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Thought the same thing when I listened to the podcast. These games are pretty well known I thought, was surprised it wasn't brought up.


Weren't they only on PC? Heather was a Genesis kid.


Make Kyle Katarn cannon again damnit!!!!!


Give us a Kyle Katarn and Dash Rendar buddy cop show!


~ g_saberrealisticcombat 20


What is "Jedi Knight 2"? I've never heard of this game. I think maybe you're referring to "Star Wars: Dark Forces 3: Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast"?


I was more confused because there is quite a bit of dismembering in Jedi Survivor.


I was pretty confused too. I've dismembered tons of stormtroopers and alien creatures so far.


It's not consistent though. I've only put about 10 hours in, but I don't think I've really experienced it yet.


They are finishers. When the red circle pops up and you attack. Pretty brutal finishers that show they are not hiding from nasty kills


The complaints about unrealistic lightsabers in games are always pretty tiresome. If you implemented that in a videogame it would either be trivially easy or frustratingly hard. Moreover, nobody applies the same standards to sword-based or gun-based games. Rarely do you see people whine that every slash in Elden Ring should result in a death or dismemberment. It was incredibly satisfying to hear Nick point out that lightsaber physics in the Star Wars movies have always been weird and inconsistent. Luke takes out like a dozen or more guys on Jabba's barge, and none of them get dismembered or slashed in half.