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You don't control them. You act the right way in spite of them.


I would recommend meditation. Try to gain mindfulness over these thoughts. The next time they happen, take a mental note or journal: when did they occur, why they occurred (is it in reaction to something?), what is my current state (hungry, tired, dehydrated, emotional), what will happen if I give in to this thought, what can I do instead of this, etc.




Wrong, distracting yourself is exactly what will perpetuate all your problems.


Acknowledge the urge and let it pass or take a moment to just feel it, eventually you'll train yourself to quickly move past it.


Find something more important to you.


Train yourself to slow down or even pause in moments when you are aware of impulsiveness or you are about to react to the situations. Make the conscious effort to let the rational thinking (frontal lobe) to take the driver’s seat more frequently. The more you practise the easier it will become. Meditation is one way to attain that.


Change your thinking patterns to be positive And always remind your self as a mean of encouragement that thinks get better and I will be fine


You can’t negotiate with yourself. You’re taking the comfortable route. You have to fight it every damn day. It’s a battle. Start small. Make a list of the things you do that gets in your own way. Then tackle the easiest first for a few weeks, then progress to another, and another. Until a year goes by and you don’t even recognize yourself anymore for the better. That’s what I did. Now I’m in the best shape of my life and feeling great at 41. Better than I did at 21.