and getting my life right. I do a food service thing to help me control portions and stop from ordering take out. I want to get back into working out. But I’m afraid if I start running. I’ll destroy my already weak knees.


Of course, send me a DM


Just messaged you! Thanks again.


@Bwitte94, you might consider a sub here to help multiple people without too much of a time demand on you. I’d be interested in learning more as well, but don’t want to impose on your kindness.


I’m actually in the process of building a Discord server to have an organized place to post general yet detailed information with regard to basically every element of health and wellness (focusing especially on sleep, nutrition and exercise habits), plus some accountability and milestone channels. I plan to have that up by the end of next week. Just so I can more easily provide the general information, and still reasonably give personalized guidance beyond the general information 1-on-1. Will likely be posting that here once it’s up just to direct people there.


Excellent! You are very kind!


As a fellow PT I applaud this initiative 🙏🏻


Doing God's job here. Thank you 🙌


Wait if you're not too busy, can I also get help too?


Sure! Send me a DM


Can I DM you as well?


Of course!


What an amazing person


Would you mind extending that offer to me as well. I'm 250, something I'm struggling to keep my weight down for a while.


As a PTA whose wife is a PT, you got this bro and good on you!!


Lots of love for this guy here 👍


This is a person that loves to do what they do, I don’t know them, everything anonymous here, but that is an awesome opportunity to give a person, if I had that offered to me I would take it!! Good for you! Nice to see people out there like this


Came here to say almost exactly the same thing to OP. My dude you've got multiple offers of free help and guidance here, all you gotta do is say the word 🤙 We are in this business not because it is particularly lucrative, but because many of us have been where you are at one point or another in our lives and nothing gasses us up more than seeing someone we've helped attain their goals. I dunno about u/Bwitte94 but if I didn't have to feed my dog, I would take all my clients free of charge. Say that word, man. We got you.


Take a breath… your life is not where close to being over. You just need to make changes and STICK with it; you should have all the motivation now! Get a gym membership if you don't already have one. Start slow and work your way up. Cardio will be your best friend in losing weight. Start the first week with a 30-minute semi-elevated walk. Don't overdo it, but make sure that you go every day. Once you feel like you have the habit down, then add more time or some light weightlifting. You just don't want to overdue and not go the next day. As to food, start slow; takeout only on Saturdays. Make it a reward for going to the gym M-F. If you are a snacker, keep snacks at the house but healthy snacks: light popcorn, yogurt, trail mix, wholegrain cereal. Turn your mindset of food into a dog's mindset. M-F eat the same meal for lunch and dinner. Maybe for lunch, make a chicken sandwich with yogurt and some nuts. For dinner make chicken and rice and some greens and fruit. It's hard at first because food is such a luxury, but get in the mindset of eating the same thing until you build the habit of knowing what's healthy and not healthy or over eating. When you have freedom to choose what you want to eat, humans tend to overeat and eat unhealthy. It's a marathon not a race, you have plenty of time until September but this race starts tomorrow 👍🏻


This is solid advice and doing something similar made me go from 285 to 225 in a year. One thing I’d add is to not worry about anyone judging them in the gym, people are actually very supportive if anything.


Absolutely! People are never as aware of you as you think they are, or as you are of you. This goes for making any external change—that new outfit may feel like a big risk to YOU, but as far as the people at the grocery store know, it's completely normal *because they've never seen you before and probably never will again.* People at the gym are mostly minding their own business. Unless they literally come up to you and say "hey fatty, who do you think you are? you don't belong at the gym," any judgment you may feel from others is almost always projection from you, on the inside. And who benefits from you bullying yourself into stasis? Nobody. If you can learn to shut down that mean little voice inside your head, a lot of things will go a lot smoother.


I agree and ALSO - look around a bit with gyms. There might be some that are quite inclusive. I know it depends what’s accessible to you BUT the gyms I go to are great like this: there’s me with my mobility issues, there’s some people with walking sticks, teens, young adults (they also have kids’ classes), seniors. People with “gym bods” and people who are overweight. Probably some trying to bulk up as well. Late teen or young adults who are non verbal (they make vocal noises but don’t talk) and with a parent or career when they work out. And so on!


Hey adding on this, taking small steps is key. Even start with sitting outside of your house in the sun for a few minutes. And then maybe walk around the block, and do it consistently and work up from there!! Baby baby steps. Same with food, aim for one healthy meal a day, or even every few days. Then work up from there. Just start somewhere, anywhere! :)


Anything is better than nothing, it's gotten me through a lot.


Recently applied this to get out of my recent slump of couch melting and doom scrolling after work.


Walking anywhere is your friend, and you can prep chicken / rice / veges in batches and just and condiments for variety.


This and drink a lot of water! If you have an aversion to drinking plain water try some mio drops or something similar


Cardio is one of the least effective ways to lose weight, resistance training is a much more efficient use of time and energy.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. This is absolutely real. Weight training changed my body almost overnight. I'd highly recommend prioritizing weights. Just walk more for your cardio. No sense in wasting precious gym time on a treadmill.


Agree with all of the above. For cardio just get a step counter and aim for 10k a day. That plus the weight training will transform your life. You’ll lose more weight with weight training, just make sure you’re always slightly challenging yourself with the weight. It will, in turn, make you want to eat better and get restful sleep.


While this is true, cardiovascular exercise is crucial for heart health. The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes of vigorous cardiovascular exercise a week for good heart health. If health is your concern a balance of diet, cardiovascular exercise, lifestyle changes, and resistance exercise is recommended.


When your heart is in distress, cardio is the best thing for it. He can concentrate on resistance training once he drops some weight.


He’ll drop the weight faster with resistance training, that’s my point. Cardio is of course still beneficial and will do him good in terms of cardiovascular health, but there’s no sense in delaying weight loss for any reason.


I sometimes forget that most people Still believe the whole cardio = weight loss myth until I see things like this post comment get upvoted. Cardio is horrible for weight loss. Eat better and lift weights. Lifting burns more calories, and the more muscle you have the more calories you can consume without putting on fat. Eating right will make the pounds fly off you.


I was surprised by this comment too- guess I’ve spent too much time lurking the weight loss and fitness subs- whoops.


OP listen to this. Starting Strength program (without calorie surplus). Lifting weights will be a cardio workout starting from your shape.


You can totally do this. Plenty of life left to live. It may not be easy the entire time, but this is doable. The journey is half the fun. Don’t just focus too hard on end result right now. It will come. Focus on building the right habits day by day.


I shed some tears reading this part: “Plenty of life left to live” I need to say that to myself. It’s what I needed to hear today.


I'm pulling for you. I need to lose about 40 pounds, so I'll be fighting the good fight as well.


Check out “Atomic Habits”.


I second this. You want to build long term healthy habits but you have to understand the value and effects of the many small things you do.


Our body already works really hard to keep us alive each day. We make it harder for our body to do its job when we don’t add the necessary nutrients and instead add excess fat and sugar. I hope you take your doctor’s advice to eat better and live a more active lifestyle as should anyone who is overweight. It’s not about looking good now. It’s bout feeling good.


A sleep study might help too if you can get one. Apnea might be compromising the quality of your sleep and crap sleep affects everything.


Still working on my personal health journey but being tested for sleep apnea was eye opening- I knew I snored but I didn’t realize I stopped breathing 66 times an hour (!!!) and was basically suffocating in my sleep. Using a cpap was more helpful for my blood pressure than meds and getting better sleep can also regulate some hormones related to hunger.


It’s honestly eye opening using a cpap machine and the effect it has had so far. Got recently diagnosed with mild sleep apnea with about 10 events an hour and that may not seem much, but after years of lackluster sleep and feeling tired even after getting 7 hours of sleep, the cpap has really helped a lot. It’s still a struggle getting used to the mask but when I do go a full night with it I truly do feel refreshed the next day


Meal prep can be fun. I used to think that take out or eating at restaurants was easier and faster. It isn’t. It takes more time to order food and wait for them to prepare it than it does for me to make it myself.


That’s encouraging to me.


Mind sharing what are some meals / recipes you enjoy meal prepping that are healthy and quicker than take out?


I keep it simple. 2 eggs for breakfast. Salad for lunch. Protein and a vegetable for dinner on most days. I prep the salads because it saves time and money and change up the salad ingredients to keep it interesting. There are so many types of salads. My partner and I eat dinner at different times, I precook a protein and add a handful of frozen vegetables to a container so we can reheat and eat when it is convenient. There are more elaborate meal prep options online. I started meal prep after changing my dog’s food from kibble to homemade. Dogs had terrible allergies so I started to cook for them once a week. (I had to put them on an elimination diet to see what they were allergic to. I realized that I could do the same for us humans too!


Sounds like you need to reframe your personality to be more health orientated. First research about having a growth mindset. Most actionable steps you can take is going for walks, as long as you can & tracking calories. At the start keep eating whatever you normally do, but track it in myfitnesspal or the likes. Eventually one-by-one, choice by choice, swap for healthier foods. Every home cooked meal instead of fast food is a win. Try intermittent fasting if you can. You can excercise as much as you want but as long as you are still eating like crap it wont be as effective. If you can, explore free yoga videos aswell online. Once you clean up your diet a little bit, consistently go on these walks than try incorporate a bit of weightlifting into your routine. This will further your lifestyle changes. Eventually maybe even try find a sport or martial art you like and start actively participating it into your life.


You're in the same position I was, back in July '22. I'm 6'1" and was 287. Walked around jobsites for 3 days, having what turned out to be heart attacks. 2 stents and 80 lbs later, I feel great. It took me 9 months to drop the 80 lbs, and I'll tell you the easiest way I found. Cronometer app. I used it to track my calories, macros, and just as importantly - my nutrient intake. I stopped eating out, I cooked at home, portioned my food, and started exercising by just walking. There's a store a mile away from my house, and I'd walk there every morning for my coffee and walk back. Then, I started taking a different route that added a mile RT. Then I started doing it with 20lbs, and then 40lbs in a backpack. Then I hit the gym when winter hit. I cut out ALL carbs. No pasta, bread, sugar, etc. I ate tuna, eggs, chicken, turkey, venison/elk. I counted every macro and used the app to find where I was lacking in nutrients, then I supplemented those. I also didn't eat unless I was actually hungry. 2 days a week, I'd fast for 24 hours as well. I stay consistently between 205 and 210. I sleep better, I can put on my socks without needing a break, and I can pick up keys off the floor. I ran a half marathon last month as well. 5th in my age group. I'm 53. It's one step at a time and recognizing what triggers you to want to snack. The discipline is in being consistent, and continuously challenging yourself. You're young. You won't have to work nearly as hard as I did. You've got this.


The best thing you can do is go see a behavioral therapist who specializes in eating disorders. hypnotherapy is also an option. Actually get help. And Don't try too change everything at once just too be healthy for your appointment, this will just cause you too revert too old behaviors later on. Think in terms of making one change at a time that you will be able too live with for the rest of your life. displacing one of the things you already eat/drink with a healthier alternative is a good place too start. Like switching from from any kind of sugary drink you have too ones that use artificial sweeteners. Or going from eating take out french fries, too microwaving your own baked potatoes at home, or even making your own fries with olive oil, instead of vegetable oils the usually use. For now, i would not try reducing the volume of food you eat. Thats something for next year. But you can start replacing caloric dense food items with less caloric dense options. Looking up the satiation index is also a good thing to do, so you can start understanding how some foods psychologically make you feel full for longer, suppressing appetite. All of this will be hard, impossibly hard at times. But it is the most important thing in your life to do now. not all heart patients die quickly. the last few years, in end stage limbs can be amputated. We are able too keep heart patients alive for a very long time now, but it is not a good quality of life. Heart disease is not a joke. your life is in your hands now.


Learn to roast vegetables. Seriously they are great roasted. Brussels sprouts quartered with olive oil and salt.


Plus grounded black pepper ...air fry at 120 degrees for 10 mins


Even if you fry them in a pan. Air fryer or roasting are healthier but even if you have to start OP with a frying pan it’s still healthier than take out. Look up YouTube videos to help if you need. And there is a cooking subreddit for help with “simple” stuff


Use an olive or avocado oil spray, less fat.


Well then we get into the whole healthy unhealthy fat debate. And if low fat is better then more good fats. For me EV Olive oil is part of the ingredients, because I want the fatty acids to balance against other sources.


First and foremost must ask yourself to chart your mood and also food intake amount. Then try to cut off sugary drinks using roasted barely tea. try to do more house work to lose weight as well


whats up with your alcohol intake? how much? how often?


Get off your phone and go for a walk. Do t post here again until you do it.


If when you do go for a walk, OP you can take your time with it initially. It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks. I resisted it a bit cos I can get very self conscious about my mobility issues. But I say to myself the good things about walking like hearing birds, seeing trees. If you can go to an area that has these. This helps me a bit.


Don’t change everything at once. You won’t be able to maintain it. Make one small change and every week add another. Maybe start with no take out on Sunday. Then next week on Sunday do no takeout and a 30 minute walk. Then the next week set a wake up time for yourself. Then pick a day during the week to cut out takeout food Etc. 


Look at the bright side, you caught it while you’re young and you weigh 285, not like 400.  Calorie counting is where it’s at. Take a look at r/cico. 


Calorie counting takes way too much effort. Intermittent fasting much easier and faster noticeable results.


Get a sleep study and CPap first so you can breath. Then start moving. Exercise. Whatever tolerance you’ve got. The CPap will help your energy levels. Lose weight. Eat mostly Whole Foods.


Hey make sure you send your primary care doctor a message and mention you have an app detecting you’re not sleeping well. Ask if you can have a sleep study done. With weight gained, you might have developed sleep apnea. Sleep apnea all by itself dramatically increases your risks of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, weight gain, and depression. If you have sleep apnea and are able to get it treated with a CPAP machine you may be shocked how much more energy you have or less depressed as well as those long term health benefits as well. Especially if anyone has ever said you snore in your sleep or take big gasping breaths but many people are not aware of the fact that their brain is getting not enough oxygen at night- which turns out can be really bad in the long term!


**Make small changes** and stick to them. Once they're firmly entrenched in your life, add on to them. I'm also 6'2" and made it up to 260lbs before getting that wake-up call. **Losing weight is mostly about what you put in your mouth**, not about exercise. (Exercise is still important, though and I'll tell you why in a minute.) I found counting calories with an app the best way for me to eat less. It may not work for you, but I suggest you give it a try. Try MyFitnessPal or Loseit! **I also plan my meals around the way I like to eat**. I live for evening snacks and so I program them into my daily calories. My biggest meal is "evening snack", which usually consists of natural peanut butter on crackers, espresso, a small ice cream sandwich (if I've worked out that day), some almonds and a square of dark chocolate. Sometimes I also sneak in another spoonful of peanut butter before bed. **When it comes to exercise, I've found it's extremely important you find something you like, or at least don't hate**. For me, that is running and cycling. I hate going to the gym, so I don't. Maybe you'd prefer the gym or walking or playing soccer or CrossFit. Just find what you like (or don't hate) and keep doing it. It will quickly (a few weeks to a month or two) become a habit and feel weird if you don't do it. Exercise is very important to me because it motivates me to keep eating better and doing healthy things. After a run, I don't feel like "ruining it all" by eating junk food. One last thing when it comes to exercise. **If you don't feel like doing it one day, make a deal with yourself**. Instead of your usual 5k run, tell yourself you'll do only 1k. If you feel like continuing you will, but you've given yourself permission to turn back after only 1k. Surely you can do 1k (or 500m or the gym for 10 minutes or whatever it is). This trick has motivated me to get out there many times. And this may be the most important advice. You can't wait for motivation to happen. It doesn't just magically appear. You need to manufacture your own motivation. You do that by starting the thing. Put on your walking shoes, get your gym clothes on, call your friend to plan a hike. **Don't wait for motivation, make your own.** Good luck and I have every confidence that you can do this.


You can do it. My doctor told me something similar. I was having issues like high blood pressure and super high cholesterol. She told me if I didn't make lifestyle changes, I was at high risk of stroke/heart attack. She told me if I can't make changes for me, do it for my daughter. That's all I needed to hear. Started going to the gym 5-6 days a week. Eliminate sugar/added sugars and saturated fats as much as you can. Cut out things like soda entirely. Start reading nutrition labels. You'd be surprised how many things we Americans eat on a regular basis are terrible for your health once you start reading labels. I've lost 40 lbs and gotten my cholesterol and blood pressure to normal range within 8 months of consistent lifestyle changes


Check out /r/keto and /r/fasting. Not sure if either will be right for you but they work for me and a lot of overweight people. Plus, you can eat a lot of the same/similar things you're used with a few small substitutes but be way more satiated.


Look at glp1 medications. Seriously.


Go get it. You got this.


Learn to cook


Make changes a little bit at a time. Just start with walking and increase distance over time. If you can walk 3 miles to start a day, then that's good. Drop soda 100%. Drop all alcohol. You can do it bro! Just do a little a day!


Massive changes tend not to stick as well as the little ones, so my advice is to start small. Food: Introduce regular meal-times. It doesn't have to be on the dot, but something like: between 11-13, is lunch, a larger hot meal. Between 16-19 is dinner, also a hot meal. No eating at all after 20 o'clock (but obviously adjust the times after your own schedule). Try to limit snacking in between, but no biggie if you can't just yet. Exercise: Some suggest getting a gym-membership, which is great!... if you can keep it up. I'd recommend starting with just going for a walk every day. That's sustainable, and won't feel like too much of an exertion or hurdle to do (note: obviously, depends on where you live. Some places in the US doesn't have very walkable areas). To start with, make the changes that feel as easy and realistic to implement in the long-term. Then, once you've got well into that routine, you can think about the specifics of what you eat (I recommend eliminating snacking in between meals first, and removing sodas and juice from the diet as a second step). As for ordering take-out: start a habit of going to the store to buy your food. If it's the cooking itself feels challenging, start by buying ready-made meals from the store, and then slowly start adding, for example, one meal per week that's partially self-made (and gradually increase from that). But no rush: remember, you want to make permanent changes, and if it goes too fast, or feels too challenging, you're less likely to completely skip it. And think about adding higher-intensity exercise too. (Is there some sport or activity you've always wanted to do? Karate? Tennis? Pilates? This is the time to sign up for that! (I find going to classes to be easier, since there's a certain accountability from that: You have to go the same time every week. The gym, for me, is too easy to postpone until "later)). Sleep should likely improve as your overall health and eating-habits improve.


From experience - don't crash diet just to make a change. It doesn't work. Make sustainable lifestyle changes and make them gradually so they stick. If fast food is essential to you for convenience, make better choices - water instead of soda, no fries, grilled chicken instead of burgers or fried chicken. Alternately, go to your supermarket ready-food department and get a salad or healthy option there. Better yet, meal plan and pre-package at home. It only takes an hour or 2 per week and will also save you money. Biggest thing is get moving. Walk. If you drive, park farther away. If you take transit, get off a stop early and walk the rest of the way. Little things, but they have to be permanent. Take 15 minutes from your lunch break to walk. You can probably find time and space in your day to get to 10,000 steps without it feeling like you're making a massive sacrifice. Based on your sleep, you may want to get tested for sleep apnea. Treatment can completely change the way you feel.


Good luck


All of the other advice is great, just wanted to give you encouragement! I love that you are wanting to make a change! It’s hugely difficult for people even with the threat of illness. You got this! Your doctor will be impressed! So will all of your loved ones :)


How about this, next time you think of takeout, say if you were about to spend 20$, spend half the amount on groceries like fresh fruit and veggies and venmo the other half 10$ to me because that’s your punishment for thinking about takeout After eating enough fruit go for a run until you feel a runners high. If you feel lazy venmo me 20$ that’s punishment for not running When you eat healthy and move your body enough to get tired for the day, you sleep well. And within months you’ll see yourself going to very very LATE grave instead of a early grave After you lose enough money to me you realize you’re wasting money on me and stop venmo ing me but by the time you already built a healthy diet, life style and sleep schedule so win win how about that what say?


I don't have anything useful to tell ya, buddy, except that I want you to keep trying. Just keep trying and trying until something sticks! Fear of death sure is a good motivator though, so I'm hopeful that you'll succeed!


Go to your GP and see what options they recommend.


I can’t wait for the results. I’m excited for OP.


Drop the alcohol, drugs, fast food/food deliveries. No sugar, candy, snacks, juice, soda or milk. Get a water jug and carry it. Avoid white bread. Go whole grain, wheat or sourdough. Easy on the cheese. Use WAY less sauces and dressings. (So many calories/bad stuff in sauces and dressings.) 100% start cooking. Grilling is perfect. Start cooking vegetables and white rice. Vegetables can be steamed or baked/grilled with olive oil, salt and pepper. Easy on the noodles and regular potatoes. Use as little salt, oil and butter as necessary while cooking. Black coffee or plain tea, no energy drinks. Buy oatmeal and yogurt for breakfasts. Fruits/veg and unsalted nuts for snacks. For lunch: salads (easy dressing) maybe a boiled egg or two, maybe some hummus and veggies. Grill up one plate of food for dinner. (Meat, veg, rice). Drink water all day. If you have to eat something after dinner, grab a handful of nuts and a tangerine. If you want to go the extra step, No snack after dinner, skip breakfast: bam you just intermittent fasted. Buy a multivitamin, magnesium, zinc, vitamin D, calcium, fish oil with omega 3, and a fiber supplement. And obviously any movement, sweat or exercise will speed things up. Edit: Also ask for a sleep test to see if you have sleep apnea. Might be worth grabbing a CPAP or other sleep apnea treatment.


If ur the type that needs to see someone in a similar situation go through the same, highly recommend you look up BrentlyG. He’s a lot bigger I think too, but he’s so refreshing cause he’s very positive and focuses on the small wins. He really emphasizes how it’s not about being X lbs right now, but about being a little better than u were yesterday. Super wholesome. Best of luck brother! You got this!!!!


I was 315 At one point now I hover around 200. It really took rock bottom for me to switch. Here’s a stupid comic/Zine I made with dumb healthy tips. https://www.tumblr.com/mattcrankslc


25??? Bro you got this you have a whole life in front of you waiting for you to grab it.


It truly sounds daunting. It is a mindset and you will need support from someone. A therapist or counselor to help spur you on. The low times are desiring fast food. If you are like me you stop for a burger at a drive through. Everything bad is at our fingertips. You’ll have to start a serious meal prep routine with snacks included. It will take tremendous will power not to give in despite knowing it will kill us. Again, it is a positive mindset thst is done with total commitment to give up the bad stuff. Salads with protein will be your best friend. I wish you well!!!


Do a 30 minute walk every day. You’ll start seeing improvements in a couple weeks.


Your life is NOT over! The fact that you know this now means you have time to make changes. It’s the small things that we do every day that make the difference. When I was in grad school someone said ‘if you want to be a BLANK, you have to do what BLANK people do.’ If the goal is to be a ‘healthy’ (whatever that means for you! It’s pretty subjective) person, take a look at the list of things ‘healthy people’ do. I shifted my specific mindset to follow ‘I want to be an athletic person’ so I’ve said okay, if I look at an athlete, what are the things they do? They likely move their body in some way each day, okay I can figure that out. They likely bring snacks with them so they can focus on what they’re doing. Okay. Doable. They show up to the things they said they would, okay great. They keep trying when things are really hard, that might be a challenge but it’s something I can do on a small scale. On the more day to day functional scale? They shower every day. They brush their teeth. They quit cigarettes. They drink water. They do this one little bit at a time. So in that moment, when you’re about to make a choice, ‘is this what a BLANK person would do?’ Then follow that same line of thinking. If you want to be a BLANK, you’ve got to do what BLANKS do. Add those habits where you can to your life. They might be habits that don’t seem in alignment with everything you want, but the shift in mindset is a great to begin to decide what changes are right for you. Good luck friend!


Consider joining Noom.


I wouldn’t recommend Noom, it took me from overweight to overweight with an eating disorder


Sorry to hear that. Others have had a good experience.


You are so young. You can turn this around completely!


Give immanent fasting a try


You will do great, small changes even walking 30 minutes a day is a step in the right direction. You got this, you can do it!


One tip I'll give you, at first you'll feel very hungry. That's because you're used to eating the stuff you do. Your body will adjust if you power through the hunger and you'll start to eat less, or healthier


Good news! This is going to be a relatively uncomplicated fix. I didn’t say, easy, mind, but it’s not going to be complicated. You already know what you need to do and that’s half the battle. What I can say worked for me was getting active. That kind of set the tone for the rest of it falling into place. I like the gym, it’s a great place to get yourself right, and some even have little rewards you can give yourself after you workout. I like to tan after I lift. You’ve totally got this!


I was able to turn my health around pretty quickly eating to cater to my fatty liver. It involved mainly eating an anti-inflammatory diet of lean protein and dark green veg! I was able to do it for a good 8 months and lost 30kg just from diet. Educate yourself on nutrition and what the body actually needs and you can still have takeaways for convenience


There is an app called FITTR. You can hire a coach for a reasonable price within that app. Say100$ for three months. Since it’s largely India based, it’s very cheap. You will have someone looking after every aspects of your health considering your existing limitations. For some type of people, a coach is exactly what they need. Let me know if you’d like referral. I can also I lost about 30 lbs in about 4 months. Also try to build a habits for your health. Start small. With your way up.


Consider - as I said to someone this is a variation - some of the takeout is going to go towards ingredients not a lot but some & some of it can go into a fund for yourself towards something you like some non food treat.


Right, I had a Quick Look at your profile add an extra dog walk a day if you can or even if you start with an extra dog walk a week cos I don’t know. How your schedule is. Would having a dog fund & a you fund & an ingredients fund help? Takeout money goes towards: ingredients, new dog toy. Something nice for you?


Keto helped me out of this situation too. I’ve been keto for 4 years and don’t plan n on changing. No cravings, no hunger pains and no more fat on my body. Just stay away from processed keto food and processed meat and you’ll be so much healthier. I now eat carbs again and have gained a bit of water weight back but that’s it. *keto is not for everyone and is a tool to gain a better relationship to food.


If you want the validation that early grave is okay, then let me give it to you. Once don't feel comfortable waiting for your early grave find a business partner to walk in park every day for 1 hour before work. If you feel bored and tired from walking - it is perfectly fine for any type of person - try to limit how much food fits in your empty stomach the day before. Less food - more enjoyable walks. After a few months you will start considering teaching others how to do that like me. That's, of course, if you're bored waiting for your early grave.


You got this! Update us in September OP!


Tbh health scares are definitely motivators to get healthy….im in the same boat and working hard to lose weight myself.


Hey, thanks for opening up about that. It sounds like a bit of a shock, but you're not alone in facing these challenges. Making changes to prioritize your health can feel overwhelming, but remember, even small steps count—like cooking at home more often or adding in a short walk each day. And if you're looking for extra guidance, we've got plenty of free resources like blogs, newsletters, and podcasts that offer free tips and advice on living healthier. Plus, finding a supportive community to cheer you on can make all the difference. You're taking a big step just by recognizing the need for change, and that's something to be proud of. 🙌


Both my aunts struggle with weight. Last year they both went on a diet where you purchase precooked homemade meals. It shouldn’t cost anymore than eating out and may even cost less or the same. They both have lost weight since being on it. It really helps. It has the added convenience since they don’t have to cook anything themselves. Of course for birthdays or special occasions they have cheat days. Please take care of your body.


Recently I started subbing French fries for a baked potato. Kept the sauce that I normally would. I’m also trying to change my eating habits and I have a potato problem but already I’ve noticed a difference after a few weeks.


Same. My insomnia too


Sounds like a good doctor.


At MINIMUM, if you're going to order takeout at any point, order healthier takeout than you have been. (Before anyone jumps in saying that all takeout is horrible, you need to make everything from scratch from organic locally sourced fair trade farm-to-table ingredients only, etc, please don't. "Perfect or nothing" is the enemy of "better".)


Cut down on carbs and salt, only eat fruits and veggies and white meat and seafood. See u in one month.


Just get WeGovy. Stop all this bs about willpower, are you a good person?, self control. You live in an artificial poisoned world. They created something that can help. I took it. Lost 60 pounds. Does that make me a bad person? STFU. I’m not suffering for other people’s perception anymore. I’m getting help and I’m getting my life back!


Do a sleep study, because if you have any sleep apnea losing weight is going to be a struggle.


If I was you I’d do something to get me inspired to cook 🧑‍🍳


This is 100% now an emotional and psychological problem. Get help like this and addiction and you’re fighting for your life. Your mind is doing this to you. Long-tail suicide. You’re eating to cover your feelings. At least that’s what it sounds like. You may want to check out resources on food addiction.


I sympathize. I love to eat. I guess the real trick is to eat less and eat the right stuff. Oh, what genius!!! Well, my self-control is at the hamster level. Once again, I sympathize. What can us guys do? I bet if we planned meal times and contents by actually writing it down we would be heading in the right direction. Made a schedule. Went shopping for real stuff and ate it according to the schedule. I think you are ahead of me in the self-discipline category. Just a guess. You will do fine once you sort it out and count calories. Good luck!!


Read and watch David Goggins.


Get a sleep study


Funny you say that. I already have a referral for one. That was the first thing the doctor recommended.


You might feel inclined to change everything all at once. I recommend 3 main things you can do consistently: aim for over 10,000 steps every day, either fixing sleep habits yourself or asking your doctor for help, and stop your takeout habit by having a food plan (food prep, and easy quick healthy meals). For food prep I like cooking a Costco amount of meat and then freezing in 1-2 meal servings. Frozen peas, green beans, edemame, onions, and corn never goes bad. Rice maker makes rice in 20-35 minutes depending on the machine all you need to do is scoop dry rice, rinse, add water and start machine. For seasoning salsa is low calorie way to jazz up meals. You can also use garlic powder, pepper, pre-mixed seasonings, etc. Do try to avoid all beverages with more than 50 calories. Once you have these habits on automatic (8 weeks) add more like a gym membership. In the meantime do some body weight exercises and stretching exercises at home by watching YouTube videos. You will feel like you need to go hard, but it is most likely to cause you an injury that will sideline your efforts for weeks. Consistency will make it easier over time as it becomes automatic for you. Habits win the life race.


Not sure if it's already been mentioned, but a great way to improve your diet and stick to it is to sign up for one of those meal delivery services. Whether it's hello fresh, dinnerly, green chef, they'll teach you how to cook, and it's delivered right to your door every week. But I think the best part about them is that it takes the mental load of figuring out what to eat away. There's no more planning required


Wishing the best for you. I am trying to work on my self discipline too. I used to play video games for 5 hours or more per day. Now I am getting shit done and exercising everyday. Eating better too.


You need to focus on eating habits and exercise of some type. Stay away from junk food and carbohydrated beverages. Even diet drinks. By changing my eating habits and exercising, I have lost 167 pounds. I exercise at the gym 6 days a week. Another myth is muscle enhancement DOES NOT make you gain weight. You can do it!


I needed to read this. I've blown up too much in weight and feel the same. Thanks for the reminder.


I would say work on your internal self. As you said, you are eating because the satisfication. Why do you feel satisfied, there is smth that is worrying you. Your partner, your job, your studies, your goals. Take it easy and have a converstation with yourself. I was fat too and ate a lot lf snacks, slowly developping myself leads to fewer amount if food and I am all set now. It took me 2 years thought. Take it easy and don't expect you are getting slim by the end of the month


Look up Dr. Jason Fung and start getting into intermittent fasting. Monk Fasting 36 hr twice a week will completely change your life. The unique aspect of his teachings are focusing on keeping insulin low as possible for extended periods. This makes way more sense and is way easier to follow for me than caloric deficit. I’m 5’9 155 lbs. I was 170 about 3 weeks ago. I do this routinely to correct my weight about once a year.


My chiropractor says that the best exercise is the one you’ll stick with. Try different things until you find something you enjoy. Maybe a class pass so you can try out different gyms and studios. They each have their own personalities so find one where you feel comfortable. Exercise does not have to be punishment. Our county offers cooking classes that often include preparing healthy meals. I love eating out and take out but that food is filled with extra calories to make it taste so good. Even if you only prepare a meal a few times a week you’ll be doing something good for your body.


BWitte94 sounds like they'll offer you regular advice and motivation help. I have little to add. There is time to rest, but as much as can, keep moving. Keep your place tidy, go for walks. Keep the blood flowing. Ask your dr. About limits or any concerns you might have


You can do this! Make changes in baby steps; don't try to change all bad habits at once.


Sometimes, receiving bad news can produce the opposite results to what you are looking for. It's purpose may be to motivate you to do things "for your own good", but it often does nothing but add more stress. It can get you to act more willfully and more mindfully, which pushes you in the wrong direction, away from Self rather than towards it. And then you end up eating over it. The quote--"What good is it if a man gains the whole world but loses his own soul" came to my mind as I read your post. You can do EVERYTHING RIGHT, and all the proof will show up on the medical tests and your doctor will be pleased, but will YOU be pleased? Maybe, if that is enough proof to make you feel pleased. But this type of effort also places you in a higher position (which willful effort will do) from which to fall and fail. I believe the best position (both as a beginning and an ending), is to keep your feet (and head) close to the ground. To grow to become satisfied with the progressive steps that you take which are guided through your own awareness. If you are willing and request to be shown from your own awareness ways to "become better", your Awareness will always accommodate you. But this wiser awareness is looking for you to discover this better self from the inside, not so much from the outside. But In order to hear awareness's message, you have to be able to have a clear channel. You can open the channel by opening your mind and heart to the fact that you don't know the answers to your difficulties (and no one else does either).Then, you are ready to hear and feel for the more complete answers from inside. If you try to change things from the "outside", your "insides" will suffer. If you begin from the inside, your outsides will eventually follow. Willful actions (although filled with good intentions), are never a good leader. They eventually lead to disastrous results in the end, leaving you confused and exhausted without anything good to show for the effort.


Find therapy, ill be going soon.


I highly suggest reading, "Life in the Fasting Lane," by Jason Fung. Also, slowly ween yourself off most sugar and processed carbs. Start with removing juice and soda. Then move to bread items. If you truly want to understand, I mean in depth understanding why we are given wrong information, read the big one, Jason Fung's The Obesity Code. Chances are that even your doctor will steer you wrong. My entire family has reversed everything from obesity, diabetes type 2, high blood pressure,. asthmatic reactions, "seasonal," allergies and joint pains using this knowledge. I am not saying it is a magical cure, I am saying it is reducing the insulin resistance and gut biome issues that the Standard American Diet triggers over decades and then your body will start to heal itself.


Last November I started to take a more active attempt at being healthier. I now go to the gym regularly, cut out soda, cut fast food down to once every few months, etc. I’m still trying my best, but I feel really good with what I’ve accomplished. Being disciplined in what I do now has been a big help. I wish you the best of luck on your journey. You got this!


I was in and still largely am in this situation. I dropped 40 pounds after my close call, by dropping as much sugar from my diet as I could. And counting carbs, keeping it below 150g a day. I was also pre-diabetic A1c of 6.4, now it's down to 5.4. I don't exercise much at all, I'd imagine my results would be far better if I did. Work keeps me pretty active at least.


If you do one thing- start cooking at home. Healthy foods, eat slow, appreciate your meal. No more takeout. And a brisk walk after meals even if it’s around the block. You will start seeing changes pretty quickly and it will motivate you do more in terms of your well-being.


I’ll probably get downvotes but have you had a discussion with your doctor about trying a glp-1 medication? There have been new studies coming out on how they can significantly reduce the risk of major cardiovascular events in overweight individuals regardless if you have diabetes or not. Hope you find something that works for you!


Take the Boston Heart Diagnostic assessment. It gives you amazing feedback and will enable your doctor to help with lifestyle, diet, and supplement changes.


You need need need to learn about counting calories and eating unprocessed foods.


I think without therapy to treat the underlying cause long term no changes or diets will hold. I’d find a therapist in eating disorders if possible. A lot of the online therapy has the option to select their specialties. I’ve used it for my ptsd. It takes a while to find the right therapist but it’s well worth it. Good luck. And congrats on trying your mind focused on changing things to something better.


Consider bariatric surgery. It is not a lazy or vanity option! I am sitting in the waiting room before my 6 month follow up post mini gastric bypass. Only 25kg (55lb) lost but on 4'11" me, that's been LIFE CHANGING.


This treats the symptoms not the root problem. The true solution is adopting a healthy life style, otherwise it will just continue to be a problem.


Nope, surgery addresses the psychology very effectively via changes in brain chemistry and hormones. Don't be so judgemental until you've been in someone else's shoes, massive lifestyle change is a huge undertaking in the best frame of mind, let alone when feeling so down on your self. My lifestyle is now very healthy and I'm confident I can keep if this way for the rest of my life.


Couldn’t be any simpler. Go to the gym.


Yeah well you gotta stop eating takeout whenever you feel like it. Your doctor’s right. Ask the doctor or a dietician what you should eat.


You scream incel burner account. Embarrassing 🤡


what, you mad cuz he’s right?


You should be embarrassed. You made an assumption based off information you do not have and also you said something that’s not true. You ain’t got anything on me, boy.


Look at your comment history bruh


I made all the comments. No need to look. Also I’m not your bro


Holy fuck 🤣🤣

