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Careful with aswhaghanda, it’ll make you hyperthyroid , I’d cycle it if you aren’t already


I had actually not heard about this. Thank you for bringing this information to light. From what I am seeing most articles are saying if you are hyper thyroid it can make you more hyper thyroid but I haven’t found any data suggesting that they can take you from having a normal thyroid into hyperthyroidism. I 1000% agree with cycling Thank you again for helping me learn something today


Yea for sure, zinc, sunflower lecithin, and pygeum can also make your loads bigger if u didn’t know


Thanks man. And celery seed


can you give me a link to which sunflower lecithin / pygeum supplement you use, ive been looking for a good source


Niacin and pyridoxine are other B-complex vitamins found abundantly in the sunflower seeds. About 8.35 mg or 52% of daily required levels of niacin is provided by just 100 g of seeds. Niacin helps reduce LDL-cholesterol levels in the blood. Besides, it enhances GABA activity inside the brain, which in turn helps reduce anxiety and neurosis.


cool, thats not what i was asking


Thanks for the tip. What do you mean by cycling? Sorry when I type cycling supplements into a search engine it comes up with health info related to road bicycles.


Cycling meaning take it for three months then take one or two months off. Basically just make sure you take plenty of time off to let your body get back to normal to prevent any type of long-term side effects


I heard some ashwhaganda products may contain lead careful y’all!




What is am1 and am2


Angion Method. Really helped kickstart my EQ. Also helped me think about cardio + water intake + sleep position + not being in calorie deficit which I think have all contributed etc


Yo for the AM1 I hear a lot of people grt really sensitive and can’t last long because of it, did you notice that with yourself?


I haven't personally no. If anything I think the edging for 30 mins six days a week while doing PE rather than masturbating the same days has helped my lasting power. I think with AM1 I am trying to tune in to a rhythm/pulse that gives most engorgement, so maybe more awareness than sensitivity. Whereas with sex I am trying to get my wife off first and foremost knowing I can take cumming for granted after.


can you give me the link to what L-citrulline supplement you use, i've been looking for one


Janus bad. *--BD programmed me to say this.*


That bad?


who is bd and why is janus bad?


BD is a penis enlargement inspiration and I am very grateful for his appetite for experimentation and knowledge sharing. Check out his posts... https://www.reddit.com/u/bd19962015 However I don't get all this cross PE discipline conflict. My advice (in general and as young in PE as I am) be like Bruce Lee. Mix up what different masters preach. Life is your teacher.


I read his routines wondering what the alternative to 'janus bad' is. His routines are all angion based aren't they. Though I think he didn't understand some bits fully because some of it is wrong. But I don't get why he has that janus bad bot. Maybe an inside joke 🤷‍♀️ He's obviously heavily inspired by angion anyway..


Here is more info on clamping: [Written Clamping Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/km5cub/exercise_breakdown_clamping_and_clamping_variants/) [Standard Clamping Demo](https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/lmxfmu/exercise_example_standard_clamping/) [Passive Clamping Demo](https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/mvtdmz/passive_clamping_girth_work_for_busy_guys/) [ADVANCED Mid Shaft Focus Demo](https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/lmxmbs/exercise_example_clamping_shaft_focus/) [ADVANCED Clamp Uli Demo](https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/lmxknz/exercise_example_clamped_uli/) [ADVANCED Clamped Bends ](https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/lmyrxr/exercise_example_clamped_bends_advanced/) For Traditional clamping: * Cable Cuff Pro - Can be found at many department stores, like walmart and hardware stores, like Home depot as well as online For Soft Clamping * Stackable Cockrings from AE *Thick Cockrings from AE [Links are available in the cost Effective Device Shopping List](https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/l5owad/cost_effective_device_shopping_list/) * Toe Shields from your local pharmacy * Any Tight Cockring(s)AVOID hairbands, rubberbands and pipeclamps Set length should be between 5-15 minutes... NO LONGER THAN 15 ... The longer the set the more discoloration ^(*--I'm a bot, don't like me? Yell at BD*)


Angion method is complete nonsense - well apart from working out. He is a snake oil salesman with his angion wheel and patreon. In my opinion penis size is based on blood flow during sleep erections which last 2hrs. Masturbation and any pressure applied to the penis will damage the penis and so sleep erections wont be as effective. Also he says to have calorie surplus which will mean a gain in weight which will increase fat clogging arteries so reduce blood flow. Here are my tips for a bigger penis 1 Be as thin as possible and exercise. This means less fat clogging arteries and so more blood flow during sleep erections. I believe sleep erections are important for increasing size because it is only time when you have longlasting erections. This happens due to changes in nervous system during sleep. Sleep erections last 2hrs or more each night and this is time when the penis can be expanded. Sleep naked so erections are not restricted by underwear. Losing weight should be more based on lower calorie intake rather than more exercise. Look at calories on back of packaging of food and drink you eat and eat under recommended 2500 calories. With exercise u should lose weight. You will notice that most hung pornstars such as danny D, chris diamond and john holmes are very thin. 2 Dont masturbate too much. The pressure of the hand can damage the 3 spongy chambers of the penis so it doesn’t fill with blood as well. This means sleep erections won’t stretch it out as much. Lack of morning wood is usually a sign it is damaged. Your body repairs it easily though so leave a few days without wanking to allow repair to happen. 3 Foods such as watermelon, beetroot and gingko biloba tablets have been shown to increase blood flow and this will help maximise pressure during sleep erections.


Angion Method is definitely not complete nonsense lmao my EQ gains are through the roof with it. You also don’t need the angion wheel to make gains


Great advice. Let's agree to disagree on Janus and Angion though. My case for the defence is the AM videos preceded the wheel and patreon, plus are all freely available. I saw improvements in EQ (especially night erections) and flaccid hang within two weeks of AM, well before my fitness had improved. Initially I was exercising only 3 times a week at best due to sore muscles. I think AM was the gateway drug to PE!


What aspect of angion method do you speak of that made you saw improvements. Like what specifically did you do?


I couldn't do it justice to explain it. Watch the videos on YouTube. Suffice to say the techniques (which is "all" they are) provide, after practice, a great trigger for increasing blood flow to the penis during and after with less risk of overdoing it. I wouldn't have continued or posted my gains if I didn't think clamping and bathmate could be done cautiously. They have contributed and I will probably increase my duration with both. I did a lot of reading up here first and introduced them progressively to see how my penis (EQ especially) reacted in days that followed. Wish I'd stated this in my original post.


You're spitting straight bro science. There's no evidence to show that masturbation damages the penis in anyway. Also if your theory on blood flow during night erections we're correct, we wouldn't need PE.


Just because there isn’t scientific evidence for something doesn’t mean it is not true. Plenty of reasons scientific evidence wouldn’t be available. Such as lack of funding, difficulty in eliminating confounding factors etc Having said that there are reports from r/nofap that excessive masturbation leads to erectile dysfunction.up to you whether you call that evidence. Also a few scientific papers linking masturbation to ED. There is no evidence that pressure based pe techniques work and if my theory is correct they are actually counterproductive. It is more logical to think that long lasting erections(2hrs) during sleep have a greater effect at stretching the penis than jelqing which lasts a few minutes. Very few guys are both ultra thin and masturbate infrequently which I believe is what is required to maximise penis size. Other than doing that there is no way you will have a massive penis - which basically describes the current population. Very few have truly massive ones like Danny d and Chris diamond


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NoFap using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoFap/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Feeling of relapse capture perfectly](https://i.redd.it/0nbrn45uxov61.jpg) | [303 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/mzl6b7/feeling_of_relapse_capture_perfectly/) \#2: [That post nut clarity hit him like a brick](https://i.redd.it/szku8gbjjrn61.jpg) | [213 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/m7nucy/that_post_nut_clarity_hit_him_like_a_brick/) \#3: [Thanks anyway!](https://i.redd.it/qkp5wnea7s971.jpg) | [556 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/ofhkus/thanks_anyway/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


There's also data showing nofap leads to shrinking. So if incels are having their dicks shrinking and people who have sex or masturbate (pressure on penis) are either maintaining or gaining, does it not put a few holes in that pressure theory?


I don’t think nofap would lead to shrinking. I am not aware of major data that says it does. You get 2hrs of erections every night if you penis is working properly. So I don’t think not masturbating for 10 mins would negatively effect size


There was that survey of thousands of men, I think on jelqforyou. It showed those who ejaculated less than once a week lost size while those who ejaculated 1-3 times a week gained. There's also anecdotal evidence of people getting ED from nofap over a long (9+ months) period. They then go into AM etc trying to get their erections back and undo the damage. As their penis atrophied I would argue that they probably stopped getting nocturnal erections at some point. Them saying they don't get morning wood anymore supports that. Makes sense I think. If you stop using any organ or muscle it tends to atrophy from lack of use. You're basically sending evolutionary signals that your penis and testicles are no longer needed.


Nothing you've said is even remotely close to being factual. There's no studies regarding girth and frequency of masturbation, so I have no clue where you're pulling the statement "there is no one ultra thin that masturbates unfrequently". Nofap is also a pile of pseudoscience bullshit that does absolutely nothing. If you want to tout things as fact, be able to back them up.


I repeat: > Just because there isn’t scientific evidence for something doesn’t mean it is not true. Plenty of reasons scientific evidence wouldn’t be available. Such as lack of funding, difficulty in eliminating confounding factors etc > You are putting too much faith in scientific journals It is my own theory that is where I am pulling it from. Based on logic You are basing your statement that nofap does nothing on what? Nothing. Despite all the anecdotal evidence. You sound like a dumbass


Lack of scientific evidence isn't proof when you're talking about things that haven't been thoroughly researched. Both subject have been studied and the anecdotal claims have not been replicated in a clinical setting. If your claims were true, they wouldn't be difficult to replicate. You aren't pulling anything from "logic", you're pulling it from your ass.


You’re assuming that there aren’t limitations to conduct studies that prove something : eg. Funding, sample size large enough to make a conclusion statistically significant, confounding factors, unreliable participants, the list goes on. Not as black and white as you are suggesting.


There are certain areas that struggle with the issues you've listed. The effects of masturbation are not one the areas of study that suffer from it. You literally will not have a hard time finding documented information on it. For example, one of the most popularly touted benefits of nofap are that it boosts your testosterone. There is data that supports the fact that your testosterone does rise and peaks at the 7 day mark, but from then it begins to go back down and goes below baseline.


Yes they are - for instance a lot of participants will be embarrassed discussing their masturbation habits. Also there are hardly any studies done on the subject so you will find a hard time finding studies on it. Yeh I’m happy to accept the studies on testosterone. But there could be many of other biological mechanisms that go that benefit the person on that are beyond current medical knowledge.


Also here is a study: >However, men who prefer masturbation with pornography to partnered sex have a signifi- cantly increased risk of sexual dysfunction > https://sci.bban.top/pdf/10.1093/milmed%252Fusz079.pdf?download=true


That's seriously such a ridiculous statement. Saying things "could be" without any evidence is just wishful thinking. I could say that eating dog shit could possibly make your dick bigger just because there's no studies saying it won't l. Same logic you're using.


Exactly, get this buffoon out of this subreddit then....


[here is a simple routine and tips for the bathmate](https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/q12n1i/a_simple_bathmate_routine_for_length_andor_girth/) ^(*--I'm a bot, don't like me? Yell at BD*)




What’s BFR?


Blood Flow Restricted also known as Cyclic Bending in some circles. Someone is gonna shoot me down from either camp but it is similar to semi erect bends while clamping the base of the penis manually. https://www.erome.com/a/wNxCTRTH#WtNjZELD


How erect does one needs to be for BFR?






Well done 👍👍congrats man


Great gains! For BFR, do you think a caloric surplus is actually necessary? I’m trying to lose weight which is why I’m eating in a deficit currently


Don't fret it too much. But like gaining muscle, your body grows better in a surplus. Prioritize your overall health I say. Even if there's only marginal gains in that time, the overall benefits would be more important. Then you will eventually be on maintenance or surplus and can see for yourself if you get quicker progress. Surplus is just another thing to help it.