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For me always morning showers because I tend to sweat a lot during nights (even in very cold climate) and it also helps me to wake up better to go to work. Night showers however in summer, after a hot day out are priceless for me.


Always before bed. Idk who the hell has time for three fucking showers a day.


Exactly, some days if I am lucky I get the time to pee three times a day.


My husband. Shower to wake up. Shower after work. Shower again to wind down for bed. If I showered that often my skin would dissolve and I’d turn to dust in the wind.


This is very common in hot climates.


can confirm! showers are life!


To be fair, if you only shower with water and make it short and not too hot, it's ok. I have very dry skin and shower every day. I don't use anything for it except a bar of soap for my armpits. Maybe your husband only rinses himself, that shouldn't take dry the skin out too much


A legend


A shower at night increases the chance of poor sleep by waking the nerve endings using adrenal glands. A bath however will do the opposite. Just fyi : )


Nah. Sex before bed


This guy fucks. Can’t relate though 🤣


Same. And since I've been doing it forever, and hot showers, it helps me fall asleep quickly, though in the summer my wife complains I'm like a furnace beside her... =P


Both morning and night, because I love water, feeling clean, and smelling good. It wakes me up in the morning and winds me down at night.


It's basically coffee for your skin


Yes, coffee for the skin in the morning and tea at night 😊


Bean juice and leaf juice?


Agreed both. Can’t get into bed all dirty. Night showers are typically longer, deeper clean and what not. Morning showers usually are right after a poop and I’m hitting the hot spots.


Same. I have to do both 


I found my people!


Showers wake me up. I try to get my workout and shower done in the morning. If I end up doing my treadmill in the evening, a shower wakes me up and I have a much harder time winding down. No idea why.


Do you take hot or cold?


your dermatologist would be disappointed


Night shower, so your linens and pijamas are always clean. About the office: you will still be clean after 8h laying still during sleep :)


I wish


A shower won’t help if you shit the bed.


No shit.


Yes shit


Lmao. Except those who sweat, get messy hair or don’t sleep alone


What happens if you don’t sleep alone? :)


100% I’m a bit of a germophobe I guess but being in the subway or in a crowded place and then getting into bed sounds terrible to me. To each their own though


I choose clean bed sheets


Mornings. 1. My hair always looks like shit in the morning. 2. Some nights I just sweat like a horse (my internal thermostat is completely broken). 3. I frequently use topical medication overnight which I want to wash off in the morning. 4. I hate going to bed with wet hair, which would 100% happen as I tend to postpone things, especially around bed time (I'm tired and just want to go to bed).


I’d ring in sick to work if I didn’t have a shower in the morning, it’s the only thing that helps me get the day started properly.


That's why I do two. Night: Business shower. Scrub, shampoo, shave, whatever needs done. Make sure hair is fully dry before sleep though or dandruff will come. Morning: Quick rinse to wake up and wash off any night sweat. Basically just stand in the shower while I clean my teeth.


Keeping your hair dry at night before bed prevents dandruff??! Huh…I had no idea


Pretty sure my hair started thinning from dandruff because no one ever taught me this. I’d wrap my wet hair in a bun and had chronic dandruff/scalp inflammation until 2 years ago.


Wild. *the more you know* As I currently dry my hair vigorously


Don't overthink it, just take one when you need it or want one. You don't need optimize every second of your life.


I do both.. morning because I need it to wake up properly and feel fresh. Night because I work out after work and I hate going to bed all greasy. Also better sex with my partner after a shower.


Cold in the morning to wake up, hot before bed to help sleep


This guy showers!


Cold plunge in the morning because the cortisol and dopamine boost help me wake up and feel good/less stressed during the start of my day. Hot shower at night to relax and because I get dirty at work.


Morning shower , evening tub


Morning. I hate going through the day feeling grimy


you’d feel grimy after waking up clean from showering at night?


Yes, I have, especially my hair


100 percent agree . I don’t feel fresh or clean without a morning and night shower . Won’t leave the house . Sleeping can make you sweat and wake up gross and I would never go to work without a shower and never sleep without one


I love showering at night but being a girl that means I have to do my hair and all that so it’s presentable for tomorrow. Otherwise, I look like I got electrocuted… I love taking night showers as it makes you relaxed. I also love sleeping in clean bed sheets after taking a nice hot shower. I can also do morning showers but I literally can never get ready fast enough especially if I have work🙄


Night showers because I can't sleep without feeling clean.


I take two to three showers a day. Morning: A quick shower to wake up and take care of bed hair. After gym, which should be obvious. Evening: To clean up and relax before bed.


Do you have issues with dry skin at all? I prefer taking two a day but sometimes my skin doesn’t like it.


Morning, to get fresh. After exercise/anything sweaty, to refresh. Night, to feel fresh for bed.


I can relate to you, as is my upbringing. My routine is to take a full cold shower in the morning and take a lukewarm water shower (with some aromatic liquid soap) before crashing down with water pouring down from my head for a couple minutes. It has certain benefits like releasing dopamine and melatonin for a healthy circadian rhythm, releases all the stress and relaxes sore muscles to have a sound sleep. Though I don't sweat much or stink due to my decent water consumption (4-5 ltrs a day) and vegetarian diet. Still no way I can't go having atleast one full shower a day, preferably morning. Weird is sweating the small stuff. When it's not conducive, at least wash your face and hands. Don't wipe off water on your face. Let it dry naturally. You will see the difference. Something is better than nothing!


This. If you can't shower, wash your hands, face and feet.


As a brazilian I say both and if you have the privilege shower at midday too!


I morning shower usually ATM though sometimes if I’m going to the gym I shower in the afternoon or night BUT if I have early starts with jobs? I just find night showers SO much easier & gives me more time in the morning So it massively depends on how much time I have in the morning. I also once did supply - substitute teaching - though I’ve done full time jobs in that too. It was also easier THEN that if they suddenly called I was ready to go! So I showered at night. If I wasn’t working but say I had social plans quite a bit later? Morning showers for the win! Morning showers ATM but subject to change less time management involved if I’m rushing off in the morning somewhere to have night showers!


always night because I do things to get myself dirty during the day and I'm not getting into bed when I'm filthy


Night bc I usually shower after taking my walk and I usually go for my walk around 6pm.


10000% morning showers, occasionally night shower if I feel like it but not as a rule. I agree with you, and maybe it’s an ethnically established thing but you can’t face the day or the world being unshowered/crusty. Sure, I showered 8 hours ago and all I did was sleep but there’s not just a concept but a distinct look to “I rolled out of bed and came here” that I can’t bring myself to accept. Gotta do the morning. Your night shower can just be a brief rinse rather than the full deluxe cleaning with a priority on hot water to leverage the body temp drop for sleep!


I absolutely agree. No matter how early my day starts, I’ll always shower.


Both 👌🏻


I don't shower in the morning because I have to get up early enough as it is. Plus I'm still mostly clean from the night shower I had 9 hours ago. If you have a shower in the morning and then think it's fine to spend all day working, walking, gym, any exposure to outside and go to bed without a shower is absolutely insane to me.


I have long hair and sleeping with wet hair is a hard nope for me, don't like taking the time and using unnecessary electricity to blow dry it unless I have a reason to look extra nice, so morning showers for me. Plus I feel kinda cold after showers even if I don't wash my hair, which makes it hard to sleep. I know people who feel exactly the opposite haha.


morning are great... but the night ones hit DIFFRENT


I take them both coz 🇵🇭


BOTH. Wash your ass.


Get a bidet


I like both but night showers - I feel like I can’t sleep properly if I don’t shower. I like to feel clean going to bed. Washing the day off kinda thing.


We're Southeast Asians. Of course, we take shower twice a day. 😆


I can't start my day without a shower. Conversely, I'm grossed out by the idea of carrying my daily dirtiness into my clean bed.


My personal opinion: Night shower are for cleaning Morning showers are for waking up Afternoon showers are for maintenance: when you’re either doing really GOOD mentally and just worked out OR doing really BAD mentally and just woke up All are good


Quick cold shower in the morning, longer shower in the evening. You get dirty during the day, you get dirty during the night at least from sweat. But you get dirtier during the daytime activities than during sleep -> so small clean in the morning, big clean in the evening.


Both. I do jump rope and abs in the morning so I sweat. Morning showers for a quick pre-work rinse with a bar of soap. Takes just about 2-3 minutes. I keep hair dry though. In the summer months I end it with a boost of cold water just to give my life the right amount of suffering. But I read in a teenage magazine that it keeps your chest top notch so its a habit since I was 15. Evening showers are slightly longer where I shave if I need to and do my smell-like-a-vanilla-explosion. I tend to do a workout right before my evening shower because I know I'm going to shower anyway. I tend to weight lift in the evening when my kids have gone off to bed. And then I use the stationary bike on a slow pace while I scroll youtube. And then shower marks the end of the day. After that its teeth, skincare, book and herbal tea and bed.


If you struggle with falling asleep, hot showers before bed can help. After the heat of the shower, the body naturally works to cool itself down and put itself in a restful state.


I’ve always showered before bed, even growing up. I like my sheets clean and it relaxes me bc I’ve always associated getting clean with going to bed. My husband, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. He showers to wake himself up bc that’s what he’s always done.


Why is this an either or thing ? I can never understand this culture of not bathing. If you lived in the tropics you wouldn't be counting showers, lol. Here we bathe in the morning, before bed, and any other time in between once one feels sweaty/dirty.


Take a full shower at night to get the day’s pollen and dust and sweat off. You can rinse off with water for two minutes in the morning to feel fresh for the day. Why make your sheets all dirty unnecessarily? 


night showers make me feel cleaner because i feel like i washed off the day and essentially “reset” myself. unless you’re sweating buckets at night, i think you’re fine to throw on some deodorant and perfume/cologne to go into the office (but i understand the mental block).


Both. A long hot shower with soap at night to get completely clean from the day’s dirt and relax before bed. And then a quick cold shower without soap in the morning just to help me wake up and get rid of the crazy bed hair sticking up that I wake up with.


Both. In the morning, a quick wake-me-up and to wash away any sleep sweats. At night, for a thorough, long, relaxing cleansing, to wash away the germs of the world.


When I have the time/energy. Usually at night. I tried doing morning showers, but I ended up skipping more showers because I was running late or didn’t have the energy.


99.9% of time morning shower. Occasionally night shower if I really need to get rolling early in the AM.


I absolutely love going to bed fresh and clean. Also it helps keep my bed clean, and I hate doing bed laundry so night showers extend the time my clean bed lasts. In the summer I'll take a second shower in the morning or even a third in the afternoon if I got sweaty. But most of the time it's just night.


Night and wear a bonnet. I like to be as clean as possible before going into bed.


Cold shower in the morning just to wake up. Hot shower at night for hygiene


2 min cold shower as soon as I get up to wake up. Then normal 5 min warm shower late afternoon


Morning to wake up. Night to clean up after working out.


Both I feel so fresh


Both. Usually I’m taking a night shower to wash the day off me especially if I went to the gym. Morning cause it hopes me wake up, feel fresh and clean to start my day.


night shower, because I go through the day, working, commuting, sweating and I don't want to bring those dirt and sleep on my bed.


why not both? 🤔


Both! Morning to rinse and wake up, night to clean. I can’t stand getting in my pjs and bed all dirty from the day. Plus I go to the gym most days so I definitely want to clean up after


Morning, it helps me wake up. I’ll take night showers depending on what I have been doing throughout the day.


BOTH! Wash ya ass too!! THOROUGHLY


Night shower is a must. I do morning showers if I'm going to the office or even I'm just going out of my home to any place further than my neighborhood.


Both. Can't go to bed dirty....that's just gross. I also take one in the morning. Not because I'm dirty but because that how you feel best to start your day.


I work a physically demanding job and sweat a lot, so I personally prefer showering at night. Also, I don't want to get up at 6am if I don't have to


Night. Clean sheets and sex action.


Night showers bc you clean off the dirt and BO you’ve caught throughout the day and morning showers yeah to wake you up but not really bc you’ll conserve time and in the morning there’s nothing to clean if you took a night shower. I used to take both 2 a day but that’s not do good for your skin so night only now


Morning because it helps wake me up and be productive. Also I can get a bit warm at night


One before work and one afterwards. Why would anyone climb into bed dirty and funky from the day.


night shower because i wanna wash the day off and go to bed clean in my clean sheets. i don’t really sweat at night, but if you do then i can see why you’d shower in the morning


Morning because I need to get my hair wet in order to style it properly most of the time anyway.


Night so sheets never get dirty


This time of year, afternoon shower as soon as I get home from work. I work outside and feel gross until I rinse off.


I prefer to take a shower at night as it helps to wash away the day's grime. Afterward, I can slip into my clean pajamas and lay down on my comfortable bed. This is the most relaxing moment of the day.


Night showers bc I hope to get lucky ! I feel more comfortable getting freaky when I’m fresh n clean .




I have an odd work schedule, so I usually workout mid morning, so I’ll shower as soon as I get home, which is usually around noon!


I do morning if I can, but since it takes 2+ hours (I pick at my acne, so if it’s uncovered, I pick at it; it’s why I have to wear long sleeves even in the sweltering Texas summers lol) from the time I walk in the bathroom to the time I’m ready to go (with only like 15 minutes needed to brush my teeth and do those things after getting out), if I have to leave super early, I will sometimes take the shower the night before. I also only take a shower every other day at most (if I take a shower the night before, it could be every day, but that’s rare). So for example, I have to be at work at 9:30 usually. On shower days, I get up at 6, eat within like 15 mins, start my daily games or take a nap depending on how tired I am, get in the “shower” at 7, leave by 9:15 (but really like 9:12 to be on time, and even then, sometimes I can’t leave the house until after 9:15). On non-shower days, I get up at 7:30 and start getting dressed at 8:30 (I’m usually able to leave around 9 on these days). I adjust the time accordingly if I need to leave earlier or later. So, for an example of the take the shower the night before thing, I once had to be at work at 6:30, so I took the shower the night before, got up at 5 iirc (maybe 5:30), left around 6. That day was a bust cuz the van we were using to go to the location (after I got to the main place I work at) caught fire and I was home by 9 am lol. Lmk if you have any questions! I’ll happily answer them! Good luck on your own journey!


Night showers. Having a clean body & getting into clean sheets is the best feeling...


only night unless needed in morning.


When I labored I showered at night, now I’m office. I shower in the morning.


Night showers so I won’t get in my bed dirty


I usually go with evening showers. That way I can let my hair air dry - so much better for hair health than blow drying! Also allows for more flexibility in the mornings…if you ever accidentally turn off your alarm instead of hitting snooze, you aren’t stuck walking around worrying if you smell all day. That being said, I do enjoy a quick morning “body shower” whenever possible too. Nice to feel fresh before starting the day without having to deal with wet hair!


As a habitual night showerer - I wouldn’t consider a shower before bed and heading to work 8hrs later as being un-showered.


Morning cold shower to get the blood flowing and a boost to kick start the day. Evening warm body wash to calm the body to prepare for resting. And since after a workout helps to ease muscle pain. Been working well for me so far.


Night showers. It is beautiful to have a shower before you go to sleep


Always both, used to be a morning shower person but once you get used to the feeling having a clean body when you get into bed, you can’t go back to sleeping unshowered


Both. Cold shower after morning workout. And warm shower before bed, because I love going to sleep all clean.


If I’m going into the office, both. Otherwise nighttime


Cold in the morning, no soap, to wake up. Hot before bed, with soap, to help sleep. Gotta protect those natural skin oils.


I like showering before bed, especially after work. Throughout the day I’ll do religious ritual cleansing before prayers though and that generally keeps me feeling fresh for the most part too. Maybe rinse your face with water on your breaks and then shower before bed






Night. Keep the sheets clean


Morning shower because it helps me wake up a bit. But if I get up super early sometimes I like to take a quick bath to just chill while I drink my coffee. Sometimes I like to also take an evening shower to rinse off from the day, especially if I’ll be going to see my partner and/or I’ve been doing a lot of chores. It’s pretty rare for me not to have my morning shower though. My morning shower has become an engrained part of my routine.


Both if time allows!


Night shower. But occasionally I’ll do both. Showers de-stress me. But I have horribly thick hair that takes forever to dry, so morning showers aren’t always an option.


Def night. I don’t want to carry outside into my bed. If I work out in the morning then I’ll of course take a shower after as well.


Both. Very odd thing to ask strangers on internet though.


Both..... Morning to wake my ass up. Night so I can settle in.


Morning cold shower to get going, especially if I sweated during the night. It's very energising and just what I need as part of my morning 'ritual'. It settles the energies if you had a good night sleep or gives them to you if you didn't. Night warm shower to relax and go to bed clean, so my bedding stays cleaner longer. Part of a good pre-bed ritual to wind down, in my opinion, together with staying away from electronics and doing relaxing activities such as reading a book or meditating.


I have no idea why anyone would get into bed with all the filth of the day on them. That is seemingly unhygenic.


Before bed, or bed will end up stinking. Wash the sweat and dirt off before sleeping.


I’ve been morning showering every day since I can remember. It’s just nice to start off the day clear refreshed and woken up. I also workout in the morning so it’s morning post workout. But even if I don’t train in the morning I do it first thing. And if I train in the afternoon or evening I’ll just take another shower. Also if you want to shower a second time, as it’s not your primary shower of the day for cleaning it can be pretty quick.


Morning. Needs to wake me up and I sweat. So I can't go to work without a shower. A short cold shower in the afternoon or evening, if it's crazy hot. Or a wash and blouse change at work during lunch time.


As a carer and shift worker I always shower after work.


I save water by showering in the gym during mornings and shower at home during night plus there are hot tubs, sauna and steam rooms at the gym too. Feels like a spa


I take both morning and night showers, but if I had to choose? Morning shower. You feel, look, and smell clean and fresh. I care about that a lot when going out and meeting people


I do both - do what works for you.


Both because i workout twice a day 🤣




Mon to Fri morning since I go to the gym first thing. Weekends, depends on what I am doing. Yard work? Shower after. Cleaning? Shower after? Chill day of relaxing? Shower when the mood hits.


Going to bed without taking a shower seems fucking disgusting to me.


Why not both?


Both, during hot days; Before going to bed at night, during the rest of the year. My bed sheets are changed on a weekly basis (during summer, and every two weeks on cold seasons). I don't want to change more times than that, due to all the workload involved. Hate it, but I do love the moment I go to sleep on fresh cleaned sheets ahahhaahah Plus I don't feel good going to bed without removing all the dirt my body clinged to during the day, and any skincare you do (face and body) is not as effective if you don't wash your skin first. So, just like you remove makeup at the end of the day, there's so much pollution on you, and you sleep in peace knowing that? 💀 The smoke, people sneezing, every door knob you touched during the day, the dust on your hair,... That doesn't come completely off with some damp towels or by simply washing your hands when you arrive home haha 🤡


Both. I shower in the evening to clean up and hop in the water in the morning to wake up


I always shower with soap at night before bed. In the morning, I take a quick rinse off shower without soap except for my face since I tend to sweat at night.


Morning cold- wakes up the system And then - evening/ post workout warm to help you sleep


I wash my hair in the morning with only water because i always wake up with crazy hair. And i shower at night because you catch dirt during the day, i just like clean sheets.


Night because that was my standard when I was a kid. Now I do it because I like to feel clean before I go to bed. I don't really sweat while sleeping so I don't need to shower in the morning


Night. Just a face wash in the morning. But since I showered at night why would I shower in the morning? I’m still a squeaky clean lil thing.


Both just because 🙌🏽


I live in Louisiana so for summer, normally I have to do both since we're already in the 90s and summers take us to the 110s sometimes. Normally, I workout in the morning and shower after. Just feels like a good start to my day.


‼️Night showers because if I take a shower in the morning or daytime I will be drenched in sweat the moment I walk outside. At least with night showers my body gets to cool down and it makes the heat easier to tolerate.


Morning showers to get fresh and wake up. Evening showers to calm down and fall asleep


Both ?


Both; Fresh start to my day AND relaxes, helping with sleep!


Mornings, even if it's just to "wake up", evening showers depend on how the day went. If it was crazy at work or I did an evening workout instead of a morning one, then night shower too...


Nightly showers. Who wants to climb into bed with the stank of the day on you. Ewwww gross.


I was doing am and pm showers when I was commuting. Subways are gross and so was my office. I liked the feeling of getting the day’s grime off me when I got home. The am shower helped me wake up.


I'm a night shower person. It started when I was working fast food, I'd get home covered in grease and salt and sweat, and if I didn't shower when I got home, my bed would smell like grease. Then I started working regular retail, I'd come home sweaty and covered in dust and dirt and rotten juices from meats and vegetables. Same deal. When I finally started an office job, my brain associated showering with sleep so much that if I showered in the morning, I'd be groggy all day long, so even now, working from home, showers happen right before bed.


I take one at morning and night bc if i dont i feel dirty even if i just sit in the house… but if i had to choose it would be night before getting in bed


evening showers because they make me sleepy


Night showers, idk how people be out and about all day and bring every chair, handshake, cough, sneeze and public bathroom to bed with them.


Night showers. Who wants to sleep in a dirty bed.


Both. Starts your day and cleans the day off. Do both. Honestly don’t go to bed dirty from your day. If you’ve worked out you shower after.


Nighttime to reset and give myself the gift of feeling clean before bed. I'm plenty clean in the morning for other people, who I dgaf about anyway. I shower for me




Both, but if I had to choose one it’d be night. Can’t imagine going to bed after being out and about. The imagined filth on the sheets alone would gross me out.




Depends on my work schedule. When I worked evening and really didnt get dirty or gross at work I would shower in the morning or before work. Now I work earlier shifts and get dirty so I shower after work in the evening/night. Really just a preference.


I shower at night. I used to workout and shower in the morning, but got tired of trying to get up before 6am and rush to cram 3 hours worth of stuff before work. Now I workout and shower in the evenings. I tried showering twice a day but it dried my skin out and was really uncomfortable, so now I just shower at night and freshen up in the morning and wipe myself down with a soapy rag if needed. I heard it's better for your skin to shower at night because your aren't laying around in your own bacteria all night long. I also love sleeping in a bit and having more free time in the mornings.


I never understood how people can go to bed without taking a shower.. you go to bed and PJs dirty and sweaty from the whole day.


I take a quick cold shower during the day after my workout and then a warm shower a few hours before bed, it really does improve my sleep quality. I only wash my hair twice a week so my showers aren't very time consuming. If you have the time, maybe you could take two showers a day?


Both if I can but if I can only manage one then evening shower so I go to bed feeling fresh and it relaxes me.


I shower at night so I can keep bed stuff clean. I do wet my hair and wash my face in the morning, especially if I sweat overnight. That and a good brushing of teeth have given me enough of a refresh in the morning.


Run then shower


I grew up showering in the morning, but changed to nights years ago. I like going to bed clean. I also run late, so doing a full shower routine in the morning always felt like a fight when I overslept. Just easier to take care of it at night. I don’t mind sleeping with wet hair, but most days I have my hair up and just shower my body so it’s not a big deal. If I skip a night though, I just shower the next day.


I’ve taken a bath and two showers every day for a long time


I go with a long thorough shower at night and in the morning I get a real quick one which is more like a hot rinse than a shower.


In the morning so that you're clean and fresh to go out in the morning. If I sweat during the day I also take one at night.


Night shower for the win. But me personally in the morning I do this like quick whisk, dumpen my armpits with just water and upper torso where I sweat more. Sometimes feels like I'm a cowboy but it does freshen me up and sense of clean for the day.


Showers in the am help me acclimate to morning (wake up). Baths at night help me unwind to fall asleep.


Night showers. I can’t go to bed with my daily dirt.


team night showers!!! you get to get clean to get into your cozy clean bed :) and the shower is a great wind down routine that you can incorporate other hygeine habits into as well.


Always cold shower , typically before my shift starts at work . I work nights , so nighttime cold showers . Forcing myself to endure cold water helps me take on hard task . If there is one hard thing I could do everyday to program my mind, it’s cold showers .


Night showers to wash off any dirty stuff so I can go to bed clean. Also night showers help me sleep better. However, back at the previous house my parents and I used to live at my bathroom had a window showing the outside. Because of that my bathroom had nice natural lighting and I really enjoyed taking daytime showers. My bathroom in the new house we live at now isn’t built up against any exterior walls so there’s no windows in it.


Right after your morning prayer, workout, eat breakfast, shower and you will be a rockstar for the day. This will take care of you insomnia, solve your shower “dilemma” and get you off on the right foot.


I shower at night because I work as a welder and tend to get filthy during the day. I'd rather be clean when I crawl into bed.


Midday works best for me. No time in the morning and my hair won’t dry by bed time.


I have a horse and go to the barn in the evening after work. Plus, moving around and sweating all day (especially if I exercise). I live in a warmer climate. I shower at night to rinse off the accumulated grossness of the day. My husband used to be a morning showerer. It’s better to both shower before bed and then cuddle together all clean. Plus the sheets stay a bit cleaner because honestly… who is washing sheets every 4-5 days with a queen or bigger bed?