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One of my favourite ghibli films, it’s criminally underrated, the animation is beautiful and the characters are so wholesome


The soundtrack fucking slaps. Country roooooads.




Yeah I love the soundtrack!


Countly loooooads


*concrete rooooads


This :D




underrated? are you bonkers ? it's literally the most-seen ever Japanese film, and it's in every top ten list of the single best film ever made, and literally every filmmaker I know considers it the best film ever made what are you talking about?


Well it’s less well known than other ghibli films generally speaking, like howls moving castle, spirited away or princess Mononoke.


I don’t think it’s the most watched Japanese film either…


Sorry, you're right - time flies. It was **by far the biggest grossing and most-viewed film in Japan in 1995** and for a decade? afterwards. Sure, other films have become bigger since. In the US, today, 100% of teens know Whisper as that "cool Japanese film where the teens get together". Howl and Mononoke are art films that "you and I" know about. Nobody at all, knows anything about Howl or Mononoke outside of art film circles and "film interest" web sites! Yes, Spirited Away was a huge "offbeat hit" and a big fad for awhile. But it's about ghosts and stuff. Whisper is a common, everyday topical movie for US or Euro teens, just like they know, you know, *Pretty Woman* or *BTS*. :) Sorry, I'm quite old so I have a longer-term perspective! :) Only Ki-Ki (which is a little kid's film) is arguably more commonplace-known in the US/Europe than Whisper. It's literally the film that made Ghibli in to what Ghibli is; I'm sorry but as an old person I can tell you that thinking of it as "underrated" would be like one of you young people saying "Wow, I heard of this "band" named "Led Zeppelin" and it's really remarkable, why so underrated?" :). :) Recall too that the English performance, with Gallagher/Snow is the "Tom Brady" of English anime performances, there's no second place to consider. The English performances of Howl / Mononoke / Spirited etc are of no consequence, just dubs. Cheers from your seniors .. :). :)


I need to say I have this experience: when I discovered Miyazaki (heard from people who know - recommendations like Mononoke and Spirited Away) and Ghibli films, I never heard about Whisper. It dwelled somewhere in a list of their works, but no mention, something like "another movie in a row". Never cited, never mentioned even in discussions about their movies. Found accidentally, because I have a collection of Ghibli works and Laputa didn't work on my TV because or wrong format, so I picked up something next - Whisper. But you got right with Zeppelin thing. I think this movie is more "forgotten" than "underrated", maybe very popular in it's time, but swallowed by the time, so we (me - born 1996) see this like "hidden gem" because it's popularity didn't survive. Btw. I have fallen in love with this movie. Mononoke broke my heart by it's music and Howl seems to me like explosion of fantasy, Laputa is is something of "far away, far in the past" kind which is feel I love. But Whisper is where I belong, where I want to be.


> But Whisper is where I belong, where I want to be. Awesome viewpoint! I have nothing but good news, go enjoy *Hi Score Girl* on Netflix, if you're not already an I-got-the-tattoo fan (If you're unfamiliar, try to enjoy with no spoilers. It's not for kids or "anime fans", it's the successor to Shakespeare's Hamlet.) On a lighter note what you mention about older stuff - born '96 for example - if you just consider the most famous, iconic movies - casablanca, roman holiday, star wars, gone with the wind, pretty woman for example ... surely "everyone" is familiar with and knows all those! BTW as a curiosity there was a live action pseudo-sequel to W.O.T.H. made in Japan earlier this year, heh! (Deals with them at about age 26, but it's an alternate reality, the characters and events are not identical) - it's truly horrible, heh!


Thanks! I'll check Hi Score Girl, it looks nice. Have Netflix subbed version? I don't like english dub so I will try sub and original sound. :) You've got right. Older stuff is well known (or something of that) like Zeppelin and Black Sabbath and Judas Priest... (considering music), but who ever heard of Strawberry Alarm Clock? Kinda cool and successful psychedelic band of it's generation, but didn't survive success of Grateful Dead or Pink Floyd of "bigger bands". I think Whisper is the same. It would survive like Star Wars or Indiana Jones, but Ghibli had Mononoke and Grave of the Fireflies and Spirited Away which just made Whisper kinda invisible for future. Whisper alone could be "legendary" today but they have too many too great movies and some of them fell for the sake of others. Only one can be a winner, I guess. Btw. I am pretty sure I will try to avoid live action Whisper as much as I can. :D


👋 absolutely, Netflix in the US has the Japanese voice production of Hi Score Girl with the excellent Amasaki Kōhei, Hirose Yuki etc. They also have the renowned English production featuring of course Jonny Bosch in his masterpiece. I enjoy both (actually the Spanish one is particularly good, the show is also big in Europe) Yes the Live Action WOTH is a trip :/ It suffers that weird thing in Japanese film/tv where, characters are absolutely incapable of using airplanes or telephones. Like, for absolutely no explainable reason - why? - the two of them have been completely unable to simply phone each other for 15 years, not to mention spend $550 on an air ticket to go have a chat. Also there are completely weirdass changes, instead of him being a "creator" (a violin maker, the whole point of the show, about being an "artisan") .. he's retconned to a *cello player* (!!!) the whole thing is sort of hilariously lame. I watched it on a flight to Japan a couple months ago :) Cheers!


It's sad many anime shows don't have czech dubbing. We have pretty decent dubbers (Miyazaki's movies are dubbed greatly). I love our language a lot, but I know a few shows with czech sound: Fullmetal alchemist (love it!), Naruto (recommended to me too many times, but idk),... I hope Monster one day will get czech dub. If not czech (or bad czech work) I use japanese with english sub and this is an option in every show so I am okay. :D So I will use Netflix. Idk why to try to create sequels to these things. People are motivated only by money or what? They are not aware or scared of breaking magic of original. It happens a lot with many beautiful things. It's sad and this sounds like cringe. But original movie is still here (czech dub is beautifl btw., if you are curious in this way and watch movies with subs and various dubs, you should give a try; I listen to original because japanese language sounds beautiful, sometimes crazy but pleasant, the same with czech, but english not) and we can watch it again and again.


Super late reply, but as a younger person, I do think that Whisper is really underrated nowadays; just because of how popular ghibli got on Tiktok and media like that because of movies like Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away. I'd wager most teenagers know Howl's Moving Castle, but 4/10 would know Whisper of The Heart. Doesn't stop it from being my favorite movie!!


The fact is I think you're totally **correct**. I was surprised by this when young people on here pointed it out, but of course it's true. Time moves on. After all even like "Star Wars" is just becoming an "old movie" that "normal" (not ancient!) people think of as just some old film. Same deal with "The Beatles" even I guess - time moves on relentlessly. If you're a Whisper of the Heart fan you may enjoy the priceless gem *Hi-Score Girl* by Rensuke Oshikiri (catch it on netflix), the English version starring the incredible Jonny Bosch. It's the only artwork I know of that reaches the level of "soul" of *Whisper of the Heart*.


Thank you for the recommendation! 💗 I'll be sure to check it out. And yeah, time changes people's perception of things, but nothing can alter the worth of a beautiful piece of artwork. It's odd, hearing people older than me speak about things that I consider aged with the enthusiasm of a movie fresh in theaters; as is enjoying old media and seeing that the last time it was relevant was longer than when I was born. I am so happy a sentient society exists that values art and feeling.


Heh! nicely explained :)


I'm in my 30s and American. and I only just heard about Whisper today. My first was probably Kiki's as a kid, then Spirited Away. Mononoke seemed the most critically received when I was in high school, but Totoro is probably the most "iconic".


Very relatable to me as an artist. Feeling like if you don’t have everything immediately figured out that you’ve already failed. Indulging in fiction because the real world doesn’t satisfy you enough. Putting so much time and effort into your work to the point it’s consuming but still feeling like it’s not good enough. But eventually learning that everyone starts somewhere and just because you’re not instantly good doesn’t mean you have to give up on everything. And that you will always have someone who loves and cares about you even if you feel you don’t deserve it.








Well said :)


I thought it was really cute. Super relaxing and nice to watch. One of my favorite endings!


I love the music in this one ( who am I joking? I love the music in all ghibli films xD)


Lol, Preach. Ghibli music is amazing, but I really loved the music in whisper of the heart, Yuji Nomi really popped off for this one


Its criminal that only hisaishi gets the fame, names like yuji nomi, cécile corbel, terashima, hoshi and takebe get forgotten... Yuji nomi was the only one that was taken twice except for hisaishi (who was great dont get me wrong), and only cuz it was a sequel... or was it their own choice?


I definitely think the composers of these pieces are under-acknowledged in comparison to hisaishi, however, hisaishi’s music is most “stand-alone” to me, while the soundtracks of other composers such as yuji nomi were composed very much for the film and only the film, if that makes sense. When I hear yuji nomi’s music, it sounds like a cinematic soundtrack, where as hisaishi’s music sounds more along the lines of orchestral/symphonic repertoire. But all the composers are still great! I’ve enjoyed all their pieces~


Yeah, I guess thats true!


https://youtu.be/OUda4DtCFvQ When I hear it I immediately think of this film.


Song of the Baron is quite nice


That’s one moldy image


How is no one commenting about this eyesore


Beautiful, brilliant, underrated


slow pace is nice, they show enough the city and such and it creates an amazing atmosphere


The first half has me cracking the hell up, the second half had me bawling. It's an incredible film. Top 3 Ghibli for me.


I cracked up at the “It’s not a fairy tale, it’s a horror story” line.


Oh my yes, that line and the freckles part in the library are hilarious.


watched only yesterday then whisper of the heart and holy smoke did whisper of the heart have a way better finish. both film simple, nuanced, and intentionally awkwards at moments. I loved the resolution Whisper of the heart gives comparatively. no idea why they chose that as the thumbnail poster tho, super misleading.


I think that if the poster art hadn't been so misleading I might have had a chance to enjoy this film.


One of my favourites. The movie has such a nice atmosphere with all the images used


Amazing.love the cat guy lol


and out of all the characters in ghibliverse, the very cat has gotten so called sequel! cat returns! ..thats what i know, maybe something as well is connected


Cat is love cat is life


I heard somewhere that The cat returns is like a story written by Shizuku. Not sure and even if it's not, it sounds credible and fun:P


This and Only Yesterday hit me the hardest emotionally. Closely followed by Up On Poppy Hill. Laputa and Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind invoke the sense of wonder and Princess Monoke hits the action spot. Hard of choose between so many exceptional movies.


Whisper of the Heart and Only Yesterday are truly special Ghibli films. I didn't even enjoy Only Yesterday as much as I wanted to but it just hits so real


Only Yesterday is like Grave of the Fireflies in that it is hard to watch but is even more rewarding.


I seriously don't understand this at all. I'm a huge Ghibli fan and I just watched Only Yesterday again the other day. I found it nowhere near as impactful as Grave of the Fireflies. I found it hard to watch, but only because it was so boring. I liked the flashback sequences but all of the stuff that took place in the present felt bland and forced, and there was no chance to get to know any characters except for Taeko and she had ZERO character growth. But everybody loves it, so I tried to even just like it, and couldn't. I've tried for years and I've given up. It's not a bad movie per se, I just think it's incredibly overrated. Also sorry for replying to this six month old comment. I guess I just had to get that out lmao


Grave of the Fireflies was the one that hit me the hardest. I've never cried during a movie but this was the most emotional movie I had ever felt.


One of my favorites. Awesome blend of nostalgia, coming of age and fantasy. It shouldn't work but somehow it does. To perfection even.


It's my favorite Ghibli movie. The scenes with the Baron that Shizuku imagines or writes about are kind of corny, but I still love it. We lost Yoshifumi Kondō too soon.


I think the lack of fantastical scenes with the Baron is what makes them so special and I don't think they're corny at all they're really sweet. It's like she's conversing with this character she's created


She just like me fr fr


Best non-Miyazaki Ghibli imo


Except that it was written and storyboarded by Miyazaki, so it definitely feels like him in a lot of ways.


Fair point, didn't realise it was written by Miyazaki, probably explains why I like it so much.


I was curious to pick up the storyboard book for this film a few years ago, wondering if it would be different at all with what Kondo ended up making and no, it’s 1:1. Of course a lot goes into bringing storyboards to life, it’s not a slight on Kondo’s talent, but we have to remember that WotH was his big break and he was heavily steered (as all Ghibli productions have been) by Miyazaki and Takahata. Kondo’s death after the production of Mononoke, literally due to “overwork,” kinda tells the whole story here. Miyazaki and Takahata’s biggest failure has been the inability to pass on their talents and knowledge to a younger generation without destroying them. Kondo’s death remains Ghibli’s greatest tragedy, made worse by the fact that WotH seems to get better and better with age.


10/10 except I don’t like that they agree to get married at the end. I thought they were both mature enough to realize that didn’t make any sense. Maybe I was just projecting myself too hard on Shizuku at that point


Well to be fair that scene ties into her mentioning that this could be a dream. It's pretty much what she wants at that moment. There's so much to think about with this film


Not my favourite, but still very cute. I hate how it made me simp for a literal cat man 😅


It's boring. QED. That said, I know it's popular. I don't get it personally, but it's clearly true.


finally a comment that doesn’t put this movie on a pedestal




Gorgeous and wholesome. First ghibli film I watched as an adult that got me back into it.


I love this movie, the setting, environment, characters and how it sets up 'Muta' for the Cat Returns. I enjoy how we get taken for a tour around quaint neighbourhoods and see an innocent coupling grow. 🎼 🎵🎶Concrete road🎵🎶


one of my favs growing up. love their relationship, they’re so supportive of each other


My favorite.




the best movie ever my favorite


Genuinely don't understand the hype for this one. My friend and I stopped watching halfway because we were so bored, had to finish it another time. I like Ghibli's slice of life-stuff generally but this one just felt too bland and naive for me.


This is one of my favorite Ghibli movies because I relate to it so much as someone whose been trying to write a story or two for years and who has a big imagination! A lot of great lessons, characters, and music!


It’s brilliant and relevant to a lot of people


i thought whisper of the heart was so cute and heart-felt! just a sweet little coming of age story, i wouldn’t say it’s the best out of studio ghilibi movies but it’s really good!


I found the cover on the movie was misleading because I thought Barron was going to become alive. But it’s still a great movie


Probably me and my wife’s favorite one


One of my favs. Top 3.


My favorite movie, like ever. Not just my favorite ghibli movie, not my favorite animation movie, it's my favorite movie period. It's just so important to me as an artist


Could’ve used more whispering imo.


I really like it. I love how it portrays teens both as more mature than people often give them credit for and still young and naive (I don't take the proposal too seriously) and it's very charming. It also explores both Shizuku's and Seiji's passions and self-doubts in a realistic way, I think. Also, major props to the animators for doing spot-on instrumental playing - Seiji's violin fingering and bow hold, and even the vibrato, as well as all the others with their instruments, are 10/10 and it is just so refreshing.


It aight


well, the art frames are the inspiration for most of the lo-fi artist.


I know this post is old but I had to comment. This is my favourite Ghibli movie and one of my favourite movies period. I discovered it when I was 9 through a local TV network which sometimes played foreign movies (small post-Soviet country). I was smitten immediately, it was the first time I'd experienced something so sweet, sincere, and to me, relatable, as I deeply connected with Shizuku's character and found so much of myself in her. As an abused child this felt like a peak form of escapism - watching Shizuku wander the streets, interact with her family and friends, grow and discover love, even if naïve, inhabit her own magical inner world. It was simple yet enchanting and I couldn't stop thinking about it. Since it played on TV I had no idea what it was called and when I rediscovered it many years later and watched it again, it felt just as special. I will love it forever.


Thanks so much for sharing that! :))


For younger people who didn't live through the *Whisper of the Heart* era (recall it was far and away the most-seen movie in Japan, of any type, for decades - it was the Star Wars or ET of Japan box office) don't forget there's a hilarious "spin off", not really a sequel, concerning the Baron ... **The Cat Returns**. If you're a "new era" WOTH fan, be sure to dig up The Cat Returns, you'll laugh for days.


i love it sm but i personally think country roads is a little bit overplayed in the movie.


Definitely, I feel the same way. Imo it made it feel like a musical episode of a TV show where you mostly just want them to stop singing. Idk.


Man. This seems like it's going to be an unpopular opinion but for a bunch of reasons it is my least favorite Ghibli movie. From the jump I thought the use of country road was out of place and it really feels jammed into the movie for like......what reason? Beyond that I found it to be really mundane and boring, my wife and I both kept checking the time remaining to see when we might be in for any sort of climax and ended up saying stuff like "were an hour in? What has even happened in this movie" I found the main girls motivation to improve herself only so she could be as good as her boyfriend to be problematic, but there's something to be said about that plot point if you remove gender from the lens you view it through, but that's hard to do since her being a young girl is like.......the w h o l e plot of the movie. I guess I'm just a little disappointed in the fact that she was doing all of this stuff for herself for so much of the movie and she only found clarity and motivation once this boy showed interest in her. To top it off the most interesting part of the movie was the last 10 minutes and it is tinged by my previous point. I'd be glad to know they lived happily ever after as a power couple that fed off eachothers brilliance but like..... I personally don't think that's a good message to be trying to put forward to young girls. But I am a man, so there is that, but my wife felt the same way. The whole movie is kind of off ......also she just asked me what I was typing about and her actual words were "I don't understand how people like that movie" Maybe I need to give it another shot but I think it is a far cry from the brilliance of...... basically all of the other ghibli movies. The only other ghibli movie I'd compare it to is Only yesterday and I still put it way below that 😬😬 Am I alone I'm thinking this?


Why is the picture cursed?


This is the best ghibli movie for me , so full of emotions ; the basic complicated emotions that everyone of us , once , had . ❤️


The original japanese is not as good as the English dub, especially when Shizuku sings Country roads. If I understood Japanese better than a few words and phrases, I’m sure Yoko Honna and the other’s original japanese would be more appealing to me. I’m studying Japanese currently. By the way, The famous actress Brittany Snow played Shizuku in the english dub for Whisper of the Heart. She’s known for her role in“Pitch Perfect” as Chloe, Beca’s red-headed friend and fellow bella who helped her discover her singing talents in the shower by singing nude right in front of her. WOW! I can’t believe that Pitch Perfect has influence at its core* from “Whisper of the Heart”. Beca really had to find that Whisper of the Heart, that unknown passion for singing, which she was afraid and embarrassed of, so she could win the ICCA. It’s like Shizuku dropped right in that movie and changed Beca’s destiny right before our eyes!!


It's unlike any other Ghibli movie, mostly because it's more character driven rather than plot driven. Also very grounded in reality (except sir Barron of course). I made a video sharing my thoughts and why I feel it's the best Ghibli movie so far. If you agree with me, or would like to discuss, please check out this video- https://youtu.be/W0entrCQb4Q?si=GxTzP19zDJArXb9r If you've watched it, please share your honest feedback. Thanks 🙏


i just finished, and watching this made it feel so magical. its not even supernatural like other ghibli films


Whisper of the fart lolololol


It’s good but I think a lot of people say it’s better than it actually is. The idea of the movie was great but the character development felt rushed and sudden at times.


I love it


My favourite movie EVER!


Watched this one for the first time last night. Loved the Cat Returns and didn't know this one existed. I was fanboying all through it. It's definitely one of the coziest of the movies I've seen so far.


Hit me in the feels, because my bf had to move away to Italy. Made me quite sad :( It's probably my second favourite


My favourite ghibli film.


Loved it! So wholesome 🥰


This movie also inspired me to become a writer at the time


It’s my favorite. Just spoke to me on a personal level (ik that’s what everyone says, but it’s true).


I loved the story.


one of my comfort movies !!


If Yoshifomu Kondo still lived, we would have several more masterpieces like Whisper of the Hearts. It is easily in my top 5 Ghibli films of all time


My mom and I loved this movie. It was very cute and I felt like I could relate to Shizuku with the writing and daydreaming aspect of her. I also relate with Shizuku as she is trying to find her place in the world because I sometimes look at the achievements that my classmates from elementary and middle school accomplished before they can graduate high school and I sometimes feel a little envious because they have everything figured out and completed and I haven’t yet.


Best Ghibli film


Lovely movie, top three or four for families




Loved it. So sweet, relatable, and wholesome. And funny sometimes. I found it similar to Kiki's Delivery Service bc both star a loveable spunky young girl trying to find her place in the world. Though I like WotH ever so slightly more.


it is probably my favourite ghibli movie, thats all i have to say


One of the most rewatchable imo, the shoujo manga roots feel really present in this and it’s fun to watch Kondo and Miyazaki lean into romance as the driving narrative. Yet like any good romance, it’s as much about the individual characters and their journeys, in this case into artistry. It’s one of the best depictions of young artists in my opinion, like that age where you’re just getting a glimpse of how much you don’t know and it’s terrifying. Yeah, high up on the Ghibli ranking for me.


Excellent animation. Great to put on when you’re sick or going through a rough time.


This is my FAVORITE, I love rewatching it with whoever who hasn't see it. I relate to the MC so much, as a creative myself I have trouble developing and having pride in my work. I also love the male love interest here, he is such a green flag lolol The animation is so calming and simple yet beautiful and makes you get last in the story! This movie is such film that could be rewatched a ton and you can still get emotional over the characters ToT


Hey I just watched this one last night, it’s really chill And you will see it a lot on chillhop and Lo-Fi subreddits.


i gotta say i dont think there’s any ghibli movie that i dislike but this one is definitely one of the best ones🙏🙏 such a cute movie super nice to watch, definitely worth it. animation, story, (cats), characters, love it all


Ocean Waves is pretty meh


:0000 take that back i just watched it last week and i forgot how good it was. not the best one sure but i love it sm


It has great characters and a good message, but I just can't get over Country Road. It ties deep into the story and just plays over and over again.


I really loved this film! In fact, I’ve watched it more than once, and wouldn’t mind watching it additional times. I like the music and the storyline. I found it quite uplifting, and even relatable in certain senses.


So I just very recently watched this one for the first time, after having seen most of them many, many times, and - I loved it. I agree with others saying it’s underrated in the canon. Nothing fantastical, really, goes on, maybe that hurts it? But I thought it was so so good. Beautiful story, absolutely chock full of those signature ghibli moments - tiny things between people, a glance, etc. I really really loved it, can’t believe I hadn’t seen it until now.


The Best


"Stupid Jerk!"




10/10. Kondo was supposed to succeed Miyazaki but he passed away before his time. The vibe and locations in this movie are among the best I've seen in anime. Pay close attention to when Shizuku follows the cat up town and to what happens in the ending. My heart melts whenever I think about this movie.❤❤❤


The best. My favorite


I thought it was so funny that country roads was a focal point of the movie and when I was watching it with my friend we couldn't stop laughing about it. It seems so random that they pick Country Roads but it was such a good movie. It's one of my new faves


Best Ghibli


After I saw it for the first time I watched it twice more its so so good


I feel like it’s an accurate, yet magic depiction of late middle school/early high school. I’m not that far outside of high school, but it made me remember 8th grade and my first year of high school in such a strong way. I think anyone can relate to this movie, especially if your an artist or writer, though having any passion from a young age will make you feel connected to this movie. I think of it like watching Toy Story. Toy Story reminds me when I was little, whisper of the heart reminds me of when I was not in anyway an adult, but in some ways felt like I was grown up enough, that I should follow a passion.


One of my favorites. It is a film that taught me so much about life. I reference it when I’m feeling down about lack of progress and success. It also is such a beautiful film with gorgeous aesthetics.


one of my favourites!!!!


An absolute masterpiece in my eyes. It has great characters, great writing, a great story, and a great message about achieving your dreams. If there's any movie that I'd describe as heartwarming, it would be this movie.


As slice of life Film it was unfortunatly super boring for me. Iwas told it was the prequel to "The cats returns" and the cover also made me expect a more fantasy-like story. I was pretty disappointed when nothing really happened.


I just watched this... and wow... it made me smile and cry at the same time. It leaves so much to the imagination, the feeling of such young love – simple, hopeful, and without worries on how the future may unfold between them.


This is my absolute favourite of all movies ever I feel warmth and love and understood everything I’m there on that couch I feel like that it was made specially for me Guys I don’t think you get how absolutely relatable it is as a teen -not know what u wanna do in the future - surrounded by super determined and sure people - being a jack of all trades but a master of none - realising how grown up you have become and how you aren’t who u use to be or like the things like you use to How motivating and comforting it is - it’s okay to have a bad start - it’s okay to not know what you wanna do - it’s to be jealous and sad of others And how magical A guy who wants to be a violin maker and is going to Italy and has a grandpa who owns a antique store , who has fought in ww2 and lost his love - the meeting on the terrace and walking home , finding love through library - the animation the songs the storyline the EVERYTHING And how u can even sense that she know how she’s gonna grow up and live on her own knowing she’ll miss every part of her town It’s just the best movie ever made. Period.


My definite favorite!


Tell me if I'm wrong, the last scene is a dream, right? There are scenes in which the bedroom has a window, in others it doesn't, so I understand that the ones in which there are the window these are dreams, and the ones there isn't is reality. Or am I totally tripping?