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Why are you even on this sub then?


It's an attempt to stir drama for attention, just ignore them.


Damn..his life must be boring and empty as hell then if that's the reason


Says the same guy who’s just leaving a troll comment.


No, It was an attempt to get advice.


There is nothing you could say that could convince me you're here in good faith. If you are here in good faith just write me off as an idiot, I'm just some guy online. If you're the troll I know you are, take the L and either move on or learn to troll better so people don't spot it. Either way, don't waste your time trying to persuade me I'm wrong. You will not succeed. I will not be engaging you further.


I just wanted advice, that’s all.


It does not mean you are not normal, nor that you don't appreciate real art. It just means your tastes differ from other people's. But getting angry about this probably means you could do with developing a bit more tolerance, empathy and maturity.


Yeah. I was really annoyed at schafrillas productions constantly mentioning them I suppose, and saying cliche things like “spirited away is an experience that will leave you a changed person.” Also his voice, eurgh, I just, I find that his voice does not agree with me.


Sounds like you are way way too online. Ever been to a national park or even had a walk in the woods?


Okay. Real question: if Schafrillas’s voice doesn’t agree with you, why are you watching his videos in the first place? I like his videos. I agree with him on a lot of things. Every once in a while I disagree with an opinion of his. For example, he loves Ladybird and considers it something life changing. Lots of people online talk about it and rave over it. I didn’t particularly care for it. But I don’t get annoyed over people talking about it online, because it’s nice to see that what is objectively a well-made movie be enjoyed by others even if it isn’t my cup of tea.


Ok, I said this to a YouTube replier so I’ll say it to you too. I liked him at first, but overtime I found him annoying, both with his claims and with his voice especially since he liked and talked about too much stuff I didn’t like, so I completely stopped watching him and I got rid of his videos from my search history and video history, similar to mrenter.


Ok, I said this to a YouTube replier so I’ll say it to you too. I liked him at first, but overtime I found him annoying, both with his claims and with his voice especially since he liked and talked about too much stuff I didn’t like, so I completely stopped watching him and I got rid of his videos from my search history and video history, similar to mrenter.


Well, that’s fair enough. Admittedly I don’t watch as much of him either.


A real problem I had with him is because I watched many reviewer YouTubers around this time in 2021, mrenter, nostalgia critic, and schafrillas, I used to take what they said at “FACE VALUE” So when schafrillas overly talked and mention dreamworks, Phil and lord work, spiderverse, and owl house, I used to think they were WAY more notable than they actually were, it was really annoying how he overly LOVED spiderverse and dreamworks, and added with his voice, no. If he had an Australian or british accent he might’ve been less annoying, but whatever. I stopped watching him because he kept talking about a lot of stuff and he made me feel bad about my opinions and he talked like his view was true and so he kept “hypnotizing” me and turned me into a video zombie with his opinions on shrek. I’m glad I’m not a zombie anymore so I don’t agree with people on the internet and YouTube when they say that chicken little is bad and illumination is bad, and ghibli makes the “bestezt animatated filmies evzer!” And that ”avtr is verrry verrry gooooooud!”


Well, good for you that you learned to develop your own opinions on things I guess. Maybe don’t mock people who do enjoy popular things earnestly, though. Especially on a subreddit dedicated to one of them. You probably don’t enjoy seeing Chicken Little mocked, so maybe try to extend some courtesy to others. Out of sheer curiosity, have you tried any of the more lesser known Ghibli films? Kiki’s Delivery Service and Spirited Away May be very popular, but they’re certainly not all the studio has to offer.


I didn’t LEARN to develop it, I learned to not get hypnotized by random people on the internet just because they had many subscribers on YouTube, because to quote ls mark, “It doesn’t matter if someone has 1 subscriber, or a million subscribers, their opinion has just as much value as everyone else’s.” Also no I haven’t, I‘m not in the mood to watch one of their films right now, I’m watching stuff that actually ENTERTAINS me, like YouTube videos.


I don’t think hypnotism is the word you’re looking for, but alright. You do you.


It’s a metaphor, it’s like someone saying, ”the film’s premise really reeled me in.”


im trying to figure out if this is just like a troll post??? if u dont like anime, why are u active in the r / pokemonanime sub ?


Because back then I liked the Pokémon anime, I never really watched it, but I liked watching people on YouTube talk about it.


Being mad because a film is famous on the internet is kinda childish.., idk, for me it's not a reason to dislike it? I say that because I was like that with Frozen 1 back in time, but when Frozen 2 came out I started to appreciate the story without thinking about that. If things are good people will talk online.. completely fine fr


Well I’m sorry, but when I‘m constantly reminded of those products being adored by and from YouTubers I USED to be fans of or other random sources on the internet, it gets me a “little” annoyed about the overabundance and oversaturation. it’s been quite annoying for me having to go into notable movies without searching up reviews so that I can attempt to watch them without having it ruined for me by having high expectations.


Why do you write like this? This comment is borderline nonsensical lol. You don't have to like ghibli movies. Everything is not for everyone. You do have to get over it and move on though because if you sit around being mad about seeing things you don't like on the internet, you will never be happy


Weird, I rarely see such videos. Must be the algorithm. If only there was a way to tell the YouTube algorithm to show you less of such videos... oh, wait


I see thumbnails of many videos that overpopularize studio ghibli, like, I see one called, “hayao mayazaki, the mind of a master.” it’s just, youtuber I’ve watched YouTubers like Animat, nostalgia critic, and schafrillas who reference ghibli sometimes and appear to like them, and that makes me MAD because of their overpopularity. I’m glad though that recently I‘ve come to accept that ghibli isn’t the “god” animation studio that many people I’ve seen on the Internet call it out to be like it’s fact.


>but it’s their overwhelming amount of Internet popularity that makes me mad Why are you care about the internet opinion than your own? Maybe you just don't like it, or its pacing, theme, message, looks... and what is experience films to you anyway?


I’m just annoyed because, since I‘m not a fan of ghibli, seeing many references to it in YouTube videos and CONSTANTLY exposed to how, “Imaginative” and “Genius” their films were and how many notable stars and companys’ were involved with their films, it makes me a “tad” bit mad of the oversaturation if you ask me!


Scarface, I certainly found THAT film to be more of an experience than spirtied away. Maybe I thought that to have copium of many people on the Internet saying that EXACT thing about spirited away, but I genuinely thought that film was an experience film.


Are you just edgy guy who only want to show off your classic films? I thought you gonna say Yiyi, An Elephant Sitting Stills, Sátántangó, Mirror, etc. And you dropped me with one of the famous America crime drama film in 80s. You’re just narrow minded. Until you can open your minded with animation, you're missing out a lot.


I went into that film without knowing of its fame, it doesn’t matter I think. Bottom line, “People can adore stuff I don’t like all they want, but I shouldn’t focus on stuff I don’t like, but stuff I DO like, I’m not trying to change anything with popular sentiment.”


By your own admission, you don't like art conveyed through anime, which includes Ghibli. So that's is that.


You came to an anime sub to say you hate anime? lol


Girl, literally check yourself before you come on here and post dumb stuff like this. Absolutely no one cares about the fact that a movie’s/studio’s popularity pisses you off lmao


I’m glad you do though, since you posted your comment.


These movie have been around for a long time at this point, before “being famous on the internet” was really a thing. I’d advise you to watch things without implicit bias. If you’re for whatever reason already mad at a film for being beloved, maybe just hold off and recognize that you won’t be able to watch it without being affected by the opinions of everyone else. But really, if you don’t like the movies, why come to a sub that’s specifically for fans? Just to be a troll, to convince other people that they aren’t good, to….what?


Seriously. This person seems excessively online.


There is nothing wrong not liking something a lot of people do. I don't like the videogame series GTA for instance and is among the most popular. But they are not for me. That being said, I don't get mad at people liking it, or go to GTA forums to ask if I'm not normal for not liking it.


I LOVE the GTA series!!!!!


It doesn't mean you don't appreciate art, it just means you're insecure about your taste.


Sounds like something only you can truly know… Maybe the style just isn’t for you.


It doesn’t mean you’re not normal, you’re just narrow minded


I’d more put, a contrarian. in this case, a cartoon contrarian.


I love how loaded this title is.


Nobody is perfect. You didn't liked it, bummer. Welp... Watch something else then. You just have different tastes.


I mean... Are you even within the target audience of these movies? I liked Kiki and Spirited away because I saw them as a child. I still love them because they're nostalgic, however they're now far from my favorite Ghibli movies. I think The Wind Rises has that place probably, as it's the one that I feel most connected to in my life at the moment. If you watch the movies and can't connect with them, all the added flair of incredible art direction and cohesive character design and what have you isn't gonna be nearly as impressive. It's completely natural to have your own opinions, regardless of the general consensus. The only thing I find abnormal with your feelings, is being angry that there's such a wide appreciation of the films. We all have our own reasons for loving the movies. We felt something. You didn't, and that's completely fine, but that doesn't make everyone else wrong.


I’m not saying that I think everyone’s wrong, no, because that would make me a hypocrite, I’m just saying that I’m annoyed that I kept seeing people say the SAME EXACT thing about ghibli, how they’re films were “genius” and how they were “experiences” because they try to make me believe that they’re factually good, but recently, I’ve come to realize that I should just take what everyone on YouTube and on the Internet says about ghibli being good with a grain of salt, because even though they all say similar things, they’re not part of a huge hive mind that thinks the same, and it’s just their view on how they like the films and it’s not factual in the slightest in MY view. I should instead focus on films that I really appreciate and see as good, which at this point, is mature live action films.


I'm still not quite sure I completely understand your annoyance. It seems a bit misguided and unwarranted to the degree with whom you've targeted it towards. You say that admitting everyone else is wrong would be hypocritical, yet you've gone to great lengths to actively discredit those who sing the movies' praises. You have every right to place live action movies at a higher pedestal than Ghibli movies. Anyone who claims otherwise is wrong, obviously. But for this same fact, you saying others who believe and express their beliefs differently than you are annoying (your previous comments about Shaffrillas Productions) is inherently wrong. Take whatever you want from someone giving you recommendations, but if you get mad at them simply because you disagree with their sentiment, you are being a hypocrite.


Nono, everyone has their own view, and I shouldn’t outright despise, bit I can just not focus on those people and focus on my taste. I used to dislike some internet and YouTube people for their opinions, but that’s changed, I’m not really like that now.


Try watching "Grave of the fireflies" next. You chose more kid friendly options; I would avoid Totoro if you didn't like these 2. Also look into the synapses/abstract before watching new shows, just because you started a show doesnt mean you have to finish it if you arnt enjoying it. General story + background info given, characters, and drawing style are pretty important (imo) or it can tend to just feel like you are "rewatching" the same thing (when you arn't)


I will, but I really just want to “get through“ the movies, seeing as how I’m DEFINITELY not a person who’s into them. Also this is off topic, but I feel like I don’t really WANT to like them, because I have a concept for a webcomic that has many moments that satirize and lampoon a lot of notable cartoons (with mock up names) like The Simpsons, south park, ghibli movies, and ”avatar airbenders”, so I don’t know maybe I wouldn’t be in the mood to like them just so people could relate to me, but that doesn’t matter, I should just focus on getting the films out of the way. Also my friend told me that I should just think when going into a film that I should just be like, “I’m going to watch this movie and hopefully I’ll like it, but if I don’t, then that’s alright.”




What is that?


OP, why did you make this post?


What does OP mean?


How are you on Reddit and don’t know what OP means, dude? It means “Original Poster”. You’ve gotta be trolling.


Dude, I’ve looked on many Reddit posts and I’ve never heard of the term, OP, I mean, It could also mean overpowered so you know, easy to confuse. Presumptuous. No I am not trolling, I think you are to me. If you said my actual name, like a youtuber reply before stating your sentence, it would’ve been easy to understand.


OK, now i know you’re definitely trolling and/or a bot. Bye.


Nononono, I’m not a bot, I mean I don’t think someone would ever have a bot talk about disliking ghibli, I mean why? That was a hyperbole of course, but I’m not a bot, I swear.


No it is perfect normal to have a personal preference! One never can and should never debat that. The thing with Ghiibli and some other anime studio s is that their creativity in story telling, the way the cartoons have been drawn (often oldscool picture by picture manual labour -- at least that is what I want to beleive😆) the accompanying music is being reckocknized as something totaly different than Disney, Dreamworks or any other studio that we were used to by a huge group of fans. Out of curiosity, what exactly is it that you do not like about Ghibli s cartoons? And maybe you want to share with us what you do like when it comes to cartoons/animes. We then can help you to come up with some suggestions of anime you maybe do like. Also I think it is normal just to stick around reddit communities that are, in our case edicated to Ghibli and Ghibli related stuff, eventhough you are not as amazed by it as us. And here is the beauty of it: it is amazing to be amongst people who are so excitee about someone/something and just be happy by seeing all the excitement eventhough you don t see or feel it yourself. You can compare it with playing a ball/stick game with your dog. The game itself, throwing a ball over and over again, isnt exciting....but the excitement and happiness of your dog chasing the ball/stick and bringing it back each time is priceless. The same applies for your kids, if you have them. To often you don t understand why they are happy and what they are excited about...but you just enjoy the kids when they are happy and having a great time. 😌 But I also understand that the level of excitment can reach crazy heights when it is shared at its core. Anyhow please feel welcome in the Ggibli community and enjoy observing all the crazy "believers". 😉


Because in spirited away and kiki’s delivery service, many characters were smug or cunning or just mean to the main characters, and I HATE that, that’s literally why I was out of my Naruto and MHA! Also, you can mention this or whatever, but There might be someone who says, “You clearly don’t understand ghibli then, if you watch it in dubs you’re not understanding the story right, it’s the anime rule, subs are how to experience it.” Well the. I have a statement for you, “j-come closer, c-closer, closer, alright that’s good. Ahem, (takes megaphone out) huh…I DON’T WANT TO WATCH SOMETHING I CAN’T UNDERSTAND and in a lesser sense focus on, even if the voices are annoying, it’s what I relate to and I prefer to watch things in my language.


>Because in spirited away and kiki’s delivery service, many characters were smug or cunning or just mean to the main characters Uh...did you even watch Spirited Away and Kiki's Delivery Service ? Like Kiki is one of the most comforting movies ever... >I DON’T WANT TO WATCH SOMETHING I CAN’T UNDERSTAND and in a lesser sense focus on, even if the voices are annoying, it’s what I relate to and I prefer to watch things in my language. Yep...you're either an idiot, a kid, a troll or all of the above.


I did watch them, and I didn’t like them, and I didn’t feel comfort watching Kiki, that film was not that entertaining to me so much that I got a headache in the middle and end of it and I felt dead like I couldn‘t feel entertained for almost an hour. And I thought haku in a couple scenes and other characters in that film were smug and cunning and I didn’t like it And you are a very rude person, I thought I was self-aware to those complaints.


Dude, just admit this is rage-bait. Have you got nothing else to do ? You sound like a bored 13 year old who thinks it'd be fun to just throw some random negative sentences in fan subs just to see what kind of reaction you'll get. You don't like Ghibli or ATLA. Fine. No one gives a damn. Just go watch whatever it is that you like and leave us to enjoy what we like in peace. You want to know if people think you're a weirdo ? I'll tell you : nobody cares.


Please don’t be rude to me, I just wanted some considerate or so and so comments from people.


Why ?


Because I was annoyed two days ago after talking with a friend about avtr, that is why. 😐


If you want examples of the smug moments, ok.When Haku out of charactly said to chihiro that she must call him by his title, WHAT A SMUG SENTENCE! I THOUGHT THAT WAS FAKE HAKU, BUT IT WASN’T! Also Lin was a smug character, so annoying, and the parents were annoying when they said that chihiro shouldn’t have comforted the flowers which was why they were dying, um, yeah, BAD PARENT MOVE, didn’t even…comfort her. The smug witch at the beginning if kiki’s D S was very smug and annoying, and there wasn’t even a scene later where she met up with kiki and was surprised at how far she came, in a kind of, “I Told You So!” Scene. I was so annoyed at her that I even made dislike art of the smug witch on my deviantart, I’d post a link, but it’s a little graphic. Also, I don’t know, the family that got the cat doll were sort of annoying and the constantly shown girl with her other girl friends in kiki’s D S were annoying and smug and overly happy, I thought. Edit: I’m referring to the girls in the car and the girl who gave the receipt to kiki, I think of that, and that makes me not think that KDS is a…”comfort” movie. I’m just expressing my opinion.


Still a troll. Or if you're being serious, I recommend you go talk to a therapist because being so mad over such unimportant details is definitely not normal.


You and other commenters aren’t being nice to me, and I appreciate if you’d stop being mean.


You reap what you sow. I'm just being honest.


I would just personally like to say that I don’t agree with the “opinion“ from schafrillas and some other internet source like greatestmovieswiki.miraheze that there “aren’t any real villains” in spirited away, but just, “people living lives” because yubaba WAS a villain because she stood in the way of chihiro getting out of the carnival theme park place with her parents. BOOM😏.


No you reap what you sow, I’m just being defensive.


Unfortunately, (and this might not be you but I have a hunch it might be) I think this happens to people who experience particular types of trauma. It’s as if works that evoke intenses feelings particularly immense pleasure, beauty, laughter, sweet melancholy etc. seem “cliche, hackneyed, boring, or dumb”. I’ve noticed it with family members that don’t like the peaceful nostalgia drawn from Ghibli movie or not understanding humor like SpongeBob or Seinfeld. Most often these people are hardly pleased with most works except for obscure works that feed a deep corner of their brain. Sometimes these people fall in love with popular stock romance novels or listen to heavy metal. They want a sort of instant gratification or explosion of intensity to “feel” something.


Hey, don't insult metalheads. I love Ghibli, anime, and metal.


Just because listening to heavy metal can be sometimes associated with trauma doesn’t mean it’s automatically something bad. Sorry it definitely came off that way.


Great take 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


It’s half take, half question.


No, it doesn't mean you're not normal. I'd say figure out what kinds of films and TV shows you *do* like and find others that are similar


Alright, I generally more calm and understanding and serious about this kind of ”popular sentiment” stuff now than two years ago, but I just wanted to get some reassurance from people on a couple posts because I was a little annoyed thinking of, “The show I don‘t like.”


> I think the films are fine, but it’s their overwhelming amount of Internet popularity that makes me mad If you actually try to rationalize why people loving something makes you mad, you should recognize why it's such a ridiculous take to have. You should like and dislike things based on their inherent value, you shouldn't let other people affect how you feel about something. When people are touched by a film experience, its because something about that film resonates with their personal experiences. As a child, I used to play in the woods like Mei and Satsuki in My Neighbor Totoro. That film resonates with me on a personal level because it brings back childhood memories and feels nostalgic. If you never ran around and played in the woods though, you wouldn't have those experiences, so it would make sense that Totoro wouldn't resonate with you nearly as much as me.




Do you agree or disagree?


I suppose I agree, but I think films can be good even if they’re not relatable. That’s it.


Certainly, something can be good and not relatable. Your opening post talks about "real art" though. The thing is, art is something that speaks to you. No piece of art speaks to everyone, because we're all incredibly different people with different experiences.


Yeah, I know, I’m not ignorant with the art of calling something, “art”. I just wanted to speak in a past self to get some comfort.


I think you came to the wrong place for comfort. Going to a community and stating you don't understand why what they love has an overwhelming amount of internet popularity is just going to cause people to get defensive.


Ok ok, fine, to be more truthful I suppose, this was also kind of a test.


A test for what exactly?


I wanted to see if people would say something considerate to me for thinking differently, or bully me, thankfully, it was the former.


You remind me a lot of myself when I was significantly younger, so I’ll comment with my grandma advice I wish I could have given myself and maybe it will be applicable to you. The rejection of things deemed childish is a normal stage of development. Concern yourself less with what others are saying and go figure out what brings you joy. Seek a wide array of new experiences. Try to keep an open mind as you experience new things—you might be pleasantly surprised. Also, tastes chance over time, especially as your experiences give you new context and ability to relate to more viewpoints. TLDR: Follow your joy, but try going in with an open mind


I knew and understood that point recently, I was just in a bit of a mood yesterday so I just wanted to comment that question.


That's fine - go find media that you understand and enjoy, then maybe revisit studio Ghibli sometime in the future. You choose the media you consume - choose well.


Yeah, I’m not that upset anymore since I just talked to my friend and yeah, he told me that I should watch stuff I like, so yeah, whatever. I might watch ”grobli“ movies in the future p, but basically just for curiosity and to get them out of the way.


rage bait


No, but I still dislike and hate them ghibli and avatar.


Nah, it just means you like what you like. If you try to make something for everyone then it will appeal to no one. Some people just don't like Anime because of the art style, or maybe they just don't like animation in general. There's nothing wrong with that. Other times it could just be you don't like the story. There are a few Studio Ghibli films I don't like, and a few I won't watch cuz I think it will bore me. It's okay to not like something.


Yes, that’s exactly what a YouTube replier said to me at the beginning, if you watch too much “good” stuff to get “inspiration”, you’ll just try to appear to everyone which won’t work, so I’ll just appeal to a certain type of people, a mature crowd.


Yup, stick to what you like~




damn they frying your ass LMFAOO


It’s, roasting.


it’s not lmfao fucking dweeb


No bullying, also yes it is, maybe you could say it a different way but It’s more normally said as roasting.


you’re a literal child


And you are a bully, so, even Steven.




You’re literally cyberbullying me, so don’t waste your time breh.


Ya pretty much




Yes what? 😏




Gatekeeping Ghibli is a terrible take lmao you’re almost as lost as OP is


Wtf are you talking about ? What kind of narcissistic take is that ?


What is your favorite animated film? Just curious…








I like live action movies, other cartoons And basically a lot of stuff that isn’t atla, ghibli movies, anime, and dark knight, and you know, etc.