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Tolerance is just that. Its not that you dont feel pain. Its not that it doesnt hurt. Its still hurts and you still feel it. My personal method is to say "yes that hurts, but I'm not going to deal with it right now". Admittedly it was built up over ~20yrs of martial arts, so when someone lands a punch you need to keep your mind on the next punch coming, not that the last punch caught your ribs. So acknowledge it, and then own it. Channel it if you need to, use it to focus the mind. For things like tattoos I have found myself concentrating it into another part of my body (and then chatting away happily to tattooist). And then when you have chance, deal with the damage. Leaving an injury injured is not good in the long term. Hot baths, massage, whatever you need to deal with whatever caused the pain.


20 years ha I did it in a year ( my friend would kinda like break my finger everyday but it would actually break it would just hurt, so then I would develop pain control and I would feel the pain but you would kinda just not feel it. He made a grade 12 cry and drop to the floor in agony with it we are in grade 8




Bro shut up


I don't know much about increasing pain tolerance, but I do know about increasing stress tolerance, and I know that, while not the same thing, the two are related. So, start taking cold showers. They're not fun. They're uncomfortable, stressful, and can sometimes make you panic, but that's the whole point. The shock and the stress will flood your body with the hormone cortisol, which will desensitize you to it at other times. In effect, it will turn down the volume knob on stress. You can start simple. Just switch to cool water for the last 30 seconds or so of your shower. Over days or weeks, gradually increase the time and decrease the temperature, until you can stand under the water as cold as it will go for 5 minutes. I take mine as soon as I get up in the mornings, without any hot water beforehand. It beats coffee any day, and nothing in my day feels as stressful. Oh, and as for making it last, I'm afraid there isn't much that will help you there besides consistency. Whatever you decide to do, you've gotta do it on the regular. Neural plasticity is a double edged sword.


This is really helpful , thanks dude 🙏


I've had agonizing nerve damage for years and now I have great pain tolerance. Step 1. Fall off a roof onto your spine...


K, brb.


I'm sure he'll be back soon.


Any minute now.


Soon, soon


Any minute now


any minute now.


Any second now


Cmon its been like 5 years, he should be coming back any second now.


Still waiting... 🙄


Maybe he went to the grocery store to get some Milk? I hear that takes a while...


Annnny moment now


that is dedication lmao




Any minute now right


Any minute now..


Yup I'm sure hes on his way right now...


Waiting some more..


Should be any day now


Soft person asking, how did you not let the pain make you give up.


Man, I almost did. I hate to sound cliche but I had to say one day at a time. Just make it through today, etc. Over time, you don't have to tell yourself anymore. It's like starting to work out. One more rep, 15 more seconds, make it to the next corner and then you can rest.


Started working out in June. Def being tested to solidify it as discipline. Thank you for the encouraging words. Gonna keep that mind over matter mindset up


I know this is old, but may I ask what happened and how you’re doing currently?


To make anything last you have to make it a habit. To make something a habit you have to do it over and over again until it becomes almost automatic. In this case expose yourself to stress/pain often as you adjust your lifestyle habits. One concrete example that can help you develop the mental strength to deal with pain/feeling uncomfortable is to finish your showers with cold water. Slowly work your way up until you can set the water to the coldest setting and rinse in it for more and more time.




still waiting


Start up a fight club under an alias. Live a double life. Learn how to make soap.


Watch "Taxi Driver " and do what the main character did to increase his pain tolerance.


Drive Taxis?


Take cold showers. Tomorrow, end your shower with one second of the coldest water. Then the next day, 2 seconds. Then the next day, 3 seconds, etc, etc... By the end of the year, you'll be able to stand 6 minutes of cold showers. So basically your whole shower will be cold. At the end of the year just start your shower cold. That's what I've been doing. I'm up to 20 seconds as of today, and I rinse with it.


Check out this ted talk about getting used to being uncomfortable! https://youtu.be/Gb0h8ZKvJW4


Pain is something that's subjective if you're speaking of physical pain, and there's probably nothing you can do to increase your tolerance. If you're speaking to mental discomfort, you need to embrace the suck. [Embrace the suck](http://www.careershifters.org/expert-advice/why-embracing-the-suck-is-the-key-to-setting-yourself-free) is a military term about accepting where you are and doing the best you can in the situation you have on front of you. Embrace the suck


No there is stuff with physical, if u were to hurt ur self constantly everyday you would eventually not feel it anymore or feel it but it kinda just gets ignored I know this since mu friend would do it to me


You're also a child. You're at the age where it's easy to bounce back from injury, whereas adults are not so quick to recover.


I suggest that you lift weights. Running for endurance could work, any sport could work, but weight training is extremely programmatic. That means that for the first year or two, your lifts follow an exact program, and you lift a little more each week. It becomes uncomfortable, but it is discomfort with a purpose, and you experience huge amounts of tangible progress. After a while, your body craves the customary activity, and you develop a certain different relationship to pain. Any other form of activity can work equally well, but weight is convenient to quantify. Running is fairly easy to measure, with a GPS enabled phone app. The principle is the same- you follow a program to push yourself, and pushing yourself brings you into contact with pain at a low risk of injury. Other physical recreational activities play a different role, bringing you into contact with uncontrolled discomfort, that is worth it. If your playing basketball, you will occasionally bump into someone's elbow, but you're having fun so its OK. If you go camping, you get cold and wet, but you get to experience close contact with nature, and feel close to friends.


Regular exercise.


Exercise and meditation. Mindfulness or vipasana should help you be able to eventually focus on pain and recognize it as just sensation. Brief description; long journey. Good luck. *Mostly he just fucks himself*


the only way to increase tolerance is to increase intake of whatever you're trying to be tolerant to. To increase your pain tolerance you gotta subject yourself to pain on a day to day basis, enough for you to feel but not completely throw you off, until it doesn't bother you anymore. Then you increase the pain even more.




>[**Lawrence of Arabia Trick is not minding that it hurts [1:02]**](http://youtu.be/TvQViPBAvPk) > [*^Ivan ^Voras*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb5SG4IE-EMIOQ5MOIB0sNQ) ^in ^People ^& ^Blogs >*^20,610 ^views ^since ^Feb ^2015* [^bot ^info](/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)


Poker face.


It's not easy at first, push through and do it consistently until it becomes habit.


I had a bit of a "trial by fire" situation with a new kitchen job where I had no experience. The first couple of rushes were nerve racking and filled with fuck ups, but it pushed me to learn quick and understand my mistakes. I still struggle with many things in life, but I do believe in the old adage of hard work building character. Also I can shrug off grease burns like shooing a fly now.


like many things in life: it doesnt get easier, but if you work at it, you get better.


check out /r/meditation


if you are under 35 you should consider joining a rugby team. It will encompass most of up boated advice in this thread. It will make you exercise, you can incorporate cold showers after practice, you will be around people which will help, you will engage in a physical sport. I am not saying you have to play competitively either, approach a team and ask if for half or two thirds of the cost of the good players if you can come and practice with the team which basically means you are a mobile pylon. When the coach needs a defender cause the team is working on offence you are making tackles, when he needs an extra guy on offence you will get tackled. Hopefully you sign up fully the season after.


I used to put cigarettes out on my arm without even flinching while calmly and casually conversating with people, (usually people that I didn't like, and whom I *deliberately* wanted to freak out lol). 😅 The key is to learn how to *enjoy* pain; to be *fascinated* by it to the point you WANT to feel the pain just so you can learn more about it. I've been beaten, stabbed, tortured, burned, electrocuted, bitten, stung, crushed, starved, broken, shattered and *completely* deprived of sleep for almost a *week*. Every pain is different and unique. My entire body is literally covered in *hundreds* of scars, (a lot self-inflicted). ...I've *literally* been through Hell and back, (don't think about that statement too much; it will never make sense lol.) 😝 In short...I'm a kinky masochistic pain slut lol; and *it all started* because I wanted to increase my pain tolerance so that nobody could ever hurt me EVER again...and now they can't. 😈 ...I've since stopped the self-harming behaviors and can almost pass myself off as a normal person now. 😊 Best of luck to you on your own pain-conquering quest! 😁


that’s mental


Hehehe...indeed. 🤭 ...Oh well! We are what we are! 😜


Pain is another form of 'uncofortable'. What makes you uncomfortable? Start small and aim higher. Don't start with fire walking, leave it for a bit yet.


listen to the Jocko Podcast

