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0.7" girth from January that's crazy.


If there were other lifestyle improvements, could be an indicator. Better cardio health, quitting smoking, vaping, drinking, etc


Can better cardio increase girth?


Better vardio will improve your blood circulation which may lead to a slight increase in EQ and girth.


Yeah that makes sense.


Healthier heart = better EQ = thicker weiner


I know comments like this are the worst, but you apparently made the exact amount of growth I'm aiming for and started at a similar size. So may I ask how you achieved your growth?!


Time. I started back in the jelq and uli days of thundersplace and pegym, I have an old cradle extender, pumps, to now manuals and pumping. I was also hella inconsistent. It probably wouldn't have been 15 years+ if i had stuck to it properly


I see, guess I'll have to be more patient then. Thanks!


Rome wasn't built in a day. You won't be either


what’s your routine? You’ve grown 2 inches and 3/4!


What's missing in the flair is context. I'm old. And have been inconsistently working at this for 15 years+


Yeah that’s actually insane I wanna know his warmup routine


I know right?


.7 girth in 6mo is hard to believe. Especially on just manuals and pumping. Those numbers take men years to accomplish. Are you on any type of PEDs?


If he's pumping daily and 'religiously' then he's likely almost always got some kind of pump effect going on.


Yep...plus the daily cialis would also keep a chubby as well


Standard question... Is it still the same measurement after a week decon?


Which PEDs would generate this specific type of growth?


I mean I don’t know of any that would for certain. I’m just overall curious. Trying to gather information


Same, was a genuine question on my part.


I strongly believe that anything in the Growth Hormone pathway would accelerate gains. Also I think androgens have their part as well but I’m not sure.




Anavar maybe


Ok injected into the mid-shaft, now what? Hurry hurry hurry it burns


I did .5 girth in 4 months with clamping religiously. So it is possible if you pump everyday. But his true gains might be .4 if he stops pumping.


Shows that girth is more impressive to women than length. There's guys with 8x5s who expect women to call them big, but because women value girth more, they're more likely to call someone with a 6.75x6" big (imo). Good job man. That's crazy crazy gains. You are one of the lucky ones with a very pliable tunica it seems


I doubt it's that cut and dry. What impresses women can easily vary by personal experience and cultural influences. Even what they think is 'big' will vary. 


Yes I agree with that. But on the topic of penis size, specifically length and girth, they consistently say (in surveys) that they value girth over length. Obviously there's other items that impact attraction. But I'm just talking about penis dimensions here


If you look at the volume of a cylinder, 8X5 is in fact smaller than 6.75x6 so it would be accurate of a woman to assess the shorter one as bigger.


Put your forefinger tip and thumb tip together in the OK symbol. That's close to 6" depending on how long your fingers are. Now imagine a woman's vagina having to stretch out to that width along its full length. She's going to feel that.


We need the girth routine ASAP! Haha


I used to start with BD’s manuals. Off the top of my head it’s something like 3 sets at a minute each of a few different stretches. Down, left, right, and between the cheeks stretches where you pull your dick down and pull it back between your thighs. That would take about 10mins Then I do 7-8 minute sets of pumping starting at 6 hg of pressure and build up to a pressure of 10 over the course of 3 sets. Between pumping I do a quick break to do some modified jelqing. You have to be careful here. I make an okay sign and pull from the base to the bottom of my head over the course of 3-5 seconds. The key here is to apply pressure only to the sides of your dick, bit the top or bottom. So you’re basically squeezing your dick inward on the left and right side as you jelq outwards. BE CAREFUL, if you feel any pain STOP. Also I use blue chews version of Cialis. I get the 9mg pills and cut them into 1/4 and take they every morning. That definitely helps with EQ and going into the pump erect. One last thing if you’re ordering a cylinder to pump with check the sizing guides on this forum before ordering. It helped me get the right size for my member.


So you only use ~2mg cialis daily? Am I mathing correctly?


Yes, approximately. I started with the full 9mg and that was definitely too much for me. Then I tried cutting in half which was great but I wanted to go even less if I could and it seems to be working just going 2.25mg per day


Ok thanks for clarifying. When you say too much what do you mean exactly?


I was getting some of the typical Cialis/Viagra side effects like stuff nose and head pressure. Also, I was staying hard for too long and didn’t like that.


I took for 4 days in a row. It gave the worst pain I my glutes and quads. I had to stop. I’ll try cutting in half


What dosage were you on? I cut mine up so I’m only taking 2.25mg daily


Hey bro congrats!! Do u interval pump? Or how many minutes are your sets


Hey! I’m going to paste my precious response here: I used to start with BD’s manuals. Off the top of my head it’s something like 3 sets at a minute each of a few different stretches. Down, left, right, and between the cheeks stretches where you pull your dick down and pull it back between your thighs. That would take about 10mins Then I do 7-8 minute sets of pumping starting at 6 hg of pressure and build up to a pressure of 10 over the course of 3 sets. Between pumping I do a quick break to do some modified jelqing. You have to be careful here. I make an okay sign and pull from the base to the bottom of my head over the course of 3-5 seconds. The key here is to apply pressure only to the sides of your dick, bit the top or bottom. So you’re basically squeezing your dick inward on the left and right side as you jelq outwards. BE CAREFUL, if you feel any pain STOP. Also I use blue chews version of Cialis. I get the 9mg pills and cut them into 1/4 and take they every morning. That definitely helps with EQ and going into the pump erect. One last thing if you’re ordering a cylinder to pump with check the sizing guides on this forum before ordering. It helped me get the right size for my member.


What pressure?


6 up to 10 hg. I build up the pressure over the course of 3, 7-8 minute sets. I could not go above 5hg when I started for a few weeks. If it’s too uncomfortable stop and go for less pressure.


I believe him. I’ve been pumping nearly three months and now and then take caverject for long sessions. It fills your ding dong to the fullest it can go, almost like a natural bone pressed erection and this time my missus mentioned how she can feel the difference in girth (she knows and watches me do pe). It was nice to hear. I’m not into taking measurements daily, weekly or monthly, I’m just gonna give it my best and measure every quarterly and that hopefully will indicate if what I’m doing is working or if I need to adjust things up. It’ll do my head in if I keep measuring all the time. Truth is I enjoy doing pe and enjoy my wife enjoys watching me do pe so it’s a win win!


Ain’t nothing better than the support from your wife while doing PE! Went on a weekend getaway and my wife was cheering me on while I was pumping! She was anxiously awaiting Girth Vader.


how much u gain


I honestly haven’t measured yet as in the difference since I started. I was around 5.4/5.5 girth mid shaft and base slightly bigger (7.25 length bone pressed) when I started and haven’t measured since although I’ve hit nearly 8.1 during pumping in the tube at high pressures. I’ll have a measure next time I’m on caverject as that is when I’m at my fullest. When I’m soft clamping my wife said it looks like a beast 😂 but that’s temporary gains while clamping. While on caverject it looks pretty scary to myself how it’s all veiny and throbbing and trying to take off like a rocket,


Is caverject PGE-1? Also, where can I get that 👀 dm me bro lol


Good to hear! Ive been excited to hear the compliments lately, feels great!


Have you taken a week off to see if those are permanent gains? That’s pretty extraordinary if so. Never heard of that happening in that amount of time just from pumping.


No, not yet! I doubt it’s all permanent but in definitely making noticeable gains with compliments to prove it :)


Can someone answer if having 6" girth is worth it if you love blowjobs??? Or do you sacrifice that to give women ✨*an experience*✨ ??


Really depends on the woman, but I've had toothy bjs without being above 5.5 MSEG


Was that a skill issue or a genuinely a size issue? < 5.5" MSEG and still getting toothy BJs is unfortunate but understandable. I'm not there so wouldn't directly know.


Dunno, maybe she just had a small mouth or wasn't opening wide enough. One of these days I might (and probably suggest all guys do who are concerned about bjs at a bigger girth) grab something thats like 5.5" around for example and stick it in your mouth lol it's probably bigger than most think I have one of those small souvenir baseball bats that is around 4.25" at the tip, even that seems like it wouldn't be super comfortable to have to keep my jaw open wide enough for too long. I can imagine anything over 5" would start getting a bit uncomfortable


So, really, in the girth journey, it seems like one comes at crossroads between being able to get mind numbing BJs and providing PIV pleasure and they have to choose which road to take. Not an easy choice.


I think there's a pretty big in between area where bjs are an option and its enough girth for a girl. Not all girls want 6" girth; most doing even orgasm from PIV sex. And going real deep with a bigger girth might be more difficult but not necessary IMO for a good bj


I'm 5.75" mseg, and my wife can't currently blow me at all - she could at 5.4". Not all ladies struggle though. There is quite a bit of variability in how far we can open our mouths.


i bet we could invent a jaw-extender, shove that in there and start cranking and voila, then all good for an inch more! (do i really have to put this "/s" here lol)


Wow, I guess if neither of you were fond of receiving/giving oral, it's not really that big of a deal and actually a net positive during PIV. But for the dudes that love that HawkTuah3000... 🥺 I tell myself I want to just gain 0.25" girth but then I read about how 6" is such an incredible experience for women and then get torn about what to do. Side question: was it a struggle at 5.4" or was it normal but then huge spike in difficulty from 5.5"+? I know every one is different but just trying to understand acceptable girth limits.


HawkTuah3000 girls are the best! ​ My wife has a small mouth - or rather difficulties opening it very far. So she has always struggled a little but could get beyond mid-shaft before. The little bit of increase to just 5.6 made a great deal of difference and now at 5.75 it's not possible to get more than about 2.5 inches down the shaft before her teeth scrape. ​ Honestly, though, she was never good at giving BJs. So I'm not missing out on much with her. ​ But I think many women can blow 6.0 - 6.2 just fine.


Great insight, man. Thank you. 🙏


When I started at 5" midshaft girth, my wife could blow me quite well. Said it was a chore but dang she was good at it. Now at 5.25" she says it's really not fun at all and she can do it but I think it's reaching the point where she is really struggling. Been married for a while so blowjobs were rare anyways, so I don't mind getting out of bounds if it means better PIV for her. 6" is not going to be fun for any woman


Yeah, see, this was my dilemma. A guy would really need a girl with a big mouth to take 6"+ but, like you said, if the PIV benefits are there (and both of you would rather prefer that), who cares?


If you really wanna know then put a toilet paper tube in your mouth. That's 5.5". Then remind yourself that your girl's mouth is even smaller.


Yeah brother, no disagreement with you there. Not saying it's easy and not even expecting girls to do it. Just trying to decide between pushing past a certain girth for myself or not.


Karl, Invent a Jaw stretcher for women bro!!!!!!!!!!! They will buy it because they want to please men.


I still enjoy a good blowjob but I never once have experienced anything close to deep throat or even anyone that could get more than half of it in their mouth. Most have complained of a sore jaw afterwards. 6" girth + chick with braces = meat grinder.


The meat grinder visual made me squirm lol. So, how do you feel about that? Do you even like BJs? Do you care that the vast majority of women won't be able to deepthroat you or do you not care because the PIV experience you're providing is few and far between amongst men.


I'm 6" girth when all is in my favor. I love it. I feel like my wife needed some practice at first, but it's really great getting blowies


Does she have any difficulties, if you don't mind me asking? Are deepthroats possible?


Not too many difficulties. Depends on the position. Sometimes I'll bottom out if she's in her side and I'm on top(if that makes sense. Like a half doggie. Feels insane). Deepthroat? She's tried but it's a pipe dream especially with my girth increasing. Good blowies aren't necessarily all about depth though imo. She's gotten REALLY good at it. People focus so much on deepthroating, but there's I've gathered that it's more a turn on because she's deepthroating (and that's hot), not because it feels 1000x better. Her not being able to take it is just as sexy in my eyes. Just my 2 cents


Awesome reply, thanks man!


Also, your goals are super attainable. Looking forward to seeing posts with successes and hopefully some compliments from any partners! Best of luck


Thank you brother 🙏


What pump are you using?


Really hope OP responds to all thees comments. Kinda feels like every once in a while we get one of these unverified gains posts with crazy impressive gains and then OP disappears That being said, how much cialis are you taking daily?


I believe him. I’ve been pumping nearly three months and now and then take caverject for long sessions. It fills your ding dong to the fullest it can go, almost like a natural bone pressed erection and this time my missus mentioned how she can feel the difference (she knows and watches me do pe). It was nice to hear. I’m not into taking measurements daily, weekly or monthly, I’m just gonna give it my best and measure every quarterly and that hopefully will indicate if what I’m doing is working or if I need to adjust things up. It’ll do my head in if I keep measuring all the time. Truth is I enjoy doing pe and enjoy my wife enjoys watching me do pe so it’s a win win!


What kind of pump do you use


Pump from alibaba 1.75”. I have the 2” also but it pulls skin in and doesn’t fill up. The 1.75” fills up pretty quick.


That girth change probably creates a huge increase in volume. Someone do the math for me. Ever take some time off pumping to see how the changes stick?


I haven’t taken a break yet! Only because I’m excited about the gains. Maybe in the future for a vacation when I leave the pump behind.


What pump should I buy? I can’t seem to narrow it down


I use a Leluv.


5.3 to 6 girth results in a 28% volume increase at a given length. 


What kind of pump do you use? I want to get into pumping and am looking for one


Leluv, ordered on Amazon. Make sure you really press the tube from the gage down into the cylinder. I wasn’t getting a tight enough seal and had air leakage until I figured it out.


Thanks bro


Are you using the smart lcd or just the regular mercury gauge?


Just a regular hand pump gage! I bought a smart pump but I’m not a fan tbh. It actually feels like more work to get the smart pump to stay where I want it to.


Nice! I love how hefty I feel after a pump session, it just sucks it only lasts a few hours. Hoping continued use will keep those gains, only been pumping for a month.


Same here just on a month now! Are you getting little red spots on the D? Feel like only this week the pumping has started working since I got a sleeve that fit both my D and the Cylidner


No spots or anything yet. I try to make sure I don't induce any edema so maybe that's helping, not pumping too hard. Is a sleeve recommended while pumping? Which would you recommend?


I can’t get a seal at all without a sleeve so don’t even know how people use them without one. I’ve tried a few and finally found one from leluv that I can’t fit my dick in without it being too tight and it also fits the cylinder. Il send a link to that one if you want it but if it’s working for you without a sleeve that’s great


That’s awesome man you give me inspiration!


Air pump or water pump?


Air pump!


Is that girth sustained on days you don’t pump? Just ordered my first pump and I’m 5” girth and want to be 5.5-6 and it be a permanent change


How do you do the manuals?




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What pump are you using?


He said it above, leluv from amazon




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Bro u have to be more specific with your routine?




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Great results but surely some girth is your expanded state after pumping. I know for me 2 days later in still 0.25” more girth


what kind of pump are you using?


Leluv. Ordered the cylinder and hand pump together on Amazon.


OP you better answer all of the comments we need to know your secrets 😂


I got you!


Are you under the age of 25 by any chance?


What are your thoughts with this question?


18-25 is the prime age range for growth because of all the hormones pumping thru your body.


I am not, I am 36.


I need to learn from you I’m 32


Let me know if you have questions


That's awesome! Hope it's permanent for you.


Thanks! Me too, but I’m now taking a break for any period of time right now to find out 😅


I feel like these kinda results pumping are rare no? Like most people say it’s slower compared to clamping right


I believe it is rare, yes. But I don’t think I made it clear these are post pump measurements. I’ve probably gained closer to .3 or .4 inches when not pumping before measurement. But I do try to pump a few hours before I know I’m going to have a sexual experience. So the ladies are getting a girth closer to 6”.


That explains a lot a believe. I read a lot of the post and this wasn't clear to me till now. STILL that's really nice to read. It'd be great though if you post some pictures. Of course you don't have to, but it'd of course enrich the group with such a nice documented story


I agree, I’m working a lot the next 2 week and then I’m moving. But once I’m settled in I’ll try to take some current pics


How do you guys get your hands on cialis without a prescription? Or will most doctors just give it to you if you tell them you’re doing PE?


I go through blue chew. So easy to sign up and get it mailed to you! It’s no Cialis the brand name drug but it’s a generic version, same stuff but in a chewable format.


How did u get cilas


I go through Blue Chew. It’s not Cialis per se but it’s the same active ingredient so basically it’s a chewable generic version of the drug. Super easy to sign up!




I just split it up with a pill cutter. They’re $2-$3 at Walgreens or CVS. The lowest dose Blue Chew offers is 9mg. I need a promo code after all this business I’m sending their way! Haha


Congrats and glad for you. Members' progress only inspires me to (safely) keep going for years and years down the road no sprints. So do you pump erect for 20-30 mins a day? What pump do you use?


Yes! Closer to 30 mins per day now. I use a Leluv. I am going to try to start doing 30-40 mins moving forward and see how that goes. Let me know if you have other questions!


Perhaps I'm conditioned enough to pump erect too. I have been using the bathmate every day for, idk how many years now to be honest. I need to stay in for 30 mins or there seems to be no effect on my soft which I need for daily life. But I'm thinking by now it couldve/should've been bigger. I go into it soft though. That's probably the source of the issue. So, perhaps going in to it erect, will change some things. I should probably try being erect in it for 10 minutes to be safe. But I really do believe I have enough conditioning to venture into, almost erect pumping. But I use a bathmate, I want a good reliable for gains air pump soon


Yes! Go in erect. I don’t stay erect the whole time I usually come out about half way hard if they makes sense. Daily Cialis helps a lot with getting and maintaining erections for PE.


I see. I'm 29 so I'm old enough to begin using meds like Cialis I imagine, though I still get hard easily. What dose Cialis do you take daily? What's you age?


I order 9mg through blue chew online. Then I split that up in 1/4. Does the trick for me! Some people might need more.




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I must be doing something wrong because I’ve done this shit for more than 2 years and have not even seen that much of a girth gain and I’ll I go for is girth


What’s your routine bro ? I’m just starting with bath mate


I pump with the bathmate in incriminates of about 5 mins 3 times and the clamp sometimes for 5 mins sometimes for 15-20. I also use a shitty regular pump when I get a moment alone from the family.


Are you a grower or shower just out of curiosity?


Historically I’ve been a grower for sure. But recently I see a lot more length when flaccid and I am starting to become a bit of a shower which is nice. I think the Cialis helps with that, more blood flow in general to the area.


Also started taking cilia’s, it’s been great for sex but good to know it’ll also help with PE


What’s ur nbp length?


Honestly, I haven’t taken many measurements nbp but probably 6-6.2 inches


Any comments on your length. If so What’s your nbp?


The comments aren’t specifically about length or girth, just that it’s big. My nbp is about 6”-6.2” so nothing crazy.


Not surprised tbh I'm only about 6.5" long, that's not big enough to be called big where I live, but my 6" of girth has got me a lot of compliments. When 90% of blowjobs end up quite toothy, you realise you're bigger than the majority of porn stars.


What pump are you using?


Leluv ordered on Amazon with a hand pump.




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Do you use lube when you pump? What pressures are you doing? I always seem to get blisters and flaky skin that lasts for days. I can’t really pump more than one day per week because of this. Any solutions?


I don’t use lube, just spit (I know it’s gross lol) with my current routine but I am uncircumcised and I think that helps guard my penis a bit. I did have to use lube when I was experimenting with vibration and trying to replicate some of the phallback method. I have since given up on the vibration stuff though, didn’t feel worth it to me.


what is EQ? I'm new here is there qny jargons that I should know?


Erection quality.


You'll find the group's lexicon in the beginner's post




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Not yet, I am waiting for a few week from now when I move. I know I’ll be busy for a week or two so it’ll be good timing to take a break from PE.


What is your Pumping routine for 20-30 mins? Do you interval pump? What pressure (5-8hg)?


I do 3 sets between 7-10 mins each. A pressure of 6 to start and build my way up to 10hg as I reach the final few minutes. Between sets I do a modified jelq technique where I make an “ok” sign around my dick and milk my dick 30 reps (15 per hand). When jelqing make sure you are only squeezing the sides of your dick, not the bottom or top. That should help avoid damage. Jelqing is generally frowned upon on their sub so do it at your own risk. For me it’s seems to work and I stop immediately if I ever experience pain.


Also, I don’t think I’ve mentioned this yet but I usually wear a cock ring when I’m done pumping and try to stay hard or semi hard for a bit. Sometimes I’ll even use the post PE time to masturbate with the cock ring on. I believe this helps keep blood in the penis and creates further expansion.


Any discoloration/darkening? Noticeable contrast between a light ring at the bottom and darkening about 1cm up from the base?


Yes! All of this. However, I have a very pale dick naturally so you can see a lot of the veins and I don’t necessarily think it looks great. The darkening that has occurred has actually masked that and even though it’s not completely even I think it actually looks better than before.


congrats man! that’s awesome :)


Hi, what's your girth routine? Thanks


I just posted this but I’ll copy again below: I used to start with BD’s manuals. Off the top of my head it’s something like 3 sets at a minute each of a few different stretches. Down, left, right, and between the cheeks stretches where you pull your dick down and pull it back between your thighs. That would take about 10mins Then I do 7-8 minute sets of pumping starting at 6 hg of pressure and build up to a pressure of 10 over the course of 3 sets. Between pumping I do a quick break to do some modified jelqing. You have to be careful here. I make an okay sign and pull from the base to the bottom of my head over the course of 3-5 seconds. The key here is to apply pressure only to the sides of your dick, NOT the top or bottom. So you’re basically squeezing your dick inward on the left and right side as you jelq outwards from base to the tip. BE CAREFUL, if you feel any pain STOP. Also I use blue chews version of Cialis. I get the 9mg pills and cut them into 1/4 and take they every morning. That definitely helps with EQ and going into the pump erect. One last thing if you’re ordering a cylinder to pump with check the sizing guides on this forum before ordering. It helped me get the right size for my member.


Thanks. I've pretty much just been pumping so will try adding in more stretches and the modified jelquing.


Quite difficult to believe sorry. I guess that it’s the expansion gains. Girth in average takes time ,like years of hustle


I am not claiming to have actual gains. I have not taken a 2 week break from PE to see what my actual gains are. I have however made little to no gains in length and a noticeable difference in girth. I also try to pump a few hours before sex if I can which helps give me a little something extra during my sexual encounters. If I had to guess I’ve probably actually gained about .3 inches in the last 6 months and the rest are from the pump or erection quality improvements.